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, > ( ? I Government Funds to Move Crop. Twenty-five to fifty million dollars of government funds will be deposited in national banks of the South and West at once by Secretary McAdoo to facilitate the movement of crops. Federal, State and municipal bonds and prime commercial paper will be accepted as security for the money upon which the banks will pay two per cent, interest. The motive of Secretary McAdoo in establishing this pew policy is to avoid the money stringency in the late summer and fall which invariably accom panics the marketing and movement of crops, especially when the crops are unusually large as the harvest now beginning promises to be. He intends to take time by the forelock and minimize or prevent the usual tightness of money. New County Organization. A new movement in York coun ty was begun Friday when 100 or mor?' men, women and children, all residents of Bethel township, met at Bethel church and effected an organization that will bej known as the Bethel Improvement association. Although each section of the township was not largely represented, there were enough good i citizens present to make evident' the fact that the township is heartiiy interested in the new mevement and if remarks and comments by those present count' for anything, the people will no I doubt do everything they can toward furthering the good beginning made Friday. Seaboard Connection for Rock Hill. A citizen of Hock Hill who was in Yorkville Friday made the statement, according to a dis- j patch, that he had the informa-j tion entirely straight that the tracks of the electric line now being operated in that town, would be extended to Harmony, on the Seaboard Air Line, before the end of twelve months, and the extension would be made under a guarantee that the new i connection should ha\e its full share of Rock Hill's freight business. Card of Thanks. I earnestly wish to express my thanks to my friends for their kindness during the sickness and death of my daughter, Cora. Mrs. Eliza Johnston. | H T f* 1 ICIl oft I On Qo I IV^JLJL ^IA? Second Grand F $100 Rock Hil with Top and Rul Third Giand P $75 Putnam Guaranteed tei Fourth Grand P $50 Five-Piece Suit. A Beau Eighth Grand P Ladies' Tailore Suit. Value THE PROPOSITIO] One Vote, every dollar t the greatest number of number of votes gets th away. Now, we wish i part and you or your fri oughly understand the ] GET BUSY TODATi I MILL v" ' DIFFERENT. "What did your new home cost you ?" "The plans called for ten thousand." "That ain't what I asked you?" SURPRISE. i Gladys?I would die for the man I love. Sadie?That wouldn't he so much of a dark deed us a blonde surprise. PARADOX. "We can't stay here." "Whv not, dear?" "How can wo do light housekeeping in such a dark Hat ?" NOT INTERESTED. "A German scientist says bathing multiplier bacteria." ,? "1 never bathe my bacteria." CALOMEL IS UNSAFE Local Druggist Who Sells Dodson's Liver Tone Guarantees it th Take the Flace of Calomel. If your liver is not working just right, you do not need to take a chance on getting knocked all out by a dose of calomel. Go to W. L>. Ardrey, who sells Dodson's Liver Tone, and pay 50 cents for a large bottle. You will get a harmless vegetable remedy that will start your liver without violence, and if it does not give complete satisfaction the druggist will refund your money with a smile. If you buy a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for yourself or your children, you have insured your family relief from attacks of constipation, biliousness, lazy liver and headache. It is as beneficial and safe for children as for adults. A bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone is something every man or woman should keep in the house. Your money is safe because you can return the uuiuic it it i<tiis to fecit lis J y. I TII1S COUPON IS GOOD FOR t 25 VOTES '& IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST | IF CLIPPED FROM TilIj: ). TIMES AND PRESENTED AT I THE STORE OF THE $ MILLS & YOUNG CO., I FORT MILL, S. C. g rnd Prizes :urday, Dei ,ri!5: First Gra 1 Buggy jber Tires Hafld Organ, Hdllet , i years. mA PlA Parlor ValiiP ty. * aiue, rize: Ninth Gri id Coat Man's $2? $25. Over N?Every penny you spend in o 100 Votes, and so on. On S Votes will be given the First e Second Grand Prize, and so t understood, this is no chanc tend will win one of the Ten C proposition call at any one of r---The early starter stands th< S & > N It Is Oui p I To handle any business en ? fair and liberal manner as s relation with this bank sa Aside from the excellent f has the advantage of liavi years and of always havii ! J consideration. i = S! Savings Bank || Leroy Springs, Prest. V A Lady She was With the way orders for Gi V* \J JL 1 V^OAl 1 V A ^CAIO. f Her kind wor sure you will s thing if you ph orders. 'Phone JONES, * Wonderful Skin Salve. Uucklen's Arnica Salve is known I everywhere as the best remedy made f<?r all diseases of the skin, and also for ' ' burns, bruises and boils. Reduces in- i flammation and is soothing and healing. 1.1. T. Sossaman, publisher of News, of 1 j Cornelius, N. C., writes that one box | helped his serious skin ailment after j other remedies failed. Only 25 cents. Recommended by Fort Mill Dru^ Co., ( Massev's Drug Store and Ardreys ; Drug Store. member 20, nd Prize: . Flfth rrincess some' VaI Sixth Davis $50 Star Machine. L Seventl $400. and Prize: Tentl ? Suit or $25 Kit coat. It's i any one of our three depart: Saturday, December 20, 1913, Grand Prize; the customer holt on down the line until the Ten i e game, no guess work. Just a rrand Prizes mentioned above, our three stores and we'll expla b best show at winning. ^OUNG ; . ; . ; MM: I ; P ! i urpose trusted to us in such a to make the customer's tisfactory and profitable, acilities offered, this bank ng been entablished for } ig made safety its first | of Fort Mill, | V. B. Meacham, Cashr. |f Told Us i Ill 1UVC we filled her roceries and Ve appreciate ds and feel ?ay the same lone us your ?s 14 and 8. E GROCER. i I Largest Magazine in the World. TODAY'S MAGAZlNEis the largest and best edited magazine published at r,Oc per year. Five-cents per copy at nil newsdealers. Every lady who appreciatee a good magazine should send for a free sample copy and premium catalog. Address. TODAY'S MAGAZINE, Canton. Ohio. 1 Q11 III JL JL U? p Grand Prize: ^ Steel Range. $ lue $60. I Grand Prize: ? idard Sewing ~ ife-time Guarantee. | i Grand Prize: I $50 Diamond Ring. ??????i^? i Grand Prize: chen Cabinet. a Beauty. | ments entitles you to the customer holding ling the second largest Grand Prizes are given l little effort on -your If you do not thortin it to you fully. CO. I ==mmm > V ^ Uv : J . - M ' f' ^ ? m E A C H A HALF PI For All Men's $1.50 Straw Hats for 2.50 4^ 4 4 4 4 3.00 Millii I Only a few Street Hats left single Hat, so down go the pi LADIES' PANAMAS-We $7.00, take them for $3.00 eac MPM'O AVmnno A I - - Iiuuil kJ UAl'UftUO Ulg LADIES' and MISSES' 05 white at a big reduction. Re best makes of shoes. Meachan i "Cast Youi | Upon the Wa And it shall return aftc good biblical injunction, 1 I upon the waters or upon temptations of life you w The place where you can fectly sure that it will no I it will bring with it man> is in the "FIRST NAT10 We pay four per cent., days on savings deposits | your savings into this bai The First Na Fort Mill, 1=1' ?" =?i " -ij Nothi (I Out oi At i Red Racl J TheF Come a F=li ==11 =li i| bmhbhbb 1 peerle: pp Our sister State, Nort various things, among the the good, pure Flour, PEER This Flour is ground i Heaton Company, and is | to none. If you are parti< bread, try a bag of Peerle 98 pound bags. The pric Flour fails to please, it's 01 McELHANI H FORT MI \ V 1 * ' * ? . . ' '^!v ? M & EPFS ?ICE i Straw Hats .75 $1.25 1.50 I . CkV*X7 ^ law* J . We must not carry over a ices again. , have only two left, worth :h. cut to close out our stock. IFORDS? In all colors and member, we carry only the 1 & Epps. r Bread I ters . ;r many days." This is a I but if you cast your MONEY the various attractions and ill never see it return. 8 cast your money and be per t only return to you, but that r other members of its family ? ?N^L BANK." 1 compounded every ninety and we want you to cast ik. | l n i monai Bank, - - - S. C. I ??????????~ I ?I! Zli- =\EE1 ng is | f Joint J the cet Store lt III Vices. nd see. i=?===i? 11= 11=1 3S, I ERLESS. h Carolina, is noted for sm being the making of LESS. in Durham by the Austin guaranteed to be second cular about eating good ss. Put up in 24, 48 and e is no higher, and if the not yours. Sold by ^