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mrr ? * 1 THE FOET MILL TIMES. Democratic ? Published Thursdays. B. W. BRADFORD - - Editor and Proprietor. The Times invites contributions on I've subjects bat does not asrree to publish more than 200 words a any aubject. The rijtht is reserved to edit Wry communication Hubmitted for publication, j On application to the publisher* advertising ! rata# are made known to those interested. Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. Entered at the postofflce at Fort Mill. S. C.. as Ball matter of the second clans. THURSDAY. JUNE 26. 1913. According to a recent decision there can be no Federal prosecution for violation of the Webb liquor law, inasmuch as the law does not prescribe a penalty for auch violation. The Webb law appears to have been passed solely to enable those States having prohibition laws to regulate the shipments of liquor from outside territory into their borders. The Times hopes that the South Carolina Legislature at its session will And time to pass a law which will put a stop to the shipment of liquor from Other States into prohibition Counties of this State Until . such a law is passed there is absolutely no hope for prohibition in the strict meaning of the word. The Times has been asked by Beveral citizens to prevail upon city council to sink a well some wnere in tne vicinty of tne intersection of Main and Booth streets. It is pointed out that the country people coming to town these hot days have no place in the vicinity to water stock, except to ask the privilege from owners of private w?lls, and as a result many horses and mules are made to Buffer for want of water. The need of a well at the head of Main street is apparent to all and it is hoped that council will heed the call. Invariably it is the man who does not give one penny a year for the support of his home newspaper who first reaches the office seeking notice through the paper's columns when something unusual happens to himself or member Of his family. The Times believes in the rule of, "help one another," and does1 not propose to toot the horn of the man who ignores the paper except when seeking notoriety, j It is to be hoped that the peo-! pie of York county, and especial- i ly the farmers, are already plan-! ning for exhibits of their live stock and products at the first county fair to be held at Winthrop college next fall. There is no reason why the county fair should not be a big event and: we have faith enough in the people of the county to believe that they will go to work early and; make It so. : People along the Southern rail- j road between Charlotte and Rock Hill have every reason to thank the Southern for its decision to put on two extra passenger trains on July C. Accommodations on this particular line for several years have been anything but satisfactory, and that better service is now promised is pleasing to all. That it is much easier to capture a June bug than a June bride is vouched for by several well known Fort Mill men. Applicable to Fort Mill. Recent sermons on dancing and similar forms of amusement in Chester do not appear to have landed very hard on the young folks of the city, who have been keeping the floor warm up in the ball room of the Commercial Club. We beg to extend our sympathies to their reverences, the ministers. We ourselves became familiar many moons past with the silent sorrow (silent if one is wise) of learning that even from the most carefully prepared discourse the backward ; kick sometime exceeds the forward impulse in motive force. ? | Chester Lantern. i Rock Hill Hakes Much Cloth. I Whilp Rnplf T-Iill Ar\oo nnf olaim I to be one of the greatest textile centers in the South, it is nevertheless true that a surprisingly large amount of cloth is made each year, says a special to tne Columbia Record. Carefully prepared statistics show that for each day in the year 100,000 yards of cloth is manufactured. The total mileage of cloth manufactured would be 661-3 miles for each working day, or 20,000 miles per annum, estimating five yards for each dress the annual production in Rock Hill would clothe 7,280,000 women and children. There are 103,500 spindles, 2,808 looms with around 2,000 employes. The annual payroll is more than a half-million dollars, and the value of the manufactured product is nearly $3,000,000. To The Public. We offer the service of two Registered Jersey Bulls, fee $1 in advance. Also offer the service of Berkshire Boar. L. A. HARRIS & CO. DIVIDEND b UNION CENTRAI ON THE WILLIAM A. L. KIF AMOUNT $5,000 J??ucd in 1667 at age Dividends paid prior to 1903, Dividends paid subsequent to abo Year Dividend 1903, $55.85 1904 , 56.30 1905 , 56.40 1906, _ 57.95 1907 , 59 50 Post Mortem Dividends Discounted an* Total Dividends paid to insured, Amount paid to Beneficiary, Total Benefits, Gross Premiums paid by Insured, Gain over Cost, Net cost of $5,000 Protection for You put the difference in paying it to an insurance com with the Union Central. BA1LES & LINK FORT Ml June B; $3.50 Queen Quality Oxfords White Canvas Oxfords 25c Ratine, Voile and Silk nov 15c Ripplette at . $3.00 to $4.00 Hats at.... $1.50 to $2.00 Hats at $3.00 Art Squares, 9x12, at._ Four Minute Edison Phonogra Edison Phonographs, Come in and hear the new J 1 1 uucer ana see wnat a wond made. L. J. ft El i II =)i i[^=)j At 1 Red Racl 40-inch Flouncing, pretty pal 28-inch Flouncing, pretty pal A pretty piece of Voile Floun A pretty line of Silk Hose, [71 Beatuiful line Val. Laces, 1-* Ladies' Gauze Vests, 10c qua =4 Nice line Batiste Lawns, 15c Men's $1.00 Shirts, A line of Men's Work S that will make you smile. Give the Red Racket a t Red Racl Fort M ?31 - tr- i / ONE CENT A WORD MINIMUM CHARGE. 25C. Look out for lice?they kill your, poultry profits. Conkey's Lice Powder for dusting hens and in nests; Conkey's Head Lice Ointment for little chicks and Conkey's Lice Liquid for spraying houses and roosts, these are real profit makers. Massey's Drug Store. FOR SALE.?A quantity o* eight and ten foot oak and hickory wo\<l at 60c per cord on ground. Also mixed wood at 50c per cord. O. BARBER. Won't hurt hen or chicks or even taint eggs in nests; but it does get the lice. That's our money-back guarantee on every package of Conkey's Lice Powder. 25c, 50c. $1.00, at Massey's Drug Store. T??????? Wonderful Skin Salve. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, is known everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and also for burns, bruises and boils. Reduces inflammation and is soothing and healing. J. T. Sossaman, publisher of News, of Cornelius, N. C., writes that one box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25 cents. Recommended by Fort Mill Drug Co., Masscy's Drug Store and Ardreys Drug Store. IISTORY ON D/^M If^\/ Ten Payment J j Life No. 16. LIFE OF IK, East Lake, Tenn. PREMIUM $238.85 32. Paid Up in 1876, $1,542.38 ve, as follows: Year * Dividend 1908 $61.10 1909, 62.65 1010 64 .20 1911 ... *65.75 1912, *67.25 i paid with policy. $2,016.33 5.129.42 $7*145.75 5*388 50 $4,757.25 44 Years,. 272.75 your own pocket instead of ipany when you have a policy District Agents, ILL, S. C. argains I at _95c 25c to $1.50 v 19c 10c ..$1.50 75c :$1.90 ph Records 31c $15 up Blue Diamond Point Reproerful improvement has been lassey. ji Ell =ji DEE3 the ket Store n ===== r terns, 49c .terns, : 34c L ciiq?, 29c f 23c I to 3 inch wide, yard 5c iity, two for... 15c quality, 9c U 89c ihirts and Overalls at prices rial. j ket Store, | KH, S. C. j |i?f.?ic i ten ib r .-*. .> ) -< . J' . * I THE PI A1 Is drawing ne; ladies are runnir the contest close cent spent on th< with numh^r.Q r?l with each dollar Bargain Month i hope that you w of the young lad at least feel gooc if i You can help be in this way: Fc 60 days old we paid on accounts 50 votes. We still have small sizes that i M'ELHAl ' The i Let us supply I 4* m your refrigerator this summer with ICE We will have a supply 6n hand at all times. '/ Phone No. 15. Stewart & Culp - - --M FOR DELICIOUS [ j Ice Cream | AND REFRESHING i Ice Cold Fountain Drinks Canbies, Chewing Gum, Cigars, Cigarettes, Pipes, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, MEET ME AT "Haile's on the Comer" P. S. ? Podolax and Liver Tone I take the place of Calomel. ' ' ' r' , ! ANO CONTEST r OUR STORE ar the close and several of the young r lg very close, and from now until s we will allow 5 Votes for each^ 5 Dry Goods side of the house and : articles we will allow 1,000 Votes spent. This will be the greatest n the history of Fort Mill, and we ill lend your assistance to some one ies in the contest and let's make one I 1 on the morning of August 1st, I foil Owe Us, I >th us and any one of the contestants I >r each cent paid on accounts 30 to I will give 23 votes. For each i cent I 5 60 days or more old we will \ give | Listen! 1 I a few pairs of Ladies' Oxfords in I ve offer a great reduction in price. I MY & COMPANY, Store of Style and Quality." R Massey's Ice Cream Factory We are well equipped with the best machines to be had for the manufacture of this great Summer delicacy. Small orders are filled with the same care and skill as large ones, and as greatly appreciated. Frozen Sherbets, Ices, Punch, Etc. DON'T WORRY! LET US.DO IT. When you have the club to meet with you or when you entertain your friends don't worry 'about what, you will sarve. Just decide what it shall be and 'phone us and we will have it at your door at the appointed hour, ready to serve. We can furnish these delicacies by either your receipts or ours. Ye* We Do Make it with the purest ingredients to be had. Pure, unskimmed milk from our own cows, True fruit, fruit juices, syrups, etc. Prices ori Crushed Fruit upon request. Our Prices Are cheaper than city prices, also saving you express. We pay cartage i one way within city limits. 1 Gallon, bulk $1.25 Additional KaUons. J Gal!?n- bricks, .A.. .$1.40 i ?> eR..h si oo 90 i 44 44 ...... .40 eatn, Sl.UO. j ,, ^ PACKED FOR SAFE DELIVERY. MASSE Y'S DR UG STORE. m??E "Get it at Mauey's-?There's a Reason." Baasasasatesaasasesasaasa^asassasasasasasasasa^asgpl 1 1 I We Lost a Customer? J | He Died! , 1 n If you get started to trading with us, you i n will continue with us as long as you live. [j C You can't afford to change, for our goods |i |Jj are always fresh and the best to be had, (J ft your orders are promptly filled and the q I goods are on the way to your home in a n "jiffy." If you have produce for sale, jj we'd like to have it. Phone No. 116. B HOW ABOUT YOUR NEXT ORDER? S = 1 * a Parks Grocery Company, c E. S. PARKS, Manager. Q 'ggsgggsessasggsasasasasBlisiBSgafaSg^CTtftt^ftpjUi^Eil - j