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THE FORT MILL TIMES. Democratic ? Published Thursdays. F ? B. W. BRADFORD ? Editor aad Proprietor, q ~ j Bo?ctuttiom Rat?: . One Year II.t5 * Bis Months <6 t v The Ttaseo Invites contributions on live subjects ? kit don not I|tm to publish mora than 300 words a any subjoct. Ths right is reserved to sdit vary communication submitted for publication. On application to ths publisher, advertising fates are made known to those interested. Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. Entered at the postofllce at Fort Mill, S. C.. as Mail matter of the second class. THURSDAY. MAY 15. 1913. Why an Eleventh Grade? Inasmuch as The Times is informed that the trustees of the Fort Mill school have under advisement the putting: on of an eleventh grade in the local school, the following, from the Gaffney Ledger, is published for the consideration of the members of the local board: "It is not our business to run the graded school and we don't firopose to interfere with the busness of the trustees chosen for that specific purpose, but it occurrs to us that it is not advantageous to add an eleventh grade to the institution. We already have ten grades and it appears that it is difficult to get a sufficient number of scholars to continue through the tenth grade. If that be true will it not be more difficult to get scholars suf-1 ncient for an eleventh grade? i Any boy or girl who successfully 1 completes the tenth grade can 1 enter college, and even if they i went through an eleventh grade 1 they would be compelled, in most | < instances, to go over the same 1 work again if they matriculated < in a college. Would it not be better to spend this money in the various lower grades than to add a grade? We are simply 1 asking for information. Chil- j ] dren who pass through the | tenth grade, if they have been * taught anything at all, are pret- c ty well equipped for the battle j of life. If th* ir parents he poor ! it is time for them to go to work, 1 if they be well to do or wealthy it is time they were being sent to college at the expense of the r parents and not being educated i at the expense of the govern- \ ment." < Members of the local military organization, along with the members of the other companies forming the First regiment of the State National Guard, have every reason to feel good over the report submitted to Governor B lease by Adjutant Genera) i Moore. After making an in specting tour of the State the adjutant general recommended j to the governor that ten companies of the guard be disbanded on account of inefficiency and in the list named was not a single company from the First regiment. The Times has all along believed that the pick of the State militia was to be found in : the Piedmont section and the i report of General Moore serves ; to strengthen this belief. "The 'whiskey trust' has a paid attorney in every county seat in the Southern dry counties, getting $25 to $50 a day to draw 1 up and have circulated petitions for dispensary elections and look after whiskey ring interests." This statement is said to have been made by the Rev. J. J?. t Harley in a speech in Sumter recenty. If this be true, the York county attorney has the pension "cinch" beat a block. Thprp nrp nlontu nf follnti/a who could teach a better school. than those who teach, preach a better sermon than those who preach, who could run a better business and publish a better paper. Yes, the woods are full of them, but they neither teach, | preach, run a better business or publish a better paper. They are like the lillies of the held, they toil not, neither do they pin. Six of ten people who hunt you up want to tell you their troubles, and the remaining four have bttla. Go as you please, do as you ilease, go whenever and wherever you please and, like many ither wayward souls have done, ou will fail to please the multiude. Even in the trivial matter >f getting a wife, how many here are who would like to :hoose for you or grumble at 'our choice. The man who is planning on aising a good garden and keepng a few chickens, a cow and >erhaps a pig or two, won't n*$d o worry over the high cost <rf iving. It's the ones who have lot thft onnortnnitv fn Hn thia or ire too indolent who are held up tor big expense. The prosperity of a town does u>t depend so much upon the vealth of its citizens as the manler in which they pull together, .jet's pull together this spring ind summer and by fall we can joast one of the best towns in he State. "Kiss Me as I Fall Asleep," s the title of a new song. It night work all right with some nen, but it would wake us up mmediately. It used to be that in the spring i young man's fancy lightly urned to thoughts of love, but lowadays it is firmly glued to )aseball. A teakettle can sing when it is nerely full of water. But man, iroud man, is no teakettle. The announcement comes to The Standard that Rev. James it. McK4ttrick is to be married n June to Miss Carrie Emipa Parks, of Fort Mill. Miss Parks ] las for some time been loa?l; nissionary in Reidsville. N. C. itev. McKittrick is pastor of ixood Hope Baptist church and j las numbers nf frion/lo in ? - WMMU Ml uoiuua :ounty. ?SaludaStandard, 8th. Constipation Cured. Dr. King's New Life Pills will reieve constipation promptly and get 1 /our bowels in healthy condition again, i lohn Supsic, of Sanbury, Pa., says: 'They are the best pills I ever used, ind 1 advise everyone to use them for 'onstipation, indigestion and liver comilaint." Will help you. Price 25c. iecomrnended by Fort Mill Drug Co., dussey's Drug Store, and Ardrey's )rugS tore. (Advertisement.) More At MA 2?0 pairs of $2 50 to $3.50 Ox 50c Tafetas and Wash Silks at 25c Ratines, Bedford Cords, ? 20c Ratines, Bedford Cords, 17 l-2c Ratines, Bedford Cord Best Calico and Apron Gingh; White Canvas Oxfords and Pi at 25c to Bargains in every line. Do comD&re the nrisss L. JTN wmmmmammmmmmmmmmamn f=ll II ir=H=, 1 A SMAL! J Will Sink a t | You may spend as you go 1J opportunities to save which Racket Store, but you will fi |lj expenses count up to larg III thpro linuor nan nninH? or,.. forgetting the value of the 1 "i pending the small amounts v cal buyer. Every week ir point the way to many oi small leaks. A special sale in small things such as soa] There may be just one pen when you add them all tog J* pennies number a dollor or ments of the Red Racket < tunities to save not only yoi Red Rac Fort IV S ' -A / I A I I ONE CENT A WORD MINIMUM CHARGE. 25C. FOR SALE?Four?foot, dry Pine Wood, split fine. Berber Mercantile Co. DON'T FORGET THAT THE THEATRE STILL RUNS First-Class Pictures AND SECOND RUN FILMS ^ASK YOUR FRIENDS I HOMES FOR SALE. Cottage on Monroe White street in Fort Mill, five rooms, excellent location, $1,400. Cottage on Leonidas street, four rooms, in splendid section of the town, $575. Residence on East Booth St., near Main, fine, large lot. A bargain at $2,000. Cottage on Elm street, in good repair, five rooms. Price, $1,000. Residence on west side Booth street, near Main; six rooms, with barn and convenient outhouses. Price, $2,500. Brick residence on Main street, the P. K. Mull residence. An excellent investment at $3,000. Cottage on Claiborne street, new and modern, splendid section. Price, $1,500. Cottage on White street, four rooms, near Fort Mill Mfg. Co., 11-2 acre lot. Price, $1,325. We have other city property to offer to those who will make inquiry. Special. 35 acres with house, barn and good well, withiq "ot>e mile of Fort Mill, $45 per acre. 2 3-4 acres, with three tenement houses, in town, an excellonf inunofmonf of AKA I I aviJb III v voviutut at Ask to see our list of farms for sale near Fort Mill. We have some excellent propositions. BA1LES & LINK, BROKERS. Dr. King's New Discovery Soothes irritated throat and lungs, stops chronic and hacking cough, relieves tickling throat, tastes nice. Take no other; once used, always used Buy ?t at Fort Mill Drug Co., Parks Drug Co. and Ardrey's Drug Store. (Advertisement.) t tRGAINsf SSEY'S fords at _ $1.50 25c lie., ai . 19c itc., at 15c Is, etc., at 121-2c ww. f am at. 5c imps going like hot cakes $1.50 n't fail to see the goods and == i lassey. L BREAK 01 i . Large Ship. n I . paying no attention to the ! : 1 U.. iV. n -J II 1 mc nuvcuiocu uy kllV ivea nd sooner or later that little sums. A loose, here-and- J lander a lot of his cash by (~| ittle purchases. Care in exirill quickly repay the economii this Rpace The Times will jportunities for stopping the i every day at the Red Racket [~| ps, ribbons, laces and notions. i ny off the regular price, but I ether you will find that the j more. Read the advertise:losely every week for oppor- | lr pennies but dollars. I ket Store, I mi, s. c. | m I KTT^sst ? n j McEll "The Stor Let us supply your refrigerator this summer with I C E We will have a supply vrn iicuiu / at all times. Phone No. 15. Stewart & Culp "Haile's on the Corner" Take Your Choice We have the following blood tonics in stock, viz.: Burdock and Prickly Ash Kisco Celery Tonic Milam B. B. B. S. S. S. PADT TUfTT T nDTTP nAiin * VTV i'vyivA miuu uuuu ^uinrrti,t I, Phone 43. P. S.?Try Dodson's Livei Tone. "It takes the place oi calomel." Price, 50c. Largest Magazine in the World. TODAY'S MAOAZINEis the largest and heat edited magazine published al 50c per year. Five cents per copy al all newsdealers. Ev^ry lady who appreciatee a good magazine should senc for a free sample cony and premiunr catalog. Address. TODAY'S MAGAZINE. Canton. Ohio. } . ' ' ' ' . ' ?4I % .. ^ tianey & e of Style and Scrubbing I 0 Enamel your walls and wood is hard and smooth, non-absorl surfaces do not require scrul with a damp cloth will keep the ACMEC, ENAMELS are easily applied. They cost i 1 ? ana save you time, trouble and Our "Home Decorating" bool it yourself at a trifling cost. Ask for a free copy. Massey's C |P|sa5asasasgsaasasasas5asai jjj Right on nj Give us your next orde we'll deliver it when pro No extra charge for t H our service. |S We have the goods, th rvl X? a. /??n J J -1* I ues lo niu ana aenver yc you want it, but as you \ have any kick coming on HOW ABOUT YOI Parks Groce E. S. PARK - iQEsasasassesaasasBSBSBsasi Try a Special "For Sale" , 1 ? 1 I i I 4 I I : Co., 1 ' i Quality." I L Jnnecessary work and secure a finish that W" >ent and sanitary. Enameled H sbing. An occasional wiping H m looking clean and fresh. g minr I (NEAL'S) no more than ordinary paint I worry. I clet tells you how you can do 1 >rug Store. IgsassasasBsasHsasasasasgp the Dot! 1 :r for GROCERIES and Sj mised?right on the dot. Ifi his all important part of Iwl e experience, the facili- R? / >ur order not only when C][ vant it. And you won't Rffl i our prices, either. W JR NEXT ORDER? ? HIx ry Company, | LS, Manager. H tasassasasasasasasasaBasaal Adv. in The Timea.~r?6 Cents. i