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THE FORT HILL TIHES. Democratic ? Publish ad Thursdays. B. W. BRADFORD - Editor mad Proprietor. oascRirnoN Rates: Ons Ysar %--- SI.25 Blx Months <& The Times Invites contributions on live subjects hat does not scree to publish more than 200 words an any subject. The riirht is reserved to edit every communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those interested. Teleohone. local and lonjr distance. No. 112. Entered at the poetofTlce at Fort Mill. N. U? aa nail matter of the second claaa. THURSDAY. MAY 8. 1913. Beautify the Town. Next Thursday is "Clean-up Day" and every citizen should take pride in making our town cleaner. We are all equally interested in this matter.' Every citizen who improves the appearance of his property does not only increase its value, hut to a less extent increases the value of every piece of property in town and also makes it a more desirable place in which to live. Davenport, Iowa, seems to realize the many benefits of keeping a town neat and in order and the Democrat of that city says: "A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, nor can a city be really beautiful unless the people individually and all together decide to make it so. "Hence the importance of the movement of which the Rotary club is the sconser and financier. It is offering cash prizes of $300 to Davenporters who take the best care of their home properties through the coming summer. "There are no strings to the prizes, but the offer is hedged about with protection for the renter and the person of moderate means, so that free and fair competition is open to all, and taste and industrv. "There ought to he two or throe hundred entrants in this contest. It ought to result in hundreds more of home properties being honutirul with grass and shrubs and vines, tor 'such improvement is contagious." While we have no to offer as a reward for the neatest kept premises we believe our people have local pride enough to do their best along this line without a money reward. However, to make it a little more interesting will stale that the best kept, premises in our town this season will be given n $300 write-up in this paper free. Now get busy. The Stingy Man. Our readers will pardon us if we let a brother editor give his opinions of a stingy man. We are glad there are none such in our town, but all other towns have them. Our brother editor says that if there is anything on earth that gives him a longing for eternal rest and deep, damp solitude it is a man who comes to a town or country, builds up a big paying business grows rich and then squats down on the gold like a hen on a door knob and is too stintfv even to let the gravel grind in his own gizzird. A real, genuine 18-karat, stingy, selfish man can't be honest, and if he ever gets to heaven and has wings, he folds them up and walks for fear he will ruffle a plume or lose a tail feather. The kind of men who build up a town and county and enjoy life and make the best citizens, are the enterprising, energetic and liberal men, who believe in living and letting others live; and who do not, when they pet a dollar, squeeze it till the Goddess of Liberty feels like she* had on a corset. Such squeezing is what causes such hard times and stops the circulation of the American eagle. If it were not for our broad gaunod, enterprising men it would be impossible to build up a prosperous city. Those far.;.erau. roil Mill and Indian Land t.mnsl ips who own land along Sugar creek will certainly let a golden opportunity pass to i .ipivw. tMr bo^tcro lands if they do not buy the Mecklenburg dredge outfit and continue to dredge the creek to Catawba river. The dredging of the creek has progressed almost to the South Carolida line and if our farmers contemplate buying the outfit and continuing the dredging some action in the matter must be taken within a very short time. ~ J If you have one of the new nickels you had better keep one as a souvenir as it is understood no more are to be issued. **SIot machine manufacturers are finding fault with the nickel, claiming that it cannot be used with facility in their devices. However, it has been found that the new coin can be slipped into a savings deposit without inconvenience, and using it in that way is a very commendable j alternative. "The Fort Mill Times looks more attractive than ever in its new form?a six column quarto. Without any joking it has been a source of wonder to us how Brother Bradford could afford to get out the paper he does in a town the size of Fort Mill. Not that Fort Mill is not {(good town, but because of its size. The Times would do credit to a much larger town." ? Gaffney Ledger. Thanks, Brother De Camp. A merchant in one of our exchanges winds up his advertisement like this: "It takes a live fish to go up stream; a dead one can float down." The truth of this statement is no Btronger exemplified than by the merchant who sits around and waits for trade to come his way ratheV j than ask for it through a well1 worded and displayed ^dveriise1 ment. I .. That is a somewhat novel, | though we believe meritorious, plan suggested by our Gold Hill correspondent for the improvement of conditions at the Gold Hill school and we would be pleased to see the plan given a I try-out. Hon. M. L. Smith, of Camden, who is announced as a candidate for Governor in the campaign ! oexL summer, spent several hours in Fort Mill Tuesday. Special As a sp cia! inducement for our New Spring: Goods, we olT 3 gains that >ou cannot afford t< 1 lit si 10c Ginghams, Percales, B?st 25c Hatiues. Voiles, etc.. Best Spool Cotton or Silk,... Best 16c and 25c Talcum Pow. 9x12 Jap Art Squares 9x12 Woven Art Squares 35c Susene Silk 50c Pongee or Shang Tong Si' Ladies' $3.00 Oxfords and Pi.i i $65.00 Sewing Machines | '$35.00 Sewing Machines, 500 pairs of Ladies' and CI Pumps just arrived at, pe Lots of bargains in every lir > choice. L. J. IV i [=31 =31 3F=lF=^i 111 . ; A SMAL! Will Sink a You may spend as you go. |j opportunities to save which Racket Store, but you will fit expenses count up to large' there buyer can quickly sq*i; forgetting the value of the li 4 pending the small amounts w cal buyer. Every week in point the way to many op small leaks. A special sale < in small things such as sor.p There may he just one pern when you add them all tog< ={ pennies number a dollor or ments of the Red Racket c! tunities to save not only youi Red Racl Fort M >?' ' ?i ii 'in i 'i -< irw5S35wt-*?i *t-"~ r tViu" if i , piI I ONE CENT A WORD MINIMUM CHARGE. 26C. PIGS FOR SALE-'Phone No. 53-F W. H. Jones. DON'T FORGET THAT THE THEATRE STILL RUNS First-Class Pictures AND SECOND RUN FILMS ASK YOUR FRIENDS. HOMES FOR SALE. Cottage on Monroe White street in Fort Mill, five rooms, excellent location, $1,400. Cottage on Leonidas street, four rooms, in splendid section of the town, $575. Residence?n East Booth St., near Main, fine, large lot. A ? ? <tO AAA uai^aui at ?p^fvw* Cottage on Elm street, in good repair, five rooms. Price, $1,000. Residence on west side Booth street, near Main; six rooms, with barn and convenient outhouses. Price, $2,500. Brick residence on Main street, the P. K. Mull residence. An excellent investment at $3,000. Cottage on Claiborne street, new and modern, splendid section. Price, $1,500. Cottage on White street, four rooms, near Fort Mill Mfg. Co., 1 1-2 acre lot. Price, $1,325. We have other city property to offer to those who will make inquiry. Special. 35 acres with house, barn and good well, within one mile of Fort Mill, $45 per acre. 2 3-4 acres, with three tenement houses, in town, an excellent investment at $1,050. Ask to see our list of farms for sale near Fort Mill. We have some excellent propositions. BAILES & LINK, BROKERS. Dr. King's New Discovery Soothes irritated throat and lungs, stops chronic and hacking cough, relieves tickling throat, tastes nice. Take no other; once used, always used. Buy it at Fort Mill Drug Co., 1'arks Drug , Co. and Ardrey's Drug Store. ' (Advertisement.) 'iSZOHUBaflBBBBEacm _ JLu. in,, n I Dargams you to visit our store and see er, for one week only, bar- \ 3 let pass. etc 7 l-?c 19c 4c ler, 10c . $1 90 $2.25 15c k 20c mps $1.50 . $32 50 $15.00 lildren's White Oxfords and >r pair, 25c to $1.50 le. Come early and get first lassey. L BREAK jjj Large Ship. | paying no attention to the are advertised by the Red j ici sooner or later that little j sums. A loose, here-and- |JJ inder a lot of his cash by n ttle purchases. Care in exill quickly repay the economithis space The Times will portunities for stopping the L every day at the Red Racket j~| j s, ribbons, laces and notions. \y off the regular price, but ?ther you will find that the more. Read the advertise- L] losely every week for opporr pennies but dollars. ket Store, 111, s. c. It' Ii.F=S3l ?.l3B ; * ^ / ' Arbucl And 25, We make the a 1 Oi-l-v C anu lyLay i v/ui. v each cent spent w presenting $2.50 ^ sell, on the above 1 5c and allow hir Piano that we are Our stock is coi Clothing, Odd Pa Overalls, Ladies* Oxfords and Shoe to stimulate cash 1 Also a full line es, Baseball Good fact, almost anyth M'ELHA 'The ? ?__?_ Let us supply your refrigerator this summer with ICE We will have a supply -on hand at all times. di w. i e A 11U11C ilU* 1?J. Stewart & Culp "Haile's on the Corner" Take Your Choice We have the following blood tonics in stock; viz.: Burdock and Prickly Ash ~ Kisco ..-j. TC.VS fiftlprv Tnnin Milam B. B. B. S. S. S. FORT MILL DRUG COMPANY, Phone. 43. P. S.?Try Dodson's Liver Tone. "It takes the place of calomel." Price, 50c. i. Largest Magazine in the World. TODAY'S MAGAZlNEis the largest ' and best edited magazine published at 1 fiOc per year. Five cents per copy at ull newsdealers. Every lady who appreciatee a good magazine should send 1 for a free sample copy and premium ' catalog. Address. TODAY'S MAGAZINE* Canton. Ohio. ( . I kle Coffc OOO Votes oi bove offer for two da; Dur cash register issue ith us for cash, and t worth of coupons issue days one pound of Ai n or her 25,000 Vot< giving away. mplete, consisting of t nts, Shirts, Ties, Col Skirts, Men's, Ladie is, and we offer this \ trade for the next ten < of Ice Cream Freezers s, Screen Doors and ing you can think of. NY & coi Store of Style and Qua Marred , Made A scarred or scratched table, or marred, or any woodwork where 1 like, can be made new with ACME ^ VARNC It's also good for floors. It will made from the best floor varnish, but it also stains and varnishes change oak or pine to a mahoganj any of the expensive hardwood fir can do it yourself. Our book, "Home Decorating," home painting at trifling cost. Ask for a free copy. " Massey's E <r 555H5H5g5H5HH555H5H55nS5Hl Right on Give us your next orde we'll deliver it when pror No extra charge for tl our service. \ We have the goods, th< ties to full and deliver yo you want it, but as you v have any kick coming on HOW ABOUT YOl Parks Grocei E. S. PARK gsasasassaszasasHsgsHsast Try a Special "For Sale" i B n Piano. ys only" May 3rd M|Hj is a coupon for o each customer id in May we will rbuckle Coffee for *s on the Grand he latest styles in. lars, Underwear, |^H s and Children's I great inducement Jays. Iced Tea GlassWindows, and, in V1PANY, ] lity." I Surfaces New a chair on which the finish is the finish isn't what you would WALITY 1 >-LAC I stand hard wear, because it's 1 Varno-Lac not only renews. 1 3 at one application. You can 1 r or walnut or dark oak finish, or lishes. And it's easy to do?you tells you how to do all kinds of >rug Store. ii B5zssBS35asa5asa5B5Esa5a|Gi .1 rv . la tne Dot! | r for GROCERIES and ml nised?right on the dot. Gj lis all important part of i experience, the facili- K| ur order not only when /ant it. And you won't IsQ our prices, either. $ fR NEXT ORDER? E\ ry Company, I S, Manager. |}j| EsassasasESHSBsasasasasalal Ldv. in The Times.~3& Cent*.