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i v . ? THE FOET MILL TIMES. Democratic ? Publish ad Thursdays. - | B. W. BRADFORD Editor and Proprietor. ""* * J Subscription Rates: One Year ...............................11.26 , Six Months ...................... .... .65 Ths Times invites contributions on liveBubjecte but does not atrree to publish more than 200 words On any subject. The rijtht is reserved to edit vary communication submitted for publication, j On application to the publisher, advertising: t rates are made known to those interested. Telenhone. local and longdistance. No. 112. Entered at the postofllco at Fort Mill. S. C.. as mail matter of the second class. ] IT A TCMPNT Of the Ownership. Management, Etc., of The Fort Mill Times, Published Weekly at Fort Mill, S. C., Required by the Act of August 24, 1912. Editor? B. W. Bradford, Fort Mill, S. C Managing Editor ?B. W. Bradford, Fort Mill. S. C. Publisher?B. W. Bradford, Fort Mill. S. C. Owner?B. W. Bradford, Fort Mill, S. C. Known bondholders, mortgagees and i other security holders, holding- 1 p<>r cent, or more of total amount of bonds, j mortgages, or other securities: Mortgagees?Saving's Bank, Fort Mill, S. 0. B. W. BRADFORD. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24th dav of September. 1913. W. B. MEACHAM. Notary Public S. C. ; THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1913. , The correct pronunciation of Huerta 1 is "Wherta" but a great many people ' in this country are inclined to call him ; something a good deal worse. In the live stock department of the ! York County Fair, October 16-17, citi- j Zens of Fort Mill and the township | promise to make the people from other parts of the county sit up and take notice. Mr. Merchant: Make your store as pood as your ads?and make your ads a little better than others that appear in this paper! That's "hitching your wagon to a star," perhaps?but it's an attainable star! The time for the York County Fair is rolling around, and already the grounds are being put in shape. The committee in charge is sparing no expense nor losing any time to make the exhibition a success and credit to the county. Parties having articles for exhibit should write to the secretary of the York Fair Association, Rock Hill, for information as to placing thiir exhibits. The Times is pleased to see that Editor J. L. Sims of the Orangeburg Times and Democrat, has landed the Federal position of marshal for the district of South Carolina. There has been much speculation of late as to who wouid pet the place. Mr. Sims is one of the best known and most able newspaper men of the State, h loyal Democrat and several ti nes has represented Orangeburg county in the State conventions. He had strong opposition for the place to which he has been appointed, and his many friends throughout the State, an i especially the newspaper fraternity, rejoice to )^noW th*t he has won o.;t. ' *It is to be hoped that the suggestion of Heveral business men a few days ago that Fort Mill offer $3,00(), or $f>,000 if neceseary, for the location of an other cotton mill in the town will amount to more than mere talk. Such ; an indiiCi n.i ht would, considering other j advantages here, doubtless land such an industry. As a further inducement, | The Times feels safe in saying that city council w. uld readily agree to toe empt the new mill lYortt taxation fbr a period of five or ten yeaVa. The business men of the town can well afford to contribute to the project, which, if Buccesbful, would mean more for the upbuilding of Fort Mill and the consequent increase in the volume of business done here than anything we know of. The believes that ft can. see an awakening of pride and interest among thrt titizr ns of Fort Mill. One thirrfg Th. certfcin, our business mon reatire that something must be done -to ^ush the tewII fcrwr.rU. Fact is, "the mercantile establish.rents are enlarging anU growing more numerous each year while the population of the territory from which these stevr draw trade it not increasing to any appreciable degree. And here is where the towr needs a live organization of busines; men a commercial club <-r chamber ol commerce? to let the outside work know that Fort Mill is on the map that we have here a town which foi healthful'iess, morality, educational fn cilities, etc., is not surpassed by anj of the small towns of the Sttte. Wit! a good, live commercial club proclaiming these facts, we believe that Fort Mill would bloom out like a rose. A little advertising properly placed would result in big things for the town. John L. McLaurin's much-heralded statement, published in yesterday's Coiumbia Record, will in our humble opinion do little in the way of aiding his candidacy for the governorship. A few bouquets thrown at himself and his oratorical ability, followed bv fl rather unrHiH utnru nf n nrniuntoH railroad deal in which he expected to make millions, awaking to find that he had been only a tool in the hands of more brainy and powerful men who tossed him contemptuously aside when he could no longer be of service to them. All in all a document which gives too much the impression of an attempt to muddy the water in discussing the charges freely made against him some years ago, charges which, if met at all, should have been met more boldly. South Carolina voters demand the appearance, at least, of frank and fearless honesty of purpose, and would have been better pleased with a more emphatic denial.?Chester Lantern. Nobody can accuse Governor Blease of being a poor politician and-unable to make the most of the mistakes of his opponents. Already he has opened on Senator Smith, against whom he is a candidate for the seat now held in the United States Senate hy the former, for the appointment of F. H. Weston as district attorney for South Carolina. Quantity an On all Food Products. If you don't see what 3 we have it in extra qua 'Phone us y< JONES, Phones 14 and 8. j"Payby"c I When a farmer sells I business man he recei business man knows t\ him and be a receipt. | to his advantage to p (should not the farmer hi lie h\r nlionl/ 9 A /? ; p W?*1U VIIWU i n I* chances of error and ii j large number of l'arme $ and theftf are others w 1 of them? !! = [I Savings Bank 1^; Leroy Springs, Prest. Three New * Devoe's Velvel Imparts the soft finish stalls and ceilings as wat 1 V\n t w ii /?V^ om nnf V? or onH t UU? "?UVU OlUVVbUUl ?.**** 1 impervious to dampness, and moreover, can be was once properly applied -It manent. White and all s ' | Marble Floor Is a stain with very su 1 I ===== t Weston had the enthusiastic endorsement of Senator Smith and has just won out over Mr. Thurmond, who had the BUpport of Senator Tillman. Just why Senator Smith was so bent upon securing the place for Mr. Weston is beyond the understanding of not a few people. For several years Mr. Weston i has represented Richland county in the St\te Senate. He is pretty well known to those who keep in touch with legislative affairs. If he has done anything to warrant his selection for the district attorneyship we do not know what it is. On the contrary, we are convinced that Senator Smith could not have had appointed a more unpopular man for the place had he raked the State with a fine-tooth comb. Governor Blease knows this and he is apt to turn the appointment to his own account to the extent of n good many votes. f4Vl7 I'L'IWT 4 U/tlill L< V J Lill i It ?? \ /l\ JLf FOR RENT ?I have several good plantations for rent. Call and see me. BERT NIVENS, Adm. 1 THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR I 5 25 VOTES i? {I IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST | ? IF CLIPPED FROM THE B I TIMES AND PRESENTED AT | j T H E STORE 0 F T H E T; MILLS & YOUNG CO., | * FORT MILL, S. C. I I d duality Our line is complete, rou want, ask for it; ility. )ur orders. I = E GROCER. I ! i 'heck I his produce of any kind to a ill ves his pay by check. The lis check will come back to fig' If the business man finds it II >ay all bills by check, why gj* be equally wise and pay his O heck account eliminates all II; 3 an undisputed respect. A | rs are now banking with us, ? ho should be. Are you one I i I ===== of Fort Mill, ||i W. B. Meacham, Cashr. j| - - things in Hous : Finish 41 and comes in I will not scrat to plb&tcrcd rooms whe er calcimines, 7clotty. It is Bre dees not stain, ihed off. When Stain window is almost per- dul1 waxed fl: ihades. Thcy are mi shades. Finish Call and Ie1 for suitable ? perior varnish are right up ' = Ardrey's f* y. 3 .* ? Here's Fall Sh | We hav | Ladies' I from tw brand, tY out at ju These sh price be wrong w I good as going to M'ELHA | "The I Our New I Have some Special Bargain from auction sale at way belo^ Also a lot of sample Coat Su ery. Dress Goods, etc. Come, see our goods and co I L. J. N 'ftawTai?Biiiiii linn' iwiiin iiii'ii ;e finishing. | natural wood effects. It ch and especially adapted re rugs are used. inig's Stains frames, doors, etc., with a nish with one application, ade in ail the dark wood t us show you suggestions Lnishes for your home that to date. Drug Store Your C to buy your oes at 1 - e many pairs < and Children's o so six pairs lat we are goins st exactly HAL! ioss are not ret cause there is s< rith them?the} any. We ar concentrate c mrii'Miii m i m NY & CO Store of Style and Qu; "all Goods. is in Art Squares and Rugs w regular prices. its at 25 per cent off. Millinmpare our prices. | iassey. FBI I lllliltilli Iliwif11l?l WIIM I ?mill ! fbi5agt?5gSg?cL5aH5g5?^a555S I Who's Yc K This is a question that sh wj housekeepers. Not only Cj food is necessary and desir nj hooves one to get the greal 111 lnr \SIo coll on timo nnlu ' lull ' " w v" v,",w [jjjj it is not necessary to add p W goods to oiTset book-keepi | IK of loss on bad accounts. ilCjl Here Quality is supreme ; jg duty. m 1 PARKS P E. S. PA lull i' lolasBsasassagaasasasaffas v 9 \ \ 9 \ ?^ A I I Ihance I I i 2 Price | :>f Men's, I 5 Shoes, j in each y to close F PRICE. duced in I ^mething r are as e simnlv mr lines. I | MPANY, I ality." I ' Fill your bins with our 0 Atl * I The beat Coal mined. We are now making summer deliveries at summer I prices. Buy now, prices will advance later. We guarantee the quality of our Coal. We never overcharge, and offer you only the best grade of Tennessee Coal, - ? Stewart & Culp ? Phone 15. ?ir Grocer? | lould be of vital import to all 0 because the most wholesome M ed- but in these days it be- jQ test efficiency out of each dol- jjj to reliable people. Therefore, g irofit to the selling price of our E ng expense and a per centa^e g R and your Dollar does double [nil IOGERY CO. I IRKS, Manager. . |{jj|