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F>va.<\ yv?- . * THE FORT MILL TIMES. Democratic ? Published Thuredava. ^W. BRADFORD - . Editor and Proprietor Tha Timoa invites contributions on live subjects but doea not aaree to publish more than 21K1 * on!n a any subject. The ritrht ia reaerved to edit ery communication submitted for publication. On application to the publiithor. advertiainu rates are made known to thoee intereeted. Telephone, local and lonir distance. No. 112. Entered at the poatoflloc at Fort Mill. S. C.. an mail mnttpr of th* mtpond rlus*. THURSDAY. JULY 10. 1913. 'The first cotton blooms having been brought in. who will bring along the first open boll?"?Rock Hill Herald. What we are more Interested in is who will bring in the first and largest watermelon. It stands as a matter of history to the everlasting discredit of this country that in the ten years from 1903 to 1912. inclusive, a total of 39,808 people?the equivalent of nearly forty regimentswere killed or injured in the celbrations of the Fourth of July. The returns from the latest Fourth are incomplete, but it is to be hoped that the fatalities were not as great in number as those of some former years. According to the law which went into effect April 25, any merchant who sells cold storage eggs as fresh eggs must, on complaint of a customer, replace them with fresh eggs, or be liable to prosecution. It also provides that the merchant must replace spoiled eggs. Another ruling provides that anyone buyft Wrtolrnt rvP r***arviio ot ?*q ii? ?i*|S u uooivut ui ^i a^vo, en uu berries or other fruit is entitled to full measure and the merchant who sells less is subject to the penalty. Rural mail carriers in some vicinities of the West have started organized camnaigns to secure good roads, holding out to the public the promise of better service as a reward. Each rural carrier has undertaken the task of urging upon the township superviaor in his district the necessity of building good and permanent highways. In several tactions where good roads obtain the carriers are using autos in covering their routes, to the a . 1 . rv4* t hn cui'i'i'nn greai improvement vi *#? It is believed that the automobile will supplant the horse drawn mail wagon as soon as all main highways are in good shape. It is stated in the Washington dispatches that under a special Appropriation of $75,000 to demonstrate the best way to eradicate hog cholera the government has begun experiments. Work has been started in Dallas county, Iowa, in cooperation with the State veterinarian And the Iowa State college and later will extend to other States. Representatives of the bureau of animal industry will participate. Careful surveys of Dallas county will be made and all data on cholera losses obtained, serum treatment Administered, and every possible step taken to eradicate the disease. About the worst habit that boys can fall into is that of loafing on the streets at night. It is then that they cast their lot ir slippery places when at any moment they are likely to fall intr evil ways. All the good and noble lessons taught them b> their mothers are there counteracted and nullified. They learr nothing that is good ? but every thing bad. The boys who spenc their evenings in the sacred pre cincts of the home with goot books for their companions an the future hope of the republic they will fill our legislative an< congressional halls, and sit ii judgment over men and meas ures, while the boys who run thi streets will fill our jails, alms houses and lunatic asylums Parents who are responsible fo] these broken laws of decenc] will have broken hearts ant owed heads in the awaken in) years that will inevitably follow Newspaper advertising tends c to lower the cost of living, ac- o cording to the opinion of speakers at a social gathering in Chi- " cago recently. If it were not " for advertising the public would j be bankrupt as the result of 5 soaring prices, it was asserted, f The relation of newspaper adver- s tising to the high cost of living n was summarized by the speakers s as follows: It decreases living y expenses. It increases the vol- 1 ume of side. In increasing sales * to customers, it lowers prices. v Advertisements tell people where n to buy cheapest. Bargains would n go begging were it not for advertising. Advertisements are much g cheaper than high salaried drum- r mers. c l; r The American Lumberman has f some timely advice on the sub- ^ ject of town boosting that is as applicable to Fort Mill as any- t where else. It says that if you r want to see this town grow you a should remember that you are a p part of it and that its growth de- s pends as much on you as sn your 1 neighbors. Don't get the idea 1 that the future prosperity of this ^ town rests with a few, for it is J the busines of the many. Above! all, don't criticise those who are * building up the community and do nothing yourself. They at ~ least have the proper spirit and ? just as long as you deny them c your support, just that much ~ harder their work will be. Be a ^ booster for the town and lend \ your co-operation to those who ~ had the nerve to start first. It t is never too early to start and it is never too late to begin. Maintenance of Good Roads. n The present year promises to be the greatest in the history of u the movement for the improve ment of the public roads of the N United States, according to the J. reports received from all parts of the country by the United States department of agriculture. A joint committe of Congress is engaged in an investigation of j the feasibility of federal aid in J the construction, improvement r and maintenance of public high- l ways, and a number of the State ~ legislatures are considering good ! road legislation. In connection ! with the general impetus that t i the good road movement has / recently had in all parts of the ! 1 a Special Jul) j| jS Qoeen Quality Oxfords, $3.00 Harrisburg Oxfords, $2.50 Harrisburg Oxfords, Children's White Oxfords,.. ... 10c Ginghams, Lawns, etc., ... 15c Girfghams, Voiles and Suitir . 25c Ratine and Suiting, I Ladies', Children's and Men's 1 Lots of bargains in every Goods must go while it is Sumn Come early and get yourshar L. J. M Ell =11 )F=fl==l3[ [j Red RacI 3T has been laid down as ^ ^ cost gained through si r your wants carries with it no tion. This means you car. oft 1 living by thoughtful buyinj j | Racket Store has a line of 3 . I Men's Silk Socks for only 23c 1 Dress Shirts for 89c. A gootj for 45c. Indies' 10c Gauze V j 5c. The prettiest line of 5c a i j and a lot of other values. Cc I! see the Riir Rarorain< i _________ r n Red Racl i.. i Fort Mi ? 111 . GS3I )E==5I | X ountry, the director of the ffice of public highways says: "Too much stress cannot be lid upon the importance of naintenance in connection with he work of improving the roads, "he people in nearly all the Itntes are filled with enthusiasm or road improvement and are pending enormous sums of noney in the construction of uperb roads, and yet almost without exception they are makng little provision to care for he roads after they are built, i'his is true not only in the arious counties, but under many f our State highway departments. "To maintain the roads in rood condition year after year equires a considerable annual utlay, but this outlay isinfinitey less than the loss which must ..II ? L 1 - i 11? . <ui upuu me peupie eventually , f they allow their roads to go o utter ruin. The thins for all :dvocates of pood roads to do is o urge continuous, systematic naintenance, and the setting iside every year of an amount >er mile estimated by the engineer in charge to he sufficient or the proper maintenance of | he road?a course which must nake for economy and eficiency." )NE CENT A WORD MINIMUM CHARGE. 25C. WANTED?Some of your butter, j nore of your eggs a- d all of your young i hickens. L. A HARRIS A: Co. FOR SALE?Nice, fresh Jersey Milch ' 'ow. For terms apply to J. D. Vithefs, phone 128-CJ. Ix>ok out for lice? they kill your poulry profits. Conkev's Lice Powder for ; usting hens and in nests; Conkev's lead Lice Ointment for little chicks nd Conkev's Lice Liquid for spraying louses and roosts, these are real profit nakers. Massey's Drug Store. FOR SALE?A auantitv of drv Oak ind Hickory Wood at 60ets per cord, to 10 foot length; also quantity of Vhite Oak, Red Oak and Poplar tree ops, green, that will inske good two oot wood at 60cts per cerd. ; WATEROAR FARM, Osmond Barber, Prop. Won't hurt hen or chicks or even uint eggs in nests; but it does get the ice. That's our money-back guarantee on every package of Onkev's Lice 1 \>wder, 2ic, bee. SLuO, at Massey's )ra;t Store. i To The Public. We offer the service of two Regis- j end Jersey Hulls, fee $1 in advance. | llso offer the service of Berkshire i 'our. L. A. HARRIS & CO. * ? r Bargains.! ? ------ 95c j SI. 50 -- $1.25 - 25c to 90c | 7 l-2c 10c j 17c | lats at hail price. ' department. AH Summer ler time, e. lassey. \ I ? ;= ' 'f=l set Store economic law that lowered j imple change in supplying loss of pleasure in consumpentimes lower your cost of [= For example. The Red 5c Indies' Silk Hose, and . Also a line of Men's $1.00 I line of Men's Work Shirts j~ 'ests and 10c Black Hose at nd 9c Val. Laces in the city, >me to the Red Racket and ri I set Store, = ill, S. C. i1 i i j M ,r THE PI A1 Is drawing nea ladies are runnini the contest closes cent spent on the with numbers of with each dollar Bargain Month ir hope that you wi of th vmina tarli _ / 1) ? at least feel good m I You can help bol in this way: Foi 60 days old we a paid on accounts 50 votes. We still have c small sizes that \> M'ELHAI ' The S _ Let us supply your refrigerator this summer with I C E We will have a supply on hand at all limes. Phone No. 15. | Stewart & Culp1. FOR DELICIOUS " Ice Cream J AND REFRESHING |jj Ice Cold Fountain j Drinks Canbies. Chewing Gum, Cigars. Cigarettes. Pipes, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. MEET ME AT "Haile's on the Corner" P. S. ? Podolax and Liver Tone take the place of Calomel. IE ANO CONTEST I ' OUR STORE r the close and several of the young g very close, and from now until i we will allow 5 Votes for each Dry Goods side of the house and articles we will allow 1,000 Votes spent. This will be the greatest I the history of Fort Mill, and we II lend your assistance to some one es in the contest and let s make one on the morning of August 1st. fou Owe Us, th us and any one of the contestants r each cent paid on accounts 30 to vill give 25 votes. For each cent 60 days or more old we will give Listen! I -~~;Lawo,or,in I re offer at a great reduction in price. 8 *JY & COMPANY, tore of Style and Quality." To a Box of Nylos. Just a box of Nylo Chocolates, Candied sweethearts?all my own, Nut meats coated?fruits delicious, In their coats of dusky brown. Purest centers?cream of nectar. Full of honeyed sweetness?yes; Dusky, lovely, dainty Nylos, A single taste's a sweet caress. We can dream of nothing finer, While we've Nylos here below; And it m?v k? "fkon ?? ? ??j ???-? ??w?? up juuucr, We will long for you?Nylo. Fresh Shipment of Nylo Chocolates. Best by test. Massey's Drug Store, TttT 3l5H5g5^5aS55aE5g525a55gSa5H5g55e5aSE5asa5a5H5HSE5a ? We Lost a Customer? jj I He Died! 1 r ffl 0 If you get started to trading with us, you Cj t will continue with us as long as you live. In / You can't afford to change, for our goods pi n are always fresh and the best to be had, a ( your orders are promptly filled and the a { goods are on the way to your home in a a 1 "jiffy." If you have produce for sale, C { liLro in kavA if P'-' XI _ * * n UJ - ? *. I nunc no. no. Ljj {J! HOW ABOUT YOUR NEXT ORDER? S I == 8 - I Parks Grocery Company, S ?i E. S. PARKS, Manager. q|