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TWO E Aeroplane Flight Daily Get Close to the Machiit Talk to the Aviator?Sc Him Leave the Ground a Alight. Seats for Everybody FREE. Parades both Bring a Come I doing, thereb} Let Nothing F Band Concerts wiil given mori ing and afternoo each day. fspatc in front nl AAA A A VflA W V/ J stand free. r i i .a. i Second Cotton Ginning Report. $1 The second cotton-ginning report of ' fl the census bureau issued at 10 a. in. ; I Thursday announced that 3,237,.sal ffl bales of cotton of tlie growth of 1012 ra had been ginned prior to Scptembi r 25, H counting round as half bales. To that 21 date last year 3,005,024 bales; or 22.3 A per cent of the entire crop, had been ginned; in 1911, to that (late 3.070,591! bales or 23.0 per cent had been ginned; in 1909 to that date 2,590.639 bales or 19.S per cent of the crop had been ginned, and in 19O0 to that date 2,057,000 bales or 15.S per cent. Advice to Dance Maniacs. (Greenville News.) Lord knows we're tired of tlie* Turkey Trot And the Bunny Hug and Go;! Wot Not, Devise a dance for the names below, Start up the band and let-er-go. The Woozle-Bug Wiggle or Gorilla Glide The Raccoon Wriftgle or the Satvr Slide The Bau-Ape-Amble or the 'Possum Prance The Gargoyle-Gambol or the Dodo Dance. The Gibbooni Gyro or the Codfish fuddle. The Cat of Cairo or the Hippo-Huddle. | The Heron Hustle or the Scorpion I The Bivalve-Bustle or the Rhino-Rip. 8 The Rettlsnake-Race or the Rabies* I Kitlle, 8 The Penguin-Pace or the Pewee-Pif- I And if this ain't enough to stop your I breath g Go dance your darn fool self to Death. ^ I For j Delicious Ice Cream and Ice Cold Fountain Drinks CIGARS, Ton A nnr\ XUiJAbW, CIGARETTES and HEADLEY'S CANDIES, follow the Crowd to "Halle's on the Corner" Phone 43. I Ilis ? >IG DAI n "\7"_. I OI ie AND WIN' _ ROC* days. n Exhibit to the ;o the Fair and Study the held r. If informatioi % weep You Awa; 5 Plent} of rain, lege. E For BREAKFAS | For D1 I There's Nothing bei PEEh It makes good loaf; it makes good pies; it make makes GOOD HEALTH. Try a bag; it's a little b same. For si McELHANl FORT M l m 1 The Bank Foi I Ten of our directors ar gaged in farming and at ings the interests of the I cussed and given careful ation. It's a good plan : a banking connection; money some of these d Iular customer of ours we him. Remember us when 3 will remember you when 1 . The First N Fort Mill, 4 rs?Oct. i *k Coi THROP H< I HILL, Reck Fair; urge your i bring your family crops, exhibits, ] i is desired, see c y. T Of room ii 'Rear ntranrp frr X WX VAJL i. XXV. imTfflri NNER, For SUPPER, ' f/er than ILESS makes good biscuits; it s good cakes; in fact, it pttpf artrl fV?*? ni-Ira O I II vat ms*%? j^l *w m& 111 ale by ELY & CO., I ILL, S. C. m 1 r the Farmer ' e more or less actively en- | our regular monthly meetfarmers are always -disand intelligent considera Fat- A- 1 " >vi orcijr laiuioi to nave |j he may want to borrow ays and if he is a regi can arrange the loan for J I rou have money and we you need money. ^ ational Bank, - - - S. C. I l 16-17-TWO 1 jnty F aii OME 1NSTITUT - - - S. C iced Round-trip Rates O leighhovo ^ id friends to ( y. See what the people live stock, poultry, etc. ^ :>r write the Secretary. All Make Your Arrangmen n buildings in evei nrvn in rv >m Lancaster Av jl mm jl u Carr: you can do it yourself It's easy to give it a be varnish-gloss finish in bl colors. ACME Qt carriage is made especially to giv and vehicles of all kinds, ; finish that will look wel ideal finish for settees, flo ture, garde: that must \ hard usage anci the lab Massey's Drug l ' " ???My *"" ' BIG DAYS I % 11 ,) r Plenty Amusements. Hobby Horses, Merry-go-round, Motion Picture Shows * P and Other Clean Attractions. Novelty Stands. ]S Good Time Assured. v . f ffered by Railroads. i J M 'I io the same. 1 of York are j fou will profit j entries FREE \ I its Today to Attend. of NO ENTRY FEE charged l ON ANY EXHIBIT Admission: Adults - - 35c 0. Children - 15c >ur Own iage and at little expense, iautiful, hard, brilliant, ack or rich appropriate fALlTY lINT (Neal's) e to buggies, carriages a tough, durable, glossy 1 anrl wpor urol 1 A ?? ii wuu tt vai vv v_-11. nil wer stands, porch furnin tools and all surfaces withstand exposure and Ready to brush on el tells how. ; Store, Ft r