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SILLY IDEA IS WORLD-WIDE Ml Nation* Alike In the Peculiar Foot ery of the Firat Day of April. "All Fools' day," with its practice of sending the unwary upon foolisl rrands or surprising them into th< doing of inore or less ridiculoui things, is often said to be sprunt from what was once a happening fni indeed from the trivial?the send ing hither and thither of the Saviour from Annas to Oainphas, from Oaia phas to Pilate, from Pilate to Herod This tradition is, perhaps, begotter of the fact that, during the middh ages. this scene in Jesus' life wai usually made the subject of a mir acle play in the Easter season. Tht day, however, is more probably tb? relic of some wholly heathen festival for the traveler in British India wil tell of the modern Hindus playinj tricks entirely similar to our Apri fool jests on March 31, when thei hold each year the Festival of Huli The best explanation of all is thai the custom has descended to us fron the old Unman new year's riles, for till the calendar was reformed In Julius Caesar, the initial day of the civil year throughout the empire which knew "the grandeur that wnt Koine" was March V5, and April 1 being its octave, witnessed the oftet boisterous culmination of its festivities. Whatever its origin, trick plr.vinon the opening of the fourth month is genera1 throughout Fitrope. In England the victim it dubbed, rs here, on April fool ; i:i France he is a "fish," and Scot land calls him "gowk." ll is a favorite jest to send some person on a bootless mission, to persuade him tr make some impossible appointment or to distress him willi Lite though I that bis necktie is awry or his lint knocked in. In Philadelphia one oi the commonest tricks of the day is tr give the unsuspecting one the phone number of the Zoological garden! with word that Mr. WolfiF or Mr Lyon wants him to be mire and cul up. UNPROHTAELE FOR HER "Did you return his presents an< got yours hark after you (|imrreled?' "I should say not. lleM have a! the liest of thai deal." S>FILE OF LIFE. Miss Sliinuins?Mr. Bulky, win don't von turkey-lml willi more variety ? Mr. Bulky I low so? What d< joii mean, M iss Stimulus ? Miss Slitmiuis (: wertlv) ?Yoi might stop on my right foot now the left toot has liii'i enou;>li!?l'uek INVIDIOUS. Jane?Mr. Todgers paid me t ?T?at compliment. lie said to me n> 1 entered the reception parlor, "Von the the prettiest girl I have seen tonight." Mary?Yes, I understand von wore the first to arrive. Cleveland Plain Dealer. ONE EXCEPTION. "Nothing mines to him whr wait*," remarked the philosopher. "Mow ahout tips?" asked the friend.- BtilTalo Kxpress. THERE WERE SEVEN. Mr. Kmkpate (to harbor)?Pari my hair in the middle, please. Barber?Yessir! Shall I split th< odd one, sir? LOOKING FOR THE RESULT. Smith?Whatever became of that friend of yours who used to ha\t money to burn ? Smith?lie's sifting the ashes. PROTECTED. He?Why is that grind never subject to colds? She?He's always wrapped up ic hia books.?Yale Rocord. A Mothers Can Safely Buy Dr. King's New Discovery and give it' to the little ones when ailing and suffering with coughs, colds, throat or lung troubles, tastes nice, harmless, once . ised, always used. Mrs. Bruce Craw- i iord, Niagra, Mo., writes: *'Dr King's ! I New Discovery changed our boy from a naIn urnolr atnlr hnv t#? tho ninfum nf 1 health." Always helps. Buy it at Fort ? Mill Drug Co., Ardrey's Drug Store t and Parks Drug Co. (Advertisement.1 r NOTICE OF SALE , Of the $75,000 Bond Issue of York County, South Carolina. 1 Sealed bids will be received at the i office of J. S. Brice, Yorkvillc, S. C., j for the $75,000 York County, South Carolina, Court House bonds up to " twelve o'clock noon of May 15th, 1913. ? These bonds are twenty year coupon , bonds in amount of $500.00 each and bear interest at the rate of four and . one-half per centum, payable semi- I I annually on January 1st and July 1st ! r and will be dated May 1st 1913. The ; ' first coupon will run from May to I January 1914 and after that regularly | r | semi-annually. Interest and principal payable wherever agreed on between 1 purchaser and commission. t The conditions of sale are cash and i ! accrued interest up today ?>f delivery. ; and within sixty days from the day of ? s le, and the money for said bonds is to / | be pad to the undersigned Court House Commission. All attorney's fees for approval of said bonds to be pad by purchaser. All { I uid.- to be ; cton punied by a certified | cluck ir. the sum of $1,?A?''.00. The ? I Court House < omnrssion reserves the i j right to reject any aid all bids. JOHN' G. ANDERSON, W. S. WILKERSON, J. S BRICE. i Constituting York County Court House ! Commission 1 Address Communications to COURT HOUSE COMMISSION, YORKVILLE. S. C. ( ! "Haile's on the Corner" ' Take Your Choice 11 I I We have the following blood ' I tonics in stocs. viz : [ I ,! Burdock and Prickly Ash II Xisco Ceiery Tonic j! Milam i B. B. B. s. s. s. FORT MILL DRUG COMPANY, Phone 43. P. S.?Try Dodson's Liver Tone. "It takes the place of calomel." Trice, 5Cc. I TO THE PUBLIC! I have opened a General Repair Shop at the old Downs stand, in the rear of Harris' livery stable, and solicit a shaie of your patronage. I propose to do only good work and guarantee satisfaction and prices. Let me shoe your horses. , ELI PARKS. PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTES and WHITE PLYMOUTHROCKS, ! EGGS FOR HATCHING from pure sloek of the above strains at $1.25 per 15. Eighty per cent hatch or eggs replaced at half price, i B. C. FERGUSON, I Fort Mill. S. C. i " ~ 1 I A Happy New Year. The Crescent Cafe desires to extend j t New Year's Greetings to its patrons and thank them for their patronage i I during the old year and solicits their ! patronage for the coming year. You I will find everything nice and clean and J the best that this market affords. No drinking of intoxicating liquors will be allowed on the premises. Give the Crescent Cafe a trial, and ' if you are pleased tell others; if not, tell me. , THE CRESCENT CAFE, C. A. Jones, Prop'r - Fort Mill, S. C. - ? . . . * ? ~ -JUJ li'.'f. MPUBF'.WAl'll 'r ^"' v i* Boy S< To every BOY SCOTT, with us and can pass the r as a Second Class Scout of 3 i sent free a Handsome Regul Boy Sco Open an account today Scout Master authorizes u livered. Savings Bank < Leroy Springs, Prest. W. 1 * "eeSSSSSSSweSSSSSSTee 2S25SS Gid English Winthrop College, ] May 13, ; At 3:30 P. M. and 8:30 P. M., i Elizabeth tc Kenilworth Castle, \ provided by the Earl of Leicester f Great English Queen. Spectacular i men and picturesque representations England in the Elizabethan Age. S will take part in the performances. Robin Hood drama, "Sherwood," in ances in a beautiful out-door stadium Reduced railroad rates with spe< rections after the evening performai Tickets for both performances $ For reserve seat tickets addi Hill, S. C. This Cold } Is keeping back your S| yet you cannot depend on th So 'Phone to us for whatev< demand and we will supply 3 Our business is to feed cheaply. JONES, the I Money U On Improved Farn In sums of Three ] Ten Thousand Dol Term of Loan? One to Ten Years. JOHN WHITE & CO. L0UI3VILI IIlWLWfWlfJi<plil!li IS9MP89EFF9F' : % 20\ltS | r opening an account J lecessary requirements I rour order, we will pre- 1 lation J ut Pin and as soon as your ! la s, tne pin will be deof Fort Mill, B. Meacham, Cashr. | i Pageant Rock Hill, S. C. Special Trains lepicting the visit of Queen vith the elaborate festivities or the entertainment of the nanoeuvres of mounted horsei of dances and sports of rural even hundred young women Presentation of the beautiful the evening. Both performi on the college green, cial trains returning in all dilce. 1 KH ress Winthrop College, Rock N eather pring gardens and as lem for your dinners, sr your appetite may |TOU. people properly and GROCER. < > Lend i Property Hundred to lars. T. B. SPRATT. <s> ilDE-S FT PRICE PAID ( IM E A O H A Mattint ( ? | I 9x12 feet, heavy China, wear I I Small Matting Rugs ; I 9x12 Crex Rugs 11 6x9 Crex Rugs I Small Crex Rugs White < g| 45-inch White Battice ! 32-inch Wnite Battice 36-inch White Flaxon. 36-inch White Poplin, very s 27-inch White Corduroy 27-inch Rep 36 inch Linen . 36-inch Long Cloth, special, . 40-.nch Fancy Waisting, speci 36-inch White Ratine 90-iuch Linen Sheeting 36-inch Linen Sheeting 36-inch Lawn 36-inch Brown Linen 27-inch White Voile 1 Meachan .' | S The First N; i S TWO YEARS OL Calls the attention of the condition at the close of 1 \ lished by order of the Con : . THE FIRST NATO W. B. ARDREY, President. I -DIREC j W. B. ARDREY, J. B. MILLS, L. A. HARRIS, {I EDGAR JONES, OSMOND BARBER. T. B. SPf ! ? ? ? I _ JUST THINK OF IT! A Four Hundred Dollar Piano Absolutely Given Away! That advertising is now* a science is again demonstrated practically to th? j buying public of this section by th? j wond? riu. auvertising systf in now emj ployed by the eht< rpi ising business i house of McElhaney & (.'o., who are going to give away ABSOLUTELY FREE to some one of their customers on August 1 the beautiful CLAXTON PARLOR GRAND PIANO which is now on exhibition at their store. The J uiaxt< n sella for f UUK HUNDRKD DOLLARS and is a HIGH CLASS instrument in every respect, GUAKAN- < ! TEED by the makers for TEN YEARS. 1 JUST THINK OF IT1 A Four hundred : Dollar Piano to be GIVEN AWAY! , A few years ago, if a merchant was to < do such a thing he wouid be considered ; | ; a fit subject for an asylum, but conili- : tions have changed, yet in the face of ' the enormous sum spent in advertising the fact of McElhaney & Co. giving , away a $-100 Piano is a stupendous un- i dertaking and it clearly demonstrates their desire to be "always up fo and a ] i little ahead" of the spirit of the times, i Every purchaser of $1.00 worth of ; goods from any department of their ' store will receive a coupon good for 1(H) votes on the Piano. The person j presenting the largest number of votes to them on August 1 will receive the piano absolutely tree. No favors will ' be shown and every person will be given an equal chance. The reputation. | enjoyed by McElhaney & Co. for | "square dealing" insures this fact. ; We think the buying people will apprej ciate this extremely liberal offer on the part of McElhaney & Co. and we pre; diet a lively scramble for votes. Adv. , * / ? FREE VOTE COUPON. \ A ' s Cut out tliis coupon and * | ^ present it at McElhaney's ^ ( 4 store and he will exchange ^ | ^ it for twenty-five votes in * j J 4 ! the $400 Piano Contest. ? J 4 4 i Electric I Bitters | 1 Made A New Man Of Him. | "I was suffering from pain in tny ! stomach, head and back," writes Jl. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. "and my 1 1 iver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of ?lectric Bitters : ; made me feel like 4 new man." PRICE SO CT8. AT ALL PRUQ 8T0RE8. t f M A K P P g I \ Rugs. I well, special $3.00 H 25c and 45c H $8.00 -..$4.50 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Goods. *1 10c, 15c I -...121 2c, 15c, 25c pecial, . 15c o/u or - I wvc, 20c 10c, 12 l-2c if)P ial, . .12 l-2c 25c $1.00 25c, 50v\ 75c . __ 50c, 75c 20c, 25c ... 20c, 25c i & Epps. ational Bank, D MARCH ?TH, public to its statement of business April 4th, pubiptroller of the Currency. I IAL BANS, r?ir | TJ B. SPRATT, ' Cashier. TORS - 1 JACKSON HAMILTON, ? J. L. SPKATT, A. R. McELHANF.Y, JOHN M. HARRIS, H. N. PATTERSON, 1 ? ATT. ft r ?k. fiel UHfP S|j?| jcv rr^ir g.? I >0,3??= it V" ?*><1 i-Si? S ? !;4gi S f I So E S ^ X b5 = o" SCB t ~ r, < >->- I " ,;0| V) Z I r- ? ' rt w; I ^ I AN ORDINANCE. Re it ordained by the mayor and wardens of the town of Fort Mill, S. C. now sitting in open counr.l by the authority of the satne: Section 1. I hat all able bodied male residents of the town of Fort Mill, S. C., between the ages of 21 and 50 years, and who are not exempt by State law, shall, betw- en the 15th day nf April, 1911, and the 15th day of May, nil.'., pay unto the town treasurer commutation street tax in the sum of &9.U0, or perform five days' labor on the streets of sari t<>wn. Sec. 2. That after the 15th day of May, 1912, all d'*.inquents will be punshed is provided ry law in-such cuses. Done and ratified this, 4th, day of April. 191:!. A R. McELHANEY. Attest: Mayor. S. W. FARES, Clerk. CONSULT Die. BEAM FREE! Telephone 365. 15-YEAR GUARANTEE. Message to Nervous People. If you are in need of Dental work and are nervous and do not want to he hurt, come to our offices at once and we will gladly show you how we do Dental Work without Pain or Discomfort. WE LET YOU PAY AS YOU PLEASE. Gold Crowns TT p Bridge Work UP From $0 BALTIMORE DENTAL PARLOR, Inc. PAINLESS DENTISTRY 11 S. Tryoii Street - CHARLOTTE. N. C OLI) NEWSPAPERS for sale at The Times office.