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HERE IS CURE FOR INSOMNIA Wrap a Wat Bandage Around tha Lag to Draw Blood From the Head, , 8aya a Phyalelan. A curious cure for sleeplessness has recently been reported. A piece of calieo, about 18 inches wide and 2% yards long is rolled up like a bandage, and a thin! of it wrung out of cold water. The leg is then bnndnged with this, the wet parts being carefully covered by several layers of the dry part, as well as by a laver of gutta percha tissue, and a stocking drawn on over the whole. This causes dilation of the vessels of the leg, thuR diminishing the blood in the head and producing sleep. It has been found by Wintcrnitz that, the temperature in the oar passage begins to fall a quarter of an hour after the application of the bandage, the decrease amounting to 0.4 degrees C.,. and the normal not being again reached for from ll/j to two hours afterwards. The writer has employed this means of producing sleep for a couple of years and finds it especially useful in cases where there is congestion of the brain. Sometimes he has found it necessary to reapply the bandage every three or four hours, as it dried.? Family Doctor. AT SCHOOL "Is there any reason, Willie, why you cannot pronounce 'core' properly? Suppose I' divide this apple among you. If you had the part that holds the seeds what would you call it?" 4'Aw! I'd call it . shame.* REAL REA80N. "T wonder why that rich young widow seemed to really mourn hei elderly husband." "She didn't mourn him. She wa* mourning because she doesn't look well in black." LESSON FROM THE PA8T. Alexander the Great had conquered Persia. "I'm going to us< 1 this country," he said, "for a doormat 1" Here we perceive the origin of th Persian rug. HIS 8PECIALTY. "Scribblerua was quite incensed | before he devoted himself to scion- \ tific subjects and you said he was- ; a flash writer." "So he is; he writes about mete . ore." DAD WAS "WISE M Oirl (anxiously)?Will, what clM papa say? Impecunious l/ovor?Tic said^he'd be delighted to have mc for a son-inlaw, only he couldn't afford it. IN THE 8MALL HOURS. He?Do not provoke me with angry reproaches, woman, or I may use strong words. She?You've got the right kind of ' breath to use them with. WHAT FEBRUARY? Duer?Say, old chap, let me have a fiver, will you ? Til let you have ' it back before the end February. Dunn?February of what year ? INHERITED. Pa?Son, you talk too much. Son?Well, pa, am I to blame for four marrying into a talkative family? HI8 PRACTICE. "Did you see where a dentist is going west to get a shore in a $7,000,000 gold miner "That shows Ihc advantage of keeping on practicing at a pull.'* THE USUAL WAY. "Are von still looping your good resolutions ?" "Yes; I'm keeping them quiet," * - _ , j ii&xflMBMHHatL' - T NOTICE OP SALE Of the $75,000 Bond Issue of Yoik County, South Carolina. Sealed bids will te r< ceived at the ollice of J. S. Bnce, Yorkville, S. C., i for the $7.*.000 York County, South ; Carolina, Court House bone* up to : twelve o'ckck noon of May 15'h. 1913. These bonds are twenty year coupon bonds in amount of $500.00 ea<*h and I bear interest at the rate of ftur and {one-half p*r centum, paysb.e semi; annually on January let and July 1st 1 nrd wiil be dated May 1st 1913. The I first cot.p n will run from May to Januarv 1814 at.d after that regularly semi-an.ually. lnter<st and principal payable w h? rover agreed on betw een 1 purchaser and commission. The conriitn ns of sale arc cash and ; I accrued interest up today ut delivery, | and within sixty days from the day of I 8 de, and the money for said bonds is 10 ; be pa!d to the undersigned Court Hou-^e ' Commission. All attorney's fees fi r approval of said bonds to be paid by purchaser. All t ! bids to be nccon-punud by a certified > ! check in the sum of $l,li()?).00. The i 1 Court House Conim'ssion reserves the right to reject : n\ and ad lv is. l JOH*N G. ANUKKSON, I W. S. V\ iLKERSON, I .1. s. BR1< li<. | 1 Cons'it Lit g York i ounty Court House j Commission Address Coirmutrcntiors to ( OURT HOUSE COW ft 1SS10N, i i YORKV1LLE, S. C. \ - o The Jfubl.c. We offer the service of two Regirte.*ed J-rsey Bull-.. 1'?e ?1 in advance. 1 Also offer the service ol Berkshire Boar. L. A. HARRIS ii CO. "Haile's cn the Corner" . Take Your Choice We have the following blood i tonics in stock, viz.: 5 Burdock Prickly Ash p Kisco ( Celery Tonic , 11 ! Milam ^ B. B. B * s. s. s. R a | FORT MILL DRUG COMPANY, Phone 43. n P. S.?Try Dodfion's Liver Tone. "It takes the place of calomel." Price, 50c. ^ "TO" THE PUBLIC! 1 I have opened a General Repnii Shop at the old Downs stand, in the rear of Hairis' livery stable, and solicit a share of your patronage. I propose to do only gaod work and guarantee satisfaction and prices. Let me shoe your horses. ELI PARKS. PARI RIDGE WYANfcOTTES and _ WHllE PLYMOUTHROCKS, < EGGS FOR HATCHING from pure .slock of tlie above strains at $1.25 ' per 15. Eighty per cent hatch or > . vggs replaced at half price. * B. C. FERGUSON, ; ^ Fort Mill, S. C. | + The Ihrice-A-Week Edition f OF THE NEW YORK WORLD t Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newtpaper in the world tirta no much a at no low a price. This is a time of great events and you will want the news accurately and I 2 promptly. The Democrats, for the first time in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control ^ both branches of Congress. The political news is sure to be the most ab sorbing interest. 2. There in a great war in the Old j . World, and you may ?-ead of the ex- ' tinction of the vast Turkish Empire in 1 Europe. just as a few yean- ago you ; .. read how Spain lost her last foot of soil in America, after having ruled the 1 empire of half the New World. The World long since established a J record for impartiality, and anybody can , ^ afford its Thrice-a-Week edition, which j . comes every other day in the week, ex cept Sunday. It will ho of particular \ value to you now. The Thrice-a-Week j World also abounds in other strong ? feature-, serial stories, humor, markets, j . cartoons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a first-class dailv. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S j ^ regular subscription price is only $1.<H) ' per year, ami this pays for lofi papers. We offer this unequuled newspaper and The Fort Aiill Tim< s together for one j year for $l.?o. The regular suhscrip- j J tion price of the two papers is $2.25. I a < - viatei rfi j i 4 /' r* s JM To every BOY SC< with us and can pasB th< as a Second Class Scout o sent free a Handsome He | Boy So J Open an account toe ' Scout Master authorizes livered. Savings Bank Leroy Springs, Prest. as Grand 1 Winthrop College May 13, At 3:30 P. M. and 8:30 P. M Elizabeth to Kenilworth Castle rovided by the Earl of Leiceste Ireat English Queen. Spectaculi len and picturesque representati Ingland in the Elizabethan Age. rill take part in the performance lobin Hood drama, "Sherwood," nces in a beautiful out-door stadi Reduced railroad rates with j ^^4.: il - scLiuiis aner tne evening perfori Tickets for both performance For reserve seat tickets a lill, S. C. . This Cold Is keeping back your yet you cannot depend on So 'Phone to us for what demand and we will suppl Our business is to fe< cheaply. JONES, I .*N?* i Money i On Improved Fa In sums of Thre Ten Thousand I Term of LoanOne to Ten Yeai AND Si 53 fevbS5, HIGHEST ;rff V''J kjj W FOR RAW ! !'V\ ?? Wofll on Coiitml I ^ >? -oil Ut vfcd*' ,,st monticning 1 OHN WHITE & CO. Sml P^IeS& - wan** )UT ?pbning an account 3 necessary requirements f your ^rder, we will preout Pin lay and as soon as your \ US- theluin will hp Ho. I -r : of Fort Mill, W. B. Meacham, Cashr. ! | ii i ?!| i mnmuMmmimmmi mm ? ?> | Pageant' s, Rock Hill, S. C. : ! Special Trains > ! " depicting t\ie visit of Queen i, with the elaborate festivities r for the entertainment of the ar manoeuvres pf mounted horseons of dances and sports of rural Seven hundred young women s. Presentation of the beautiful 11 in the evening. Both performium on the college green, special trains returning in all diY ( nance. , , s $1.50. 1 !j ddress Winthrop College, Rock I I Weather ; Spring gardens and as i them for your dinners, ever your appetite may \ i. ly you. i ;d people properly and IE GROCER. i i I 1 __ 1 ( V i i 1 ' i i :| , to Lend ? I < > ,rm Property -? e Hundred to lollars. ' I "8- i I T. B. SPRATT. ;> i i < * * i ? i <*> S" <^> '1 ^ hides .P\?T PRICe 0 -"'.'v-'aV "JRS AND HIDCG ?*lon. Write lor j-'rc- ^ ' *" 'yV I ? > Ml Huff's Remar "Perez F. Huff continues to ? having written during the first business than imthe same perio< Huff, within thepast two weeks them being prominent heads of for him. This is evidence of bui tator, April 10, 1913. Mr. Huff represents the Unioi of Cincinnati, and the above ret is reaping the benefit of his con business for the first three monl When a Union Central policy sends for a Union Central agent, contract with the Union Central company. We represent the Union Centi counties, ana would like the pi writing you a policy. any i BA1LES & LIN1 Fort IV IM E A C H J5 Mattir 9x12 feet, heavy China, we Small Matting Rugs 9x12 Crex Rugs 6x9 Crex Rugs Small Crex Rugs White 45-inch White Battice 32-inch V/r ite Battice 36-inch White Flaxon 36-inch While Poplin, very 27-inch White Corduroy 27-inch Rep 36-inch Lfnen 36-inch Long Cloth, special. 40-inch Fancy Waisting, sp< 36-inch White Ratine 90-iuch Linen Sheeting 36-inch Linen Sheeting 36-inch Lawn 36-inch Brown Linen 27-inch White Voile. Meachai JUST THINS OF IT! A Four Hundred Dollar Piant Absolutely Given Away! That advertising is now a science i; again demonstrated practically to tin buying public of this secticn by thwonderful advertising system now employed by the enterprising businest house of McLli.a..e> ?!i Co., who are going to give away ABSOLUTELY FREE to some one of their customers jn August 1 the beautiful CLAXTON PARLOR GRAND PIANO which if now on exhibition at their store. The Claxton sells for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS and is a HIGH CLASS instrument in every respect, GUARANTEED by the makers for TEN YEARS. JUST THINK OF IT1 A Four hundred Dollar Piano to be GIVEN AWAY! A few years ago, if a merchant was tc Jo such a thing he would be considered a fit subject for an asylum, but conditions have changer}, yet in the face of the enormous sum spent in advertising the fact of McElhaney & Co. giving away a $400 Piano is a stupendous undertaking and it clearly demonstrates their desire to be "always up to and a little ahead" of the spirit of the times. Every purchaser of $1.00 worth of goods from any df-purtment of their store will receive a coupon good for 100 votes on the Piano. The person presenting the largest number ot votes to them on August 1 vvill receive the piano absolutely free. No favors will be shown and every person will be given an equal chance. The reputation ?n joyed by McElhaney & Co. for "square dealing" insures this fact. We think the buying people will aitpre liate this extremely liberal offer on the part of McElhaney & Co. and we predict a lively scramble for \ >tes.- -Adv. X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X#^ I FREE VOTE COUPON. | $, i 7 Cut out this coupon and $ ^ present it at McElhaney's ^ 4 store and he will exchange ^ $ it for twenty-five votes in $ ^ the $400 Piano Contest. ^ 1' 4 ?WHMMMwr aMMnmaun Electric! Bitters i fc&arfe A irfrw Man Of >8 sirs "I vu eufferin>, from ra'ri ?Q ii v stomach, head tui'1 b&olr, vuU > I ' T. AIr'op, "^nleiih, XT. "ar.d re v liver and kidney* id no * **, <" < li;;: : but four bottU'jf Hie; tv-.c u.'?t Tnud-j ire feel 'ire a ro.v n?an. PRICf r.0CTS. AT ALL ORUO SYCHr.i MrrmTCJtraa^yau.r'&ay.i v.a? *. rv. v.> kable Business idd bo his life insurance success, three months of this year a larger d last yeait. It is reported that Mr. !, closed*4veral large cases, among big contortions who voluntarily sent lding by reputation."?The Spec 1 v i Central Life Insurance Company } >ort indicates very strongly that he nection with that company. His ths of 1910 amounted to $338,500. holler wants more insurance he Why? For the reason that his 1 costs him less tnau in any other ral in York, Lancaster and Chester ivil ge of s;t\ing you money by Jnion Central policyholder. District Agents. u 7 fill, s. c.. . m & e J7I1 ig Rugs. | ar well, special $3.00 gj ... 113c and 46c I $8 (X) 9 $-1.50 g ---'.:75c, $100, $1.25 I Goods. f j-. 25c 10c, 15c ^12 1 2c, 15c. 25c special, 15c 20c, 25c 20c . .... 10c, 12 l-2c ... 10c 2cial,._ 12 l-2c I . . .. .. _.".$1.00 8 25c, 50c, 75c fcj 50c, 75c H l__.20c, 25c g 20c, 25c n "n & Epps. 1 ? --- , - . U JJ :i h ft vtril ! *? In! mm* S?| , w? s"4 as ;j'S3|?ii s* I .. , 1 I JB B Srtr^ trl^ll ' a |3 * S !? ?sr^2 2 ? I ' 3c |sg|S ^ = 3^8 ?1 11 Largest Magazine in the World. TODAY'S MAGAZINiiis the largest ,1 and best edited magazine published at I 50c- per year. Five cents per c?.py at all newsdealers. Every lady who ap1 preciatee a good magazine should eend |; for a tree sample copy and premium ! catalog. Address, 'lODAY'fc MAGA-. I' ZINE, Canton, Ohio. ' _ Frost Proof Cabbage Plants. Are Now Ready. , Send 75c for 500 . Send $1.25 for 1,000 . Send $3.25 for 3.000 . Send $5.00 for 1 5.000 P.nhitrodon *: " . Wu.w>?u<iii ouKycsuuiis iree. Agents wanted. WAKEFIELD FARMS, Charlotte, N. C. CONSULT DR. BEAM FREE! Telephone 365. 15-YEAR GUARANTEE. Message to Nervous People. If you are in need of Dental work and are nervous and do not want to- be hurt, come to our offices at once and we will gladly show you how we do Dental Work without Tain or Discomfort. I WE LET YOU PAY AS YOU PLEASE. Gold Crowns TT -. (?0 Bridge Work ** BALTIMORE DENTAL PARLOR, Inc. PAINLESS DINTJSTXY 1 22 S. Tryoo flreet - CHARLOTTE, N. C