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' ; , SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. Makes Fourth Victim. William A. Curcton, of Fori Lawn, who was injured in the Hooper's creek wreck on the Lancaster & Chester railway July 30, died last Saturday niirht at a hospital at Chester. Mr. Cureton is the fourth victim who has succumbed to injuries received in the wreck. Meets With Fort Mil Church. The York Baptist association will hold its next meetinir with the Fort Mill church on Wednesday and Thursday. September 24-25, with three services on Wednesday and two services Thursday. The introductory sermon will he preached by Rev. J. H. Machen, of Yorkville. At the adjournment of the assoeia-! tion meeting Thursday t veiling, the dedication service of the new Sunday school addition to the local church will he held under the auspices of the Baraca ; class, with an address by Rev. ' E. M. Poteat, president of Furman university. The public is 1 cordially invited to attend each I of the services. Left Infant o *> Tra n. Mr. J. N. Atwater, a merchant of the town, who returned Thursday from Greensboro. N. (\, told of the desertion by its) mother of an infant of only a 1 few weeks which was left unattended on the train at Salis- i bury. The incident caused m eat j speculation ami much sympathy | for the little one anions the j large number of passengers on the train. Mr. Atwater was i unable to lean? what disposition i was made of the infant except that it was turned over to the railroad authorities at Concord by the conductor on whose train it was left. \A/kif a 1 i-k ot< Qivf tr n a vc f ? ailiv iriu.i a. Bob Alloy, a young white man who had been working in one'of ! the nulls here for several weeks, ; was detected by Ofiicer Coltharp | Saturday evening in the act of j delivering a pint of whiskey to another white man near the plant of the Fort Mil. Manufacturing company and was locked in the city guard house until Monday morning. When arrigned before the Mayor, Alley plead guihy to two charges of retailing and was sentenced to $100 or thirty days in each case. He could not pay the fines and is now serving a sixty-day term on the county chaingang. It is stated that the State authorities have warrants for Alky for dealing in whiskey and that he will be tried under these warrants as soon as he lias completed the term which he is now serving for having violated the town law. Wi'.l Loan Money on Farms. One of the largest life insurance companies in the United States has recently arranged with Mr. T. B. Spratt, cashier nf T^ivst Nfltinrml Utitik to loan money for it on farm lands in York and Lancaster counties. This company has more than ninety million dollars loam d on farms in the North and West, but is just beginning to loan money in this State. Repnsentaiives of the company state that they hope to place several hundred thousand doliar.-> in tins section and that a large pa t. of this is available now. The terms on which these loans are to he made are said to be very liberal, and the placing of this large amount of money in this section will no douht aid very much in the further development of our agricultural resources. Big Stock Farm. The Riverside Farms, Incorporated, has just secured a chnru r from Secre ary of State Grim s with an authorized capital of $100,000, of which $10,000 has been subscribed by Messrs. W. S. Lee and E. C. Marsh 11 oi this city and Messrs. O. F. Mason and W. T. Rankin of Gastonia, says the Charlotte Observer. The idea of the incorporators is to institute a big cattle farm on a large tract of land that has been secured from the Southern Power Company on the Catawba river in South Carolina just below the point where the South Fork enters the stream. Agricultural pursuits will also be followed. There are approximately 3,000 acres that have been purchased from the biy hydroelectric corporation, and constitutes only a small portion of the holdings of this concern along the river. It is under mat Mr. W. T. Rankin will be the incorporator actively in charge of the farm. York's Registration. The Yorkville Enquirer published in its issue of Tuesday, the 2nd. a list by precincts of j the registered vo'ers of York county, the total number shown j being 4,244. The county board of registration, which meets on the first Monday of each month, had a very busy day the last time it met, issuing certificates and making transfers and renewals. According to The Enquirer's list. Rock Hill, with 2,215, heads the precincts of the county in number of registered voters. Yorkville second, with (?"(?. Fori Mill third, with 362, and Clover fourth, with 316. The county board will he in session three more times this year, the first Mondays in Octol?e?\ November and December. Siuail Debt Causes Killing. Sunday ^afternoon at 4 o'clock Mayor McElhaney of this city received a telephone message f rom Steele Creek township requesting that he have the police of Fort Mill keep a lookout for one negro, .Jim Herron by name, who was described as a tall yellow man, wearing a black shirt, light trousers, a black hat, and was barefoot. Herron, the message said, had shot and killed another negro, Ed Hart, while on his way to crunch Sunday morning about i) o'clock, and had headed for South Caiolina. Tr.e Deal police kept watch all through Sunday, but no man tilling tin-description of Herron was seen in this place. 1 he killing of Sunday occurred at the home of Jim Weeks, colored, on the farm of Mr. W. A. drier, in Steele Cre Two or three shots were (ire*I and two took effect ia the portions of Hart's head. lie died within a few seconds. Jim Weeks was an eye witness. | Herron's wife is a sister ot Hart. ctrrn to am ck iamim o:irLi\ man laLUMLL. Dodson's Livrr Tune at Ni?kl Will;!,ten You Out by Moriong. Calomel May knock You Oui of a Day's Work. If you are a calomel user, the next time you are tempted to buy it, ask your druggist if he can absolutely guarantee the drug not to harm you. lie won't do it, because he CAN'T do it. Hut here is a perfect substi tute for calomel which the druggist does guarantee?the famous Dodson's Liver Tone. YV. H. Ar1 drey will refund your money i without quesaion if you are noi 1 thoroughly satisfied. Go to YV. B. Ardrey, who you i are thoroughly acquainted with? j and find out aoout the great number of people who ; re t king I this remarkable lemedy and feeling better, keener, healthier, and I are better able to enjoy life than i they ever were when taking calj oinel. Why? Because calomel is a poison-one that may stay in the system, and whi e seeming I to benefit you temporarily, may j do harm in the end. If you haven't felt those ill-efiVcts so lur, 11 is because you are lortuuate enough to have a strong constitution. Don't take the risk any long' <*r. Get a hottle of Dodson's Liver Tone (50r) and note how easily and naturally it corrects all bilious condiiioi s, how it clems away th t sick headache and coated tongue, how it sets you right without ache or gripe. The most wonderful th ng in the ; world for con.-tipation. All this without the slight st j interference with your regular ; habits. 'Real Estate For Sale. 23 4 acres in Fort Mill with inn e tenant, nouses on same. 'JO acre* within live miles of F"H Mill, mostly forest oak and pine, three acres bottoms. acres one n.i> trom Fort , Mill, house, barn, well. The Griffin store property, one mile from Fort Mill. We have a number of other i farms near Fort Mill at prices ranging from $12.50 to $.">() per 1 acre. Ask to see our list. We also have a number of de' siraole dwellings for sale in [ town, and Vvill be glad to show ' same to those who are interest| BAILES & LINK, Brokers, Fort Mill, - - S. C. I :: \r?> ^ r * ??-T ; J/fe. 11 | ^ : I ?vtt | . /fiCWn , ; 3 / /Y^ ;| k|tf / * , , : ; : * ' v ' A !(j / -V / ' - Jib Wi'ft' f ? i fS7S r- v \V ,x ' ^ LOTII KS -> r UA?ANTee0 ^ ; H AW l AOIFSt W, Iw^rr I r? anr? o ; ^ * tailored Coat Suits that has ev fy * York and Paris models azid th< durability. MEN! It is with pleasure famous "Griffon Clothes" for 1 ! there is in a high-class garmer workmanship and the all-wool Suits $15 down to $5. Boys' Double Breast, size 4 to IS ye B Mills & * i * * *l.A'.l'.Ait'.t'.t.A'.t'.l'.t'. A mBBB^=======si i! Ori .^safiivrlsv jljcl Second Grand Prize: ^ $100 Rock Hill Buggy | with Top and Rubber Tires Third Grand Prize: N ji $75 Putnam Organ, Guaranteed ten years. Fourth Grand Prize: r ; $50 Five-Piece Parlor Suit. A Beauty. Eighth Grand Prize: Ladies' Tailored Coat R Suit. Value $25. , i I: THE PROPOSITION?Every pern One Vote, every dollar to 100 Votes, a the greatest number of Votes wiil be p number of votes gets the Second Gran* away. Now, we wish it understood, t part and you or your friend will win o oughly understand the proposition cal GET BUSY TODAY?The early st lyM I I N?. , iV:r7#p.\' ISPbiiii \ pi 1 -h |p*# ' . \ Ik Mr I < : Wi pffrl ? -v'/'v' J '?I 40UNCEMEr ounce the arrival of the pretties er been displayed here. They < 5 fabrics are right up with the n we announce the opening of o Fall and winter. In a Griffon it, and the prices are reasonabl i fabric. Try a Griffon Suit ne: clothes are here also, "Success ars, prices $4 to $10. Young < h k a IL&C5 iillM y, Decembe First Grand Prize: Handsome Ballet & Davis PIANO, I Value, $400. Ninth Grand Prize: /lan's $25 Suit 01 Overcoat. iy you spend in any one of on nd so on. On Saturday, Decern1 [ iven the First Grand Prize; the i Prize, and so on down the line his is no chance game, no guess lie of the Ten Grand Prizes rner 1 at any one of our three stores arter stands the best show at w < M ' f| 4 M > 4 > < i i ' Kll ii ' '"'*'y11^! s ^ p::J 1 1 . L?f?fr i\ 0 U | j 11 ^TS \\ assortment of Ladies hand- ^ t :ome ill all the newest New ^ ^ lodels in attractiveness and ^ 4 < < ur second shipment of the Suit you get absolutely all * * ? :J : i L!_L _i c, i-uiiaiuci?"& me uign-ciass <t?$15 to $25. Other good t r "Nuf Ced," Norfolks and 4 + II A ^ Comp'y, | <> r 20, 1913. I Fifth Grand Prize: 11 Princess Steel Range. | Value $60. I Sixth Grand Prize: | $50 Standard Sewing I Machine. Life-time Guarantee. | Seventh Grand Prize: g Beautiful $50 Diamond ? Ring - ? Tenth Grand Prize: * $25 Kitchen Cabinet. It's a Beauty. r three departments entitles you to bcr 20, 2913, the customer holding customer holding* the seeonrl hirt*#?Rt ?i until the Ten Grand Prizes are given | i work. Just a little effort on your | itioned above. If you do not thor- I and we'll explain it to you fully. |