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WKSSMSi 'e I < l? '^<1 'Ifc FORT MILL, S. C. I GENERAL INFORMATION. CITY GOVKRNM ENT. * \ A. R- McELHANEY Mayor f S. W. PARKS - ClerP i, J. J. COLTHARP...Chiet' Police ? DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. ( 1 No. SI Southbound... 5:35 a. m. J y ? ? No. 85 Southbound.. .7:12 a. m. I ^ t No. 27 Southbound... .5:12 p. in. 5 No. 36 Northbound.. 8:50 a. m. No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. ; i No. 32 Northbound.. 9:27 p. m. I , > Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at ., Fort Mill only when flawed. 1 ? MAILS CLOSE. 1 I For train No. 36 .8:30 a. m. I For train No. 27 4:50 p. m. For train No. 28 6:00 p. m. 1 Note?No mail is despatched on l trains 31, 32 and So. Trains 27 J unri 9W rlr* n/?t hfiiwtla moil Qnr?r4o?? M iPOSTOFFICE HOURS. j Daily 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. f Sunday 9:30 to 10 a. 5 to 5:30 p. a. 1 SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. Several citizens of the town have bought new automobiles this spring. Dr. L. O. Johnson, of Bethune, was among the visitors to Fort Mill Sunday. The Eureka school, in upper Fort Mill, which has been under the supervision of Miss Lessie Epps. closed a most successful term last Friday. Congressman Finley, whose illness was mentioned last week, has recovered sufficiently to return to his duties in Washington City. City clerk, S. W. Parks, makes a call in this issue of The Times for the payment by residents of Fort Mill of the annual street, I*, xand city dog taxes. The big traction engine of Mr. F. Nims, coupled to several road machines, h:is been at work on the roads of the township for the last ten days, and the roads probably are in better shape at present than ever hefore. it- a- rr? i .i up to iuesaay morning me| people of South Carolina had contributed, througn the Columbia State, the sum of $2,779.53 for the flood sufferers of the Mi?$*2 West: The money was Ben.'Vh from all sections of the State. Messrs. T. R. Garrison and J. J. Griffin, two of Pineville's well known merchants, have decided to form a co-partnership and open a general mercantile business at Yorkville. The two men went to Yorkville the last week, it is said, to arrange for opening their new store. Checks are being sent out from the comptroller general's office to clerks of.courts throughout > the State to pay the pension allotments in the various counties. Class A pensioners are to receive $96; Class B $72; Class C $48; Class C-2 $22.10; Class C-3 $48; and Class C-4, $22.10. The fine weather of the last week enabled the farmers of this section to catch up with their preparations for planting. The continued wet weather of the early spring caused many to nredict. a rftnetitinn of ln?t\ vpar'a experience of late planting, but tho outlook is much better now for a good crop year. The annual inspection of the local military organization will { be held tomorrow (Friday) evei ning in the company's armory. I Both the officers and men of the B company have been doing hard B work in preparing for the inB spection and are confident that the company will, as usual, make B a creditable showing. ^B At a meeting a few days ago ^B of the South Carolina state crop |^B pest commission the regulations ^B governing the shipment of cot^B ton seed and seed cotton from ^^B boll weevil territory were amend^^B ed so as to entirely prohibit the ^BB shipment of cotton seed and H^Hseed cotton for any purpose II 11UKI1 IMS 11 WCCVIl ten I* South Carolina. Presbytery convened in U Tuesday evening at for a two days' session, abytery is holding its in the auditorium of *nd Avenue Presbyterian The opening sermon ached by Rev. J. M. i of Winnsboro. Bethel ry comprises the Preschurches fn York, Lancaster, Fairfield and of Chesterfield counties, ting a membership of ig like 6,700. j Want Dispensary in Lexington. Petitions were put into the fi d Monday by the advocates of the reestablish men t of the dispensary in Lexington county. This is in keeping with an a'ct of the last legislature inaugurated by Senator Sharpe. Under the statute-cm- bird of the qualified ?-. ?['t.C?l"K VV I l I liouti I ? ? ** lilt V v w ri^u petitions before the supervisor can order tlie election. This new move by the advocates of tlie legalized sale of wtiiskey will doubtless cause one 01 tne greatest figuts that has ever been waged in Lexington county. % Meet me at "Haile's On the Corner," Besides delicious and refreshing fountain drinks we are serving Hand Made Ice Cream, The product of A. O. Jones' herd of sleek, fat Jerseys, tVie acme of purity. FORT MILL DRUG COMPANY, Phone 43. EGOS A man went. int.-? ? D-r*v???rv store. "I want a rack of fancy patent Flour;" Ilow come? Because tl.ere aie thtee or four other grad< s 1 e didn't want. "Also a bottle of Heinz Pickles." There are a thousand other brands. He went to the place where he expected to find the specific articles and at reasonable prices. So with Medicines and Drugs. There are different grades. S ?me are made to se'l any old way. Others are made to cure as well as sell and meet the requirements of a standard do e us known to physi ians. Some become strongs r and dangerous from age. Others lose their strength in. a very short time. Experienced men are in our store who know just what is being sold you and are prepared to safeguard you in every way. Pick the drug store for your drugs and the grocery store for > our groceries and pick for the goods first and the price next. Eggs is eggs, b!it there are good eggs and bad eggs. Ardrey's Drug Store. Let us Sell U Screen Doors and Windows Big Stock and Prices Right Fort Mill Lumber Co. 7 i c -Hr' PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTES and WHITE PLYMOUln.iOpKS, EGGS FOR HATCHING frum pur. stock of the above strains at $1.21 per to. Eighty j:<-r cent hatch 01 egga replaceu af half pnee. it. C. FERGUSON. Fort Mill, S. C. I THEBES! t II The best place ill Shirts, Underwear, It Mills & Young Con H f The best place l| Hats, Shirts, Under It & Young Company The best plac< Hats, Underwear, Kimo Company's. Ill 1:1' The best pi ac( * *' ~ ~ ** Oxfords, Hats, Stockings |i| The best plac< ^j| mestics, Table Linen, a ! > ii * Try it once ^ Prices and Contest ii I! = 11 it ajv*ii o I the greatest number of Votes will t number of votes gets the Second Gi away. Now, we wish it understood part and you or your friend will wi oughly understand the proposition < GET BUSY TODAY-The earl3 | MILLS ii iviiiis & tt It Dry G it ii 11 Ten Grand On Saturd; Second Grand Prize: $100 Rock HiU Buggy with Top and Rubber Tires Third Grand Prize: 4f?PVP* Wfc ^ q>/orutnam Organ, Guaranteed ten years. Fourth Grand Prize: $50 Five-Piece Parlor ! Suit. A Beauty. Eighth Grand Prize: Ladies' Tailored Coat Suit. Value $25. THE PROPOSITION?Every p I One Vote, every dollar to 100 Votei ? r PLACE T :i III " !I 1 Ll^^BaL??JUM>^PW 1 to buy Men's Clotl , Suspenders, Belts npany's. ; to buy your Boys wear, Neckwear, Be r s. 5 to buy Ladies' Su nos, Dressing Sacques, et 2 to buy Children's F 5, etc., is at Mills & Young 5 to buy your Cotton irtain Goods, etc., is at Mi ind be convinced. Votes with every ca V minrr C* * VV4115 vioods, Clothing and Shoe Prizes Abso ay, Decembei First Grand Prize: . Handsome Hallet & Davis . rvv ? 1TA CIANU, Value, $400. 1 Ninth Grand Prize: Man's $25 Suit or > vercoat. enny you spend in any one of our 1 it and so on. On Saturday, Decembe >e given the First Grand Prize; the ci and Prize, and so on down the line ui i, this is no chance game, no guess v p a. i . m - n one 01 ine ren ixrand Jf rizes menti call at any one of our three stores ar r starter stands the best show at win & YOUI i +9+4+t+i>+*t+-$+<9+4+Q+i+*>+?*W* '..\j 0 TRADE jl ling, Shoes, Hats, ;:| ?, Sox, etc., is at ill ' "f |;|| 5' Clothing, Shoes, ||| Its, etc., is at Mills ||| its, Dresses, Shoes || :c., is at Mills & Young fj "'lay Suits, Dresses, li Company's, * i - > 1 Piece Goods, Do- ft 11 ^ ? r ? lis 6c Y oung Company's. I f New Goods, Low || ish purchase. |i; 4 < 4 < i^??? < > 1,1 4 < j <><4 < * < > ( Company, ft < < > < > . Dept. * 4 < & < r 4 4 sun 20 1Q13 HI Fifth Grand Prize: Princess Steel Range. Value $60. i Sixth Grand Prize: $50 Standard Sewing Machine. Life-time Guarantee. * Seventh Grand Prize: Beautiful $50 Diamond Ring. Tenth Grand Prize: $25 Kitchen Cabinet. Ii>. _ r? . three departments entitles you to I r 20, 1913, the customer holding 1 ustomer holding the second largest g ntil the Ten Grand Frizes are given I rork. Just a little effort on your I oned above. If you do not thor- I id we'll explain it to you fully. 1 MG CO. I hffirn* i