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* V FORT MILL, S. C. ' BEKERAL INFORMATION. CITY GOVERNMENT. r A. R. McEI.HANEY Mayor I S. W. PARKS Clerk , . J. J. COLTIIARP . .Chief Police , DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. 1 I No. 31 Southbound 5:35 a. m. i i f< ? No. 36 Southbound 7:12 a. in. t No. 27 Southbound. . 5:12 p. m. . * 1 No. 36 Northbound 8:50 a. in. No. 28 Northbound .6:30 p. n?. i No. 32 Northbound .9:27 p. m. i < ? Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at , , Fort Mill only when flagged. MAILS CLOSE. For train No. 36 M-an u r?? For train No. 27 4:50 p. in. I J' i For train No. 28 6:00 p. m. 1 ' 1 Note?No mail is despatched on [ ( trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 \ ( I and 28 do not handle mail Sunday, f i POSTOFFICE HOURS. I Daily 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. \ , i Sunday 9:30 to 10 a. a., 5 to 5:30 p. . | SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. J. E. Jones, of Park'sville, Tenn., is spending a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, west of town. Carpenters Monday morning began tearing away the front of the Savings Bank building, preparatory to putting in a plate glass front. Announcement was made from Lancaster Thursday that the capital stock of the Lancaster & Chester Railway has been increased from $50,000 to $500,000. Col. Leroy Springs is president and owner of the railroad. Fort Mill friends of Mr. S. E. Boney, formerly a resident of this township, will be interested to know that ho has quit the Charleston News and Courier and gone to Atlanta to accept a position with the Atlanta Georgian. Senator Tillman will, it is said, take a hand in the South Carolina mileage book fight by filing a brief with the Interstate Commerce Commission. The hearing on the nlilt-age book situation in ' this State is to be resumed this morning at It) o'clock in the United States Court room i;; C< , ? lumlia. The Howard carnival company left Fort Mill Sunday morning for Albermarle, N. C., after showing for a week on the ku al ball lot. Visitois to the carniv-i! ; stated that the patv..ns of tie I shows were very limited in number and it was doubted whether! the company made expenses dur- ' ing its stay in Fort Mill. Thp rln'jinti- r?f 1 Fori Mill colored graded school, ! of which A. L. White is the principal, will begin this evening ' at 8 o'clock in the old academy, on Academy street, and continue fiightly, Sunday and Monday nights excepted, until Tuesday. An invitation is extended to the white people of the community to attend the exercises. Charles Porter, a young negro of the township, was arrested by the local officers Saturday upon request of the Mecklenburg authorities, who claimed that Porter was wanted in North Carolina. The negro was held until Sunday afternoon when it developed that he was not the man wanted and he was released. The county court house commission is this week advertising through the newspapers of the county the sale of $75,000 of bonds for the erection of a new courthouse in Yorkville. Sealed bids, accompanied by a certified check of $1,000, will be received by the commission up to noon of Thursday, May 15, when the sale of the bonds will be made. The election held in Fort Mill Thursday resulted in 28 votes being cast tor and li\e votes against the levying o! a two mill school tax tort! lo 1 graded and higi school. That little interest v.?i., in .?;e election was id- i.? C small vote cast c n ot . . ,1 by the exit. < >.. Vn ?. a a Lo delru> i i.Cj .., ol the schou.. 9 Unseasonably cold weather, with frost in the Eastern States and moderately warm weather throughout the Gulf States, the great Central Valley and the Rocky Mountain region and the Plain States was predicted by national weather bureau for the first half of the present week. Warmer weather, with rain, was predicted for this section during the hitter part of the week. ( Hundreds of people from all aarts of South Carolina, with nany from adjoining States, are naking arrangements to be in Rock Hill for the Intercollegiate 3ratoriea) Contest on April 25th. I The railroads of the State have ; granted a round trip rate of; four cents per miie, one way, a 1 twenty per cent discount from the usual rate. This reduced rate will be effective April 24th and the tickets will he good until midnifrhr of A.iril The board of trustees of the | Rock Hill public schools Monday morning sold to the New York Life Insurance Company the 575,000 issue of bonds for school purposes at a premium of $2,D49.75. The board recently purchased for $10,000 a lot on which will be erected a new building for the high school department of the city schools, and in addition to this, several thousand dollars will be spent in improving the present school building. The public generally will watch with interest the burning in the show window of Stewart & Culp of the big candle, which is to be lighted the morning of next Thursday, May X. For several weeks past the firm has been conducting a guessing contest in connection with the burning of the candle, allowing one guess at the length of time the candle v ill burn with each 50-cent cash purchase, and allowing the winner a liberal supply of staple groceries. Quite a large number of guesses have been filed, the time guessed ranging anywhere from a few hours to several weeks. Some People I Prefer the long way around and experiment with various Fountain Pens before reaching the Ideal Waterman, but it is advisable to pay the price at first and you have the last thing in the way of Fountain Pens. It is nearer human than anything in this line, but if it does not satisfy you, you may as well stop spending j]H your money. ?$1 We have cheaper ones I y if you want them. Ardrey's Drug Store. Let US Sell U Screen Doors and Windows Big Stock and i Prices Right. Frill Mill I itrnhnr P.n. warn ? > MVtBIIM VI W VI I TH' ' GOOD FOR 3TES (IN KIZK CONTEST .. . LIi .'ED FROM THE TIMES AND PRESENTED AT THE STORE OF THE MILLS & YOUNG CO., I FQR^ i ^ ^ | | FOR SALE?Quantity of good Fod der and Pea Vine Hay. 'Phone 69-L 0. W. PQSXS. 7 I r I i ?* ? ?<?*- s <?> ? ; ? I THREE ^ I | j Fridaj i> i || ! Cotton Goods. Best Quality) of 1 Oc and 12c BleacKii t t Good Quality 36-inch Zephy; Gingf t t Good Qualify of 36-inch Long Clot *1 Boys' Suits at About 1 Twenty-five Boys' Suits, in light < * from $4.00 to $6.30, for the Cash, or i 1 I t One lot of men > Tan and Pat. Lea ^ ^ and worth $3.50 I ^ ^ you are blessed w + be blessed with a I" tit I I I it I lit ' t:t o* tif ;t t ' ft tt !> Votes in our Grand Pri2 ; test given with each pu i ? III Mills & ft Dry C it " v ^ On Saturd; _____________________________ Second Grand Prize: $100 Rock Hill Buggy with Top and Rubber Tires I Third Grand Prize: $75 Putnam Organ, Guaranteed ten years. Fourth Grand Prize: $50 Five-Piece Parlor Suit. A Beauty. I Eighth Grand Prize: | Ladies7 Tailored Coat Suit. Value $25. L I ! THE PROPOSITION?Every p , | One Vote, every dollar to 100 Vote the greatest number of Votes will 1 number of votes gets the Second Gi away. Now, we wish it understoo I part and you or your friend will wi oughly understand the proposition GET BUSY TODAY-The earl: 1 MILLS g? I \ V n a v 01 ua i 01 r-Saturday-IV Votes . o , ^ test i rig at only 8 l-2c 1am at only 8 l-2c K at only 8 l-2c lalf Price. colors, and worth ily $2.98. Men's Oxfords. s fine Oxfords in Gun Metal, Vic ther, all new styles, sizes 9 1 -2 to 1 1 to $5.00, your choice at $2.98. I ith a good understanding, you wi genuine bargain here. Men's Balbrigan Underwear, ma drawers separately, the Suit, only 4 Men's Muslin Underwear, quart length drawers, made just like B. ^ C lit One hundred pairs Ladies' fin buck, gun metal, tan and patent le $3.50 values, at only $2.48. Ladies' Long for three days colors, at 35c. One hundrec .0 On black, good val ICilBSC Children's Sc Young ( loods, Clothing and Sh< Pri/ps AKri A M, AAJW JL ay, Decembc First Grand Prize: Handsome Hallet & Davis PIANO, Value, $400. Ninth Grand Prize: Man's $25 Suit o Overcoat. tenny you spend in any one of ov s, and so on. On Saturday, Dcccir :>e given the First Grand Prize; th< rand Prize, and so on down the lin< d, this is no chance game, no gues in one of the Ten Grand Prizes me call at any one of our three stores 7 starter stands the best show at \ & you ' SSSS^SSae9S9eSB9B!SBBSBBBSBMBBiHnBHK9B^S9*? FECIALS I londay. . ||| in our Grand Prize Con*iven with each purchase 4 * < M < ? < ... < < < < . it ; I! , ? < If ' ill II li <?? < ide to fit, shirt and ! l5C* If er sleeve shirt, knee ^ X ? /. D., only 50c the 4 * e Pumps, in white :ather, $2.50, $3 and ^ <? ? < * ? Silk Gloves, in black and white, just in, ^ only, at 89c. Short Silk Gloves, all X ; > < 1 Lad ies' Sailors, in white, burnt and ues, for three days only, at 20c. * * >x, solid colors and fancy tops, 3 for 25c * ? Ill Company, p I oe Dept. At fi: ' '''- ... . . ma -- 1 ?.raSEHMig| olutely FREE 1 ;r 20, 1913. Fifth Grand Prize: Princess Steel Range. Value $60. Sixth Grand Prize: $50 Standard Sewinsr Machine, life-time Guarantee. Seventh Grand Prize: Beautiful $50 Diamond Ring. Tenth Grand Prize: r $25 Kitchen Cabinet. | It's a Beauty. I ir three p i tments entitles you to | iber 2". 191 ?. the customer1 holdinc I es custo. . h lding the second largest jj? 5 until 1 "> * n 1 .'rind Prizes - *en {J s work. T i ' little effoit _ ,ur i ntioned above. If you do r. a or- | ; and we'll explain it to you fully. 1 vinning. I NG CO. I ^ ' ^ % ? , ?.