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' y UNFAIR TO THE DRUSSiST The Old Joke About "Sonie hin? $t nt Good," Doesn't Apply to This Drug Store. You have probably hoard dozens of times the old story that a drug store was a place to "get something1 just is good." There is at least ore dtuggst in the world that you catiT say this about. It is certain that an inferior article will never be substituted for a guaranteed one bv W. i?. Ardrey's drug stcr . Tr.kc 1' r instance a safe, relia do renu d\ for constipation and liver tionb'.e like Dodson's Liver Tone. This harmless vegetable liquid has proved so satisfactory a 1 ivv i stimulant and reliever of biliousness, and to entirely take the place of calomel witi o it a iy danger or restriction of h tbits or diet, that there ar.i dozens of preparations springing up with imitations of its claims. But Dodson's Liver Tone is guaranteed to do ail that is claimed for it, and if you are not satisfied with it, \V. 11. Ardrey will hand your money back witn a smile. Any person going tv? this store for a bottle of 1 unison's Liver Tone will be sure of getting a large bottle of this I genuine remedy in exchange for , his half dollar. iaa nu i ict? iy 13. Office of the County T rcniurer of York County. Yorkvillo, S. Sept. 12. 1913. Notice is hereby p'iveti that the TAX BOOKS t or York county will ho opened on WEDNESDAY. th. 'lf.TU DAY OF OCTOBER. 1913. and remain open until the 31 ST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1913, for the collection of STATE. COUNTY. SCHOOL and LOCAL TAXES, for the fiscal year 1913, without penalty, after which day ONE PER CENT, penalty will be added to all pay- I ments made in the mouth of JANUARY. 1914, and TWO PER CENT pen- i alty for all payments made in the month of FEBRUARY. 1914. and SEVEN PER CENT, penalty will lie added to all payments made from the 1ST DAY hi MARCH. 1914. to the 15TH DAY of i MARCH. 1914. and after this date all unpaid taxes will j^<> into executions) and all unpaid Single Bolls will be I turned over to the several Magistrates j for prosecution in accordance with law. ' For the convenience of taxpayers, I will attend the following places on the j days named: At Clover, Thursday and Friday, Oc ! tober 23 and 24. A* o..?- I ?-? V lUIIVt llit', I I V/?11 , W bar 25. to Tuesday, October 2K. At Coats'B Tavern, from 8 o'clock a. m, Wednesday, October 29, to 8 o'clock p. m. At Fort Mill, Friday and Saturday, i October 30 and 31. At Rock Hill, from Monday, Novem- \ ber 3, to Saturday. November 8. And at Yorkvilie from Monday," No- ; vember 10, until Wednesday the 31st day of December, 1913, after which 1 date the penalties will attach as stated above. NOTE.?The Tax Rooks are made up j by Town ships, and parties writing about | taxes will always expedite matters if ; they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer York County. Real Estate For Sale. 23 4 acres in Fort Mill with three tenant houses on same. 20 acres within five miles of Fort Mill, mostly forest oak and pine, three acres bottoms. 35 acres one mile from Fort Mill, house, barn, well. The Griffin store property, one mile from Fort Mill. We have a number of other farms near Fort Mill at prices | ranging from $12.50 to $50 per acre. Ask to see our list. We also have a number of de irabie dwellings for sale in town, and will be fflad to show aame to those who are interested. BAILES & LINK, Brokers, Fort Mill, - - S. C. THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR 25 VOTES IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST IF CLIPPED FROM THE TIMES AND PRESENTED AT THE STORE OF THE MILLS & YOUNG CO., FORT MILL, S. C. w ^ ',i ALFALFA FOR HOGS. Kansas Experiment Proves the Great Value of Alfalfa and Corn as a Balanced Ration?Hog Growers Note the Result of This Interesting Feeding Experiment. This experiment was conducted at the Kansas Agricultural college: The pigs shown in the accompanying chart were litter mates. The larger pig was fed on a ration of corn and alfalfa hay; the smaller on corn alone. Several litters of weanline nie? w.<r,> equally divided into two lots. The pigs were carefully chosen as to v. - ight and thriftiness. so that each lot represented a fair average of the total number of pigs used in the experiment. The experiment was carried on for | a pi riod of eight months. At the end of this time the pigs fed on corn and alfalfa hay were in excellent condi- i ALFALFA BALANCES THE CORN RATION SAME 1.1 TIER 1 G0*/ to ^ ALONE J ^ A'h VFA | fCPH HANS. EXP STA 1 tion for market and averaged 2.'.0 i pounds, dressed, while the pigs fed < n corn alone were thin and scrawny and averaged but GO pounds each, hi the latter case, one pig died of what the veterinarian declared to be starva tton, notwithstanding the fnct that this lot of pigs had all tl e corn they could eat. York County's Ray Crop. York County's hay crop is not going to he anything like what it should he; but from a few | pointers trot ten from Mr. John R. Bmir yesterday. more lay has been harvested this year than during ordinarv years. Fort Mill fanners are leading; the county in the amount of pea vines being harvested. Messrs. White Bros., in that township, i had 15 or liO acres in peavincs ; and sorghum and a part of the : crop was eight feet high. The best of it looked as if it should I cut three tons to the acre. Mr. j S. P. Blankenship had about 15 or 20 acres ot peas that looked as if they woud nu n out a good average crop, and Mr. C. P. I Blankenship had several acres of peas a:al soy peas that seemed to promise 3 12 tons to the acre. I Pea vine hay is a rule rather than the ? xcepli??n on most of the farms in the towi s ;ip. Numerous I'arun rs iiavegotten line cuttings of meadow hay; ; but one of the best reports comes ; from Mr. M. II. Stevenson of1 Sharon No. 2. who has gotten three fine cuttings .this summer and tail without tie creek gett i i ir i.vui- 1 ' - ? xr - ' v...fe <tnj ui tut in. ? iorKville Enpuirer. Legislative Vacancies. The death a few days ago at Charleston of Capt. J. C. II. Schroder leaves two vacancies from that county in the lower branch of the General Assembly, and increases the number of vacancies of the entire body to five. Elections to ti:l the vacancies from Anderson, Pickens, Darlington and one from Charleston had already been ordered for November 4 by Speaker M. L. Smith and it is presumed that be will order the election for the other vacancy from Charleston for the same date. For the vacancies from Anderson and Pickens counties, the Democrats have selected at primaries H. C. Summers in the former and Dr. J. L. B >it in the latter, and their election will be a mere formality. There were' no primaries held in Charleston ! or Dariington and the several offering will contest in the general election, tne one getting the plurality being the winner. Poik Miller Dead. Fort Mill people, along1 with the people of the entire South, will read with regret of the sudden death at his home in Richmond, Va.t Monday night of Polk Miller, well known for his plantation stories of war time and his performances on t he banjo at many Confederate reunions. He was 69 years old. Mr. Miller has several times appeared in Fort Mill and was well known by many people iti this city. For 30 years or more he traveled over the South hut seldom appeared out of that territory, because, as he explained, his dialect stories elsewhere were not understood. * * t t1 $ M /'f M :: mm? $1 1? teW ii ;; 4 ~ "~r^r.r * 4 -> O j On Saturdi J Second Grand Prize: I $100 Rock Hill Buggy with Top and Rubber Tires Third Grand Prize: % $75 Putnam Organ, Guaranteed ten years. I Fourth Grand Prize: $50 Five-Piece Parlor Suit. A Beauty. Eighth Grand Prize: Ladies' Tailored Coat Suit. Value $25. THE PROPOSITION?Every p One Vote, every dollar to 100 Votet the greatest number of Votes will 1: number of votes gets the Second Gr away. Now, we wish it understoot part and you or your friend will wi Iougniy unaerstana tne proposition i GET BUSY TODAY?The carlj gjMlLyi i T T mi m t T-iSS c ? > > IKEBKSSKiaH; 3SHHFS3HHm W?,T-S o > BKnraufcsr~?Ci2flEi?UK%3cro<2 v < * ? ? s* < 4 4 + *> * * ? <> > , :: 1IIC| 4< * ^ jj 4 I ill * ( * > t-t.-: f:^| Bill I u xa i ^jaaM^raoaig^flMMBMBni^caBiMgMMes^Mi ay, Decembei First Grand Prize: Handsome Hallet & Davis PIANO, Value, $400. ? Ninth Grand Prize: Man's $25 Suit or Overcoat. ennv vou snrmH in nnr nnn ?, ^ X ?"?v Wl UU1 j, and so oil. On Saturday, Deceinbe >e given the First Grand Prize; the c and Prize, and so on down the line u 1, this is no chance game, no guess \ n one of the Ten Grand Prizes menti call at any one of our three stores ai r starter stands the best show at win ' \ _ \ * 4 liii'6 at c our store : Young ( 1 jlEfl ?. 4->?* * ? # * > . '' -' i ? t ' ' >jb| ^ BtB ? it fyi ' u < w&BKWtsemoumex: srir-jaaasmxtn K ? *'? -'c* rwvxi^^wmK r-i*. ***?*- jtaonrram ?VA i riTYKTirrrrimti ~g ^-5^ a^umu ft tt . "9 tt I - WS ? jfi ||?ua fln 11 X * t * . r < ? 4 S ^*?V I " ^T|. ^ "f S -J, I 1P LSWLjLw? ft tt 1t ft rt fit !SCe I : ft j 14 (Th 1 Jomp7y? | . sjN r 20, 1913. I Fifth Grand Prize: | Princess Steel Range. fc Value $60. I Sixth Grand Prize: I $50 Standard Sewing Machine. Life-time Guarantee. i Seventh Grand Prize: Beautiful $50 Diamond Ring. Tenth Grand Prize: $25 Kitchen Cabinet. It's a Beauty. g three departments entitles you to 3 ir 20, 1913, the customer holding 3 ustomer holding the second lnrp-Aat ntil the Ten Grand Prizes are given | vork. Just a little effort on your I oned above. If you do not thor- ^ id we'll explain it to you fully. h CO. |j im??