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THE FORT MILL TIMES.. Dmocratit ? PubSished ThindaTi. >. W. BRADFORD - - Editor and t'liiui irtoc Be?can iion Rates: Om Taar tl-2S Six Months ? Tba Times InritM eontrftwtloni on Itr* ?ub>eet? hat doss not ajrree to publish more than 2?V> word* a an* subjert. The rhrht is reserved to edit r> eommuniratlon ?ubmtt??1 for publication. On application to the publisher, ad vert lain* rata* am mule known to thorn intrmo'rd. Talcohonr. local and lonr d istance. So. 115. Entered at the posto/Rm at Fort Mill. S. C.. as Bail matter of the second clan ???????????? i THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1913. The announcement that Jack Johnson had determined to play quits with the United States was pleasing: news to millions of decent Amerieans. There is no bigger curse to the morality of a large number of towns in this State than the "social club." and it iB a wonder that the Legislature would not repeal the law under which these rum shops are chartered. The so-called "social club" is organized primarily for the pur-' pose of illegally selling whiskey: yet, under the law. the secretary of State is compelled to issue the charter when application is made. A big feather would be added to the cap of the legislator who would carry through the General Assembly an act for the repeal of this law, ' strikes us that Fort Mill is lagging in one important particular and that is that it has no live and enthusiastic business, organization. If Fort Mill had a board of trade or a chamber of commerce, or any organization of that sort, it might be possible to do much for the welfare of the town by inducing manufacturing concerns to locate here. Some of the neighboring towns have boosters' clubs which i are intensely active in community development; and, if Fort Mill bnsiness men do not awaken, we soon will be outstripped by our neighbors. The time is ripe for the citizens of this town to get busy and do something worth while in the promotion of its welfare. Plans for the Federal government to raise u barrier against the boll weevil of the Southwestern States invading the Atlantic coast States are being drafted by Senator Smith, of South Carolina. The plan is for the Federal governm*. nt, with State cooperation, to prohibit the growing of cotton in a belt which would separate the Atlantic coast States from the Southwestern States. As the boll weevil migrates only from cotton held to cotton field, the Senator believes this belt would save the Slates to the east of it from the pest, which has cost cotton raisers in the Southwest millions of dollars annually. If Senator Smith succeeds in getting his boll-weevil bill passed and its operation proves effective, he will have been "worth his 1 weight in gold" in Congress, not only to the farmers of his own State, but to cotton growers of all the States which the cotton pest has not yet invaded. It takes a normal amount of rain each year to grow the crops. This normal rainfall is well known. In consequence the weather bureau issues bulletins showing the precipitation and excess or deficiency of moisture. It takes a normal amount of boosting and public spirit to keep a town from drying up. If a bulletin were issued showing what you have done to patronize, to boost and to help this town, where would your name appear? ? in the excess or in the deficiency column? Are you precipitating a normul amount of home pride and local enthusiasm? The propositions differ in two important particulars: First, you can't have an excess of home pride. Second, if there is a deficiency, you can correct it. Efforts to make it rain when the I t. i??? $ country needs rain have never been very successful. But it ought to be easy for you to realize that you are not doing enough for this town and for this town's present and future and to get out of the deficiency column and onto the honor roll. The Festive Ghigger. Did you ever get "chiggers" | or rea Dugs : l nis is the open season now for these little pests. ' The tiny bugs cause some people almost untold annoyance, and sometimes the irritation and resulting scratching cause ery- i sipelasand blood poisoning. They bother children, young ladies, and delicate or thin skinned people more than they do men, or people whose skin is more exposed to the sun and weather by outdoor work. These little bugs are scarcely as 'large as the period used by the printer in this article. These harvest mites or "chiggers" fall off bushes and shrubs or. the bare skin, or crawl up on j the ankles or legs when we happen to stand in their midst, or they crawl all over our bodies should we lie or sit down on the grass, particularly the grass along the shady edge of woodland or meadows or inwet places. Once on the skin they burrow iown into the sweat ducts, and in a few hours they begin to' gorge themselves with blood and :ause great irritation to the I victim. The best way to handle the j "chigger" problem is not to get any on in the first place. But I sometimes it is almost impossible to keep from having to wadej through tall grass or weeds, where they abound. The best preventive for the little pests is ordinary flowers of sulpur. The sulphur dust should be sifted 1 1 ' liuwii cue unuerwear auu siockings in liberal quantities. Ordi- j narily, if one does not lie down, it will not be necessary to use i sulphur more than a short dis-1 tanee above the knees. If you get "chiggers" and take a hot bath, using strong, soap, or rub strong salt solution over the parts liable to be af-! fected within an hour or two, ' the "chiggers" will be killed; and washed off. This remedy, : however, does little good unless it is applied before the "chig- J gers" begin to do business. Once in the skin, his honor, ; the "chigger," produces an irritating acid as he drinks your ] % Special Jul $3.50 Queen Quality Oxfords, $3.00 Harrisburg Oxfords, __ . $2.50 Harrisburg Oxfords, Children's White Oxfords, 10c Ginghams, Lawns, etc,,... 15c Ginghams, Voiles and Suit 25c Ratine and Suiting, Ladies', Children's and Men's Lots of bargains in ever Goods must go while it is Sum Come early and get yoursha L. J. IV l=" T ll=ll=l| At 1 Red Racl This \ A pretty line of Ladies' Co A beautiful line of Embroi< different colors. Some Embroidered Silk Ne A line of Ladies' Skirts tha An elegant line of Importe< Come and see them. Red Racl Fort Mi =i' 1 " ir~ H blood. It is the acid rather than the loss of blood that makes you scratch. To overcome this, the best thing we know is to bathe the skin in a rather strong ammonia solution. That neutralizes the acid.?Bulletin X. C. Board of Health. "SUICIDE SYMPHONY.* Frederick Nietzsche agreed with those who found do inspiration in music. Indeed, he regarded music as a Derre poison, and declared that some music?particularly that of Wagner and Tsehaikowsky?deranged the minds of many who heard it. Tschaiko* sky killed himself after completing his famous "Sixth Symphony." which,' as eev1 _.U__ I J: - J ? cioj vuirrt na>e ait*u dt tneir own hand* after playing it, ha* come to be known a* the "Suicide w ony. GUARANTY. Traveler?Will there be time to pet a drink, guard? Guard?Ye*. sir: plenty o' time, sir. Traveler?What guaranty have I that the train won't go w ithout me*' Guard (penerous'yl ?Well. sir. I'll go an* ha\e one v-m.- S\ 1ney Bulletin. ONE CENT A WORD MINIMUM CHARGE. 25C. WANTED ?Some of your butter, more of your egg? a d all of vour young chickens. L. A HARRIS &. Co. FOR SALE ?Nice, fresh Jersey Milch ! Cow. For terms apply to J. D. Withers, phone 12S-G. | Ixx>k out for lice^r they kill your poultry profits. Conkey's Lice Powder for dusting hens and in nests; Conkey's Head Lice Ointment for little chickc and Conkey's Lice Liquid for spraying houses and roosts, these are real profit makers. Massey's Drug .Store. FOR SALE ?A Quantity of dry Oak and Hickory Wood at GOcta per cord, b to 10 foot length; aiso quantity of White Oak, Red Oak arid rcplar tree tops, green, that will make good two j loot wood at Wct> per cord. wateroak farm. Osmond Barber. Prop. Won't hurt hen or chicks or even taint epjrs in nests; out it does jret the lice. That's our money-back puaran- j tee on every package OK Our.kev's Lic? ; P<iwd? r. 2-rjc, "yJc. Si.00, at M&saev's j Drup Store. To The Public. We offer the service of two Ke^iatered Jersey Hulls, fee SI in advance. 1 Also offer the service of Berkshire 1 Boar. L. A. HARRIS A: CO. aBflMKOBB >.?*< * ; | y Bargains. ! . . 96c *1.50 $1.25 25c to 90c 7 l-2c intf 10c 17c Hats at half price. y department. All Summer mer time, re. lassey. II IE II IB ; the ket Store Veek. at Suits at closing-out prices. L iere'l Coat Suit Patterns in t for Pretty Dresses, it are pretty. J Dress Goods. = 1 cet Store, | ill, S. C. F=K=KZ l^===IE3 ' r THE PI A1 Is drawing nee ladies are runnin the contest closes cent spent oh the with numbers of with each dollar Bargain Month ii hope that you wi of the young lad at least feel gooc if i You can help bo in this way: Fo 60 days old we 1 paid on accounts 50 votes. . g We still have ; J small sizes that \ M'ELHAI 4 The S _ Let us supply your refrigerator this summer with i c E We will have a supply on hand at all times. Phone No. 15. Stewart & Culp L FOR DELICIOUS r Ice Cream AND REFRESHING jj Ice Cold | Fountain j Drinks ! P Canbies, Chewing Gum, Cigars, jj Cigarettes, Pipes, Chewing and q Smoking Tobacco, 0 MEET ME AT (J "Haile's on the Corner" jj P. S. ? Podolax and Liver Tone |) take the place of Calomel. ! H ,? , f ANO CONTEST I r OUR STORE ir the close and several of the young g very close, and from now until > we will allow 5 Votes for each i Dry Goods side of the house and articles we will allow 1 .000 Votes spent. This will be the greatest i the history of Fort Mill, and we ill lend your assistance to some one ies in the contest and let's make one 1 on the morning of August lst? fou Owe Us, th us and any one of the contestants | r each cent paid on accounts 30 to will give 23 votes. For each cent i 60 days or more old we will give Listen! a few pairs of Ladies' Oxfords in ve offer at a great reduction in price. MY & COMPANY. itore of Style and Quality." To a Box of Nylos. Just a box of Nylo Chocolates, Candied sweethearts?all my own, Nut meats coated?fruits delicious, In their coats of dusky brown. * Purest centers?cream of nectar, * Full of honeyed sweetness?yet; Dusky, lovely, dainty Nylos, A single taste's a sweet caress. We can dream of nothing finer, While we've Nylos here below; And it may be, when up yonder, We will long for you-?Nylo. Fresh Shipment of Nylo Chocolates. Best by test. Massey's Drug Store, TNoph9?ine 1 3lSaSa5HSg5S5HHSZ5H5a5SaSElg5Z55asa5a535asa5a5Z5a5glD ^ jfl > We Lost a Customer? j 1 He Died! I 1 I 3 If you get started to trading with us, you * I will continue with us as long as you live. J 1 You can't afford to change, for our goods i r are always fresh and the best to be had, j [ your orders are promptly filled and the g [ goods are on the way to your home in a n ! "jiffy." If you have produce for sale, B ! we'd like to have it. Phone No. 116. C HOW ABOUT YOUR NEXT ORDER? E i K D r r* H J imm uiocciy company, Jcij ] E. S. PARKS, Manager. mS ! asa^asgssaszasaszsasasasIasgssasgsBsgsaspsasaSBsaBl