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I Cms of interest i |es readers! IB Cuip attend? of Pleasant Hill a. Presbyterian church.? re- ' I Bed Monday morning from this county, where fori Iys he had assisted the Mills in a meeting at s church. ional weather bureau's ! or the week indicated j jeratures above normal' evail throughout the | Rst of the Mississippi below normal over the \ lountain and plateau i White, of the township, i ness was noted in last irnes, left Fort Mill vening for Philadelphia, e he is to be t reated by ist at t he State Unity r. White was ac-1 d to Philadelphia by a physician, Dr. Sumner. gular spring examinaeachers' graded certifis held Friday morning irt house at Yorkville, F.ducatioa Carroll being Only two applicants sent from Fort Mill. Millie Hoke and Ethel ig. inual May meeting at Vlill Presbyterian church onight (Thursday) at :. There will be serday morning and Saturling at 10 o'clock, and iy m< roing at 11 o'clock ! on services will be held. [. Holladay, of Winns-j 1 assist the Rev. W. An the meeting. lary Hood, daughter of L Hood, of the Pleasant, ction, died at the home at her Sundav moi nincr I after an illness of about four months of consumption. The 'uneral service was conducted londay morning at 10 o'clock by V?v. F. I.. Glennan, of Fort Mill, <d the interment was at Pleast Hill church in Pleasant Val*l"he patrons" &ni~ pupils genBally of the local graded schools ill regret to learn that Miss essie Wilson, ot Florence, who Bas elected teacher ol the high chool department for the next lerm. has decided not to accept Rhe position. Miss Wilson's rea[son for not accepting the position [here is said to he the very poor health of her father, she preferring a position nearor home. There has been.some discussion recently among the business men of Fort Mill of the advisability of a bond issue of $15,000 for a water system for the town. It has been figured that the reduction in insurance 4-ates with a water system would be so great that the property owners of the town would be at little if any expense in paying the interest and creating a sinking fund to retire such bonds. Miss Minnie Perry, an aged jriaiden lady of the township, aied Wednesday, April 31st, at the home of Mr. J. R. Miller, after an illness of but a few day8. Miss Perry was the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. 0. R. Perry, who were at one time residents of Fort Mill. She was a sister of Miss Irene Perry, whose death occurred only a few weeks ago. The funeral was by the Rev. Mr. Kingsley, of Pineville. The burial was made at Blackstock church. Bennett, the little 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hoagland, was the victim of a very painful accident one day the last week. The little fellow was at play in the lot of A. 0. Jones and had climbed upon an old iirmned calvanizp.-l tank when his foot slipped and in fallings the sharp edge of the tank caught his left ear and almost completely severed it from his h3ad. A physician sewed the ear back and it is now said the wound is healing nicely. A large crowd of Fort Mill people journeyed to Pleasant Valley Tuesday to be present at the closing exercises of the Pleasant Valley Academy. The address of the day was made by Hon. M. L. Smith, of Camden. There were several contests in recitations and declamations, a bigpitnic dinner, baseball game, etc., all of which combined to make the day one of much pleasure to all who attended. The Pleasant '.Valley school has just closed one of the most successful terms in its history. Prof. Jas. D. Fulp, of Fort Mill, was the: principal, assisted by Miss Lulu I Harris. The Times is greatly pleased to see the boys of the town showing so much interest in the "clean-up" campaign ?ow on. Along each of the streets of the town mav be seen Dilefe of rubbish which have been gathered by the boys. Some of the piles are | small while others have grown ! to the size of a farmer's haystack. There is great rivalry on j between the boys over, the prizes to be awarded on next^'hursday, ' and the little fellows are putting in every spare moment iti augmenting their respective piles of rubbish. Many Fort Mill people have i during the last few days ex- j pressed their intention of attending the Old English Pageant to be given at Wmthrop college, Rock Hill, on next Tuesday. Great preparations have been made for this production and it gives promise of being one of the greatest pageants ever given in this section of the country. For the convenience of people of other towns who wish to witness the night performance at Winthrop, the Southern railway will operate trains out from Rock Hill on each of its lines after the performance Tuesday night. The Colored Graded School Closed. During the closing week of the colored graded school of Fort Mill nddrpKviPQ wnro in *? rl" Profs. R. J. Boulware and M. P. I Hall, of Rock Hill. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. . Jno. T. Wright, of Yorkville. Our enrollment this year was 126 pupils. The school house is j too small and unfit to teach in. 1 I trust that the patrons will meet i [-in.a mass meeting and make arrangements to but a lot on which to erect a good school building before the next session. This | can be done if each one will do his duty. I believe the white) citizens will help us, for it is i said, "God helps those who will j help themselves." I am very grateful to Mr. ! W. B. Ardrey who gave two prizes to the contestants, and also to the friends who assisted in the exercises. A L. White, Principal. York Negro Paroled. Columbia special of April 30 to the News and Couriei : Gov- j I ernor Blease today paroled A I- i fred Williams, a negro convicted ; of murder with recommendation , ; to mercy at the A pi il, lb08, term of court for York county and j sentenced to life imprisonment. J in the penitentiary. The parole; is conditioned on the negro using j no more intoxicating liquors and on good behavior. The petition was presented by T. F. McDow, was signed by eight of the jury, recommended by Judge Watts and signed by Dr. White, Brown Neil, D, M. Hall, J. F. Jackson, W. H. Windle and other citizens. Best Medicine for Colds. When a druggist recommends a remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles, you can feel sure that he knows what he is talking about. C. I^ower, Druggist, of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the beBt throat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife of a severe bronchial cold after all other remedies failed." It will do the same for you if you are suffering with a cold or any bronchial throat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in the family to use. It is a home doctor Price 50 and $1.00. Guaranteed by Fort Mill Drug Co., Massey's Drug Store and Ardrey's Drug Store. Let US Sell U I Screen Doors and Windows Big Stock and Prices Right. Fort Mill Lumber Co. . <&+i+$+&*$+$+$+v+$+G'+$+$+<$+$+$+$>+$+&+i+s 8 Hallet ai \ ; If you are thinking of b t T you cannot be too careful II tion and will naturally wai be proved to your satisfac tt oughly good and absolute you buy the Hallet & D< ; $ will have an instrument w tj| ing tone that is recognized lent instrument by music W wide reputation, such as [ t|t the most famous pianist |l| many others, among the r ; | ductor, who needs no intr< ft "Beautiful Blue Danube" f ! tried the Hallet & Davis F 11 low a copy of a letter wri ^ "Having used yon ft, free to say that I ha a combination of tri tt meeting at once the ft ing room. I consid tt conic under niv ol>s< t I If the Hallet & Davis ] |i| will please you. We will 'fit our store, or will call if yc If t|| A complete line of Ho1 jj MILLS & I Ten Grand I On Saturda Second Grand Prize: $100 Rock Hill Buggy with Top and Rubber Tires Third Grand Prize: $75 Putnam Organ, Guaranteed ten years. Fourtn Grand Prize: $50 Five-Piece Parlor Suit. A Beauty. Eighth Grand Prize: Ladies' Tailored Coat 1 Suit. Value $25. I THE PROPOSITION?Every pen One Vote, every dollar to 100 Votes, i the greatest number of Votes will be number of votes gets the Second Gran away. Now, we wish it understood, part and you or your friend will win ' oughly understand the proposition ca! GET BUSY TODAY?The early s LMILLS 1 id Davi uying a Piano, Tgg in your selec- f? nt one that can S| tion to be thorely reliable. If ivis Piano you 1th a sweet sing- jJ|J||l I to be an excel:ians of world)r. Franz Liszt, Sjggii composer, and nany being Johann Str oduction to the people and other famous wa 'iano during a tour of i tten to Hallet & Davis, ir Pianos (hiring my sti ve never before seen Pi ily wondeful quality ai wants of the largest ce or them superior to an Tvation. "\1 AOOOO oil/1 " vivuoco OUL11 lclll 1UUS I take pleasure in show )u are interested. Prio Jsehold Goods in stock YOUNC iVizes Absi y, Decembc First Grand Prize: Handsome Hallet & Davis PIANO, Value $400 J T mvvf Ninth Grand Prize: Man's $25 Suit o Overcoat. ny you spend in any one of on tnd so on. On Saturday, Decern given the First Grand Prize; th< id Prize, and so 011 down the lint this is no chance game, no gucs one of the Ten Grand Prizes mei 11 at any one of our three stores tarter stands the best show at v & YOU f *8 +$+<$+?+&+$+'!?? ? s Pianos. I auss, composer and con- || who know music, whose * * ltzes live forever. They If \merica, and we print be- || of Boston: 11 iv in Boston, I am alios presenting such || ml quantity of tone, 4| invert hall and draw- 11 y pianos that have i 4 r ? /"-< - "Moiiann Strauss.' || if nusicians, we feel sure it ?| ing you this instrument at || es and terms reasonable. || at all times. if tl i COMP'Y. 1 J! uwmm mmmmm . uii_.ii ji b8bbm5 lutely FREE ! a-20, 1913. I Fifth Grand Prize: Princess Steel Range. Value $60. Sixth Grand Prize: $50 Standard Sewing Machine. Life-time Guarantee. : Seventh Grand Prize: Beautiful $50 Diamond Ring. I Tenth Grand Prize: r $25 Kitchen Cabinet. It's a Beauty. ir three departments entitles you to iber 20, 1913, the customer holding 5 customer holding the second largest 5 until the Ten Grand Prizes are given E s work. Just a little effort on your I ntioned above. If you do not thor- 9 1 til I-!-- 1 " * ana we 11 expitun u 10 you iuny. ^