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FARMERS' WIVES t...j WORK Government Official Seems to Cast His Vote for Pigs' Feet As Against Women. A gentleman of the national agricultural department complains because the women of !he fnrins do not work as hard as they used to. This is a serious charge, indeed. It may develop that, aside from getting three or four meals a day, milking the cows, feeding the chickens, tend. ing the ghildren, darning the socks, making most of the kids' clothing, and keeping the house in order, the farm wives have nothing to <l<j. Of late yearn much has been done by the farmers them selves to make . life on the farm lew burdensome towomen. The social side of farm living has been emphasized with the disappearing necessity of pioneer hardships. The agricultural gentleman in Washington now views all this with alarm. The old home products of pickled pigs' fool, souse, preserves and dried fruit arc passing because of "the lure of society" and the unwillingness of "the women of "the | farmers' families to repeat tl)e manual labor of their grandmothers." Between the women and the pigs' feet, the gentlemen of the agricultural department casts his unanimous gentlemanly vole for the pigs* 1 feet.?Kansas City Times. CHANGE WROUGHT BY TIME Old Gentleman's Baptismal Name Corrupted as the Days of His Life Passed On. One Sunday morning a child was brought to the pastor to be baptized. They said they wished the boy christened Venus, or, as they called it, "Vunus." "Are you aware," asked the pastor, "that you are asking something ridiculous as well as wicked? 1 cannot give a Christian child, a boy, the nnine of a woman in heathen mythology. How did the id"a of giving your child such a name occur to you ?" "r lease, sir," replied the fither I "we are very anxious to lmvo him called after his grandfather." "And do you moan to tell me,'' asked the pastor, "that his grandfather is named Venus?" "Yes, sir," said the man, "that is his name." An old gentleman, looking ver\ unlike Venus, hobbled out of the crowd and came forward. "Do you say that you were christened Venus?" aslo d the pastor indignantly. "Well, no, sir," was tIn* reply, "no* exactly that way. I was christened Sylvanus. hut they always culled int Vanus." PROVED. Casey1?Thin yez think that higher idueation is a failure? Murphv?Yez hel. Shu re, ino darter Ellen had a domistie scienci cooking school course in fitting meals, an' she can's git half the suds for a nickel tliol me little six-vearould Kntv run?"Pti/.t SIDESTEPPING A DEBATE. "1 suppose you ere wedded to vout art ?" "Now what is the inquired Mr. Dohwell, "of trying to revive that old question, 'is matrimony a failure?"' HIS WAY. 1 Visitor (to facetious farmer) ? I'd like to know why on earth you call that white pig "ink?" Facetious Farmer?Because he's ! always running from the pen!? | | Town Topics. ? j , ALWAYS SO. "In that boat-upsetting, I sec they : saved the dressmaker." "Yes, the old rule?the survival ot i ' the fit-ist." . 1 I OF EQUAL VALUE. I "So you got the opinions of two lawyers on the ease. Were theit 1 opinions the aaine?" "Yea, $25 each."?Everybody's. j ' THE CAUSE. Knicker?George Washington had ? an impediment in his speech. ( Booker?Yes, he couldn't tell a lie. ?Sun. POSSIBLY. "Why do they call lawyers' briefs o?" "Becauso they make their client* abort." ' ? MAKES THE TURTLE HIS r?. New Jersey Man Has Ramarkabla Sue oeee In Hla Pursuit of ths Sueculant Raptlls. One of the oldest and most successful of hunters of the toothsome and popular "snapper" or looserhead, the big and vicious turtle that graces the soup kettle so fittingly, is Henry Duffield of this place. Duffield, who is a Civil war veteran, seems to have been l>orn with an int? J: :? ii? ? m IILI ?i?i niac-uvrinifj nit? aggressive denizen <A die mud. Already this season he has landed two big prizes, one weighing 15 and the other more than 18 pounds. Duffield's method of capture is like that employed by most of the hunters, hut he has more success than most of them. At this season of the year the "snappers" are imbedded deep in the mud of the marshes and along-creeks, where they have hibernated all winter. In the early spring thev leave their winter quarters, coming out fat, most of them. The female. seeks a sand bank, where she digs a hole and deposits her eggs, sometimes as many as two dozen. They are white, nearly round, and as large as a small English walnut. After carefully covering them she leaves them, and the heat of the sun hatches them out late in the summer. Outfield's method in locating the "snapper" is to sound the muddy places with a prod about five feet in length, and he can tell in an instant, when he strikes. The real work comes when he raises the alert and pugnacious prize out of the mud. At present he has about fifty turtles in his cellar, ranging in si/.e from live nounds nn At ni<rhf n atrmrrnr , r. ... o.?....feV. would think the house hailnted. as they get to fighting and falling over each other.?Oedarville (X. J.) Dispatch to the Philadelphia Record. VERY PARTICULAR "How do you like the hoarders where you live?" "They're too fussy. Mrs. BordenIxidge hus to cook over .ill the scraps for them before they'll eat 'em when I'd just as soon take 'em as they come from the table." TOO CLEANLY FOR COMFORT. The neatness of the Xow England housekeeper is a matter of common remark, and husbands in tbut I lie country arc supposed to appreciate their advantages. A bit of dialogue reported as follows shows that there may be another side to the matter. ''Martha, have you wiped the sink ilry yet?" asked the farmer, as he i made final preparations ,for the | night. "Yes, .Tosiah," she replied. "Why ilo you ask ?" "Well, I did want a drink, but J guess I can get along until morning."?Kvervhody's Maga/.ine. USELESS. "Haven't found your dog yet, I liear?" asked Smith of his neighbor, lones. "No," answered .Tones, ruefully. ' "Well, have you advertised?'*! "What's the use?" said Jones, "the log can't road."?Our numb Ani- ! nulls. PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY. "That fellow certainly did throw ne down." "Well, did you expect a square . leal from a rounder?" NO WONDER. "There were some startling devcl>pments in that case." "What was it?" "An amateur photographer's." HI8 RETICENCE. "Did the bride's father give her rfray?" "Not mueh he didn't. He was too inxious to get her off his hands." / For the Weak and Nervous. Tired-out, work, nervous men and women would feel ambitious, energetic, full of life and always have a good appetite, if they would do the sensible thing for health?take Electric'Bitters. Nothing better for the stomach,' liver or kidneys. Thousands say they owe 12 * * - - - i meir lives 10 tnis wonderful home {remedy. Mrs. 0. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center, N. Y.,says: "I regard Electric i Bitters as one of the greatest of gifts. 1 can never forget what it has done for me." Get a bottle yourself and , see what a difference it will make in your health. Only 50c and $1.00. Recommended by Fort Mill Drug Co., Massey's Drug* Store and Ardrey's Drug Store. DOG TAX DUE. Notice is hereby given to owners of ; dogs within the incorporate limits of i the town of Fort Mill, S. C., that the 1 annual dog tax of $1.00 per head for : males and $2.00 per head for females is due and payable to the city treasurer on or before May 1, 1913. By order of city council. S. w. PARKS, Treasurer. To The Public. i f We offer the service of two Registered Jersey Bulls, fee $1 in advance. Also offer the service of Berkshire Boar. L. A. HARRIS & CO. Some I People I Prefer the long way around and experiment with various Fountain Pens before "reaching the u;_i u Iiueai if aierman, but it is advisable to pay the price at first and you have the last thing in the way of Fountain Pens. It is nearer human than anything in this line, but*if it does not satisfy you, you may as well stop spending your money. We have cheaper ones if you want them. Ardrey's Drug Store. i KINC'S NEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. Boy S To every BOY SCO with us and can pass the as a Second Class Scout ol sent free a Handsome Re? Boy Set Open an account tod; Scout Master authorizes livered. Savings Bank Leroy Springs, Prest. 1 hrj=r.-u==== I ICE, IC =IC Cut to fit your refro when you want it, fi prices. The saving "left overs" from a i licious will pay your 14 or 8. JONES, TO ' "i liiii i'" il fltfriT - - / ~ "f Wbthny Csllsgs SCHOLARSHIP and ENTRANCE EXAMINATION The examination for the award of vacant scholarship? in Wjnthrcp College and for the admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on Friday July 4, at 9 a. m. Applicants must not be less than sixteen years of aire. When Scholarships are vacant after July 4 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examinat:on, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. ! Applicants for Scholarships should . write to President Johnson before the examination for Scholarship examina- I tion blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and I free tuition. The next session will 1 open September 17, 1913. For further information and catalogue, address Pres. D. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C. TO THE PUBLIC! j > I have opened a General ; Repair Shop at the old Downs stand, in the rear of Harris' livery stable, and solicit a share of your patronage. I propose to do only good work and guarantee satisfaction and prices. Let mc shoe your horses. P.T.T PA TUTS *; * Y^T*, ? PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTES and WHITE PLYPIOUTHROCKS, EGGS FOR HATCHING from pure stock of the above strains at $1.25 per 15. Eighty per cent hatch or effRS replaced at half price. B. C. FERGUSON. Fort Mill, S. C. : _ L . _- ?? I V||BQBEIB33HHQuB?HBBBBBr^ 1THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR E 25 VOTES 1 IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST I IP CLIPPED FROM THE jj TIMES AND PRESENTED AT | THE STORE OF THE i | MILLS & YOUNG CO., ? I FORT MILL, S. C. | DraBBHnnDBBM i M?Mwn?MHaaaia| .-ji >couts UT* opening an account necessary requirements ? your order, we will pre; ulation out Pin i ay and as soon as your us, the pin will be de- I I of Fort Mill,) j! V. B. Meacham, Cashr. | sssssssrssssr** 1 ' ; E, ICE, I E!= i\ i { gerator, delivered ill weight at right ? ?. ..... i i iu jruu in Keeping ileal fresh and deice bill. 'Phone j E GROCER. 4 :rrm^F^ * r. ' % ^??j M E A O H 1 Misses' and Ch Children's White Dressei dren's Gingham, Percal am 50c. Children's dresses, dresses, in Gingham, Perca years, $1 and $1.50. Middj Norfolk Blouse, 6 to 14 yeai are elegantly made and wa? specials m 36-inch Poplin, splendid f cial, 15c. Mercerized Popli Ratings, 25c. 50-inch Ch Linene, hard to tell from rt Linen, 20c, 25<\ 35c and 50c $1 00. 90-incti Linene, ver; Tub Domestic Tub Silk, fast ? Tub Silk, 19-inch, fine for s 39c. 36-inch Tub Silks, 65c Did it come from Epps'? Meachai I 1 The First H I Fort N Established March 9, 19 3 W. B. ARDREY, President. I DIRE< W. B. ARDREY, J. B. MILLS. 1 I A UiDDIC I EDGAR JONES, OSMOND BARBER, | T. B. S JUST THINK OF IT! A Four Hundred Dollar Pianc Absolutely Given Away! That advertising is now a science ii attain demonstrated practically to tin buying public ?.f this section by thwonderful advertising system now employed by the enterprising business house of McElhaney & Co., who are going to give away ABSOLUTELY FREE to some one of their customers on August 1 the beautiful CLAXTON PARLOR GRAND PIANO which is now on exhibition at their store. The Claxton sells for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS and is a HIGH CLASS instrument in every respect, GUARANTEED by the makers for TEN YEARS. JUST THINK OF IT1 A Four hundred Doliar Piano to be GIVEN AWAY! A few years ago, if a merchant was to do such a thing he would fjp considered a fit subject for an asylum, hut condi tions have changed, yet in the face of the enormous sum spent in advertising the fact of McElhaney & Co. giving away a $400 Piano is a stupendous undertaking and it clearly demonstrates their desire to be "always up to and a little ahead" of the spirit of the times. Every purchaser of $1.00 worth of goods from any department of their store will receive a coupon good for 100 votes on the Piano. The person presenting the largest number of votes to them on August 1 will receive the piano absolutely free. No favors will be shown and every person will.tye given an equal chance. The reputation enjoyed by McElhaney & Co. for "square dealing" insures this fact. We think the buying people will appreciate this extremely liberal offer on the part of McElhaney & Co. and we prelict a lively scramble for votes.?Adv. | FREE VOTE COUPON. ^ S I 7 Cut out this coupon and 7 ^ present it at McElhaney's ? ? store and he will exchange ? $ it for twenty-five votes in $ ^ the $400 Piano Contest. ^ 4 4 Electric Bitters Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and hack,** writes 11. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. Gn "and my liver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." mice BO en. AT ALL DRUG 1T0WC1. ? c : a-.#* ~ v * ^ r l m a epp^b ildren's Dresses. ?, 1 and 2 years, 25c. 1 Linen dresses, 2 to 4 yeai^^^^^^H 6 to 12 years, 50c. 1, Linen and Lawn, 8 to j Blouse, 6 to 14 years, rs, $1. All of these garmen^^^^^H| ihable colors. White Goods. or skirts and suits, very ii, 20c and 25c. Ratine, icck Muslin, 121-2c. 3(>-iiK-lH I a I Linen, 12 l-2c. 36-inch 90-inch all Linen Sheeting, special, 50c. colors, special. 25c. Iraported^^^^^^ hirts, shirt waists and dresses. If so?don't worry. rn & Epps. I National Bank, till S. C. H 11. Capital $25,000 T. B. SPRATT, Cashier. 3TORS -JACKSON HAMILTON, I J. L. SPRATT, HBH A. R. McELHANEY, 1 H JOHN M. HARRIS, " H. N. PATTERSON, DD A T'?? i rvrt 1 i. I HH Stop the Licg? S^From torturing ind w**krnlni TOUT*\^^^? ) / htn*. Lou** lien* ran't lajl K Tx f IfMrtl^Pow tiered Lice Killer svCH H| Quickly kill* WVjjUgJ H B, 50c ,1 ..v?r"a:^., \?.il W IL o"? v i)u? k tr u a. I*" VU?|^H n . i2v\Jl I '' McElhaney At Co., Mills & Young flj i Co., A. O. Jones. W. B. Ardrey. I AN ORDINANCE. 1 Be it ordained by the mayor and 1 I wardens of the town of Fort Mill, S. C. 1 i now sitting in open council and by the 1 1 authority of the same: I i Section 1. I bat all able bodied male I residents of the town of Fort Mill, 8. 1 ' C., between the ages of 21 and 60 J years, and who are not exempt by | State law, shall, betw-en the 15th day of April, 1913, and the 15th day of May, 1913, pay unto the town treasurer commutation street tax in the sum of $3.00, or perform five days' labor on 1 the streets of said town. Sec. 2. That after the 15th Haw ?/ i May, 1913, all delinquents will be punished as provided by law in such cases. Done and ratified this, 4th, day of April, 1913. A. R. McELHANEY, Attest: Mayor. S. W. PARKS. Clerk. The Thrice-A-Week Edition OF THE NEW YORK WORLD Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in the world gives so muck at so low a price. This is a time of great events and you will want the news accurately and promptly. The Democrats, for the first time in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control both branches of Congress. The political news is sure to be the most absorbing interest. There is a great war in the Old World, and you may read of the extinction of the vast Turkish Empire in Europe, just as a few vp? J ?R" ) UU read how ^pain lost her last foot of soil in America, after having ruled the empire of half the Npw World. The World long since established a record for impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-a-Week edition, which comes every other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The ThriceJSrWeek World also abounds in other Strong - < feature?, serial stories, humor, market*, cartoons; in fact, everything that ia to he found in a first-class daily. ] THB THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'8 regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 paper*. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Fort Mill Times together for on* year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.25. OLD NEWSPAPERS for sal* at The Times office. 1