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ESTABLISHED ttJUUi tw f AM*. "Young Man's Ancestry, as he Explained It, Surely Enough to SatIsfy the Most Fastidious. They were talking about anccBtrj in the cozy corner, of a dn broom when Congressman (iood of lows smilingly observed thai he was reminded of one along thai line. uIn a certain eastern town,*' said lie, "there is a lady who is very strong or. ancestry and all I hat sort of thing, and doesn't lose any time in sizing up your family tree. "Not long ago she met a yenn* man at a social function, and immediately began to wonder if his forefathers were perforated in (icorgt Washington's Revolution. To thii end she hi-imn to 01 motion liim nt tin ? 'P 'I " earliest opportunily. "'Of course, Mr. Blank; sweetly Tcmnrkod the lacFv. 'i!cc must hav( been men of great vole among voui ancestors.' " 'Oli, ves,' was ilip reassuring re p!v, 'one of my anccslors was tin n ?>-t famous ndm'ral of liis day, an commanded the navnl forces of tin world.' "'You don't really mean it!' ex / claimed the I l\ <l< ligidedlv. '\VouK you mind telling l ie 11is name?' " 'Not at all,' glildv answered youni man. 'his name was Noah.*' RECITE PRAYER OVER HOUNDS French Monarch Rt*poiRib1e for Cere mony That Sr.emb Rirf>culouss in Modern Days. Louis LI. was in the luihit o; starving his hounds in order to in crease ardor and instinct. Owe h< accidentally kept them too long with out food, and when lliey were re leased they were so ravenous thai they sprang upon one of the kind's favorites and* tore him literally tr pieces. Louis was so overcome vvitl grief at the tragedy that he puhlich announced that Uc w'nuld never hum again. Some years later, however, i hunt was organized to.eelehrate tin marriage of Anne, the king's dangle ter. liouis, remembering the dealt of his friend, called in a cardinal ant asked him to pray. This was done? the year was l.'HR?and since thoi the eeremonv of hu ssine the hue, nd lias been kept up in France. the due; pnncrally heinp taken to tin* Fores of Compicpne for the purpose. Mom hers of the ohiirch sprinkle each cin ino, meanwhile ofTorinp tip this prav or: "May (Jn<l permit these dops hi their ardor and irslinel to contnhnti to the success of the hunt, and kce| them from turniup furiously on tin huntsmen." THE OTHER APOSTLES. An Knplish commercial travele was one day driving past the pen rral post office in Dublin, Ireland Over the front entrance of the hnild inp stand three larpe stone figures representing {line of Hie apostles The inquisitive travesty asked tin jarvev who was drivinp the outsidi ear whom these tigu res 'denoted, t< which the answer quickly came "The three apostles, yer honor." "But," said the traveler, "! (nought l here were twelve of them Where are the other nine?" "Inaiile, yer honor, sorting the let ters."?.1 udge. PROFIT IN TIPS. "J make ipiito an item on my ex ponsr account," the old oommercia traveler said. "Mine doesn't sec me through,' the younger one replied. "How d< you do it ?" "The firm allows me lips that ar< currently supposed to he fair am necessary, hut t give only the tip: that the waiters expect and save 51 per cent." HIS JUDGMENT. ~ Besides singing for the expert, shi had given him the- entire story o her life and sufferings. "Madam," he said, after she ha< finished, "von have a voice of mag nificent promise?" "O, thank you so much!" "A voire of magnificent promise madain?for conversational pur poses." GOOD LOSER. "What was the worst thing tha ever happened to you ?" "Aw, go 011! I ain't one of thea guys that knocks matrimony." NO TROUBLE. Fair Visitor?Oh, don't trouble t fcee me to the door. | Hostess?No trouble at all, deai llfa a pleasure. For the Weak and Nftrrous. Tired-out, werk, nervous men and , women would feel ambitious, energetic, full of life and always have a good appetite, if they would do the sensible thing for health? iak? Electric Bitiefs. I Nothing better for the stomach, liver ' j or kidneys. Thousands say they owe their lives to this wonderful home remedy. Mrs. O. Rhi. evault, of Vestal I ; Center, N. Y.,say.-: "1 regard Electrie Bttters as one of the greatest of gifts. ; 1 can never forget what it has done i for me." Get a bottle yourself and I see what a difference it will make in , your health. Only 50c and $1.00. Recommended by Fort Mill Drug Co , ' He.w. WO..-.. I A -.1 j mv J? l/i utuit* OliU Aiur^f o Drug Store. I ~~ ' ' jSome People /[\ Prefer the long way ,! around and experiment i with various Fountain 1 i * Pens before reaching the 'H Ideal Waterman, ' ' but it is advisable to pay I the price at first and you ' | ^ JL r?'^J have the last thing in ^ the way of Fountain Pens. It is nearer hu- l man than anything in j this line, but if it does f rik&l nGt satls^ y?u? you may 5Ek| as well stop spending ! m&N y?ur money. t J We have cheaper ones if you want them. II i . !j Ardrey's Drug Store. i V inthrop College SCHCL\rSHIP and ENTRANCE , EX Alt INATION 1 The examination for the award of vacant scholarsh;psin Wir.throp College ' and for the admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on hriday July 4, nt 9 a. m. Applicants must not be less than sixteen years of I aire. When Scholarships are vucant . after July 1 they will be awarded to t those making the highest average at j tli s oxaminat'on, provided they meet ; - the c> ndit ons governing tin* award. . 1 Ap, licants for Scholarships should i write to President Johnson before the examination for Scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and \ free tuiton. The next session will open September 17, 101J. For further information and catulogue, address Prri. D. il. Johncon. Rock Hill, S. C. 10 THE PUBLIC! j I have opened a General\ ! Ilepair Shop at the old Downs ! 1 j stand, in the rear of Harris' j 1 livery stable, and solicit a ; share of your patronage. I propose to do only good work and guarantee satisfac- j I tion and prices. | . T.flt mn okn/i U ..... mvv >uv ouuc Jf will IIUI SC81 ELI PARKS. ': PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTES and WHITE PLYMOUTHROCKS, EGGS FOR HATCHING from pure stock of the above strains at $1.25 p i per 15. Eighty per cent hatch or f eggs replaced at half price. B. C. FERGUSON, I I Fort Mill, S. C. ~ I - ? into wuruiN 1M UUUU If UK 25 VOTES IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST IF CLIPPED FROM THE TIMES AND PRESENTED AT t THE STORE OF THE MILLS & YOUNG CO., FORT MILL, S. C. . ? 0 To The Public. I We offer the service of two Regis( terec Jersey Bulls, fee $1 in advance. * Also offer the service of BeHcshire Boar. L. A. HARRIS & CO. - S* Boy S To every BOY SC01 with us and can pass the as a Second Class Scout of sent free a .Handsome Reg Boy See Open an account toda Scdut Master authorizes livered. Savings Bank Leroy Springs, Prest. \ fe .-??as Old Englisl Winthrop College, May 13, *At 3:30 P. M. and 8:30 P. M., % Elizabeth to Kenilworth Castle, provided by the Earl of Leicester Great English Queen. Spectacula men and picturesque representatio England in the Elizabethan Age. will take part in the performances Robin Hood drama, "Sherwood." ancesin a beautiful out-door stadii Reduced railroad rates with s rections after the evening perforn Tickets for both performances For reserve seat tickets ac Hill, S. C. This Cold Is keeping back your yet you cannot depend on So 'Phone to us for what< demand and we will suppl; Our business is to fee cheaply. JONES, 4 4 I Money I On Improved Fa In sums of Thre Ten Thousand D Term of Loan? One to Ten Year # A Fllffetf% AND ?9 8 Be highest mi e 3 ffte F0R RAW1 WmW M V^BF Wool on Comml ~ llot mention log t JOHN WHITE & CO. L' t ? im. i hmi3 couts CJT opening an account necessary requirements your order, we will pre- j ulation i ! >ut Pin Ly and as soon as your I us, the pin will be dei j of Fort Mill, V. B. Meacham, Cashr. sssssssssrJ Ii Pageant , Rock Hill, S. C. I Special Trains === depicting the visit of Queen with the elaborate festivities j for the entertainment of the r manoeuvres of mounted horse- ; ?ns of dances and sports of rural Seven hundred young women Presentation of the beautiful iti tho pvpninc RnMi i-voi-fni-ivi ... ...-W w T A_rvwil pvi 1U1 IIIjm on the college green, pecial trains returning in all dilance. ; $1.50. idress VVinthrop College, Rock i Weather 1 . Spring gardens and as them for your dinners, jver your appetite may y you. d people properly and j E GROCER. i X I 11 *1 * ! i to Lend : maMKmtsm 1 " 11 rm Property e Hundred to ^ ollars. | II B. T. B. SPRATT. HIDES ^MPIv tRKET PRICE PAID FURS AND HIDES nlon. Writ* lor i'"Iff? T tTpWjnWBpyjfTA V "*X7* - ' ML E A O H A Saturday ai We want to make these ou we are making big preparatic Millii Great bargains in this depr Hats at $2.25, $2.50 up to $2 ! an J $4.50 Hat at $2.98. We this denartment. This is our I and see. Hot Weathei Men's B. V. 0 shirts and < D. Union suits. $1.00. Men': 25c and 50c. Boy's Gauze sh Union Suits. 25c. Women's See our Maline Vest. 3 for 25 Saturday and Monday we < 7 l-2c. All Calicos at 5c. Ct 7 l-2c. Pound can Talcum P< Flouncing: at 59c. $25 Embr< Meachan 1 ' I he First N I Fort M: j Established March 9, 191 I W. B. ARDREY, President. I ' DIREC W. B. ARDREY, J. B. MILLS, j| L. A. HARRIS, Ij EDGAR JONES, OSMOND BARBER, | T. B. SP JUST TxlINK OF II! A Four Hundred Dollar riano Absolutely Given Away! advertising is now a science is : again dem?nstr*>t<d practically to tlu-^ buyin.j j ul lie 'f this scetirn by the' wond? rful advertising syst- in now employed by the enterprising business house of McElhaney & Co., who are going to give away ABSOLUTELY FREE to some one of their customers on August 1 the beautiful CLAXTON PARLOR GRAND PIANO which is now on exhibition at their store. The Claxton sells for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS and is a* HIGH CLASS instrurmnt in every respect, GUARANTEED by the makers for TEN YEARS. JUST THINK OF IT1 A Four hundred Dollar Piano to be GIVEN AWAY! A few years ago. if a merchant was to do such a thing he would be considered a fit subject for an asylum, but conditions have changed, yet in the face of the enormous sum spent in advertising the fact of McElhaney & Co. giving away a $104) Piano is a stupendous un dertaking and it clearly demonstrates j their desire to be "always up to and a ! little ahead" of the spirit of the times. Every purchaser of $1.00 worth of goods from any department of their store will receive a coupon good for 100 votes on the Piano. The person presenting the largest number of votes to them on August 1 will receive the Eiano absolutely free. No favors will e shown and every person will be given an equal chance. The reputation enjoyed by McKlhaney & Co. for "square dealing" insures this fact. We think the buying people will appreciate this extremely liberal offer on the part of McElhaney & Co. and we predict a lively scramble for votes. Adv. 4 4 ? FREE VOTE COUPON. J > I $ Cut out this coupon and 7 ^ present it at McElhaney's ^ ^ store and he will exchange ^ % it for twenty-five votes in $ ? the $400 Piano Contest. ? A. Electric I Bitters [ Made A New Man Of Him.} "I was suffering from pain in my*' stomach, head and back," wr ites If. [< T. Alston, Raleigh, N. Cn "and my \ liver and kidneys did not work right, f but four bottles of Electric Bitters i made me feel like a new man." I PRICE SO CT8. AT ALL OWUQ tTOWEt. [ w a B idMond^^^^l r banner days for ms for lery. You must )8. We will give never carry over anything first call on Hats, so * Underwear L irawers, 50c. Men's ; Gauze and dra^eri^^^^^^^H and drawers, 25c. Boys^fl^^^^^H Gauze vest, 5c, 10c and sell Poe C. Bleaching jlgate's Ta cum Powders jwder tor 10c. 75c 45 inch^^^^^^flfl jidercd Suit Patterns i &Epps. ational Bank,^^H 1. Capital $25,000 I T. B. SPRATT, I Cashier. ||HH '.TORS :^B JACKSON HAMILTON. J^B^I J. L. SPRATT, A. R. McELHANEY. J ^^B JOHN M. HARRIS. H. N. PATTERSON, ^H| | ^B ?** U 2, ?=L pi; f f |i3|tr 911 I K. 8*% iff t|3%| ?-<* ?i=?; s" a ?Lf * Is * a ? ,;,?? ? 2fl 3 : I ? S. *f sp-:;""?Sl B AN ordinance! I Be it ordained 1 >> the mayor a! H wardens of the t< of Fort Mill, S. 1 B H now sitting in open council and by the^KHfl authority of the same: ^^^^B Section 1. I hat all able bodied male'^^^^|B residents of the town of Fort Mil), 8. C., between the ages of 21 and St1 V H years, and wno are not exempt by Ih^^H State law, shall, betw< en the 15th day )||^^S of Apr'l, 1913, and the 15th day of May, 11118, pay unto the town treasurer ^^^B commutation street tax in the sum of $3.00, or perform five days' labor on the streets of said town. ^^B Sec. 2. That after the 15th day of . ^^B May, 1913, all delinquents will be pun- ^^B ished as provided by law in such cases. ^^B Done and ratified this, 4th, day of April, 1913. A. K. MclCLHANEY. Attest: Mayor. S. W. PARKS. Clerk. mM NOTICE OF SALE > M Of the $75,000 Bond Issue of \ 9 York County, South Caro- lina. -WM Sealed bids will be received at the ?38 office of .1. S. Hrice, Vorkville. S. C., ' for the York County, South | Carolina, Court House bonds up to ; twelve o'clock noon of May 16th. 1918. B These bonds are twenty year coupon ' I bonds in amount of $500.00 each and f 1 ! bear interest at the rate of four and r> 1 | one-half per centum, payable sami- ] ; annually on January 1st and July lafe and will be dated May 1st 1913. The first coupon will run from May to ? January 1914 and after that regularly semi-annually. Interest and principal I payable wherever agreed on between purchaser and commission. The conditions of sale are cash and . ??.'? umirai u|i lotmy oi aenvery, land within sixty days from the dav of L* sale, and the money for said bonds is to ?$? be paid to the undersigned Court House Commission. All attorney's fees for approval of said bonds to "be paid by purchaser. All bids to be accompanied by a certified . check in the sum of $1,000.00. The Court. House Commission reserve# the right to reject any and all bids. JOHN G. ANDERSON, W. S. WILKERSON, J. S. BRICE. Constituting York County Court Houae Commission Address Communicntiona to COURT HOUSE COMMISSION, YORKVII^LE, S. C. OLD NEWSPAPERS for sals at The Times office.