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^ ii % ^ ii ^ ? ^ ii ^ ?i % >i ^ <n FORT MILL, S. C. | OENERAL INFORMATION. CITY GOVERNMENT. A. R. McELHANEY Mayor S. W. PARKS Clerk . . I J. J. COLTHARP... Chief Police , DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. 1 No. 31 Southbound f>:35 a. in. i No. Sii Sonthhnnn/I T-IO -% * ! *?? c*. Ill* ? i No. 27 Southbound 5:12 p. m. ] No. 36 Northbound 8:50 a. m. J No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. n* I No. 32 Northbound.. 9:27 p. m. i i > Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at , . Fort Mill only when Hugged. I ! MAILS CLOSE. ! j i For train No. 36 8:30 a. m. 1 1 For train No. 27 4:50 p. m. I For train No. 28 6:00 p. m. I 1 Note?No mail is despatched on ( ! trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 , I and 28 do not handle mail Sunday. I I POSTOFF1CE HOURS. i ' Daily 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. 1 ' I Sunday 9:30 to 10 ?. m , 5 to 5:o0 pro i I Constipation Cured. Dr. Kind's New Life Fills will relieve constipation promptly and get Jour bowels in healtnv condition again, ohn Supsic,' of Sanbury, Pa., says: ""They are the best pills I ever used, and I advise everyone to use them for constipation, indigestion and liver comBlaint." Will help you. Price 25c. :ecommended by hort Mill Drug Co.. Massey's Drug Store, and Ardrey's DrugS tore. 1^"* An Appeal to You. The season of the year is at hand B when the average country news paper man is put to his wits to I make ends meet, in a financial way. 9 | and as the publisher of *Ihe Times ? m not blessed with smiling bank -account, he finds himself facing such a condition at present, hence this appeal to you. If you are indebted to 1 he Times for sub scrip- | ' tioA, advertising, or printing, kindly bring or send the amount at once. Every little is a help. The money is needed to run the business. BLACKSMITHING and REPAIRING. r _____ 1 have bought the Blacksmith asvd Repair Shop of Mr. Eli Parks (in the rear of Harris' Livery Stable) and solicit a part of your patronage. " Prompt service, first-class work and moderi ate prices ought to please vou. LUKE B. PARKS. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the Blowing of Steam Whistles Within the Incorporate Limit*of mc ?,v?v?ii ui rui l mm, o. v-., uy any Railway Company. Be it ordained by the town council of the town of Fort Mill, S. C., in council assembled and by the authority of the same: Section 1. That from and after the passape of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any railway company, its servants, agents or employees, to blow or cause to be blown any strum whistle within the incorporate limits of the town of Fort Mill, S. C. Sec. 2. That any violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one hundred ($100) dollars or by imprisonment for a pericd of not more than thirty (30) days. Done and ratified in council this the 24th day of June, 1913. A. R. McELHANEY, Attest: Mayor. S. W. PARKS, Clerk. Let US Sell U Screen Doors ?nrl Windows Big Slock and Prices Right. Fori Mill Lumber Co. I THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR I 25 VOTES 9 IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST I IF CLIPPED FROM THE I TIMES AND PRESENTED AT B THE STORE OF THE I MILLS & YOUNG CO., JbmhiiibLHM - V SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. Miss Kittie Kirkpatrick is visiting relatives in Hickory, N. C. Miss Elizabeth Nims is visiting Miss Bessie Rankin at Mt. Holly, N. C. Miss Eva Carothers, of Rock j Hill, is the guest of Miss Mary Carothers of this city. Mrs. W. W. Patterson has been seriously ill for several days at her home on White street. 0. B. Chamberlain, of Charleston, was the guest the last ween ot Ueorge Potts, in this city. Several Fort people are in attendance this week upon the court of general session at Yorkville. Miss Macey Potts, of Steel Creek, N. C., was the guest last week of Misses Nannie and JuanitaErwin in this city. Miss Cora Johnston, daughter of Mrs. Eliza Johnston, is seriously ill of fever at her home in one of the local mill villages. Miss Anne Hamilton, of Union, has been the guest for several days of her sister, Mrs. Osmond Barber, at the home of the latter four miles east of Fort Mill. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Oldham, of Charlotte, spent several days of the last week in this city, the guests of Mrs. O'dh im's parents, Capt. and Mrs. J. W. Ardrey. W. G. Dorton, a popular salesman of the town, has been selected as a speaker at the twenty-fourth annual reunion of the students and friends of the Bain (N C.) Academy to be held Friday, July 18. The Times regrets to learn that Mrs. W. H. Windle has been extremely ill for several days at her home five miles north of Fort Mill. Mr. Windle's mother, wno is quite an aged lady, is also critically ill. Upon the comp'aint of several citizens of the town Mayor McElhaney has instructed the police officers to enforce the ordin ince against leading or driving cittle along the pavements of tlic l/UWIl. At Yorkviiie Friday eleven young men of York county took the entrance and scholarship examinations of Clemson college. On the same date three stood the entrance and scholarship examinations of the University of South Carolina. The Fort Mill Baptists are having a considerable change made to their church building on Church street. Several new class rooms are being added and other changes made that will add I materially to the comfort, convenience and appearance of the church. J. M. White is supervising the work. ! Prof. J. P. Coates, of Laurens, ! the newly elected superintendi ent of the local graded and high ; school, was a visitor to Fort | Mill the last week. Miss Blanche | Lawrence, of Florence, the high ! school teacher for the next term lot* the local school whs nl?/? a j visitor to Fort Mill the last week. Scout Master VV. M. Carothers i of the local troop of Hoy Scouts, j is arranging to take the scouts | on an outing for a week or more I to the mountains of North Caroiline. The trip will be marie ! about the first of August and it is thought that the party will i number about 20. The piano voting contest at i the store of McElhaney & company closes August 1. and with each day interest among the sev; eral contestants increases. The j standing of the leading contesu ; ants, who are known only by i number, at the count last Thursday was: No 1JV7 1ft Q1S 9QO* No. 88. 16,056.000; No. 50. 13,717.2-10; No. 20. 12.03?.915. No. 1. 12.555,932; No. 140. 12. 4' 5.305; Nr>. 92, 12.380.980; No. 55, 12,197.125; No 43. 12.005,590; No. 139. 11,651,765. Local officials of the law pot busy Sunday morning when a report reached town saying that a colored infant had been deserted by its mother Saturday night at a house in the Gold Hill section. The woman accused of deserting the child was arrested Sunday morning just before boarding a northbound train. She was taken to Gold Hill where an investigation revealed the fact that a sister of the woman was the somewhat pnwilling custodian of the child and the matter was dropped. I <?> ? ? -? ?- <? i'V?"* ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -M m 11 \l Varatinn : v uvuuun I ? * > tji ===== V* |$ Your vacation t,l of much pleasure t r ll you are not well One of our [ || Suits with a Ty ( r or Stetson soft c || and a pair of f fords will fix you ft t| for mountain or |:| Fort Mill or elsew 1 And now, witf ' f t reduced as they are, > were not expecting. ; right now on all sumn i fi Mills & ?j? pi t it I Ten Grand F I On Saturday second lirand Prize: $100 Rock Hill Buggy with Top and Rubber Tires Third Grand Prize: $75 Putnam Organ, Guaranteed ten years. I g Fourth Grand Prize: $50 Five-Piece Parlor Suit. A Beauty. ? j Eighth Grand Prize: Ladies' Tailored Coat IV (Suit. Value $25. THE PROPOSITION?Every penn; One Vote, every dollar to 100 Votes, an the greatest number ot Votes will be gi Inumoer 01 votes gets the Second Grand away. Now, we wish it understood, tli part and you or your friend will win oi oughly understand the proposition call GET BUSY TODAY?The early sta MILLS I ?.?- - uid Pleasun will not be : to you if // f dressed. j Blue Serge j' jj|jj ^obb Straw >r stiff Hat |j|p^ ^atriot Ox- 11 pH Jj? iu?t right \W^yi-a^B seashore, rhere. \Jp 1 the prices rou'll have spending mon My, my, my, but how you ler goods at the big store. Young G oihing and Shoe Store. 'rizes Absolu ir, December 1 First Grand Prize: p . Handsome Hallet & Davis $5( PIANO, fc Value, $400. Ninth Grand Prize: lan's $25 Suit or $2 Overcoat. y you spend in any ore r.f our thret id so on. On Saturday, December 20. ven the First Grand Prize; the custoi Prize, and so on down the line until 1 lis is no chance game, no guess work. ie of the Ten Grand Prizes mentioned at any one of our three stoics and w irter stands the best show at winning * A $*$*? P - - - | ' H < ?? < > ~ t?KlFFON^^ UH11EN I ;; ?* ? ! t < > wanantiio ^ < > ey \eft that you |<> i can save money | < > 11 y If amp v, it II -fj itely FREE I 20, 1913, J Fifth Grand Prize: 9 ncess Ranap 9 Value $60. 1 Sixth Grand Prize: ) Standard Sewing chine. Life-time Guarantee. Seventh Grand Prize: iutiful $50 Diamond Ring Tenth Grand Prize: 5 Kitchen Cabinet. It's a Beauty. departments entitles you to 19? 3, the customer holding ner hording the second largest ^he Ten Grand Prizes are given B Just a little effort on your ? above. If you do not thor- | 5" 11 explain it to you fully. I