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TROOPER SLIGHTLY IN ERROR Thought and Asserted Himself to Be Better Than His Officer, but He Was Not. Major General Sir Frederick CarTington, who died the other day, was in his earlier years one of the best boxers in the British army. IIis principal services to the empire were rendered in South Africa, and it is told that among the Bechuanaland police he was known as "Fighting Fred," because he had brought that famous force up to its high state of efficiency by thrashing every man in it. In this connection the 6tory is also told that during the Zulu war Carrington having been placed in charge of an irregular regiment, noticed that one of the troopers, who probably imagined that he had only u "haw, haw" officer to deal with, deliberately failed to salute him. "Why don't you salute me?" remanded the general. "Because I'm a better man than you are," was the insolent reply. "Indeed," said the general, "we'll soon see about that," and live minutes later the "belter man" was carried senseless into his tent. And next morning the general had the offender up before him and gave him three days' C. B. for "fighting in camp," a sentence, however, which he promptly remitted. SAD DISCOVERY ^ "IIow docs Brown like the high position he was recently promoted to ?" "Not very well." "But 1 thought it was paying him $10,000 a year?" "So it is. But he's discovered that his employers expect him to earn it." NEW FRIENDSHIP RENOVATES. The new friendship renovates us much because it is likely to bring the newest of our lives to the front?perhaps the newness that we have not otherwise dared to show?as to bring us new ideas. Our aims, our loves, ourselves will alter whether or no. There aire many forced renewings. "We renew ourselve by delightful associations and by growing up with our children. But it is within the power of our will to renew ourselves almost daily in those "intangible and shy matters" of our inner life which make our outer lives sanest, sweetest, best.? Exchange. KEEN BUSINESS INSTINCT. George, four years old, while playing with a ball, broke a large window of a neighbor. His papa told him he woidd have to pay for the same out of his hank. This worried him very much. Several evenings after a gentleman called for a visit. He liked George's baby sister very much and offered to buy her for $5. George climbed on his papa's lap and whispered: "Sell her; then we can pay for the window/* Largest Magazine in the World. TODAY'S MAGAZlNEis the largest and best edited magazine published at 50c per year. Five conta per copy at all newsdealers. Every lady who apJ>reciatee a good magazine should send or a free sample copy aid premium catalog. Address. TODAY'S MAGA ZINE. Canton. Ohio. THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR 25 VOTES IN THE BIO PRIZE CONTEST IF CLIPPED FROM THE TIMES AND PRESENTED AT THE STORE OF THE MILLS & YOUNG CO., FORT MILL, S. C. * I OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale at The 1 iroea office. Lool We h CEILI] ?Or 1 Fort Mill Lc I IHBIII?bIMII?l IM?? Nearly Half of Corn Crop Lost. A loss of 300,000.000, bushels i of corn, the nation's greatest farm crop, has resulted from j the great damage wrought by drought and other conditions since July 1, it-is estimated by the government's agricultural experts in their August crop report. A total production of : 2,072,000,000 bushels of corn was predicted. This is 452,000,000 bushels less than last year's crop. The general condition of corn was placed at 75.6 per cent of a normal compared with 86.9 per cent on July 1. Kansas was hit hardest, the condition there having been reduced from 81 per cent in July to 30 per cent on A 1 Ol-lnU/^mn r>/wf august x. uaiaiiuiua laiuv with a condition of 44 againt 87 in July, and Nebraska reported G7, against 91 July 1. These three States have almost 19 per cent of the total area planted in corn this year. Rock Hill Talks of Dispensary. Immediately following the raid on the so-called social clubs in the city and the resultant suits before a magistrate, says the Rock Hill Herald, there began the quiet talk among a certain class to get up a petition for an election to again have a dispensary in Rock Hill. Though it is true that this small beginning was due to an irresponsible few fellows who have but lit tie regard for aught but their own selfish desires and pleasures, the "talk" has grown to such an extent as to warrant consideration on the part of the r?itiypns who most -assuredlv would not care to have a dispensary here. Inquiry in an unobstrusive manner made by The Herald representative indicates that there are many persons inclined to tacitly support such a movement for several reasons. One of these is that the city would get a considerable amount of revenue which is now going out of town. Another that it would solve the social club problem as it relates to some methods of conducting such a club. Yet another is that intoxicants will I be used here more or less, then ' why not have the traffic under recognized control. And there are a few other reasons, largely ones of a personal character. Worms Injure Greenville Cotton. From Dunkin township, Greenville county, is sent out alarming reports of the invasion in that section of a small worm that is devouring cotton bolls. Large fields of cotton, it is said, are infested with the worm, and the farmers are greatly worried. mi a ? f a. 1 iney cannot account ior tne appearance of the worms, and say they are the first of the kind ever seen in that section. The 1 worms are rapidly spreading I over the lower section of Greenville county, and it is feared that unless something: is quickly done to stop the ravages of the pest, the crop will be seriously damaged. : ' t At" ave 5,000 f NG to sell 3 per IOC Lumber ( / >cal Telephone No. STATEMENT Of the condition of the Saving* Bunk of Fort Mill, located at Fort Mill, S. C., at the clo?e of business August 9, 1913. RESOURCES. I.oans and Discounts $70 (142 09 Overdrafts 44:t 82 Furniture and Fixtures .... 2 414 15 Due from Ranks and Bankers ... 7 OKI 04 Currency . 4 500 00 Silver and other minor coin 1 274 92 Total $85764 98 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $25 000 00 Surplus Fund ... 12 1410 00 Undivided Profits. less Current Expenses and Taxes I'aid .1 30.1 99 Individual Deposits subject to check 4X939 86 Time Certificates of Deposit 500 00 Cashier's Checks .... 81 <?7 Notes and Bills Rediscounted . fi 000 00 Total $H5 764 $8 STATE ok SOUTH CAROLINA. > County op Yqkk. i t>i>Before me came W. B. Monchnm, Cashier of the ulsive named bank. who. IteiiiK duly sworn, says thut the above -nd foregoing statement is n true I condition of raid bank, as shown by the hooks of i said luink. W. B. MEACHAM. j Sworn to and subscribed before me. this tilth day of August. 1913. T. U. SI'KATT. NoUiry l'ublic. Correc t?At test J. H McMUKKAY. / S. I,. MEACHAM. Directors. VV. B. MEACHAM Jr. * Dr. King's New Discovery KILLS THE COUGH. CURES THE LUNGS. i It Is Ou F K To handle any business e II 1 i*i. i iair ana lioerai manner a i relation with this bank s Aside from the excellent I has the advantage of ha^ years and of always hav I i consideration. I Savings Bank Leroy Springs. Prest. Mi Form tf Of Tra The Home of ( Prompt d< satisfaction Phones 1 JONES, !? * * * .. j 7 *? - N . " BSp ~v f .? 7 . 7* ' - '** .< rhis! ????_________ eet of ??? ^ou at > feet. I H i Company, | The Thrice-A-Week Edition OF THE NEW YORK WORLD | Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in the world give* to much at to low a price. This is a time of groat events and you will want the news accurately and promptly. The Democrats, for the first time in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control both branches of Congress. The political news is sure to be the most absorbing interest. There is a great war in the Old World, and you may read of the extinction of the vast Turkish Empire in Rnrnnn inet n c o fum tfooee ?>??/% ? V..VJ/V, jU.iv ??VJ ? IV ?* JV uio a^u ^wu read how Spain lost her last foot of soil in America, after having ruled the empire of half the New World. The World long since established a record for impartiality, and anybody can afTord its Thriee-a-Week edition, which comes every other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-a-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, humor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a first-class daily. THIS THRICE-A-WEFK WORLD'S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays, for 156 papers. We offer this unequalcd newspaper and The Fort Mill Times together for one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.25. r j 'urpose j nt.rusted to us in such o I* s to make the customer's || satisfactory and profitable. J facilities offered, this bank ring been entablished for ing made safety its first : of Fort Mill, ! W. B. Meacham, Cashr. | te Habit ding at jood Groceries slivery and guaranteed. 14 and 8. IE GROCER. i li ^ * f' 1W E AO H A Cora A shipment just in of the the very latest styles, at $1.0C R. & G. Front-lacing Con $3.00. Cheaper corsets at 50c. Millii A few Sailors at - A 50c Sailor for $2.50 Street Hats for $3.50 Street Hats for LOnly a few Trimmed Hats lef It's better at the same price, i Meacharr f First Natic | (Two Xiears old M j Calls t attenti lie to its Statem> I at the close of bu P 1913, published by i? ^ ^ trotter of the Lurren ;i . ? j The First Na ? Fort Mill, Bl =)l I Nothi Out oi At i I 1? d=? 1? o r? 1 bl J TheF Come a i=" =11 " 'I i peerle: pe Our sister State, Nort various things, among the the good, pure Flour, PEER This Flour is ground i Heaton Company, and is | to none. If you are parti* bread, try a bag of Peerle 98 pound bags. The pric Flour fails to please, it's o I McELHANJ I FORT MI I m a e p p g|f lets. a | ^ i famous R. & G. Corsets) I ? I and $1.50. I j?t, just out, is a beauty, at L\ ; I iery I \ - 25c 1 i $1.25 ^ 1 f $1.98 \ v t, 75c to r _$1.48 1 ^ f it came from Eppt'. l & Epps. B "rm , mat Bank ' ] 'arch 9, 1913.) J I on of the pub- 1 ent of condition i siness August 9th, J order of the Comp- I cy BNi itional Bank, I - - - s. c. j U-S9 1 iE==JI?ZZZ3E1 I '$ ng is F Joint v :he" ; . "|? cet Store it Vices. m nd see. l=lF=ir 11= 11=1 I ? I ERLESS. h Carolina, is noted for :m being the making of LESS. t . in Durham by the Austin guaranteed to be second cular about eating good ss. Put up in 24, 48 and e is no higher, and if the urs, not yours. Sold by IY & CO., I LL, S. C. I A