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The Fori! Mill Times. Established in 1891. FORT MILL, S. C., THURSDAY. APRIL 94 lQin ? - ? "" j YORK BAPTISTS WILL MEET IN THE CITY OF ROCK HILL Arrangements are about com-; plete for the meeting of the York j Baptist Sunday School Associa-i tion at West End church, Rocki Hill, on Tuesday and Wednesday, I May 6 and 7. The following program has been arranged for the meeting: Tuesday, May 6. 10 a. m.? Devotional, S. R. Brock. 10:30?Organization and reading of letters. 11?Report on Organized Class Work, Supt. J. T. Rabb: discussed by S. L. Meacham and E. S. Reaves. 11:45 ? Verbal reports from Schools, Quiz by ?L D. Moore. 12:30 - Recess. 2 p. m.?Devotional, J. H. Machen. 2:15 -Report on Teacher-Training, Supt. S. P. Hair; discussed by W. E. Lowe and J. D. Moore. 3 -The Parent, the Child and the Sunday School, J. H. Machen, E. S. Reaves. 3:45?Round Table. 4:30?Adjourn. 8 p. m.?Devotional, W. S. Walters. 8:15?Report on Home Department, Supt. Jackson Hamilton; discussed by L. Gunter and J. D. Moore. 9?The Sunday School and Soul Saving, Jackson Hamilton, E. S. Reaves and S. P. Hair. 9:45?Adjourn. Wednesday, M"y 7. 9 a. m.?Devotional, D. W. Thomasson. 9:30?Report on Cradle Roll. Supt. Miss Emma Dowell; discussed by D. V*. Thomasson and J. D. Moore 10:15 ?The Church Member and the Sunday School. WT. S. Walters and W. J. Nelson. 11?Children and Stewardship, F: s RuiIVU* And I W MIIU nnn ? . _. AVWUf V?| UUVI U. JL-J. lU^maiia" way. 11:45?Visiting bv Supt. and Teachers, \V. J. Nelson and J. D. Moore. 12:30?Adjourn for recess. 2 p. m. ? Devotional, VV. J. Nelson. 2:15?The Pastor and his Sunday School, S. R. Brock, J. D. Moore. 2:45?Sunday School Possibilities, E. S. Reaves. 3:15 - Round Table, J. D.Moore. Miscellaneous and final adjournment. Senator Works Attacks Newspapers. Thursday in the United States senate Senator Works, of California, attacked present day journalism and newspapers of the country in a speech in support hf his bill to make it unlawful for the District of Columbia newspapers to publish details of crimes, accidents and ; tragedies. "Whether the people want this kind of news or not is not the one question to be considered. Looking at journalism as nothing i higher than a means of making money, newspaper men main- 1 tain they furnish this kind of news because people want and j will have it and therefore it is the only way of maintaining their publications on a paying basis. If this is truo it certainly is a melancholy fact. If it is untrue it is a grave charge to make against the American people. "Undoubtedly it is true of some people but I ani convinced j tnat the masses of the people | who support newspapers would; prefer to have such news omitted ; and many people do not read newspapers and exclude them! from homes because of objection- j able matter." Suit Against Woodmen. Members of the local lodge of | Woodmen of the World will watch with interest the outcome of a case which is to be called within a few days in Federal j court at Greenville. The case is a suit against the Woodmen ofl the World for $20,000 for the | death of Samuel M. Taylor, brought by S. P. Taylor, executor. Samuel M. Taylor was a : member of the degree team and was shot during the iniiiadon ceremony oy a candidate. The tragedy occurred near Ilonea Path. j Murdered Victim May be Identified. ' Sheriff John P. Hunter, of i Lancaster county, a few days ago received from a merchant in Bishopville a letter of inqniry about the unknown body .found on the banks of Twelve Mile creek, near Osceola, about three i weeks ago. The letter follows: j "We received news concerning i a person that was murdered about 15 miles north of Lancas- 1 ter; and from the information received from the party he seems to think that the description the foreman of the jury of inquest I gave him was H. Hyman (Harry Hyman as we all know him). This party- H. Hyman?is 21 years old, clean face, 'cry dark skin for a white man, rather Indian color, a .lew unrt wni?rt-.c about 135 pounds. He ha i an operation last fall and one of i his toes and the nail was taken off. He was about 5 feet 7 inches tall; or under. If he had any papers on him or letters that bear his name they are in the Hebrew language, or if he had a checkbook, this might lead us to think he was Harry Hyman. How long has this body been dead, and on what day was it found? If this party does not answer to the description, and if he was a Jew, please let us know. Also-^inform me when and where you buried the body." Sheriff Hunter, after receiving this letter, renewed his efforts to unravel the mystery. The governor has offered a reward of $75 for the apprehension of the party or parties guilty of this murder, and Sheriff Hunter has personally offered a reward of $25 for the same purpose. State's Attitude on Webb Law. The attitude which the State of South Carolina will take on the Webb law, will come up for a hearing before the Supreme Court the first Monday in May. At that time the cases of the Abbeville people, whose liquor was seized under the Webb law, will be argued on a return to a rule to show cause, which was issued by Chief Justice Gary. At the time the Attorney General will file a brief in this mat ter, setting forth the opinion of the State. Governor Biease has stated that as soon as he gets the opinion of the Attorney General, and if the latter decides that he can enforce the Webb law. he will seize all liquor or beer shipped into the State, except for the dispensaries. All people will have to buy their alcoholic beverages through the dispensaries in this event, or they will lose tneir purchases. Schools Get State Money. J. E. Swearingen, State Superintendent ol Education, has pmu out $81,645 State aid of 126 lngn schools in 41 counties. Sixtythree rural graueu schools m 17 counties received $12,01)0.1)4. All ol these schools are located in rural districts, or in incorporated places with less Loan 800 population. A district levying a lourmills tax, employing two teachers and running its schools six months receives $200 btuLe aid. A district levying a iour-mill tax, employing tnree teachers and running the school seven months receives $800. Eiityeight such schools received aid la.->I November, and hence were not entitled to additional assistance this spring. Plans for Dry State. Attorney General Peeples will, it is stated, file a briel on the Webb law when the cases arising from the seizure of whiskey under this law comes up before the supreme court at Columbia on the first Monday in May. Governor It ease has stated that if the attorney general says he has the right, he will seize every shipment of beer and liquor coming into the State, other than to the dispensaries. Are You a Cold Sufferer? Take Dr. King's New Discovery. The Best Cough, (old, Tnroat and Lung medicine made. Do not hesitate?take it at our risk. First dose helps. J. K. W< Us, Floydada. Texas, writes: "Dr. King's New Disc very cured iny terrible cough and Cold. 1 -aineo io pounds." Buy it at Ardrey's Drug Stor?\ i'urks Drug Co. am. t ort Mill Drug Co. HAPPENINGS OF THjE WEEK IN THE GOLD HILL SECTION Correspondence Fort Mill Times. The Gold Hill scHool came to a close last Friday[ The programme wan an interesting one, and the exercises \yere enjoyed by a large ctowd.' The most interesting feature jof the morning exercises was. i with the ex-1 ception of Mr. Humbert's address, the debate, 'I^he affirmative side won by a vote of two to one over the negative; but, as Mr. , j Rembert said, excellent speeches were made on botlji sides. After the debale, the crowd (listened with kjeen interest, ! M'hilo \T?* r>^f i \ f. mmv mi . iicunirjl i?l VjillUlllDlil > delivered a most encouraging and enlightening address on education. Then dinner was served on ihe grounds, at the | conclusion of which the crowd I spent their time in numerous! ways, as there was no programme for the afternoon. A much larger crowd witnessed the evening exercises than the i morning exercises. The plays, drills, and "Tom Thumb's Wedding" were interesting and were enjoyed by everyone present, i The commencement as a whole was greater th an any that has j been held at G:>ld Hill in a numi ber of years. j The prizes g ven by the school to the best pupils were won by | Brice Windle and Winnie Crook, j ; The fishermen of this section j i spent a very enjoyable evening ! down on the river Saturday, j They ate so many fish that some j of them think that they can ; "swim in the air." Messrs. C. B. Kimbrell, of Charlotte, and G. C. Blankenship, of Rock Hill, spent Satur-( j day night and Sunday at their homes in this community. A light shower of hail fell in j this section last week, but fortunately, we are glad to say, it was too light to do any damage. The Gold Hill people think Magistrate Harris acted wisely in selecting W. F. Windle as his j constable. It is believed that Mr. Windle will make as good a , ! constable as anyone that Mr. i ! Tt - I narns could have selected. An unusual large crowd was I present at Flint Hill Sunday I afternoon to hear the excellent sermon delivered by Rev. Mr. Hair. Mr. Farmer, you can do a mighty good thing by sending that boy or girl of yours out to Flint Hill to hear the excellent sermons delivered from Sabbath 1 to Sabbath by Mr. Hair. If the weather stays like it has 1 been for the past few days, much will be accomplished towards the planting of our crops by Saturday night. G. W. Gold Hill, April 21. Groceries Will be Cheaper. i Should the tarifT bill pass as ! introduced in the House it will ! materia'dy reduce the price of many articles that are used by jail the people of this country. Charles Thorpe, editor of thej Grocers' Advocate, in speaking I of the hill, says that sugar will j come in practically free. This | he says will not mean anything | to the retail grocer, but to the j consumer it will mean a differ ence 01 two cents less per pound. Flour will also be greatly reI duced in price to the consumer and the difference will be about : $1.40 less a barrel for average grades. There will be similar Inductions in rice, buckwheat flour and other staple groceries. | Common soap should, in cases where it now costs seven cents a cake, he reduced to something nearer five cents a cake. ImI ported biscuits should also come down a similar amount. These are only a few of the articles that will he cheapened by the bill. These reductions will help the poor people, the very class that needs help. most. George Culp, a well known young man of the town, sustained a very painful injury Monday afternoon in falling from a wagon in Confederate street. Mr. Gulp, wich a companion, was driving along the street when the wagon ran upon an obstruction and he was thrown to the ground, his shoulder striking first with such f< rce as to cause a fracture of h.s collar bone.. Whaley Defeated Hughes. Richard S. Whaley was on last Wednesday nominated for con- j gressman frotai the First South j Carolina district in the second \ Democratic primary election, de- j feating Edward W. Hughes by about 550 majority, on the face , of the returns, only eleven boxes | being unreported. A total of ! 12,000 was polled in the district, ', comprised of Charleston Berke-1 ley. Clarendon, Colleton and Dorchester counties. The general election, when the choice of the Democrats will be formally ratified, will be held, as ordered bv the governor, on Tuesday, April 29. The Charleston county executive com-| mittee will meet on Thursday at noon to consider the challenged votes and declare the result of the primary. The re turns will be forwarded to tbe State democratic executive committee at Columbia, where the result for the district will be officially announced, after the canvass. Astor's Estate 85 Million. Col. John Jacob Astor, who perished in the sinking of the: Titanic last April, left a gross estate of $87,340,917, according to official schedules made public by expert appraisers, on which the State tax appraiser will base his report. They showed an increase of nearly $15,000 000 over any previous detailed account of Col. Astor's wealth. The appraiser makes several: interesting revelations as to the nature and extent of Col. Astor's holdings. The schedules show also for the first time the, amounts of Col. Astor's antenuptial settlements upon his first wife, Mrs. Ava Willing Astor, j and his second wife, Mrs. Madeline Force Astor. These settlements were for life and on the; death of the beneficiaries they will go into his residuary estate. The property turned over to the support of Mrs. Ava Willing Astor by the ante-nuptial settlement has been appraised at $787,397. Mrs. Madeline Force Astor by ante-nuptial settlement was made the beneficiary of two trust funds, one appraised at $1,384,415 and the other at $311,336. Long Terms for Barn Burners. In the general sessions court at Yorkville the last week Son , Gregory, colored, alias Will Gregory, plead guilty to firing! the barn of A. C. Wallace, on t ito nl'j nfotinr* T_>.? MI. - ? 1 V..^ ^.i.uv.auuil ui lllill IMVeil.S 111 ; upper Fort Mill several mouths ago, and was sentenced to 15 years in the peniLentiary. Ned Wilson, another negro, was tried and found guilty of being an accessory to arson, the charge being sustained that 1 e furnished Son Gregory with j gasoline; with which to fire the: Wallace barn. Wilson was recommended to the mercy o the court and sentenced to 17 years in the penitentiary. A plea ol' guilty was enter* d in the case of Ike Brown and Tom Welsh, negroes who live at Grattan, t his township, the charge against them being one of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature. Ike Brown paid a $50 fine and 'i ?ni Welsh was sentenced to sixty days on the chaingang. AN ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the mayor and wardens of the town of Fort Mil), S. C. now sitting in open council ami by the authority of the same: Section 1. That all able bodied male residents of the town of Fort Mill, S. C., between the ages of 'l\ and 50 years, and who are not exempt by State law, shall, betw en the 15th day of April, 1913, and the 15th day ot May, 1913, pay unto the town treasurer commutation street tax in the sum of lit 00 or norf/irm '"*?' ? * n?r iiayn litutil on the streets of saiil town. See. 2. That after the 15th day ??f May, 1912, all delinquents will be punished as provided by law in such cases. Done and ratified this, 4th, da> of April, 1913. A. R. McELIIANEY. Attest: Mayor. S. W. I'AKKS. Clejfc. DOG TAX DUE. Not'ee is hereby given to owi t r- of flogs within the incorporate limns of the town of Fort Mill, .s. that lie annual dog tax of $1.00 per head lor iinio . an . ?2.00 per head for females is due ind pt.vah'n t.i the c'.ty treasurer on or bet' May 1, 19i;j. l.v oider of city council. ?%. \V. PAUiCS, Treasurer. THIS NEGRO A CANDIDATE FOR THE ELECTRIC CHAIR The1 wife of a prominent Florence citizen and her son, a hoy of about 12 years, were murderously assaulted by a negro, Herman Kelly, about 10:30 o'clock Saturday night, says a Florence special to The State. Kelly applied at the home of his victim to buy a pint of milk for a restaurant accustomed to buy from her. She delivered the milk in her own pitcher, none having been brought. In a few minutes Kelly returned the pitcher, paying for the milk, and as the lauy reached for it, he c- ught her by the left arm and swung a long handled wrpnrh used l>y car inspectors, striking her 011 1 he head. He forced her into 1 he room, striking her several times with the heavy wrench, she screaming aloud. Her son attempted to dash from the room lor assistance and Kelly caught him, dealing him a fear Jul blow on the head with a wrench and following him to the yard, striking him again. He then dashed towards the hack fence, as the lady's cries were attracting persons from all around, tor the home is near the old Jacohi hotel on Front street. In trying to get. over the back fence his feet slipped and his arms were skinned, but he got away before the crowd reached him. He was captured at the restaurant next door several hours later, with every evidence of being I lie right negro, even to blood stains and fresnly washed cuffs and skinned arms. He is now in jail. Both the lady and her son are in a serious condition. The victim is tho wife of a well known yntd conductor ot the Atlantic Coast Line. No Need to Slop Work When the doctor orders you to stop work it staggers you. I can't, you say. You know you are weaK, run down and failing in health day by day, imt you must work as long as you can stand. What you need is Electric Bitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent break down and build you up. Don't hr weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Bitters will benefit you from the first d.<s<?. Thousni ds bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bottle guaranteed to satisfy. Only r?()c at Arorey's Drug Store, Parks Drug Co., and Fort ,\< :n rv .> mm U\\ <). (Advertisement.) KIM B F H Fit as though mac | The national s r* ^ ^ ? H oiicipc. Correctl 9 and scientifically ] | assuring you of a H of both style and c< 1 Try Ralston Authc I Styles. I E. W. Xl-Mir. || ' T'.i i Plioo \V 1;.'0 31.20 rer Year. Want Your Income Taxed? Now that there is a fair prospect of the passage of some sort of income tax law, an article in the current issue*of Farm and Fireside proves interesting. Following is an extract: "At the outset there are two' opposing views. Shall it be made to affect a very wide range of incomes?say, all down to $5,000 ?or a small rango?say. all above perhaps $25,000? If you raise $100,000,000 a year from incomes above $25,000, the rate will be much higher than if you spread [ it over all incomes down to $5,000. The people with the very Oig incomes want it made 'popular' that is. applied to the . _ - i wiaesi possible range; a device, jot' course, that would really make it unpopular. It'll never be very popular at best with those who pay. On the other hand, many people want this tax to hit those with the big incomes; they want it to keep the great fortunes from growing too fast: to make I them pay a big share of the govjernmental burdens. "Objections to income taxation as inquisitorial is little heard in Britain nowadays, because they have a careful system of taxing the income 'at the source.' That is, if you draw $25,000 salary as president of a railroad, the railroad reports that fact to the government, pays your tax for you, and takes it out of your pay envelope." Miss Jessie Wilson, of Flori ence, several days ago notified the local school board that she would accept the position of high school teacher in the Fort Mill school, to which she was recently elected. Miss Gwinet.h Brat. ton. of Chester, another of the newly elected Teachers, has not : signified to the l>oard her intention of accepting or declining the position offered her. | The moving picture theatre on Main street was crowded Friday afternoon for several hours with men, women and children. Through the courtesy of Manager Montrose, the ladies of the local chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy were allowed a large per cent, of the receipts of Friday afternoon and the people desiring to aid the ladies visited qVwwv in prr*ti' .lo TUn TT r\ . ..-w III viwnuni X I1C U . U? Cs. received a nice sum from the afternoon's show. lELL'S 1 n % \ I -T*-^ I le to your measure | hoe of rational E ,y designed outside B proportioned inside, B generous measure fl Dmfort g jrity ^