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* i ? THE FORT MILL TIMES. Democratic ? Published Thursdays. B. W. BRADFORD - Editor and Proprietor o aaoRiPTioN RATKS. One Year..................... ll.2.r> Six Months ........................ -fif' I The Times invites contributions on live subjects but does not ajrroe to publish more than 200 words n any subject. The rijrbt is reserved to odit very communication submitted for publication. | On application to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those interested. Telephone, local nnd longdistance. No. 112. Entered at the postndlce at Fort Mill. S. C.. as mail matter of the second class. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1913. Enlisting Support. We have in onr language many maxims to teach us the value of persistence and to show us the far reaching: influence of our acts. Yet, when we would undertake to accomplish a worthy object, we are apt to be discouraged with the thought that probably we shall not he able to complete the undertaking, or perhaps the indifference of those who would be most beneficial dampens our spirits. Some things we ought all to do on principle and without hope of reward. Some things each one is especially qualified to do, and for that reason alone we ought to do them. Indifference to a worthy movement is often due to lack of knowledge regarding its object, and therefore every important project should be preceded by a campaign of education. Sometimes a little educating of this 1 kind will enlist the strongest Support from persons who before!! were indifferent if not hostile. j( u? : ? i kjvsujc jjciauiiri nitty i'C i ir->l ii ; project for personal reasons, he- ; cause they hold a private grudge | against the person making the ; proposal or leading in the move- ! ment. Rut in general the sympathy and support of all enter- | prising citizens can be enlisted in any worthy movement when j they understand its purposes and appreciate its merits. Every-' one, therefore, who aspires :o leadership in any cause, or who! is ambitions to promote any community movement must recognize that his first work is educative, he must first help the people to an understanding of his purpose before lie can expect them to lend their support in bringing about its accomplishment. This kind of foresight has characterized all great leaders of men and is a quality that is indispensable to the successful promotion of any movement. Invite your relatives anil friends from other parts to spend the week of October 12 18 with you. Take them to the York county fair and let them see what the old county is doing in A/limul innol qonvul WJ uvMUVlllUj P^lUUIlUiai U1IU industrial lines. Thirteen cents at the beginning of the season means fifteen cent cotton before the year is ended, snys the Savunnah Press. We hope so. Robbers Make Big Haul. Three white men who had disguised themselves by blacking their faces with lamp black Friday held up and robbed the cashier of the White Engineering company of $lt>,000 when the cashier and two other white men were hearing the company's offices at Parr Shoals, Lexington county. The three men were going up the railroad, when the robbers sprang up from a high embankment and covering the men with revolvers demanded that thev surrender the monev. One of the men, a deputy sheriff, was slightly wounded hy a shot from the pistol of one of the robbers when the deputy attempted to reach for his gun. The robbers, with the $16,000 in cash, made a dash for the woods, and although the entire force of the White engineering company, about 1,000 men, quit worn and joined in the chase, the robbers made good their escape. Posses have been scouring the country for miles round about since the robbery, but up to yesterday morning there had been dis!& ?& covered no clue as to the whereabouts or identity of the men who committed the theft. Selecting Court House Site. York county's court house commission has not yet made a selection from the several lots tr> 1 / *. /? ouerea ior a site ior tne new $75,000 court house. An all-day session of the commission was held the last week and it was decided that the site for the new court house would not be selected until the present court house and lot had been sold and Monday, October 6. was named as the date upon which the property will be sold at public auction. Owing to the fact that there is such a wide divergence of opinion between the commission and the various sites that are being considered, it was decided that the condemnation proceedings should be commenced at once against what is known as the Marshall and Witherspoon properties on East Liberty street, the F. E. Smith property on the corner of West Jefferson and Congress (the main businessstreet of the town) and thi Hunter property on West Liberty street, and possibly the Bratton property on the corner of East Jefferson and Congress streets, and then when the old site has M E A C H A Cor A shipment just in of tl the very latest styles, at $1.( R. & G. Front-lacing Co I$3.U0. Cheaper corset? at 50c. Milli A few Sailors at A 50c Sailor for.' $2.50 Street Hats for $3.50 Street Hats for Only a few Trimmed Hats K It's better at the same price, Meachar | eii j: ie=ii?ii L A new Boys' an I Hats ai just op The Red R 1=11 =" ii Welcome 1 VACATION IS OVER One a old acquaintances, making new friei We now welcome you back and i We have just received a big supply i your needs and bring it to us a:id yo To show our appreciation of yot Our Big Spell: To the students who hand in tht Store," we will give the following t * First Prize, $1.( / For Boy. ( ^cond Prize ?| RULES OF THE CONTES paper only. No letter used but one* received, to guard against a tie, ant one chance is allowed each student. Keep you for doing MASSEY'S Get it % been sold the commission will be in position to decide upon which site, if either, will be selected. ONE CENT A WORD MINIMUM CHARGE. 25C. FOR SALE?An excellent Piano, rich in tone. Terms reasonable. See me at once or 'phone 111-C. Kathleen Blankenship. JUST RECEIVED-A car load of Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal. 'Phone 82. L. A. Harris <& Co. FOR RENT?I have several good I plantations for rent. Call and see me. BERT NIVENS, Adm. OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale at The Times office. M Regular communication of Catawba . jy Lodge No. 50. Thurs| ' ?l?y night. All visit/xN^/\ ing brothers are welI come. i 77ry/tiir- nt- -mm j*MJ*8SM!3E6S5?QBti^8LJf3'.i*JO IVI <? E F P S 1 sets. io famous R. & G. Corsets, X) and $1 50. rset, just out, is a beauty, at ! I nery I :ft, 75c to. .$1.48 S if it came from Epps\ B n & Epps. I I II -lEZ IB I line of | trl Mpn's I tt. VJk * T i& >WA A V S=| n I i id Caps eraed at t "1 i acket Store. ? 1 ~i i . |r=ir=ii -ir= ir=i i Back to Schc igain we meet the glad faces of our old chi ids and relating the happy experiences of I extend you a cordial invitation to visit our and t'n ? issortments and varieties are the 1 vi will be surprised how far your money wi ir patronage, we have decided to do it in a :ng Contest?Open to largest list of words formed from the prizes: )0 Baseball Bat. i * First Pi 5c Baseball For G,rI* > Second T?All answers must be in by midnight, S< e in each word. Proj>er names not countec I in the event of such the first list handed i Contest is open to all schools. ir eye on us all season; we i ; the unexpected in store ? DRUG STORE at Massey's?There's a Re GOOD j either in seilir ing your prodi M'ELHAI "The ? *??* V*~?Z-atT-<L 1 =^: r^f^ v ^> knows that this is the very be? day. We d<) not peddle t!.<m o a saving of $20.00 to $80.CO w kr when you buy direct from us. new improvements. VVi ! mnk libeiViI terms. Will also take > worth. | L. J. M [j )ol! i im? of the school room, renewing j the good old vucation days. ( store and buy your school suppl es. j jest in the city. M ike out a list of II go. material way, so here it is: 1 ' All Students. I three words, "Massey's Drug \ i rize, 1 lb. "Nvlo" Chocolates. 1'rize, Nice Toilet Outfit. fpternber 30. Write on one side of I. Kach list must be dated when n will be awarded the prize. Only j i are noted i service. 1 FORT MILL, S. C. i9 TELEPHONE 91 ason. / I MORIS Mr. FA Wa c V ? V/ A. \/ U iness at th? buying cott ' seed and so and ties. 1 matter, w< everything the farm ai ciate your ] ig you your suj ucts. Come to o nri >11 & cu itore of Style and Que % nMHttanm ,i*ft Get One | Like This | And your sewing machine I troubles will be scth-d Tor ? life, for you can't live ong H enough to wear out a New M Home Sewing Machine. i: There is no other machine r on the market like it, and no other that is near as B good. We have been sell- E ing thein for the past 29 y years, and most everybody B L niiicimif Oil Lne market to- H ut of a wagon, which means E eh we give you the benefit of P Call and let us show you the I e you a very low price and (? our old maenine for all it is K assey. | aisagasssesHgaHSHsasassasa u Jj 5 We are rv |j _ | our food i | your groce lhi ???????????? I say as 1 PARKS G g E. S. PAR g aia5H5gSE55HSBH5a5H5Z5H5g5 \ ' IING JRMER! itill doing bus; old standon and cotton dling bagging But, for that 5 sell about needed for id will appreFall business, 1 *p!ies or buy> see us. I MPANY, | ility." 5 HBM??MMglllMII III I IIMIII1I* Fill your bins with our The best Coal mined. We are now making summer deliveries at summer prices. Buy now, prices will advance later. We guaran| tee the quality of our Coal. We never overcharge, and i offer you only the best grade I I of Tennessee Coal. Stewart & Culp Phone 15. proud of I diop. Can I L r truthfully I much ? 8 u OGERYCO. ^ KS, Manager. g B