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?jk A 7 "Z j CONSTIPATION SMunyon's Paw-Paw Pills are unlike all other laxative* or cathartics. They coax the liver into activity by gentle methods, they do not scoar; they do not gripe; they do not weaken; bat they do start all the secretions of the liver and stomach in a way that soon pats these organs in a healthy condition and corrects constipation. Munyon's Paw-Paw Pills are a tonic to the stomach, liver and nerves. They invigorate instead of weaken; they enrich the blood instead of impoverishing it; they enable the stomach to get all ; the nourishment from food that is put into it. Price as cents- All Druggists. Send your name and address on postal card, receive sample FREE. "It takes the place of calomel." The great liver medicine.pleasant to take. Write today. W. L. H AND & CO., DEPT. A. BOX 788. CHARLOTTE, N. C. KB I IITrn to learn barber trade 111 ft AI I L I I la nlz to eight week*. TuWll U 111 I ||l ltion with aet of tool llll I hi# with rour own tool*, OS. W*rr? while learning. Call or write. RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE, Richmond, Va. ^TYPEWRITERS All makes, sold, rented and skllfnlly repaired, Itemed Ift for 8 month*. JmBJJo) rent applies un purchase. flWjw/ sskRit as TTrswarrra ?x . !?*.. it?. OSn, SOt Kami 111. Itntt, n:rkm??, >1. ^ If A II A I/O Hl*h Qrn.le R UU AR A Finishing. Mail "'"' " w orders given Special Attention. Prices reasonable. Service prompt. Send for Price List, i LUUtil'S LEI eroaa. ClUKLkSTOX. s. u HARDLY. %\M\ Lai 4Z$w "It muBt take courage to go up in an airship." "It does, but not near bo much aa to come down in one." j Disproving the Charge. j It 's a sharp emergency that can catch Pat, even when he is ignorant and ragged. An Irishman whose gar ments were in ta*ters was brought before a magistrate on the charge that he was a vagrant, with no visible | means of support. Pat drew from the pocket of;his torn coat a loaf of I bread, the half of a dry codfish and several cold potatoes. These he j spread upon the stand before him and coolly asked: "What do you think of tliim, yer honor? Shure, an isn't j thiin visible manes of support?" Better Give Up Fish. Some people are always prepared for trouble which may not materialize, like the man who carried a rawegg wherever he went. "Why must you always carry about ( a raw egg".'" asked a friend one day. j "Because It 1b such an excellent j remedy for fishbone in the throat." Not Much. "Do you believe in auto hypnotism?" "Well, I've never seen one hypno- | tized yet." The wife of a shiftless man ex- i cuses him on the ground that he i means well | Solves the Breakfast Problem A bowl ot crisp, sweet I Post \ | Toasties j W\ makes a most delicious | R \ ' meal. B| These crinkly bits of toasted white corn, ready to serve direct from pack' H', age, are a tempting breakfast when served with cream or milk, or fruit The Toasties flavour is a pleasant surprise at first; then a happy, healthful "The Memory Lingers" \ I .? jit%h. M.jy; .; JEALOUSYUS CAUSE AND CURE RITA REESE, in the New York Preee The cause of jealousy?and the cure for jealousy! Which Is a most timely subject for discussion, coining along in a season when green things are budding. Not that one would deliberately class jealousy with the tender, wholesome, healthy green things of the field. Jeal ousy is a green that arises from a totally different source, and it is related to the tonic green things of the forest only as a brackish stream heavily coated with miasmatic green Bcum is?It just happened there! For Jealousy is a green scum, and it is miasmlc and It arises from a mind diseased, an imagination disordered? but where?you are asking, does the love come In? The love that is supposed to go arm In arm with the green-eyed monster, Jealousy? We oil, I'm not so sure that Jealousy 1b related even by a step connection of marriage to True Love. Maybe he is. There are many poets who claim that there can be no true love without Its dread contemporary. Jealousy. l)o you believe that? 1 don't And this is the renson 1 am incredulous. I believe in instinctive things, in intuitions and deep feelings, forebodings, if you will?warnings?maybe. And if you've ever notice.d little blue-eyed True Love when Jealousy turns the corner you must have remarked on how the Cupid baby was frightened. Nay, more than frightened. Literally scared to death! True Love had a feeling that a rabbit or a vicious reptile was creeping over the grave that soon would be his. Love?that best kind of love, the real thing in love?doesn't hang around where Jealousy lonfs. Not on your life. When green-eyed Jealousy comes in at the door? Maybe you've heard it was Poverty ?but, believe me, that isn't True Ixjve. He never did flee from lack of gold. But when green-eyed Jealousy stalks in at the door Cupid and True Love scuttle out of the window or up the chimney?anywherd?anywhere to get out of the reach of the vicious intruder. Each Man Kills the Thing He Loves. Jealousy coipes of the desire to' fill the frame?the frame that holds the life of the beloved. You would like for her to see only you. You are her love and because you love her with such a surpassing devotion you resent every interest nn mntlur hntv Irlvinl It ??? . .......i ii ilia j be and how harmless, that would distract one instant her attention from you! And you call -that love! I call1 It selfishness carried to the ninth negre?, and I challenge anyone to prove It otherwise. '"Each man hills the thing he loves." the poet sings. And most of them murder it by jealousy. Jealousy is a survival of the ages when our lovers were cave men and we were women who had to be taken by stealth and cunning and brute strength. True enough there are those of us now who adore these same traits in our lovers when they come a-wooing. Hut once we are won we come to see the horror of having to live with a creature dominated by these same riiinllMen Jealousy is u sinister and evil |tower and once it takes possession of a man's brain it is deadly. It drives out his reason and enthrones a demon which is itself, and it knows no sober moments, neither doep it understand nor strive to comprehend anything that is normnl or unrelated to its own egotistical self-importance. There!?you fcee jealousy unveiled! Not as love, but as the something furthest removed from true affection. A something which tlib ones who know tremble before as the most insidious enemy true love meets in the going to the heaven toward which all true lovers are Journeying. Since love, then, you are asking, is not related to jealousy; moreover, since jealousy is n menace to love, how shall you set about eliminating the dread monster from your life? To be more specific, I will tel! you about a man who has written to ask my advice. His case covers exactly the situation in many other cases. He tells me that he married a girl who had been much admired and sought after. There were many rivals to him; several of these were richer and more prominent than he was. Hut he won out and married the girl and they were v>. ry happy for a while Then he grew auspicious. Not that there was really anything definite to baHe his susfdcions on, but he knew that his wife had met some of her former admirers here and there, and he had observed that she was pleased with the meeting. That she seemed to enjoy seeing them. Kight here let me say the man gave himself away as a profoundly selfish person. Why shouldn't his wife enjoy meeting her old friends, whether they were men or women? Because she happened to be married to him, why should that kill all her interest in life outside of him? Really Form of Insanity. That's the best word to use to describe Jealousy. It is evil and vicious and sinister?related ab it Is to darki ness and distrust and lngrow'ng sus 1 JHOm {HHhl II > V i piclon. All jealousy Is born of uaptcica, and suspicion Is related to lying?and once you get a thing down to that foundation there is no good left in it. Hut Doubt?some one asks?Isn't it human to doubt?to doubt everything ?even Dove. Maybe it is, but the really big nature always in the end puts Doubt to rout. U'kn I - - ? J - 1 * <i iiu hon hub suiiercu, ne naa uvea but half. Who never failed, he never strove or sought. Who never wept is stranger to a , laugh. And he who never doubted never . thought. Ah, but doubt isn't related to the petty jealousy thut is supposed to be an attendunt on love. Doubt is bigger than Jealousy, and it is more honest. Jealousy is a despicable thing, because it slinks and attacks one from the rear. ! Doubt walks up and lunds one a blowstraight out from his shoulder and between the eyes. Thnt's all right, the square way to light, while Jealousy with a keen-pointed blade creeps up and plants his envenomed weapon deep in the back of the one he would lay low. What is the cause of jealousy? Distrust, to be sure?and lack of j faith and too little love? Yes. 1 knew you'd interrupt me to ( tell me 1 am mistaken. You think you ; are jealous because your love is such I a grout love. 1 say you are jealous be- ; cause your love is such a pusillanimous little love! Perfect love casteth out fear?and fear even you wouldn't dare deny that fear is all twined around and mixed tip with jealousy. Jealosy is three-fourths fear. Fear that you can't hold the love of your beloved. Fear that she will see some one ! who will appeal to her as you have never appealed. Fear that she will give some of the love, the interest she now feels in you ?to some one else. Not necessarily a rival. N?o, indeed, j I've seen a man get mad enough to murder every dog in Christendom because his wife happened to show her affection for a tiny toy dog. You've seen manifestations of jealousy quite tis petty and as ridiculous. And they call this love! if we knew the real name of it 1 wonder if any of us would have the face to call it right out by its name. 1 rather think we wouldn't?and for* this reason. It would show up too many members of the human race ns being not far removed from the beasts of the field. Jealosuy Born of Suspicion. This was the beginning, lie goes 1 on. It would seem idiotic if the be- I ginning of jealousy were not always ! as trivial as the beloved's meeting old friends "and seeming to enjoy ! meeting them." Time passed on. the flame was kindled, lie began to watch his wife. To keep a surveillance over his wife. To keep a surveillance that he even followed her one day j when site was downtown, lie had a 1 feeling, engendered, he knew not by j what, that she was going to inpet one j of the men who had loved her before she married him. And site discovered him on iter trail aim was properly indignant ana in- j suit?-<l by hia lack of faith, and this was the beginning. "What stage it has reached now," he writes, "I tremble to tell you. I am consumed with a mighty llaine of jealousy that is burning iny brain out; that sears my heart; that holds my soul in fee." Strong words, but doubtless true, and ! would say well deserved, if it were not borne upon nie that the in- j nocent woman in this case, as in nil cases, is the chief sufferer. There was in his case, please bear this in mind, not one scrap of evl- j dence only the suspicion. Jealousy is j always suspicion and more suspicion ?and more suspicion! A jealous man can't see straight: he can't talk straight, and for loving j straight well, what he calls his loving is the crookedest thing about him. I There's no mental health in him. for his heart and brain are raging with a fever and?and he calls this the fer vor of love. (Sod help any poor wretch so deluded because I was sorry for the woman I tried to help him. lie caine to see me and we talked it over. I j showed him, or thought I showed him. how groundless were his sus- 1 picions. Then he turned upon me and said jealousy was feeling, and knowing had nothing to do with It Then. I said, jealousy is a form of insanity and the sooner the law recognizes it as such, and any victim of it as a person too dangerous to no at large, the better for all concerned ai d for the general good of the community. Then' iR no reason one may use In reaching a Jealous person. On the frtce of this is the truth that reason i.- tin- last thing he considers, .iust as he refuses to consider evidence all evidence except the crazy suspicions of his own inflamed rnind. as evidence. What can one do with a jealous person to cure him of his jealousy? Let us consider the matter. What ran one do to reduce the fever of a mind inflamed! Tile cure of a jealous person must begin with himself. If he really wants to be cured. Just as the dipsomaniac holds in himself three-fourths of his own cure Only a little heart harbors Jealousy. Hear that In mind If ^ou really lovo a man or a woman you trust that one any where, any time, wltb any one. l si ? > 1 Something Seemed Lacking. ! One of the best known London newspapers, in a review of "Lincoln's ( Own Stories," collected by Anthony Gross, commented on the anecdote which Lincoln was fond of tolling of a family of Buch migratory habits that they were able to get everything into one wagon, and even the chickens were so used to being moved that nucii evwr iuey saw me wagon Bheets brought out they laid themselves on their backs and crossed their legs, ready to be tied. The British reviewer, with an insular sense of humor, remarked: "One feels a little aB though something must have been accidentally left out of this and of many ( other stories in the book." ^ Knows He's Right. ] "Does your husband ever tell you 4 you have poor taste?" . "Frequently." J "And what reply do you make to 1 ? him?" j "I think of what 1 married and say t nothing." . J Too Thorough. "That naval officer is noted for al- | ways going to the bottom of things." \ i "Good heavens! 1 hope they won't ' appoint him to the command of this ship!" STOP SVFFKRINO FROM P11.K8. Writ* for free particulars of wonderful Internal remedy. Uept.K, 746 Lafayette Ave., Buffalo. N. Y. Adv. An open confession may be good for the soul, but it's apt to disfigure a reputation. Money is a mask that makes some vices look like virtues. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS ' Are Richeit in Curative Qualities FOR BACKACHE. RHEUMATISM. KIDNEYS ANO BLADDER . Mr treatH.k on I.FY, LOtitIA Nancy Hall Potato Slips March, April and May delivery at fS.OO per f thousand Any quantity from !<<*) up. Planta * grown at Tampa, Pla. and Anatoli, Cia. Nothing hipped C. O. u.' Place yottr orders NOW. If anytnlnir should prevent me from delivering the planta you will get your money back. Hend Poat Office or Express Money Order. James Cureton, Austell, Georgia {&? KODAK FINISHING rftii "y photographic uporlallata. Any roll deI "1-lvJv. volopcd for loo. Prlnta !!c to be. Mall your Uma to Dept. K. PARSONS OPTICAL ^ CO., 244 King St.,Charleston,8.C. Agents make Idg money aelllng Econo. latest out. Itcpeat orders Assure good Income. Sample fro- Clark Specialty Co.. .Mobile, Ala. V I Stops Ba Sloan's Liniment is a splend joints, rheumatism, neuralgia and rub it in?just laid on lightly it g Best for Pain a Mr.. (Iko. IU ciianan, of Welch, Okl intent for the past ten years for pain in I Liniment I ever ttied. I recommend il emi wijlvt LINI1* is good for sprains, strains, brui muscles, and all affections < XW. L DOU #Sln$3~ $3l50 *4^0 f RO A Kin SB /\/\ fcr A v ni^u SHOES i FOR MEN AND WOMEN/ Bui?riK>\;.l'jj\ B18T BOYS SHOES Irt the WORLD I SLOP. S2.60 and $3 00. 1 The largest makers of 1 Men's $3.50 and $4.00 shoes in the world. ' Wtvnl AsIc ynurili'Hler to show yo ?? W. I.. Imuglns IM.ftO, ?4.00 i IS'l Y/ V A 4.M> shoes, .lust ms good III WTH*m i)t anil wear as other makei /k " l'ir only difference Is tl fi Xj. leathers, styles and shnj i I Xj^.U If yon could visit W. I.. [. ^tiaj rles at Itrockton, Mass., ili''''' '' (Si how t'Miefiilly W. L. I?ot fk '\ft yon would then understand v kjj^ .A to lit better, look lietter, not *?7j vr""*Vlonger than nny other inak H W. I.. Hongles shoes srs not fr rtlrert from the factory sn<l ss Shoes for every member of tin OgEf . Perce- I'ost, postuse free. WI Pslnln*. It will show you TAKE NO M 111 ^ snd why yon csn sati moo j 8UP8TITUTE W. !>. IIOIIOI.AS - . Teaches Bookkeeping, Hbori bsud nnd tho Commercial enred teacher*. una of the oldest and roost rnllabl Ureonsboro, North Carolina, fur Infunnstum I WHY INCUBATOR CHICKS DIE I SUCCESSES Mo mna or vtnin cab do (Mr bS trorklf troubled wltb a woakotoobcfc -. '*-5 ?r?tcrpidlmr. Don't bo earataaa. ,r 43 Don't procxaatinata. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery procwtaa tbo flowof d,raativo jnicoa. InvijrormUM tho lirar t.nd purifl<w and a anrichaa tbo blood, it makaa QMS nnd woowo atronv Id body lad actlvt in mind. Ask Your Druniit nmn?nuiiimui?miniiiiinnnnnnBa Constination Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief?Permanent Cure OUTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS ail. Purely vegeta>le ? act surely ^M|rADTFtfS )ut gently on he Over ^ ^UnSITTLL Hop after llVER linner dis- ipiu*. , ress?cure ndigestion, mprove the complexion, brighten the eyea mall pill. small dose, small prick. Genuine must bear Signature \? iicyclesinn Sundries \ Cash or Installment. Write us for prloee. jueen City Cycle Company Charlotte, North Carolina r"N - ? miamntrrd to glre V.,?? fuHtlt wlltteetMB. 4/PlfCLdl<2 & Write us for coptea of r ?0JTTlii treatments from peo. pie who hare l?een rrmicirrr . v., benefited. 2Bc and 60o HI 1V:I'MATISM e* your dealer', of RKMKDV direct from iydale remedy co., Newport hair balsam ' ' \ <4 A > frwrmtlon of merit, ilelpe to e.edirete dandruff. For Restoring Color ard j _*2LSii!L?iJisLiI222J2^m " . 4Mb nRHDQY inttATHD. Ol. quick rw MF ml UnUrel Hof. usually pernor awelY ling and abort breath in a few days and jiy onur* rouoi in w-toamja, inu iraaUMM K1UCK. D1.U1UIHUI1, B?z i.llluU,ta. _ V. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 15-1913. icKacKe 1 4gj lid remedy for backache, stiff sciatica. You don't need to ivcs comfort and ease at once. jid Stiffness a., writes:?"I have used yourLinjack and stiffness and find it the best L to anyone for pains of any kind/' UiS IENT ses. cramn or soreness of the :>f the throat and chest. Jot Entire Relief nk, of Maysville, Ky., RR. 1, Box U . : ad severe pains between my shoul- .r tie of your liniment and had entire application.1' ... Severe Pain in Shoulder* MDr.RWOOD, of jooo Warren Ave., . writes:-?" I am a piano polisher ion, and since last September h*ve with severe pain in both shoulders: not rest night or day. One of my . Is told me aoout your Liniment. J ee applications completely cured e and I will never be without it." Price 25c., 60c., and 01.00 U at All Dealers. , V Send for Sloau's free book on horses. * y. Address Y Dr. Earl S. Sloan, ' Boston, Mass. I ds L^? rNb coating IM.OO to ?7 OO > price. Hhow In ell JBP hJ 5IP^ > lo Mill everybody./^JJE-u^Ve^v l*nai;1ai larf* faclo. 1 hikI arc for yournrlf'H^'^KtjJr" J<0 irlu ahoeo ere merie, ^^Kh/^-Jefl rtiy titer ere werraiited gjt&' Jy*JKL , il their thepr end weer f j^jr JTWA e for the price. f^r:/\-V ir aatc In yonr rldnity. order I Mjf';ljZ wee**! ' i' ? ? Iba inlddlctnaii'K prj > HW1 H m :T>t ^1'WLf > i fifllTi .-isar ?<.f.,ro leking e buaioeea eoorae. Mo veoetioea. traen of 7 friends lS^l^yi^|^oxib?U?f iai^gll ' W