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MP?':"" A BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE I TO SOUTHERN WOKEN I Southern women, horn to pre- I side o'er our destinies, reared in R the cradle of generosity, natured I in the arms of eternal wisdom, gifted in grace, endowed with beauty, rich in refinement, priceless in their loyally, render in their mercy, calm in their patience, proud in their virtue. Southern women! Alh mighty have humble men become in t he heights of their ambitions, for were not their rewards based upon a woman's love? In all the i .1 t* - lanu no iairer women cast their sweetening influences upon human kind than here. Southern women! The impelling force that moulds a genius from the com- \ mon clay, inspirations for nobler, lives and higher purposes. The' Great Sculptor of a biliion faces | pays His tribute in the atmos-j phere of roses, amid influences! of Southern valor, chivalry and hearts of tenderness that pulsate' with the warm, red glow of i animation from the well springsl of eternal justice. No cloud ere | dimmed their loyalty, no doubt Jg ere betrayed their confidence. IB Slow to love and slow to anger, fig quick to resent a stain upon name or purpose, gracious in de- , ra meanor, couretous in treatment, K beautiful in expression, their? love is their life and to live for 'Z you in the iife you must live if ? you gain their heart. Treasure j a it, place upon it every ounce of I value in golden virtue of ap preciation. Deal thoughtfully, , soberly, well. Turn your foot- . steps toward the goal of "her" [ ambitions 'till the day will come I when you will occupy a stateman's chair. Listen to the music of her voice, the soft rip- . pie of her laughter, the songs on I her lips from her heart and her I soul, every human impulse is for you.?Edward Lansing Cowles, in Columbia Record. . Death has freed "Bill" Miner, [ notorious robber, jail breaker and "gentleman of fortune," from his last prison term. His picturesque career, which in- I eluded plashes with thp? laws r?f I more than a score of States and several Canadian provinces, ended Wednesday night at the ? Georgia State prison farm near j Milledgeville. I To The Public. 5 Wo offer the service of two Ite^is- ? tered Jersey Hulls, fee $1 in advance, g Also offer the service of Berkshire Boar. L. A. HAKItIS & CO. For r? Delicious Ice Cream :; and Ice Cold Fountain I Drinks I CI CIGARS, e< TOBACCO, ti CIGARETTES and d a TTF. ATiT.P.V'Q r> A MTiTfc h A M VAJL11 1/XUU| Vj follow the Crowd to o "Haile's on the Comer" !' SI Phone 43. a I The Pe Begs 1st M ? \ i With are | owni m fnivT /iniMnn HEW jfcKlR) every other Saturday PROFITABLE that o Shares may be subs PERPETUAL W. B. MEj \ _y I I For BREAKFAS \ For Dl Ther cs Nothing bei PEEF It makes good loaf; it makes good pies; it make makes GOOD HEALTH. Try a bag; it's a little b same. For s? | McELHAN! 1 FORT Ml ' The Bank Foi Ten of our directors are gaged in farming and at c ings the interests of the I cussed and given careful ation. It's a good plan f a banking connection; 1 money some of these de | ular customer of ours we | nini. Remember us when y will remember you when i . ? The First N< j Fort Mill, rHE REX "Beginning with forty of the biggest tailors in this country, he formed the 'nited Drug Company and began to lanufaeture a line of honest household medies, based on tested formulas, ie sale of which was limited to one ruggist in each locality. These remei"s were made by skilled chemists rom the best materials; and to furthr protect the public, each remedy was >ld under a positive guarantee of sataction or money back. Furthermore, exall Remedies were not patent medians; their formulas were published in ook-form so that before buying a rem* dy a customer could see just what it ontained. "If you will remember that tin to iat time the buyer of household remeies never knew what he would be sked to pay for it, you can understand ow the public appreciated the Kexall tore plan of doing business. New RexII stores were opened, one in each loalitv, as fast as possible, considering lie fact that before any druggist is al>wed to sell United Drug Company roduets, his financial standing and perr>nal character are rigidly investigated nd that unless he is universally recrpetual to announce that Serie e will begin paying to t i the maturity of this S >aid for and that they a srs, non-borrowing stoc Hooks of Subscript! Some day you will th home or to save moi /. It is so SIMPLE that ur wealthiest and most scribed for at the office , BUILDING < VCHAM, President % s I >T, 8 NNER, I For SUPPER, .i \ter than lLESS makes good biscuits; it s good cakes; in fact, it etter and the price is the de by EY & CO., | [ll? s-c- s I the Farmer ' i more or less actively en- | >ur regular monthly meet- I farmers are alwnvs Hin and intelligent considera- J or every farmer to have v ie may want to borrow lys and if he is a regcan arrange the loan for | ou have money and we l you need money. J ? Ij itional Bank, ' - - - s. c. I *1 ALL IDEA ognized as the leading druggist in his community, he canr.ot secure the Rexall sale privilege. "As soon as the public realized what Rexall Remedies were, they began to ask for other goods 'made by the same people that make Rexall.' To meet this demand, the United Drug Company entered other fields. COVERS 25 ACRES. "In 1908, the company's business was confined to one building with 30,000 feet of floor space. Today it is operating laboratories, factories, mills, warehouses, and branches, throughout the United States, Canada and Great Britain, and requires a total of over 1,000,000 feet of floor space or more than '25 acres?for the manufacture of such exclusively Rexall Store products as Rexall Remedies, Harmony Perfumes; Liggett's, Fenway and Saturday Candies; Symphony Lawn, Ustako and Bokhara Stationery; Maximum, Monogram and American Beauty Rubber Products; Klenzoand Marguerite Tooth Brushes; Liggett's Orangeade, Grape Juice and Fruit Syrups, etc., etc. REXALL MEANS 1 OW PRICES "The people welcomed these new Buildin: < s No. 1 will mature withi lie Shareholders in that yf C O %P Ht O j O cries many individuals w re independent of the rer kholders will receive in The Goodly So ion are now open for Ser ank us for inviting you t< tiey. The payments ami: a child can understand i successful business men of the Secretary and Tre & LOAN ASSC ????1 '' -!" r? Fa I 1. The wood is Summ 2. Paint penetn The 3. Fall weather Tittle c which e 4. Wet weathe surfaces. Tack of paint 1 5. Fall painting The greatest en If it's a surface t< finished in any way Massey's goods, just as they had welcomed the first Rexall Remedies, and today, the Rexall store sign is displayed by over 7,000 druggists in the United States, Canada and Great Britain, and everywhere it is accepted as positive evidence that the owners of those stores can be trusted to give a square deal, and that anything they sell will be of higher grade, cost less and la :t longer, than would similar goods bought elsewhere. This public confidence embraces not only the goods manufactured by the United Drug Company, ti e sale of which Rexall Druggists control, but extends to ail the merehandise sold by the Kexall Store. This is due to the fact that instead of buying in individual small lots. RpVttll r>rn?<Tri?f-a tinrn>t? their orders, thus securing from the manufacturers and jobbers fig price concessions of which they give their customers the benefit. The average druggist who, for instance, buys half a dozen hot water bottics from one manufacturer, cannot hope to secure ;o low a price as the manufacturer can afford to quote when the United Drug Company places an order to supply hot water bottles to over 7,000 druggists. It is the same with all other merchanARDREYS E g and Lo n the next sixty days and Series OO.00 ? ? * ? in ne made nappy in the it question forever. In ac CASH, to be put in circuits im of $18,300.?? ies No. 4, and the first pa > subscribe to stock in it. >unting to FIFTY' CENT! t and carry stock in it, < are enthusiastic stockho asurer, at the Savings Ht 1CIATION, - J. L. SI V- - LI Painti iconom] thoroughly dry. er's sun /ias removed all mt ites deeper into dry deeper it goes the better it In is warm, dry and de] danger of coldy damp, ran mdanger the durability of th r decays and desti neans unsightly and less va> keeps out winter mc emy to the life and beauty oj d be painted, enameled, stai , there's an Acme Quality Kinc Drug Stoi clise. Kv, rything sold in the Rexall Store is bought at rock bottom price, I ami can, therefore, be sold at rock bottom price and still yield the druggist a fair profit. REX ALL DRUGGISTS IMPORTERS "Another advantage enjoyed by Rexall druggists is the fact that the United Drug Company has agents in all European count t ie ;, who are constantly on t i:t watch for new goods and r.ew ideas. A lien a customer goes into a Rexall St<-ro to buy anything in drug r.torr merchandise I don't can- what it ishe has ins pick of the best goods fr?>m all quarters of the earth. If he wants to buy, say, the finest tooth brush mule, he can get it in only two ways: , 1)3' going to France himself, or by go- j i: K: to the K< xall Druggist, who controls the output of the finest tooth brush factories in France. If the purchase is a bottle of violet perfume, made from real I'arrna violets, a box of breakfast cocoa, made in Holland, a Christm: s greeting card, created by an artist in London, the same is true. The customer can get it by going abroad or by trading at the Rexall Store." sRUG qTORE " REXALL. STORE >an Asso that on or before Novem knowledge that their ho idition to these happy ho ition right here in our mi \ yment on same will be n It is the easiest way w S on e^eh Share subscr md on the other hand Ider s. ink or at the First Natio - - - - F< >KATT, Sec'y and Treasu c 1 *"* ? ^3551?* k ing I: iMr I listure. jtfSg wood, sendable. v r *iy days : a e paint. ; *u: roys unprotected ^ iuable property* i i\ )isture. j f all structures. j r ! < i ncd, varnished or i to fit the purpose. Fort Mill, tC, s. c. All Builders use Cement. If you want pood Cement that will harden thoroughly and stand every test, call on us and see our samples. There is nothing to compare with them except Our Pricss With prices and quality together. we guarantee to please you. Fort Mill Lumber Company, 'Phone 72. ciation iber mes meidst, nade September '20. e know of to build a ibed are payable on it is so SAFE and nal Hank. 11 o ort iviiii, d. t. rer. %