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' fN: ' . .' ') ' . / THE FORT MILL TIMES. Democratic ? Published Thurwlan. B. W. BRADFORD - - Editor and Proprietor. omcription Rates: One Year... I1.2R Six Months .................... .......... .66 The Time* invitee contributions on live subjects hat does not asreo to publish more than 200 words On any subject. The riirht is reserved to edit vary communication nuhmittcd for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising fates are made known to those interested. Telephone, local and longdistance. No. 112. Entered at the postofflre at Fort Mill. S. C.. as mall matter of the second class. THURSDAY. AUGUST 7. 1913. There seems to be no further room for doubt about the candidacy of State Senator John L. McLaurin for the Democratic nomination for Governor next year. Senator McLaurin attended the Filbert picnic last Friday and when the candidates for Governor were asked to speak he marched right up to the front and relieved himself of a bunch of bunkerino. Senator McLaurin seems to have listened to and been influenced in making the race for office by the complimentary things which have been said about him by one or two half-baked Democratic newspapers published in the State. He will learn before the campaign has progressed very far that he has no earthly show of winning the nomination. He is a man of some ability, but his ability is of the kind the. people will not prefer. He has a record, too. When a newspaper gives you - _i? i* i ? a lot 01 iree advertising in order to boom some concert or church entertainment which you are interested in, keep track of the number of lines that are printed week by week, and multiply that number by the regular advertising rates of the paper. Compare the results with the actual money value of any favor that you can get from any other business concern. Then take into consideration the fact that advertising and circulation are the only two things that a newspaper has to sell, and in these days of higher prices, how much do you think they ought to giveaway for nothing? The Times has 110 objection to the young people of Fort Mill making nightly straw-ride trips, if they choose, to Catawba river. Certainly if the parents sanction this brand of pleasure for their 1 J 1 A A 1 sons unu aaugniers, mis paper has no kick coming. What we do object to, however, is the wild-Indian manner in which these youngsters return to town along about the midnight hour, or later. There are a lot of people in this town who retire at a respectable hour, and to be awakened from their slumbers by a lot of guffaw and would-be singing is extremely annoying, to say the least. Figures in the abstract don't have much meaning; hence the government announcement that in twenty-four years 188,037 persons have been killed and 1,395,618 persons injured on the railroads of the United States really conveys to us only a vague impression of carelessness and sacrifice. Pull together, brethren. We are all here for the same purpose. Then live and let live. The best way to build up a town is for each and every man to pull together and not to rend and pull down. All the residents of a town are partners, not opponents. In all likelihood, the more business done by your rival the more you will do. As we grow older we can't see why pushing the lawn mower is not just as good exercise for a young boy or girl as dancing the turkey-trot to ragtime music. iimikV :;,:v J :^ ' v I . X*. ' .V Short Items of Local Interest. Quite a pleasing sight Monday morning was the march through Main street of the local troop of Boy Scouts in full regulation uniform and ready for the trip to King's Mountain and Saluda, N. C. There were 26 of the Scouts in line, following twp big covered wagons which will carry the young men and their camp outfit to the mountains. The trip was made by way of Yorkville where, upon invitation of Major VV. B. Morre, it was expected the Scouts would spend J Monday night. The popularity contest at McElhaney's came to a close Friday morning at 10 o'clock and Miss Joyce Moser, daughter of Mr. T. G- Moser, was declared winner of the first prize, a handsome Claxton piano. Miss Moser received a total of 51,531,755 votes. Other prize winners and the number of votes they received were: Miss Sarah Culp, 45,607,755 votes, prize gold watch; Miss Myrtle Smith, 37,654,873 votes, prize gold watch; Miss Bessie Armstrong. 25,416,642 votes, prize, toilet set. Richard A. Fulp, a young man of this city, narrowly escaped being a passenger on the Lancaster and Chester train which late Wednesday last went through a trestle 7 miles east of Chester killing three people and wounding more than two score of others. Mr. Fulp had spent the day in Lancaster and had gone to the station and placed his grips on the train, when a friend called to him and he left the train and entered the waiting room. While conversing with his friend the train pulled out and thereby Mr. Fulp missed a trip which might have meant for him serious injury and possibly death. The grips on the illfated train were recovered the following morning. Matthews Defeats Fort Mill. In a slow and uninteresting game of ballon the local diamond Monday afternoon, the Matthews, N. C., team defeated the local team by a score of 13 to 9. Features of the game were conspicuous for their absence. The batteries were, Matthews, Roan and Elms; Fort Mill, Bradford and Ferguson. Umpire, Fulp. Horse Trade Decision. "When the l'act of unsoundness is certain and the party making a statement in regard to it has knowledge of such fact and nevertheless makes false representation with intent to cheat and defraud, it would be against public policy to allow him to escape punishment under criminal law," says the State supreme court in a recent decis ion anirming tne verdict of the Laurens county court in the case of the State against Frank Stone, who was tried and convicted ol obtaining goods under false pretenses. The indictment charged iiim with falsely pretending that a certain bay horse was sound in every respect, "which pretense he then and there knew to be false, whereby he obtained from Lander H. Willis one roan horse, the property of the said Lander H. Willis, of the value of $150, with intent to defraud and cheat the said Lander H. Willis." ! I r1 i Ltasi I Summ Everything that looks go, regardless of cost or v Lots of Dress Goods, Come early and get y L. J. IN 1 "\ " . / ' I ' \ Deaths in the County. Emanuel M. Hamrick, aged 52, died at the Aneona mill, Yorkville, July 29, of tuberculosis and was interred next day in the Philadelphia cemetery, the Rev. Henry Stokes conducting the funeral services. The de ceased leaves a widow and seven children. John Shillinglaw of the Neely's Creek section of the county was stricken with paralysis Sunday night and died Monday. Mr. Shillinglaw was 79 years of age. He served throughout the war as a member of the Seventeenth South Carolina infantry and was a gallant soldier. He leaves four sons and one daughter, Andrew, W. YV\, McCall and Frank Shillinglaw and Miss Dollie Shillinglaw. Monday morning at 2 o'clock Miss Lula Parish of Rock Hill, who had been ill for the past two years, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Samuel Williford, south of that city. She was 26 years of age, and a daughter of the late S. A. and Mrs. Fannie Parish of the Ogden section of the county. Wins Scholarship. M iss Frances Adickos, of York-' ville, has been notified by Dr. ! D. B. Johnson of Winthrop college that she won a scholarship of York county at Winthrop. j Miss Adickes is one of the recent graduates of the Yorkville graded ; CP Vi / w\lc ONE CENT A WOK I) MINIMUM CHARGE. 25C. .11 ST KKi EIVEI)- A car lead <>f i Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal. 'Rhone j s2. 1.. A. Harris & <'<>. | LOST?Friday on public road between Fort Mill and Ehetuz-*r one ; Blue Serge Coat, size 42. with name of "A. B. Shepnard" stamped on inside pocket. Finder please return to A. B. Sheppunl, F<?rt Mill. S. < F0R4^LE- A quantity of dry Oak , and Hickory Wood at 60cts per cord, 8 to 10 foot length: also quantity of j White Oak, lb d Oak and Poplar tree ! tons, green, that will nvike good two I foot wood at W'ct< per cord. wateroak farm, Osmond Barber, Prop. School Tax Election. Notice is Hereby given that an elec- i tion will be held *t the school house in J South Fort Mill, School District No. -1, 1 York County, on Friday, Augu-t 8th. I 1913, for the purpose of determining j whether a tax of two (2i mill' on the Millar sha'l be levied for school purposes in sai?l district. The trustees will act as managers j and the polls will open at 7 o'clock a. rn. and close at 4 o'clock p. in. b. f. massey, J f. lee. BOYCE BENNETT, I Trustees School District No. 4, York County* Notice. Al* landowner-, or their agents, in V.ii'l/ pidinl c yre . ?* move from the running streams of water upon their lands ail Trash. Hafts an 1 Timber dur.nK the month of August. Any landowner neglecting to attend to this matter during the month of : Au^ st, 1912, will have to pay the expense of cleaning out his streams, and ! this expense is made a first lien on his ' land in preference to all other iiens, except d? bts due the State. THOS. VV. BOYD. Supervisor York County, S. (!. To The Public. We offer the service of two Regis; tered Jersey Bulls, fee $1 in advance. Also offer the service of Berkshire 1 Boar. L. A. HARRIS & CO. BUGKLEN'S nymVeVi VF GENUINE AKfiK^A OALVSL UOBHEu?VMUUlflBbil it * altmi j* all For j er Goods g ; like Summer Goods must g alue. Hats, Etc., at half price, our share of the bargains. Aassey. ? I JfcU.Ln . " ' "> -vilr^sp' I OLD HEAR AKE 15 First-hand facts opinions. Here a people of Fort Mil since we began bv any extra manufac trade here than di< are now doing sor the township, and selling your neighl I from every man, ^ rounding country, a rule to give a c\ ceive the same tre We have made the month of Aug and assure you th, We won t quote p ICash Coupon M'ELHA s] 4 The II ? IIIWilJMUMM?? Let us supply your refrigerator this summer with ICE - We will have a supply on hand at all times. Phone No. 15. i Stewart & Culp "It Livens the Liver." Dodson's Liver Tone. A pleasant tasting, vegetable compound. It takes the Place ot naiomel, Its action is gentle, b u sure. Does not mak^ you sick, no restriction of habits or diet required. It Assists Nature By acting gently and positively on the liver, livening n v\/l AIIU OUCIl^tllCIHII^ it rtllU causing it to do its natural work. It is pleasant to take, it causes thorough cleansing of the whole alimentary canal without a disagreeable taste or nausea. If it does not "take the place of calomel," your money back. % "Haile's on the Comer" " W" ' t y X / -SAY AND FEA1 AD COUNSELL are always better thai re a few facts that we w; i- r\ . i i i: wui traae nas gro\ isiness, and the town has :turing plants to cause n d when we started in 1 ne business with nearly if not you, we are sur Dor. What we want is woman and child in Fort We say "child" becauj lild a clear deal. Youi atment here as any man some exceptional prices ust. We want to see yc at we can do some busii rices, all we ask is a call is Given With Each Cash P IN Y & uJIM Store of Style and Quality Our Name Is Ou M ixing dru^s accurately, according Attention to all orders entrusted to < Special attention to Parcel Post serv Striving to please everybody in ever Endeavoring to make you feel welcc Yield ir g our best efforts as to store 'Serving the purest and best fountai Demonstrating to the public the abi Rendering our best service in every Usi ng energy and resolute courage I ^Grateful to all customers for their pi Selling honest goods to honest peoj: Teaching the public that " I here is < Observing the display of confidence Recognizing vou as a Dermancnt m Ending with a hearty welcome to al \ MAS5 IS[sasgsasgira5?.BSE5Bsass^tasa I We Lost a Ci I He Di> If you get started to trad will continue with us as ] You can't afford to chan; are always fresh and the your orders are promptl; goods are on the way to "jiffy." If you have p we'd like to have it. Ph HI HOW ABOUT YOUR In j? Parks Grocery jfS E. S. PARKS, 1\ lalasasESBssasagsasasasagEsigsg ; ' 1 ?1 I \ V V ^ R-SWAY I Anr I viva. * 1 second-hand ant to*tell the i vn each year > not taken on lore people to business. We everybody in e that we are more business : Mill and surse we make it child will rein the State. on all lines for iu in the store less with you. L iirchase. j IPANY, I > r Reference to physicians' prescriptions aur care ice to rural patrons y way >me at all times service 7 n drinks in town. lity of our profession department to maintain our reputation Uronage. >le by honest methods > Keason ; you have given us stonier 1. Respectfully, IEY'S DRUG STORE. i 5Eb"~? 5H5H5ZS35TaSHl I istomer-- I ed! | ing with us, you u long as you live. U c * w ? =, iur our goods |U best to be had, m y filled and the ju your home in a r0 roduce for sale, K one No. 116. ir IEXT ORDER? S Compar^^^^J Mm m m