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f ^ " coated tongue means/lazy liver A Lazy Liver Net-d* a Dose of Dodson's Liver Tone-*Guaranteed to Take the Place of Calomel. When your doctor looks to see if Sour tonj^ue is coated, he is trying to nd out tf your liver is working properly. A few years ago doctors had to prescribe calomel ? there was nothing else to give. Recently in many sections of the country Dodson's Liver tone has practically taken the place of calomel as a liver remedy. Dodson's Liver Tone is mild, pleasant tasting: and harmless? which makes it a fine medicine for use when your children become bilious and constipated. But the most remarkable feature of Dodson's Liver Tone is the fact that W. B. Ardrey, who sells it. guarantees it absolutely. The druggist will return your money without argument if a bottle fails to give entire satisfaction. Price. 50 cents. We suggest that you get a bottle today and have it ready for the next member of your family whose liver goes wrong. TAX NOTICE -1913. Office of the County Trenturer of York County. Yorkville, S. (?., Sept. 12. 1913. Notice is hereby given that the TAX BOOKS for York countv will he opened on WEDNESDAY. the'lf.TH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1913. and remain open until the 31ST DAY OF DECEMBER. 1913, for the collection of STATE, COUNTY. SCHOOL and LOCAL TAXES, for the fiscal year 1913, without penalty, after which day ONE PER CENT, penalty will be added to all payments made in the mouth of JANUARY. 1914. and TWO PER CENT penalty for all payments made in the month of FEBRUARY. 1914. and SEVEN PER CENT, penalty will be added to all payments made from tin 1ST DAY of MARCH. 1914. to the liTTH DAY of MARCH, 1914. and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and nil unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the sever/il Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers, 1 win attend me lonowing places on tne days named: At Yorkville, Wednesday, October IB. At Smyrna, Thursday, October 16. At Hickory Grove, Friday and Saturday, October IT and IS. At Sharon, Monday, October 20. At McConnellsville, Tuesday, October 21. At Tirzah. Wednesday, October 22. At Clover, Thursday and Friday, October 22 anil 24. At Yorkville. from Saturday, October 26, to Tuesday, October 28. At Coats's Tavern, from 8 o'clock a. m, Wednesday, October 29, to 8 o'clock p. m. At Fort Mill, Friday and Saturday, October 80 and 21. At Rock Hill, from Monday, November 3, to Saturday. November 8. And at Yorkville from Monday, November 10, until Wednesday the 81st day of December, 1012, after which date the penalties will attach as stated above. NOTE.?The Tax Bocks are made up by Townships, and parties writing about taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or ? Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEII., Treasurer York County. For f% 1 * A ueiicious ice uream and Ice Cold Fountain Drinks CIGARS, TOBACCO, CIGARETTES and HEADLEY'S CANDIES, follow the Crowd to "Haile's on the Corner" Phone 43. Real Estate 17 I UI UdiC. 23 4 acres in Fort Mill with three tenant houses on same. 20 acres within five miles of Fort Mill, mostly forest oak and pine, three acres bottoms. 35 acres one mile from Fort Mill, house, barn, well. The Griffin store property, one mile from Fort Mill. We have a number of othei farms near Fort Mill at prices ranging from $12.50 to $50 pei acre. Ask to see our list. We also have a number of desirable dwellings for sale ii town, and will be glad to shov* same to those who are interest BAILES & LINK, Brokers, Fort Mill, - - S. C. w ? PERSONAL MENTION. jl Miss Myrtle Sutton spent the last 4 ! week with friends in Rock Hill. | 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Connolly, of ^ Statesville, N. C., were visitors the last week at the home of L. A. Harris, * on White street. 4 i Miss Elizabeth Moore, of Taylors- * ville, N. C., spent several days in Fort <ji Mill the last week as the guest of Mrs. 2 J. A. liOVfl. Mrs. Jennie Spratt and daughters, 1 Misses Margaret and Mary, who have been residing at Hendersonville, N. C., * for several months, have returned to + Fort Mill and will again make this city 1 their home. Mrs. A. W. Barrett, of Conway, is : visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Atwater, in this city. ^ a After a week's visit to her sister, T Mrs. L. J. Massey, of this city, Mrs. 11. 11. Battle, of Montgomery, Ala., 4 left Saturday evening for a visit to relatives in Charlotte. Miss Kittie Kirkpatrick, of this city, formerly a member of the musical ; faculty of Winthrop college, left the 4 last week for New York City, where 4 she will make a further study of j j music during the winter. r Bert Patterson, assistant freight sgent in this city, left Saturday for a week's visit to Washington and Haiti- 4 i more. O Miss Corrie Miller, of Kissimrnee, 4 Fla., is the guest of Miss Isabel Massey 4 ! in this city. 4 R. 11. Ardrey, of Greenville, was ^ I here the last week on a visit to his | * sister. Mrs. J. L. Spratt. i Miss Nora Hamilton, who has been ^ making her home with her sister, Mrs. 4 0. Barber, east of town, is spending ^ a few weeks with her pit rents at Jonesville. ? Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fulp, of Mint 1 Hill. N. ('.. are spending several weeks < with Mr. Fulp's mother, Mrs. A. O. 4 Jones, in this city. ^ George Potts left Monday evening fur Phiirliislnn <"> '"u","" ?> ! the College of Charleston. I ^ Little Miss Caroline Thompson, of , Greensboro, N. C., is living with her < I grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. < Gulp, and attending the Fort Mill ' graded school. Shellie Rutton, of the township, left last Monday for Oxford, Ga., where he ; will attend Emory College. < Miss Carrie llell Poag, an experienced < milliner of Itock Hill, has arrived in 4 Fort Mill and will be employed the [ coming season as head milliner for the | E. W. Kimbrell company. Miss Poag J i is boarding with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. N Bailee. Death of Miss Hough. " Miss Irene Hough, of the Highland Park mill village, died last night after < ; a lingering sickness with tuberculosis. I Funeral services and interment will be j conducted here this afternoon. Miss aj 1 Hough was the daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. John Hough, both of whom died i several years ago. Miss Hough's long '-j illness was greatly alleviated by the j | tender ministrations of the local j zation of King's Daughters. ?Rock Hill 1 Herald, Thursday. ^ Miss Hough was a niece ofMesdames * E. S. Parks and T. E. Merritt, of Fort Mill, and the latter was among the ! attendants at the funeral Thursday. Mule Works Forty Acres. W. L. Perry, a young farmer living I five miles from Anderson, has worked a erop of forty acres this year withone : mule, and with only Mrs. Perry as his ! ' helper, and. has one of the best crops j | to be found anywhere in the eountv. ! ! The majority of the forty acres is in | cotton, hut there is ten acres of corn, I and plenty of potatoes, peanuts, forj age, etc., all in fine condition. More | ! than worth of melons and potatoes I have been sold by Mr. Perry already, j | He is one of the kind who live strict y \ at home, and in addition to that part of i the crop that will be marketed and j ! turned into money has lots of other i ' stuff that he will use at home, spend- j 1 ing only a very small amount for sup- j plies of any kind. He has made, al j together, a record that is hard to heat- j Cyclone Hits Conway. Moving in a northeasterly direction | and hewing a course about one-half mile wide, a terrific cyeU ne swept North Conway Thursday afternoon at thr< e o'clock and left ruin and desolation in its wake. While no lives were 1 . IfWt 1 Itwfauic uanamol ?? F ... . ?av?|reu ?o wiuugll ' by a miracle. The little daughter of 1 W. W. Russ, while on her way home encountered the storm and was rolled about in the street. She was rescued | I by a lady and received little injury. Mrs. T. J. Hell had just left her home when the roof was torn away. She ' I escaped uninjured. There may he others who received injuries about a mih from Conway where it is reported several negro houses were demolished. The rain tell in torrents, causing the . property loss to reach into the thous\ ands. School Trustees. I By order of the executive committee, j there will be a meeting of the County School Trustees' association in the Court House at Yorkville on Saturday, Sept. 27fh, at 10:30 a. m. Matters of interest to every school in the county will be discussed and t is ho j ted that every district will be represented. JOHN E. CARROLL, Supt. of Education. lit vJII I Ml li Jl: ,i / iV-v' \ | ^ ^^X^l^CLOTllES UARAHT?.? ^ :: awp l LADIES! We beg to nr tailored Coat S'uts that has ev \r l i r\ . ^ I orK and farts models and th durability. MEN! It is with pleasure } t famous "Griffon Clothes" for th?re is in a high-class garmei ? workmanship and the all-woo Suits $15 down to $5. Boys' > Double Breast, size 4 to 18 ye 11 Mills & PflRHBflBPBIIIffi "? I J _ Iuii oaiuraa Second Grand Prize: $100 Rock Hill Buggy with Top and Rubber Tires Third Grand Prize: $75 Putnam Organ, Guaranteed ten years. Fourth Grand Prize: $50 Five-Piece Parlor Suit. A Beauty. Eighth Grand Prize: Ladies' Tailored Coat P Suit. Value $25. f! inx< rtturi/aiiiurt?livery pern * One Vote, every dollar to 100 Votes, n $ the greatest number of Votes will be | I number of votes gets the Second Gran p away. Now, we wish it understood, t part and you or your friend will win c '4 oughly understand the proposition cal | GET BUSY TODAY?The early si r ...... mf 'ijjIP ^1* ?Bht ^OUNCEMEl lounce the arrival of the pretlic er been displayed here. They e fabrics are right up with the i j we announce the opening of < fall and winter. In a Griffon it, and the prices are reasonab 1 fabric. Try a Griffon Suit nr clothes are here also, "Succes jars, prices $4 to $10. Young y9 Decembc First Grand Prize: Handsome Mallet & Davis PIANO, Value, $400. | Ninth Grand Prize: ^an's $25 Suit o Overcoat. ly you spend in any one of on nd so on. On Saturday, Decern riven the First Grand Prize; th< d Prize, and so on down the lint 111s i3 no chance game, no gues me of the Ten Grand Prizes me. 1 at any one of our three stoics ,arter stands the best show* at v | 'V \.; | ^ < ' < " | 1>"I . /' | . | NTS f| st assortment of Ladies hand- f come in all the newest New * * models in attractiveness and * | * X X our second shipment of the Suit you get absolutely all le, considering the high-class * v ;xt-?$15 to $25. Other good | ^ ,s/' "Nuf Ced," Norfolks and ^ ? ? .N A t > CompV) if <+$+ *-?*-? *r 20, 1913. I Fifth Grand Prize: Princess Steel Range. Value $60. Sixth Grand Prize: $50 Standard Sewing Machine. Life-time Guarantee. Seventh Grand Prize: js Beautiful $50 Diamond Ring. Tenth Grand Prize: r $25 Kitchen Cabinet. It's a Beauty. lv three departments entitles you to iber 20, 19 iii, the customer holding 2 customer holding the second largest ? ; until the Ten Grand Prizes are given g s work. Just a little effort on your I ationcd above. If you do not thor- 5 and we'll explain it to you fully. g winning. ? mm co. i gjpu sb hi i' nia . . m I