f If f
J lY
|f ?
. FORT MILL, S. C. |
A. R. McEI.HANEY Mayor I1
S. W. PARKS Clerk . .
i J. J. COLTHARP.. Chief Police
No. 31 Southbound 5:35 a. m. |
' ? No. 35 Southbound 7:12 a. m.
No. 27 Southbound 5:12 p. m. i i
No. 36 Northbound 8:50 a. m. i
No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. ,
m^ I No. 32 Northbound ...9:27 p. m. I |
i. Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at .,
j Fort Mill only when flagged. ;
J For train No. 36 8:30 a. rrs.
I "For train No. 27 4:50 p. m.
i ?. XT., ou '*"
i i in vi inii ? o g.w p. in. J
Note? No mail is despatched on f ,
trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 j
I and 28 do not handle mail Sunday, f
Daily... 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. [
Sunday 0:30 to 10a. m , 5 to5:30p. m i
; f
School Tax Election.
Notice is hereby given that an election
will be held at Gold Hill Academy
in Gold Hill School District No. 30,
York County, on Friday August 15,
1913, for the purpose of determing
whether the levy for school purposes in
said district shall be increased to four
mills on the dollar.
Trustees Gold Hill District No. 39.
Real Estate
For Sale.
23 4 acres in Fort Mill with
three tenant houses on same.
20 acres within live miles of
Fort Mill, mostly forest oak and
pine, three acres bottoms.
35 acres one mile from Fort
Mill, house, barn, well.
The Griffin store property, one
mile from Fort Mill.
We have a number of other
farms near Fort Miil at prices
ranging from $12.50 to $50 per
acre. Ask to see our list.
We also have a number of desirable
dwellings for sale in
town, and will be glad to show
same to those who are interested.
Fort Mill, - - S. C.
I have bought the Blacksmith
and Repair Shop of Mr. Eli
Parks (in the rear of Harris'
Livery Stable) and solicit a part
of your patronage. Prompt service,
first-class work and moderate
prices ought to please you.
Prohibiting the Blowing of Steam Whistles
Within the Incorporate Limits of
the town of Fort Miil, S. (\, by any
Railway Company.
Be it ordained by the town council of
the town of Fort Mill, S. C., in council
assembled and by the authority of the
Section 1. That from and after the
passage of this ordinance it shall be
unlawful for any railway company,
its servants, agents or employees, to
blow or cause to be blown any steam
whistle within the incorporate limits of
the town of Fort Mill, S.
Sec. 2. That any violation of this
ordinance shall be punishable by a fine
of not more than one hundred ($100)
dollars or by imprisonment for a period
of not more than thirty (30) days.
Done and ratified in council this the
24th day of June, 1912.
Attest: Mayor.
S. W. PARKS. Clerk.
Let US
Sell U
- Windows
Big Stock and
Prices Right
^^^^/lill Lumber Co.
i ib
. ^
Missesi Rosa Culp and Jessie
Baker visited friends in Mooresville,
N. C., the last week.
M iss Mabel Garrison, of Rock
Hill, was the guest last week of
Misses Juanita and Nannie Erwin
in this city.
Mr. Charles Elliott, of Columbia,
is spending a part of his
summer vacation here with his
brother. Dr. J. B. Elliott.
Mrs. J. N. Atwater and Miss
Mary Epps returned to this city
the last week, after spending
two months with relatives at
The Rev. W. A. Hafner, of the
Fort Mill Presbyterian church,
is spending his summer vacation
at Montreat, N. C., having left
for that city Tuesday*evening.
Mrs. Hunt returned to her
home in Savannah. Ga., Monday
morning, after a visit to her
I daughter, Mrs. C. W. McNealy,
in this city.
Foit Mill friends of Robert Y.
Williamson, of Steele Creek, will
be pleased to learn that he continues
to improve from the stroke
j of paralysis which he suffered
some days ago.
An election will be held at
Gold Hill school house on Friday,
j August 15, to determine whether
the school levy shall be increased
j to four mills. The district now
has a special levy of two mills.
i The Times regrets to learn
I that Mrs. F. W. Farnsworth (nee
Miss Delia Mills), is seriously ill
1 of fever at the country home of
her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Massey, three miles south of
; Fort Mill.
Magistrate R. P. Harris is
wearing a broad smile nowadays
all on account of the arrival at
i his home Sunday of a bouncing
10-pound boy. The magistrate
j says if his several girls were
j boys he would now be in position
numerically to,put a Harris baseball
nine in the field.
Mrs. J. H. Ainslie, of St.
i Petersburg, Fla., is a guest at
: the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Sutton, of the
I township. Mrs. Ainslie was accompanied
to Fort Mill by Miss
Alice Armstrong, of Spencer,
N. C., who has been on an expended
visit to relatives in * the
; Florida city.
The Fort Mill Light Infantry,
Capt. T. B. Spratt commanding,
returned to Fort Mill late last
! Wednesday from the encampment
at Anderson. All the men
were in perfect health and highly
pleased with the treatment they
received in Anderson and the
encampment was pronounced one
I of the most successful of any in
which the company has taken
The annual Epps picnic, an
event of much interest to the
.vf ?t Mill * ? i-: - - -.in
\ji rui t mm iu\viib:ii|), Will
be held in the grove near the
home of Hon. S. H. Epps, Sr..
on next Thursday, August 14th.
A program of entertainment has
I been arranged and the day wili
hold out much pleasure for all
who attend. The ladies are requested
to bring well filled
baskets and the public generally
is invited to attend.
Mr. W. J. Latham and family,
of Turnersville, Texas, arriveti
in Fort Mill Saturday afternoon
and are guests at the home ol
Mr. Latham's brother. Mr. Jot
Latham. Mr. W. J. Latham was
a resident of the township unti
about thirty years ago, when ht
moved to Texas. Mr. L>. C. Epps,
another former Fort Millian nov\
residing at Turnersville, also ar
rived here Saturday and is visit
ing relatives in Gold 11 ill com
Two farmers' institutes wen
conducted in York county during
the past week. About 150 farmers
were present at the one helc
held at W. S. Wilkerson's oj
Hickory Grove, No. 1. Some
thing like 100 were present a
Dr. T. K. Dulin's in Bethel. Tin
speakers and their subjects were
| P. N. Lott, "Soil Improvement;'
,Jno. D. W. Watts, "Live Stocl
Growing;" W. H. Barton, "Hu
mus;" O. M. Clark, "Fruits,'
and W. P. Stewart, "Poultr;
' Raising."
Ask for Contest Votes
with each purchase.
| | P1 i
j Of .
This, greatest
and closes Satu
greatest buying <
able merchandis
to accumulate,
are new. We.
you certainly cai
Dry Goods E
3,000 yards A. A. Advertiser Bio;
best 12 l-2c Domestic on the n
4,000 yards 10c, 121-2e and 15c 1
All 10c, 12 l-2e ami 15c Lawns ai
All 25c Klaxons, Voiles, Ratines
50-cent Silk Ratine (very popula
2,000 yards Lawns, Calicos and
All 10c and 12 l-2c Percale, yard
One table loaded with lOaGingh
Good 36-inch Bleach, 8 l-3c valu<
40-inch Sheeting, worth 7 l-2c ai
100 Ladies' Sailor Hats, sale pri<
50 Ladies Trimmed Hats, worth
50 Ladies' One-piece Dresses at
50 Ladies' Hou^e Dresses, $1 25
All White Voile and Embroidery
Children's 50c Dresses, sale pric
Children's $1.00 and $1.25 Di e
Ladies' Wool Skirts,
Ladies' Wash Skirts,
Ladies' Waists
Colgate's Talcum Powder,
Colgate's Toilet Soaps,
Air F loat Talcum Powder,
Ten Palls Sewing Cotton lor
And hundreds of articles not m
portion to the above.
Don't do yourself
; of its great benefits.
cost or living, people
I Come to this Gre;
i save you. Rememl
t z==z=zz=3zzz=====zi:
. :
; i
* Seven Spools of Best
f Cotton for 25 cents.
/ V 1
. /
Sk rrbsssAv ISM H
All Sum
of all, Sale begin
relay night, Augi;
opportunity of a li
e at half their vali
We hnd it pays I
;an use the mone;
a use the goods tc
iching (spring water bleached)
rnrket, sale price 8 l-2c
L)ress Gingham, only 8c
ncl Voiles, sale price, 7 l-2c
and Silks, sale price 17 l-2c
r), sale price 35c
Ginghams, sale price 3 l-2c
wide, sale price 8c
am and Percale, at 5c
e, sale price . 5c
ny where, sale price 5c
i!e 15c and 25c
up to $7.50, sale price 75c
just half price
value, sale price 75c
Dresses at half price
e ... . 38c
sses and Middy Blouse, sale
. . 1-3 off
1 -3 off
1-8 of?
. 3c and 8c
eniioncd here priced in prono
goods c?
an injustice by letting
A dollar saved is a
i find it necessary to sa
it Cash Sale ancl see ji
ber the dates and call 1
i ' -"-v
- \ ' .;
mer Go
s Friday mornin:
ist 16th. It met
ifetime. You ge
ue. We never s
to let them go \
y to advantage ar
) advantage.
Men's and Boy'
All Men's Clothinj*. 1-tt off
All Boys' Clothing,. half price
One lot of Men's $10 and $12.50
Suits, sale price $5.00
Best $1 Shirt made, sale price
_ 70c
Best 50c Shirt, sale price 4Hc
Best Work Shirt, sale price 20c
Men's Balbrigan Undershirts,
sale price 18c
i>? ? ?1
*? *.. o iiuii/I 1/1 trip, r*<11 if
price 18c
Men's Muslin Utider-hirts, 22c
Men's Muslin Drawers; in knte
Our Grocery
V. ry best fat. Flour, made from
new wheat, Cupid brand, per
bag, $2.75
Very best 1-2 fat. Flour, made
from new wheat, I.ily of the
Valley, per bag $2.50
Silver I.eaf Pure I.ard, lb. 15c
Best grade Comp. Lard, lb. 11c
Best Granulated Sugar, lb.... 5c
Best loose Coffee, roasted, 17c
Arbuehle's Coffee, lb. 20c
Best grade full-heni Rice, 7Jc
larged at pri
this sale slip by you c
dollar made and wit
ive not only the dollar
jst how many dollars
or Contest Votes with
- - - s. c,
Ask for Contest Votes
with each purchase. I
g, August 1 St,
ms to you the
t new, seasontllow
old goods
vhile they are
id, at the price,
I , ' &
s Department.
length, 22c
Men's Elastic Seam Jean Drawers,
37 l-2c
Men's B. V. D. Underwear, the
suit 75c
All Low Quarter Shoes,.. 1-3 off
All High Cut Shoes 10% off
Remember, we have gotten in
about half of our Fall Shoes and
these, tr.o, go at 10% off.
Men's Hat's, 20% off
All Stri:w Hats, 1-2 price
Headlight Overalls. 90c
50c Overalls, 43c
All Odd Pants, 1-3 off
Three Plugs Brown Mule Tobacco
for 25c
Three Plugs Apple Sun Cured
Tobacco for 25c
Seven Bars Octagon Soap,.. 25c
Seven Packs Gold Dust, 25c
Karo Corn Svrim o-nllon 4f?/?
Kerosene Oil, pullon 12Jc
Good Irish Potatoes, peck 26c
Three Cans of Good Pink Salmon
for 25c *
All 12Ae and 15c Canned Goods
po in this sale at 10c
ices quoted.
md not reap some
h the present high
s but the cents, too..
and cents we will
each purchase.
Seven Bars Octagon
Soap for 25 cents.