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WHHBRT 1 / ? ...___ . NURSE HELPS YOUNG GIRLS She Knew From Experience Just What Wat Needed. Describes One Remarkable Case. "Watonga, Okla.?Mrs. Ida Bollinger of this town, makes the following interesting statements for publication: "I Buffered for 20 years, with womanly troubles, and In this time, tried several different treatments, but got no better. i nnaiiy got hold of a Lndles' Birthday Almanac, and road about Cardul, the woman's tonic. I had not taken very much of It, bofore I was entirely well. I do some nursing, and have given Cardul, the womnn's tonic, to lots of women, with good results. I use this medicine a great deal In treating young girls. A young girl came to my house one day last summer. She had taken cold at the wrong time, and was in a terrible condition. I went to the druggist, bought her a bottle of Cardul, and the third dose she took did the work. 8he Is now entirely well. You may use my name In any way you deBlre, as 1 am anxious to do anything I can to help suffering women." For more than 50 years, Cardul has been In widely extended use, by women of all ages, and has given perfect satisfaction, as a remedy for helping rebuild womanly strength and health. Try Cardul yourself. It will help you. Your druggist sellB It. N. B.? WHtt to: Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga. Tenn., for Steciai IntirutUont on your case ana 64-pa8e book. Home Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper. Adv. Quite Apparent. "Do theatrical angels have wings?" "Certainly. That Is how their money flies." Foe RtMMBIt IIEADACHRB flicks' CAPUDINE is the best remedy? no matter what causes them?whether from tlie heat, sitting In draughts, feverish condition, etc. 10c., 2So and 50c per bottle at medicine stores. Adv. A soft answer may not turn away wrath, but it saves a lot of useless talk. Mrs. ffln?lnw'? Soothing Pynip for Children teething, Hoftena the gunm, reducer* lnflaminitUou.iUlay h pisln.curen wind colic,25c a bottleJU* The busier n man Is the less time he has to complain of overwork. Does Rackache Worry You? Many who suffer with backache and weak kidneys are unnaturally irritable and fretful Bad kidneys fail to eliminate all the uric acid from the system, keeping you "on edge" and causing rheumatic, neuralgia pains. ? When your back aches, and you notice signs of bladder irregularities, suspect your kidneys and begin using Doan's Kidney Pills, the best recommended special kidney remedy A Tenneitec Case I jflV Mr*. Ilayllr* Mar- I W shall, Kaynttovtllo, I 1* w Tt'iin., says: "1 was ~J treated by the best /?-* X locality but nothing j ' rJf*?' helped uie and I steadily ran down ? Jli'.A/i, nntll I weighed but ~J5r I tf Ht> pounds My track y ' y [jnfi, ached terribly, kid- * /ill/'If J ney secretions were V-M . ,1 Irregular snd 1 felt As , all worn out. I stead- ^ M \ f f\ / lly Improved under ?' Ve \ \lf the usonf l>o?n'e Kid- HV , \ J nsy fills, however, Bff Vis ? it nu wnvn 1 n*?i uiwmi -011\ _1| box*.-, "*? ontlrvly Olrnl lllim*rl|f(il? ' "" ' pound* and onjojr the beat of health. ' "Kvtry Hcturt TM a Story." Get Doen'e at Any Store, 50c n Box DOAN'S "HYIS* FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. Buffalo, New Yorl. RESINOL HEALS ITCHING SKINS And Clears Unsightly Complexions, Reslnol Ointment, with Reslnol Soap, stops Itching Instantly, quickly and easily heals the most distressing cases of eczema, rash, ringworm, tetter or other tormenting skin or scalp eruptions, and clears away pimples, blackheads, redness, roughness, and dandruff, when other treatments have proven only a waste of time and money. Hut wo do not ask you to accept our unsupported word for it. You can send today for a generous trial of Reslnol Soap and Reslnol Ointment, and test them to your own complete satisfaction, at no cost whatever, while thousands who have been cured say, "What Doalnol ?? ?'? J ? ?v iicoiiiui uiii iui ||n 11 will HO lor you." Physicians have prescribed Resinol for eighteen years and every druggist In the country sells Reslnol Soap (25 cts.) and Reslnol Ointment (In opal jars, 50 cts. and $1). For free samples of each, with full directions for use. write to Dept. 9-K, Reslnol, Baltimore, Md. ' The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. ^Brlx Purely vegetable ^ > ?act surely and ^^HPADTrD^ gently on the r liver. Cure Biliousness, jEKM^EEr m LY. . _ Head- 1PI4LSache, \\j. ' ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Agratt, he <>n top. Work a couple of hour* a day Specialty that sells on alKht A necessity. Krea ample Write 81'TIIKRI. \N1) SPECIALTY CO.. Bom St. Srrauton. I'a. J, -'l y CONDEMNED BY PMBUC OPINION Woman Once Accused of Crime Is Shunned by Her Neighbors. LIZZIE BORDEN'S LONELY LIFE ^Twenty Years Ago She Was Charged With the Murder of Her Parents, and Although Acquitted She Seems Compelled to Live Alone, Except for tho Companionship of Her Servants. FALL RIVER, MASS.? Twenty years ago Lizzie Borden, accused of the murder of her father and her stepmother, stood up in the court room at New Bedford and heard \ a Jury of her peers pronounce the verdict of acquittal?heard them < ??'' to all the world that one was "not guilty" of two of the most brutal and atrocious murders that e^er .shocked the country. Today that same Lizzie Borden lives a recluse, as damned by public opinion and as ostracized by former friends and enepiies alike as If that same Jury had pronounced the one word "Guilty." *' ' Lizzie Borden still lives In Fall River, but as far as Fall River is concerned, Lizzie Borden is an outcast, an Ishmael, a social pariah. Her name Is uttered with contempt, and over her friends and relatives who comforted her during the months of her imprisonment and througout the ordeal of her trial have long since ceased their visits. Today her nearest neighbors pass her by without a nod or sign of recognition, writes Gertrude Stevenson In the Boston Herald. Twelve Jurymen found Lizzie Borden guiltless. Nevertheless, she has been punished and persecuted as no other Innocent woman In history. She has lived to know the tragedy of a > verdict of acquittal. She has come to realize that Andrew J. Jennings, her counsel and friend, was a true prophot when. In addressing Judge ! Blalsdell at her preliminary trial he i declared: "Don't, your honor, don't put the Btlgma of guilt upon this woman, reared as she has been and with a pasi cnaracter beyond reproach. Don't lot It go out in the world as the decision of a Just judge that Bhe is probably guilty." Murder Still Unavenged. After 20 years, when the deaths of Andrew J. Horden and his wife are still unavenged?when the double tragody still heads the list of New England's unsolved murder mysteries | ?with Lizzie Borden banished from society, shunned by all who were once near and dear to her, the words of Andrew J. Jennings may well be remembered as an example of masterly and farslghted prophecy. After 20 years, Lizzie Horden llvos as shut ofT from the world as if she were behind prison bars?condemned to solitude by barriers stronger than any prison wall could be?less tangible but a hundred times more effective than any bars of iron?the silent. Inexorable censure of her fellow men and women. This woman, who for two decades has maintained the silence of a Sphinx, who has never asked for mercy, never pleaded to be understood, never by any word or sign expressed indignation at the treatment accorded her by the people of Pall Itiver, lives in the great silent home she purchased with her share of her murdered father's half million, know fng no huinnn companionship nave that which sho can hire?no frlehdships except those of occasional strangers who turn a cold shoulder upon her advances when they find that she Is the Lizzie Horden once tried for murder?no affection save that of the dumb beasts with which she has surrounded herself now that human attachments are denied her. When Lizzie Borden was acquitted It was commonly believed that she would soon shake the dust of Fall | River from her feet, and that under ' an assumed name she would try to ' live down the accusation that had i been made against her?that in new places and among new people she would attempt to And new Interests and new pleasures. Bought House In Home City. But Lizzie Borden apparently never contemplated such n procedure. As soon as the affairs of her father's estato were adjusted, she proceeded 1 to purchase a handsome mansion in i the exclusive "hill Bectlon" of Fall I River?the very neighborhood she nuu lonK ann rumeiy inea to induce her father to enter. To all intents and purposes the : woman planned to live among her . frienda nnd acquaintances, just aa aho had always lived, continuing to at! tend the same fashionable Congregational churcfc, entertaining and being entertained, only now she had the added advantage of several hundred thousands of dollars in her own right. She had her horses and carriages, the beautiful clothes she had always longed for and jvhlch the thrift of her father and his second wife had previously denied her. Apparently, aside from the shadow of tho tragic deaths of her father and stepmother over her life, everything that heart or mind could desire was Lizzie I Jordan'a It was while revellog in the luxury r ' , ^ , . / -:- 4; ' I ? / v 1 ' Porth of Lizzie Borden'i and power that the possession of a large amount of money cannot fall to give Lizzie Itorden read the writing on the wall. It was then she first began to feel the pressure of public opinion?that she first realized that former cordial greetings were growing colder and more cold?that friends who once would stop for a chat or drop In for an Informal visit passed her by with scant nods and averted eyes?that she came to understand the treihendous force of unexpressed criticism?that the conviction came home to her than which no earthly situation 1b more crushing or more annihilating?that she was being shunned by every human being, with an occasional rare exception, who had formerly made up her life and happiness. It was all the more terrifying because It was so Indefinable. There was no tangible finger of scorn?no open declaration of hostility?Just that Insistent, maddening, universal aloofness. vrvro mourning. Sho was criticised becnuse she did not wear mourning for her parents. Her every going In and coming out was discussed, and all manner and kind of construction placed upon every ordinary, unimportant detail of her mode of living and acting. Some thought she drove her horses too rapIdly and recklesr.y down the main street. Some r.verrod that she had never shown the proper grief ever her father's death. Others insisted that she was making altogether too sudden and too blatant display of the money that had como to her with the murder of her father. She could do nothing right. If she tried to be happy and forget the awful Bhadow that had come Into her lifo her critics called her heartless. If she appeared ou the streets In a sober, subdued frame of mind there were all sorts of gosBlpInge and predictions and clackings of tongues?such an attitude could mean but one thing to their minds! So the years wont on, one after another of her friends dropping away from her, until today Lizzie Tlorden, looking for all the world like any other stout, matronly woman you might meet on the street. Is without a doubt the most isolated free woman In New England. Seems Without Emotion. Sho Is today Just what she was described as being when she faced trial iui iii*i me iwemy yours ago?a stolid, immobile, unemotional appearing woman?her large, Btrong features expressing the same determination that characterised her when Bho faced her accusers on the charge of parricide. If this woman has over had an emotion It can honestly be said that she has invariably succeeded in couceallng It from any human eye. She.goes about today Just as she went her way, flrm-mouthed, directeyed and baffling of understanding during the days following the discovery of the mutilated bodies of her father and her stepmother, during the Inquest that resulted in her arrest, day after day during the preliminary trial, at the end of which Judge Blalsdell found her probably guilty?throughout the grand Jury hearing when twenty out of twenty-one grand Jurymen voted to Indict her?all during the eight months of her confinement In Taunton Jail while she waited the sitting of the superior court and during the long hours of her thirteen days' trial by Jury which ended in her acquittal and release. Months Without a Visitor. Not in fifteen years has Lizzie Borden attended the church where up to uer luinjr-uuru year 8ne wiib a leader ?working for charity?presiding at meetings of the Christian Endeavor, singing in the choir?active in all church socials and gatherings. Not In years has she entered any store or shop in the city where she was born nnd spent her girlhood and young womnnhood as the younger daughter of ono of the city's richest and most respected business men. Not to the knowledge of anyone has she engaged in any charity for the past ten years. Months pass by without a human foot crossing her threshold other than those of merials and tradespeople. A visitor at the Borden door Is such a rare and curious sight as to occasion comment throughout the neighborhood. Not only the house of tragedy on Second street, whore she was born and brought up and which is still In her possession, but also her present '1 b House, and Her Auto. beautiful residence high on the hill overlooking ?Jie business section of vail id i 1 - a*-_ - on luici, id Liio iiicccB oi innumerable curious sightseers year after year. Apparently the Interest In the Borden murders and the personality of tho daughter upon whose shoulders guilt first fell never abated. A round doxen prominent Fall River people tell me that, no matter whero they go, the minute they mention that their home town is Fall River, they are greeted with bue one inevitable question: "Whatever became of Lizzie Borden ?" Put Lizzie Borden First. Fall River is noted for Its mills? Its industries?its prominent people; but they rank second in interest and importance to tl}e question: "What about Lizzie Borden?" Lizzie Borden comes and goes about the city and in and out of it, unquestioning and unquestioned. A few years ago she discarded her carriage and handsome pair for tho finest limousine that money could buy. Secure from observation in its richly upholstered Interior, she drives about the city at dusk or goes to and from the trains and takes trips around the surrounding country. All her shopping is done out of town. She is a frequent visitor in Boston, where she makes her home at the Bellovue, registering as "Lisbeth Borden." although her story la well known to the hotel attaches. Crimes Never Forgotten. The real attitude of Fall River toward Lizzie Borden is perhaps best roflAPtoH In ita noiuono w ?m avo uv*vo^Cb|/OiO. UTCI / year, on the anniversary of the crimes, the Fall River Globe prints a vigorous article in regard to the murders, the perpetrator and the fact that the crimes remain an unavenged blot on the community. The articles are pointed so strongly and so openly at one and only one person as to invite suits for criminal libel, but if the woman ever sees them or hears of them, she has made no sign. DRIFTING WITH THE TIDE Initiative a Thing Which Many People 8eek Most Earnestly to Be Relieved Of. In some quarters there is a penalty' put upon initiative. Society frowns upon those who rebuke its practices. It does not care to be rebuked. It wants no John the Baptist, with hie locusts and wild honey and terrifying message. It wants a Petronius, a Beau Brummel, to regulate its entertainments and set a style in dress. The devotee of fashion is generally content to drift with the tide. He or she accepts opinions and ideas?as they would not accept their clothing? ready-made. The notable, the protestant, is banned, ostracised. You must do as the others eo in modern Rome and Babylon. No wonder the seer of Concord asks Indignantly: "Rut 1b sdlence and the heart always to be merely endured nnd tolerated, and never to walk to the quarter-deck and take the command?" Why, when music Is heard, or a picture exhibited? or even when horses ore put through their paces?are the clothes some woman wears the matter of paramount Interest? Just so long as the habiliments Is more than the wearer, and what Is put on the head Is more than what Is put Into it, we shall have "science and the heart" apparently (thoughnever really) subservient to the foolishness of Vanity Fair.? Philadelphia Ledger. Some Promises Easily Remembered. One of the managers of the Frohman forces met an old Kansas City friend recently In New York, and each being pleasantly surprised lo see the other, they decided to talk over old Hmna of o orvnwonlont * v i ii mo ??>. o tviuomcui un l uunntt the course of the conversation the manager volunteered to send two complimentary tickets to the hotel to the friend's wife and sister to attend a matinee the following afternoon. As they parted the friend admonished him not to forget to leave the tickets as he had promised, and added that he would better tie a string around his finger to remind him The manager laughed and voiced hie thought. "Oh." he said. "I never have to tie a string around my finger to remexn ber things for other men's wives." I . 1. pppif BRONX GOAT BA-A-ED WAY INTO SUBWAY Also Got Mixed Up With a Policeman and Was Finally cocked Up. Now York.?This goat must have heard of the early shopping movement. He lives In the Bronx and started downtown at four o'clock the other morning. He was tho regulation "billy ba-a-ah" with the horns of plenty and the whiskers of Kris Krlngle. He ; "piped" tho big windows, browsed on the cans and butted small dogs till he reached the subway entrance at One ' Hundred and Forty-ninth street. Into the subway he tumbled at l'atrolman Heitner of the Tremont avenue staj tlon espied him. The policeman gave a yell and dived i jfter the bleating goat. Bill beat him :o me rooi or ine etntrs, landing mere | ^ ^-~ '^' Io ^ 4*{Ran Under the Table and Hoisted It. In a heap. John Murphy, the ticket taker, Bald shoo to him. but the goat got by him and was about to plunge In front of local train when Murphy grabbed him. Heltner tried to lead the goat out of the subway, but found he had to push him. Hilly was playt ful when the surface was reached and tried to butt the policeman off the curb. There was not a chance to lead him back so Heltner sent In a call for the patrol wagon. Arriving at the Tremont station Billy ba-a-ed at Lieutenant Curtin. Curtin made for tho Intruder with gun nn/4 kl?,l,l-?l. a r?Ml? ? - uku uio.vnj atn unu 1)111} Deal. 11 lTllO the reserve room, where Policeman Matt Jones, Con Brown and Joe Pickett were having; a wee bit. The goat ran under the table and hoisted it, throwing hot coffee over Pickett and spreading apple pie over the other two. The goat being a prisoner they couldn't assault him so they had to grin and bear it until Heitner finally led him to the stable. HOG AND WEASEL FRIENDS Little Animal Kills Farmer's Chickens for Big "Affinity"?Also Scratches Pig's Back. I.awrenceburg, Ind. ? John W. Probst. Justice of the peace, discovered a queer animal friendship bej tween a largo Cheater White hog and n big weasel. They had been feast.j ing on chickens for several days from Probst's poultry yard. Probst had missed about fifty of his choice chickj ens. and after a vigilant watch he discovered the hog catching the chickens and saw the weasel come through a hole under the barn floor. The little animal would cut the throats of the chickens and suck the blood after ; which the hog would devour the body nnd then hide the fenthers In the mud in the hog pen. After eating three I 1 !--- J - i uuivnoiin U1U l??JfS l"J 11UWII III IIIO BUII ; and the weasel got busy and began scratching the back of the hog, much to the delight of both animals. Armed with a pitchfork Probst killed the weasel, but was attacked by the hog and knocked down. After a hard fight Probst escaped from the pen. After , the death of the weasel the hog refused to eat and continued to grunt and squeal day and night until Probst had to sell It to a butcher. Probst Bold the hog for $1# and the weasel for $2. He valued the chickens these ' affinities" destroyed at $50. Smoke Million Cigars Dally. Chicago.?C." It cagoans smoke 1,000,000 clgais a day, which Is equal to one and one-third cigars a day for I each adult male In the city, and exj ceeds the number smoked In any other 1 city In the Union, t'hicagoans spend I more than $25,000,0< annually for cigars. Chicago tobn ^onists have $10,000,000 Invested in 'V 'ndustry. ; These figures were obtain <. uy investigators of the Chicago Association of , ! Commerce. , ! No Women Prisoners. [ Mllwaukoe.?Because, for the first time in many yearH, there were no women prisoners, Sheriff McOreal had , to hire an assistant cook to work in I the Jail kitchen. Broom for Lion, i Chicago.?Hot irons and a revolver having had no efTect, "Mme." Margue! rita, a Hon tamer, subdued an angry . Hon with woman's own weapon?a broom. ' To Cleanse a. and Heal Deep Cuts^, Have U on hand ^ HANFORD'S Balsam of Myrrh For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Strains, Stiff Neck, Chilblains, Lame Back, Old Sores, Open Wounds, and all F.xternal Injuries. ^ Made Since 1846. Price 25c, 50c end $1.00 All Dealers Uncle Josh's Joke. "Gee!" said old Uncle Josh, ns the wall from the parlor waxed louder and more piercing. "1 wish that there female summer boarder'd. stop that infernal practlsln* on her Eingin' for a leetle. She hez a voice like a fish." "Like a fish?" demanded Mrs. Josh, scornfully. "Ya-as." said Uncle Josh. "Mostly scales an' ilatter'n hokey."?Harper's Weekly. FSK AM.EN'S FOOT-E \SE. the Antiseptic powder to be shuken Into ths shoes for tired, aching feet. It lake* the stlnff out of corns nnd bunions nnil makes walking a delight. Sold ev? rywhero. 26c. Itefuse substitutes For KRKK trial package, uddress A. S. Olmsted, L.e Itoy, N. Y. Adv. The Cause. "George is raising mutton-chop whiskers." "That nccounts for his sheepish expression." DOES YOrn TIE AO ACTIF.r Try Hicks' CAPUDINE. It's liquid-pirnsnnt to take?ofTccta Immediate?good to prevent Hick Headaches and Ncrtrotis llcadnchrn also. Your money baek If not satisfied. 10c., 25c. and No. at medicine stores. Adv. Fitting Fate. "They are going to muzzle the pro truding hatpin now." "I'm glad It's stuck." FOB WEAKNESS AND I.OSS OF APPETITE. The Old Standnrd tenets 1 strengthening tonic, OKOVH"STAHTHLBSS chill TONIC drives out Malaria and builds up the system. A true tonic and sure Appetiser. For adults and children. 60 cents. And some men talk to themselves because they like an appreciative audience. to women mnniiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiinminig | THOSE HEADACHES ? ^ I If accompanied with backache, 5 dragging-down pain, do not havo 3 to bo. Nature never Intended that 3 women ahould suffer In this 2 manner. _ Dr. Pierce's 3 5 FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION ? m B For forty years haa proved won- 3 5 dorfully eilclent as a remedy ? 6 for woman's peculiar weaknesses S 5 and derangements. ? S a aUIIHINMUIII Your Drues;.t has it ia Stock SPECIAL TO WOMEN Do you realize the fact that thousands of women are now using A Soluble Antiseptic Powder as a remedy for mueou^ membrnne affections, such as sore throut, nasal or pelvic catarrh, inflammation or ulceration, caused by female ills? Women who have been cured say "it is worth Its weight in gold." Dissolve in water and apply locally. For ten years the Dydia E. Pinkhani Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtine in their private correspondence with women. For all hygienic and toilet uses It has no equal. Only 50c a large box at Druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of price. The Paxtou Toilet Co., Iioston, Mass. TAKE THE ACHE OUT OF HEADACHE O , ? HEADACHE ' TABLETS aro c*omponn<1c<1 froin a phyaclan'w formula nn<l kIta quick relief In ml cnm'H of hemlache. 1W?* contain* Iiik li clones Ilk*, of den nTHor dinvt from DV ft A I r nriirnwnft ni uhli ntintui UU., NEWPORT NEWS,VA. ^^THOWPSON'S^^11^ w.gpwr UlATCU l7 ?"??. ?? > or V*A P fct\ Wind. Booklet fre* JuiiN ? . .O.A1 i ).NS( NS4 f>.. n|,N.Y. We are headquar- _ ftal B ters for Eggs, Poultry, i ! ? Bk. Fruits, Potatoes and B ll jS Vegetables. If you B m\ Ik want a reliable firm and ; a live house, ship us. We guarantee highest market prices and prompt returns. Quotations sent on application. WOODSON-CRAfiG CO., Inc. COHHISSIONMCBC BANTS. Bltk???4. Va. ARIIfC an<1 Hl"h Ors<1? HUUAKO rinl'hln?- Mail m orders given Special Attention. Prices reasonable. Service prompt. Send for Price LisW LiBBAAii'a imx irroaa. CHtaiawroi. a. %