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*i' # THE FOET HILL TIMES.! Democratic ? Published Thuradara. . W. BRADFORD - - Editor and Proprietor subscription ratm: On* Y?sr........... $1.25 lb Month* 86 Ths Time* Invite* contribution* on live subject* hut doe* not scree to publish more then 200 word* a any subject. The right I* reserved to edit very communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising late* are made known to those interested. Telephone, local and long distance. No. lit. Entered at the poet office at Fort Mill. S. C.. as Bail matter of the second class. THURSDAY. APRIL 24. 1913. In the March Woman's Home Companion appeared the first complete report of a great campaign that is springing up with astonishing virility?a campaign for "better babies." A year or two ago a woman in Iowa, Mrs. Mary T. Watts, conceived the idea that in her State the principal enthusiasm among the people was for better cattle, better corn and better hogs. At the county and State fairs there were occasional "baby shows," but the whole purpose was to pick out and reward babies for thair hpAiitv and attractiveness rather than for their health and development. In other words the baby was simply a side-show for entertainment and not taker seriously, while in every other exhibit science ruled, and the object was to cultivate knowledge of the best ways to produce better products. Mrs. Watts saw that Iowa was neglecting hei most valuable crop?her crop ol babies. With the co-operatior of a physician, Dr. M. V. Clark, she organized a real baby contest. The object was to award prizes to those children whe made the best physical showing. Dr. Clark prepared score-cards, the principal items of whici were adapted from the cardused in judging cattle and uni mals of various kinds. Thesi cards formed the basis of ; scientific inquiry calculated t< reveal the physical and menla efficiency oi the child examined. The results of this first cor test were appalling. The\ showed that Iowa had bettei corn and cat. le than babies, an< awakened public sentiment to ; wide study of all those matter that concerned the care of chd dren ? diet, clothes*, baths and on, One child who had receive a low marking in the first contest, won a prize at the second because the mother carried out the suggestions as to the child's diet and care, which she nevei would have heard of had it not been for the aroused state of tht public mind. This year thirty five States have already arranged to hold scientific baby shows in connection with livestock shows and State fairs. Women's clubs, newspapers and physicians are awake, and one of the most important worldmovements has begun. Young man, young woman, let us whisper in your ear. By all that is good, by all that is holy, by this twentieth century of marvelous discovery and wonderlul discovery and wonderful progress, if you don't wish tt be leit lyino- on your back, see to y it that your education is not neglected while you have tiim to spure. And, if you haven't the time, take it. "A pound <?t pluck is worth a ton of luck.' Do not let your God-given intellect wither for want of nourishment when our schools ofTei such splendid facilities wherewith to fit yourself for the best, the broadest and the noblest things of every day life. Recent investigations show that it costs the government $3,200 tc bury a dead congressman. Soitk of our exchanges are inclined t complain of this - xtrav agantout lay; but it is a fact that there arseveral that the people would gladly see buried even at that f V When your home merchant presents you with his bill do not S allow the hair on your spine to rise like porcupine quille, and m look m though you had been in* j* : suited. The chances are he I trusted you for the shirt on your jback and the groceries to keep vour familv. Sneak kindlv to ft him who has accommodated you, j for you know you like prompt pay in others. A man whose temper rises to ninety decrees in the shade when asked for a just account, and feels his dignity has been trampled on is a good man?not to trust. There are some things that a level headed human being should never do. Among these is to kindle a fire with kerosene oil, to walk on a railroad, to attempt to get on a moving train, to point a gun or a revolver at another, to put his name on another man's note, to keep his savings in an old stocking under the bed, to play a game of chance with a prepossessing stranger, to run for office when he has a paying position in private life, or to call a bigger man than himself a liar. There are two ways of wasting your money. One is to spend it so fast that it doesn't have any time to do good, and the othtr ' is to hold on to it so tight that it never gets a chance. Mothers Can Safely Buy Dr. King's New Discovery and give it ? to the little ones when ailing and suflfer| ing with coughs, colds, throat or lunj. troubles, tastes nice, harmless, onie 1 used, always used. Mrs. Bruce Crav' ford, Niagra, Mo., writes: "Dr King's I New Discovery changed our boy from a Kule weak sick boy to the picture t1 ealth." Always helps. Buy it at Foit n-..~ e.. a ?i ?_ t-v o... i v<u., niuicj n L/ru|( OIOH and Parks Drug Co. (Advertisement.) TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. The regular spring examination o * applicants for teachers' certificates wi be held in Yorkville on F riday May k. 1 beginning promptly at nine o'clock, a. m. JOHN E. CARROLL, ] ^ucat'on' 1 ONI' CI-NT A WORD MINIMUM CHARGE. 25C. FOR SALE?Two good plug Mulet, I J. J. BAILES. FOR SALE-?I have sev< ral goo< | i mules that I will sell cheap for cash 01 on time. A. R.'McELHANEY. FOR RENT?Cottage on Confederate Street. Apply at once to Bailes AI l ies FOR SALE ?'Phone No. 53-F W. II. Jones. DON'T FORGET THAT THE THEATRE STILL RUNS J First-Class Pictures j AND SECOND llUN FILMS j 1 ASK YOUR FRIENDS. f - ?__ _ v RUB IT * on the chest under the vest and tell the undertaker to i drive on. What? GOWAN'S i PNEUMONIA PREPARA- t TION for pneumonia, croup c colds, coughs, pains and * soreness and troubles coming 1 I from inflammation and congestion. It is external and quickly absorbed. Sold by: all druggists from $1.00 to I 25c. Insist on fretting Gow-' . aids, no just as good. } r j 1 W! A Hnppy New Year. The Crescent Cafe desires to extend ' > New Year's Greetings to its patrons ' .and thank them for their patronage! during the old year and solicits their patronage for the coming year. You . | will find everything nice and clean and '; the best that this market affords. , > No drinking of intoxicating liquors > will be allowed on the premises. Give the Crescent Cafe a trial, and 1 f you are pleased tell others; if nor, 'ell me. THE CRESCENT CAFE, '. A. Junes, Prop'r - Fort Mill, S. C. Ot.D NEWSPAPERS for sale at ' Tiif Timen oilier. E i' f * , # ( v Dr. King's New Discovery Soothes irritated throat and lungs, ops chronic and hacking cough, reives tickling throat, tastes nice. Take > other; once seed, always used. Bey at Part Mill Drag Co., Parks Drag 3. and Ardrev's Drug Store. 1 Advertise ment.) low Long Will A I Burn? ?. .-Jg | This monster Candle is n^w on 1 || display in oL j| show window. g: How Long p| wifflit burn? | If jot can aaswer this qaesHltj tkm, we will gnre flij yon H FREE l*.r ; u pod supply pf Groceries. Hew" W Beginning the Lyvl 1st of March we - ;i will allow a goess at the life of the candle for each j 50c purchase or | 50c payment on account at our [.!; .|j store. This will ; ^ continue until the |} Si 1st of May, when the candle will be itHM lighted. No one g :Dy knows bow long the candle will . :|i burn, and to the j: jp person guessing 1; W. the exact, or nearf. est exact, time ol . tv burning we will 1' give free the lot mm Km of Groceries now on display in out show window. Call and see us or 'Phone No. 15. Stewart & Culj Floors I Marred and worn floors are h? 3alf an hour's work with the p loors into new floors that are vear out. ACME FLOOR PA s the best floor paint to use. Ii ipon, is ready for use, easy to ind dries quickly. A quart will :oats. Ask for a copy of our ells you all about tae use of pai he home. Massey's 1 Ell jl H===1F= 1 A SMAL Will Sink i I You may spend a-; you k< opportunities to save wH d Racket Store, but you will i expenses count lip to lar.' there buyer can quick'y so forprettintf the value of tin= pending the small arroo * cal buyer. Every week : JJ point the way to many o small leaks. A special s It in small things such a There may be just one p*?i when you add them all toj =| pennies number a dollor or ments of the Red Racket tunities to save not only yo Red Rac Fort ft =ii ?-ii ir= r v \ ) I ' 1 MWhat I If 1 were an ir fAV rti- if I ???* ? IlUl t W1 11 A W CI C teacher, or if I w er, or if I were e tigate?yes, that! my clothing and kind of goods at "When a mar when he pays fc wearing it; but v Clothes or Cross he wears them a after the price is People actual bought from us 1 best? they had e\ like them as pos the price is aboi kind. See our i MrFJKai m ~ ~ I 'TheS hrMfli ^ike New j lt*/4 f/\ ?*? J A- ^ ^ ? - ,? v* vw iicmi aim naru to Keep ciean. aint brush* changes your shabby easy to keep clean and hard to . QUAUTY ' INT (GRANITE) t is made especially to be walked I put on?you can do it yourself? i cover about 75 square feet, two 1 "Home Decorating" booklet. It ints, enamels, stains and finishes in | Drug Store. [| n|i ir 'I tt=i | L BREAK m i C i Large Ship. t jj >. p tying no attention to the G i ere advertised by the Red n itul m i ner or later that little Jj sens. A !o*e. here-and--[J n " dor a lot of his cash by fil | }\ i' lle purchases. Cure in ex*- j: ' lUlcklv I'l'liilV thp Pi?nnAmi. I I - his space The Times will !{ n;.. .'i "Pies for stopping the ' b \ e . day at the He 1 R ' t I u ' . ' o laces nt;(l I [J >?.\ oft the retru'a'- pri ?. t i jj a-tiier you vull find that t ie ( n more. Read the advertise- ' C closely every week for opporur pennies but dollars. ^ j G ket Store, | flill, S. C. . D|[=1F=Tt- ICZ= . IS T . T I 1 . ) Would lsurance agent, or if a butcher, or if I \ ere a farmer, or if I ven a politician,- I i s the word, investig shoes where they right prices. l buys a cheap suit ] ?r A >r it, then feels rottei <rhen he buys such gc ett Shoes he feels gc md thinks about the i forgotten." ly tell us that the three or four years rex worn and want ol sible. We have a i it as low as for the \ }chloss line before yc icy & Cc tore of Style and Qua $ wrart jbbjb o? \ The First N j TWO YEARS OL P Calls the attention oi' the I condition at the closo of lished by order of the Cox I THE FIRST NATIOI ' W. B. AUDREY, President. I DIREC I W.B.ARDREY, j. D. iyiilo, L. A. HARRIS, I EDGAR JONES. OSMOND BARBER, T. B. SP1 3|5g5a5H5H5a5HE5Z5g5H55H5g| j Right on 3 ] Give us your next orde j we'll deliver it when pror \Trt Avfrwrt ?U? ' A ' tAiia lur u -j our service. i We have the Roods, the ties to fiill and deliver yo you want it. but as you v have any kick coming on HOW ABOUT YOU Parks Grocei E. S. PARK 3 laS2Sa5a55a5BBSgSg5HSB.5E5 f 'ry a Special "For Sale" A V P. _ I Do? , ; I were a doc- * vere a school were a laborarould investi;ate?and buy sold the right tie feels good n when he is >ods as Schloss >od every time 5 quality long Schloss Suits ago were the ihers as nearly full stock and land-me-down iu buy. ?mpany lity." I ?. ? 1 im -mm* mm?m ational Bank, D MARCH 9TH, J public to its statement of business April 4th, pubuptroller of the Currency. |j IAL BANK, r"I CT- | T. B. SPRATT, Cashier. TORc; JACKSON HAMILTON, P J. L. SPRATT, A. R. McELHANEY, JOHN M. HARRIS, H. N. PATTERSON, | IATT. I H5a55H5H5H5^5B5g5gSg5a5a|a| the Dot! | = ki n r for GROCERIES and g nised?right on the dot. fi lis all important part of j{ c i j experience, the facili- [J ur order not only when S rant it. AnH ??* ?* * juu null t our prices, either. 3 R NEXT ORDER? S S, Manager. Q C gsgsszsaszsgsasHsgsgsasala i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmmmmmmm'm Idv. in The Times.?25 Cents.