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\ i H? ^ ^ ^ n ^ ii?? ? ^ ? ^ ^ i] [ FORT MILL,, S. C. GENERAL INFORMATION. CITY GOVERNMENT. I A. R. McELIIANEY Mayor i S. W. PARKS Clerk , , i J. J. COLTHARP...Chief Police j j DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. ! No. 31 Southbound 5:35 a. m. . 1 "> ? No. 35 Southbound 7:12 a. m. i No. 27 Southbound 5:12 p. m. i No. 36 Northbound 8:50 a. m. No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. i No. 32 Northbound 9:27 p. m. ^ . , Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at , , ^ Fort Mill only when Hanged. j MAILS CLOSE. I 1 For train No. 36 8:30 a. m. J For train No. 27 4:50 p. m. I I For train No. 28 .6J? p. m. 1 Note?No mail is despatched on J trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 1 I and 28 do not handle mail Sunday, r i POSTOFFICE HOURS. 1 Daily 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. I Sunday 9:30 to 10 ?. 5 to 6:30 p. m. i Constipation Cured. Dr. King's New Life Pills will relieve constipation promptly and get your bowels in healthy condition again. John Supsic, of Sanbury, Pa., Bays: "They are the beBt pills I ever used, and I advise everyone to use them for constipation, indigestion and liver complaint." Will help you. Price 25c. Recommended by Fort Mill Drug Co., Masaey's Drug Store, and Audrey's DrugS V>re. Road Tax Now Due. The attention of all concerned is called to the fact that the Commutation Road Tax of THREE DOLLARS is now due and payable on or before Jlllv 1 1Q19 aftor wKinK Hotn im Pnm. mutation Tax moneys can be accepted under the law. Persons failing to pay $3 Commutation Tax oo or before July 1, will be liable to Five Days' service on the road. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. 6-12-31. THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. j ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The U niversity. of South Cardlina offers' a Teacher ft Scholarship to one youag man from cpunty. The scholarship is worth ^lOO in money and exemption from all fees, amounting to $168. The examination will be held at the county seat Friday. July 11, 1913. General entrance examinations will be held at the same time for all students. The University offers great advantages. Varied courses of science, history. law and business. Write at once for application blank to THE PRESIDENT, l University of South Carolina, 6-UN8t Columbia. S. C. > HI Ar.lKMITUINfi anrl VM1VI1V4III I IIII1W UIIU REPAIRING. I have bought the Blacksmith and Repair Shop of Mr. Eli Parks (in the rear of Harris' Livery Stable) and solicit a part of your patronage. Prompt service. first-class work and moderate-prices ought to please you. LUKE B. PARKS. Winthrop College SCHOLARSHIP end ENTRANCE EXAMINATION The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and lor the admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on Fnday July 4, at 9 a. m. Applicants must not be leBS than sixteen years of age. When Scholarships are vacant after July 4 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for Scholarships should Write to President Johnson before tinexamination for Scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 aial free tuition. The next session will open September 17, 1913. For further information and catalogue, address Pres. D. B. Johnson. Rock Hill. S. C. Let US Sell U Screen Doors and % Windows Kg Stock and Prices Right Fort Mill Lumber Co. -c* ...? "tti'n; \ SHORT ITEMS oflNTEREST M to TIMES READERS. ? j ? Miss Marguerite Link, who has been visiting her brother, C. S. [4 Link, returned on Friday to her ? home in Hickory, N. C. I i I I * ; Miss Linnie Hamilton returned on Friday to her home in Jones ville, after a pleasant visit to her j 4 sisters, Mrs. Osmond Barber and I Mrs. K. F. Nims of this city. Leroy McMurray, who has 4 just completed the course in 4 dentistry at the University of Maryland at Baltimore, left on Friday for Charleston, to stand t the examinations of the South Carolina State board. 4 Miss Ethel Townsend of Page's ? Mill, is the guest of Misses Lucile t and Aileen Barber.' 4 Dr. Eugene Massey, after * spending a week here at the f home of his father, returned on Wednesday to his work at Bram- 4 well, W. Va. 4 Robert Harris, who has been attending the Citadel, has re turned to his home in the Pleas- 4 ant Valley section, a few miles 4 east of Fort Mill. ^ Prof, and Mrs. Frank Potts of ^ Columbia, are visiting Prof. 1 Potts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. 4 0. W. Potts of the Pleasant Val- * ley section. t, Sam F. Massey, of Columbia, | is spending a few days at the 4 home of his brother. Postmaster 4 B. H. Massey. in this city. ^ The time for the payment of <+ the $3 commutation road tax ex- 4 pires next Monday. Those who z fail to pay will be required to work' five days on the public z roads. | The work of removing the old ^ front and installing in its stead 1 a plate glass front was begun at 4 Ardrey's drug store several days 4 ago. The pew front when com- i pleted will add much to tne ex- i terior aDDearance of this mnnlar . drug: store. 1 i Fishermen of the town and ^ township are reaping: rich har- vests in the nearby streams. A 7 party of seigners returning ? Saturday evening from Sugar 4 creek reported the catching of 4 about 75 pounds of carp. ^ Erskine Ardrey of the gradu- \ ating class at West Point, is now 4 spending a short furlough here 4 with his sister. Mrs. J. L. Spratt. ?The first home-raised tomatoes f of the season on the local market ^ were sold Monday morning by 0 the Rev. W. A. Hafner. Tomato growing is a specialty with Mr. Hafner and each season he furnishes the local market with the earliest and nicest tomatoes grown in the community. Governor Blease has awarded the scholarship in medicine in the State Medical College from the Fifth congressional district to W. Ellie Simpson, of Richburg, and in pharmacy to Oliver G. Hicks, Gaffney. On July 1st, the parcel post will have another feature added. Packages sent by parcel post may be sent "C. O. D," by the payment of three cents additional and which fee insures the return of the money without further charge. Quite a pleasant affair of the last week was a "straw ride" Tuesday evening to the club house of the local military company on the Catawba, in which a large number of the young people of the town took part. The club house floor was cleared and dancing indulged* in for several hours after which r?*fr#>?h ments were served. Rev. C. F. Sherril), pastor of the Methodist church of Pineville, has been notified of his ! appointment to the position of \ secretary-treasurer of Davenport : College at Lenoir and will short- J ly give up his pastoral duties to ; take up the new work. The. position came entirely without 1 the solicitation of Mr. Sherrill, ; having been agreed upon at a' meeting of the board of trustees of the college held at Salisbury last week. The Sunday school of the Fort Mill Baptist church will hold a picnic on the church grounds next Friday evening from 6 to 8 o'clock. The picnic is given in i honor of the Baraca class of the school, the class having been organized only a few weeks ago; ; and is increasing its membership each Sunday. Incidentally it may be stated that the Baptist Sunday school is at present the I . largest in the city. ! *' Jfl r 4? \ \ / . > <? +?+&+* * <$* < <* 44 < ? ? < vs ? f I A BIG 1 Jun I 1 300 Pairs Men's ? season s stot $4. $4. ^ ' T ; Spot Cash, I 350 Pairs of Ladi t latest styles, I Spot Cash, H 250 Pairs of C < m ?< :l We re not reserving < first come, first served. 50c to $ 1.50 worth dc The only explanatic ;| and need it right now, ;i sale prices. Sale starts I Saturday, June Y I Mills & II a k I Ten Grand F On Saturday Second Grand Prize: $100 Rock Hill Buggy with Top and Rubber Tires Third Grand Prize: $75 Putnam Organ, j Guaranteed ten years. Fourth Grand Prize: $50 Five-Piece Parlor Suit. A Beauty. Eighth Grand Prize: Ladies' Tailored Coat M Suit. Value $25. THE PROPOSITION?Every pennj One Vote, every dollar to 100 Votes, an the greatest number of Votes will be gi" number of votes gets the Second Grand away. Now, we wish it understood, th part and you or your friend will win on oughly understand the proposition call i GET BUSY TODAY-The early sta | MILLS t I ;<e j e^* * ?' ? +~v $+ >+$ ? <; %? CASH ie 21st to 21 Fine Low Quart :k, our entire lir 50 and $5 Oxfc . * ? this week 01 ies' Oxfords and worth $2.50, $3 this week o hildren's Slippei anufacturers' cos my part of the Sumr We also have othe >uble the price. ?n we have to make i so we positively can Saturday, June 21 st lurry if you want firs Young othing and Shoe Ste v* r ? +* i A 1 rizes Abs jy Decembi First Grand Prize: Handsome Hallet & Davis PIANO, Value, $400. Ninth Grand Prize: Uw'B Q?.:? - iuii o iJUll U Overcoat. r you spend in any one of 01 d so on. On Saturday, Decen yen the First Grand Prize; th Prize, and so on down the lim is is no chance game, no gues e of the Ten Grand Prizes me at any one of our three stores rter stands the best show at \ YOU i I DEAL I 5th. < > < < > < < > < > < < < > - > er Shoes, all this le of $3.50, jrds for | nly $2.95. | Pumps, in all the ;> > $3.50, for inly $1.95. rs at and below 11 it ner stock of Shoes, so * * tr lines of Oxfords at 11 s that we need money 11 not charge anything at * | and continues through 11 >i pick.. ||i: :::: < > < Comp'y, ! < > < > * < < > >re. II 4 < k 4 > 4 4 > 4 K 4 > 4 > 4 4 < $> <? ? olutely FREE I sr 20, 1913. Fifth Grand Prize: 8 j Princess Steel Range. I Value $60. IS Sixth Grand Prize: 8 I $50 Standard Sewing II Machine. Life-time Guarantee. II Seventh Grand Prize: I Beautiful $50 Diamond I Ring- I | Tenth Grand Prize: I r $25 Kitchen Cabinet. I It's a Beauty. 11 ir three departments entitles you to I iber 20, 1913, the customer holding I e customer holding the second largest 8 5 until the Ten Grand Prizes are given I I s work. Just a little effort on your 8 ntioned above. If you do not thor- 8 \ and we'll explain it to you fully. I vinning. 1 I