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t FORT MILL, S. C. GENERAL INFORMATION. CITY GOVERNMENT. A. R. McELHANEY Mayor ! S. W. PARKS Clerk . , i J. J. COLTHARP...Chief Police \ DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. No. 31 Southbound 5:35 a. m. j No. 35 Southbound 7:12 a. m. No. 27 Southbound 5:12 p. m. No. 3f> Northbound 8:50 a. m. j No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. j No. 32 Northbound 9:27 p. m. I J Note Trains 31 and 32 stop at > Fort Mill only when flagged. MAILS CLOSE. For train No. 36 8:30 a. m. i For train No. 27'. 4:50 p. m. For train No. 28 6:00 p. m. i J Note?No mail is despatched on [ | [j trains ji, nz and 35. Trains 27 ] i [ and 28 do not handle mail Sunday. [ ' ) rOSTOFFlCE HOURS. II; t Hailv 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. I ] I Sunday 9:30 to 10 a. n.. 5 to 5:30 p. m. FEEL RIGHT ALL THE TIME f Don't Let Periodical Spell* of Lazy Liver Ruin Your Temper and ! 1 Spoil Your Work. If your liver doesn't behave , right all the time?if it some- J times stops working and you become bilious and "headachy" ? don't take calomel, but tiy Dod- ' son's Liver Tone. You are safe in taking Dodson's Liver Tone. It's a harm- j less, pleasant vegetable remedy j' that starts the liver without stir- J ring up your whole system as ; calomel often does. It is espe- j 1 cially good for children who need ] a liver tonic once in a while, but i ( who should not be dosed with j j strong drugs. j, Dodson's Liver Tone is sold by , "^W'.*?^Ardrey. This store guarantees it with a clean open and shut guarantee ? your money |, back if it fails to satisfy you. ! Price, 50 cents a bottle, and your ' money is as safe as if you had it ' in your pocket. If you need the i medicine you need it badly if it 1 doesn't satisfy you your money i i back. Buy a bottle from W. B. ( Ardrey today under this guaran- ; tee. ! No. 8041. I 1 Report of the Condition of FIRST NATIONAL BANK 11 . At Fort Mill, in the State of South Caro- < lina, at the close of business August 9, 1913. : Resources: Loans and Discounts $?.7 7 4 SO ; Overdrafts, secured and unsecured > ity U. S. bonds to secure circulation. J." l?Mi IS) Premiums on U. S bonds 2;e.J-li1 : j Banking house. Furniture and KiMuies " Due from National Ranks (not locivc agents) . . .1 tkiK 69 ; Due from u|>t>tuvcd Reserve Arent 1 >{ Notes of other National Banks. 1 (SO 00 1 Fractional Paper Currency. Nickel.- and Cents 168 | Lawful Money Reserve in lrnnk. viz: Specie ... . tl >141(1(1 1 Legal-tender notes 4'* ! no "J'JoOdi: Redemption fund with I!. S. Treasurer ] (5 percent, of circulation) 1 'JfiO 00 . Due from U. S. Tretwurer .. loo on I ^ . , .. . i 1 out i 5 in; i> Liabilities: Capital Stock paid in ami ( Surplus 1 iiml .. 12<ni<?I ! Un divided Profits, less Kx pontics and < Taxes paid ."-Jfi lit j National Hank Notes oulstundinir. '.'a h ?i (Ml < Dividends unpaid :'J ki Individual deposits subject to clus-k *4086*06 Demand certificates of deposit .'tills l:'. , Ceahier's checks outstanding I ' 11 rot Ml Bills payable, certificates of ; , deposit for money borrowed I 000 (0 1 Total ... Jdlifi s-ls 1 (< ' State of South Carolina, County of York. s.s. 1 1. T. H. Spratt, Cashier of the aliove-nanied , bank, do solemnly swear that the altove stat cruet it ia true to the best of my know ledyc and belief. , T. B. SI'KATT. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this RUh ' day of Auirust. 1918. W. It. MKACHAM. Notary Public. 1 Correct ?Attest: W. B. ARDRKY / J. L. SPRATT > Director,!. J J. B MILLS I | Real Estate j For Sale. ; t 23 4 acres in Fort Mill with ( three tenant houses on same. t 20 } cre3 within five miles of j Fort Mill, mostly forest oak and 1 pine, thre? acres bottoms. 35 j cres one mile Irorn Fort Mill, house, barn, well. The Griffin store property, one i mile fiom Fort Mill. \ We have a number of other i. farms near Fort Mill at prices l ranging from $12.50 to $50 per ( acre. Ask to see our list. t We also have a number of de- j sirable dwellings for sale in ( town, and will be glad to show same to those who are interest- . ... ed. J BAILES & LINK, j Brokers, Fort Mill, - - S. C. g L _J SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fravor, of Syracuse, N. Y., are guests of Mr. Fravor's sister, Mrs. E. W. Kimbrell, in this city. Mr. H. E. Merritt, of Boga- j lusa, La., arrived in Fort Mill Saturday afternoon for a visit to relatives in this community. Andy White, a colored farmer rwf J- ? ui vnc luwuMiip, was during me i last week committed to the State Hospital for the Insane at Col-' umbia. The negro's mind had j been wrong for some time. Having sold his drug business ! at Pineville to Drs. Hood and McAdams, Mr. VV. B. Warwick is having erected a handsome brick storehouse in which, when , the building is completed, he , will put a stock of general mer- , chandise. The Methodist congregation of ' Fort Mill, who about nine months ago lost their parsonage and con- < tents by fire, are preparing to < build a new home for their pastor . and are assembling material on , the church lot at the corner of , Church and Booth streets. Work ; 3D the new parsonage will begin within a short while. The Rev. Charles Kingsley has resigned the pastorate of the Pineville Presbyterian church ind accepted the call by the j Sharon and Providence churches. It is probable that the Pineville :hureh will extend a call to Rev. Mr. Murhead, of Chattanooga, renn., who recently visited Pineville to look over the field. The Fort Mill postofhce, along with the other postoffices of the country, Friday put into operation the new parcel post changes. \ From that day forward the limit of weight of parcel post articles of the fourth class for delivery in the first and second cones will he twenty pounds instead of eleven pounds as here- j Lofore. W. B. Ardrey, a well known local druggist, left Saturday evening for a week's visit to I Boston, New York and other j Northern cities. While away Mr. Ardrey will attend a convention in Boston of the drug-1 ypsts throughout the country ' who handle Rexall remedies. The first open cotton boll of j the season to reach The Times i >fiiee was brought in Friday j morning by Ilobt. Porter, a;] young colored farmer of the' j township. The boll was well leveloped and had the appearance of having been open for a Jay or two. Since Friday numerous open bolls have been sent in rind reported to The Times. Prof, and Mrs. J. P. Coate.. I he former having been elected superintendent of the local public school, are expected to irrive in Port Mill within a week. Prof, and Mrs. Coates will board with Mr. A. (). Jones, on booth street, until about September J, when they will occupy the Barber house to be vacated by Prof. P. VV. Moore, who with his family will move to Hamp-! ".on, S. C. i W. E. Taylor, of Lancaster, together with several other Lancastrians, passed through Port Mill Saturday night enroute Lo Canada. The party will make in inspection ol the Alherta District of the Canadian Province did it pleastu with conditions J,ere will each puichase a tract >f land and settle there about lie first of the year. Mr. Taylor s a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. \. A. Bradford, of Port Mill, ind is well known in this city. Tne local troop of Boy Scouts, I Mivii i vi'iiiiiKiiiu Ul OlOUl iVlilMtT | N. M. Carothers, returned home Saturday afternoon, much tired >ut nevertheless happy, from heir trip of almost two weeks o Chimney Rock, N. C. The >oys were all in excellent health luring their outing and report he trip as one of the most enoyab.e to be imagined. A iouvenir of the trip brought in >y the boys was a four foot -attlesnake, killed on Sugar Loaf noun tain. His snakeship carried t button and four rattles. itfS <$ i?"4 III S New < '. > II Ar ? til This week lots of Ne> t t I; early inspe , t* Just in, oui II "Griffon" ( f | 1,500 pair i I dren's She ; good make t Lot of new ll Also Child ll Several pie ll Ratines, Et * * 11 Goods clos t ^ I * :: ( tt E-i' 1 lllJ iwn'i'M iiaBBaa I Ten Grand s | On Saturda I = I Second Grand Prize: $100 Rock Hill Buggy with Top and Rubber Tires Third Grand Prize: $75 Putnam Organ, Guaranteed ten years. Fourth Grand Prize: $50 Five-Piece Parlor | Suit. A Beauty. Eighth Grand Prize: ) Ladies' Tailored Coat | Suit. Value $25. t THE PROPOSITION?Every pei | One Vote, every dollar to ICO Votes, P the greatest number of Votes will be | number of votes gets the Second Gra: ^ away. Now, we wish it understood, g part and you or your friend will win M oughly understand the proposition ca | GET BUSY TODAY?The early : *SUKa?Mlu2u2li t jiiii_|iiiifiii>i iiyp <; v? Fall C e Rolling : we are opening v Fall Merchandi: ction. r first shipment of Clothes for men. s Men's, Women': )es---"Star Brand'' :S. Novelty Hats for ren's Hats, every :ces new Dress Go :c., and several lots ?ing out cheap. Young 1 Clothing and Shoe Stoi ly, Decembe First Grand Prize: Handsome Hallet & Davis PIANO, Value, $400. Ninth Grand Prize: Man's $25 Suit or Overcoat. my you spend in any one of our ana so on. un future! ly, Uocenu given the First Grand Prize; the nd Piize, and so on down the line this is no chance game, no guess one of the Ten Grand Prizes men 11 at any one of our three stores i jtartcr stands the best show at wi w < ' t < roods r I < > I ?n* 1 ? $ zzzzzzz^^zzzzz^^zzzzzzzzzz^ V ? TT up several , III se tor your H the famous II 4 ? H 5 and Chil- ff and other |f If ' || young men. || description. It ods, Serges, tt ; of Summer \l > 4 o > " jT>Z ? Uomp'y, !| re. - tl 'r 20, 1913. I r:#n. n -i T*?? t*' film vjriuiiu rrize: S Princess Steel Range. 1 Value $60. Sixth Grand Prize: $50 Standard Sewing Machine. Life-lime Guarantee. Seventh Grand Piize: Beautiful $50 Diamond Ring | Tenth Grand Prize: ^ $25 Kitchen Cabinet. | It's a Beauty. I three departments entitles you to g >sr 20, 1913, the customer holding K customer holding the second largest fe until the Ten Grand Prizes are given | work. Just a little effort on your S tioned above. If you do not thor- I ind we'li explain it to you fully. i Mil ?O. J