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ALLAH HEARD his rc-LOWER Arab Rescued From y^hat Must Have 8eemed to Him as Almost Hopeless Situation. Soldiering in the Snhara hns its humorous as well as its tragic adventures, however. An atnuRing tale is told of an old Arab, the father of one of General Ijapcrrine's men. lie ! was antelope hunting, and when half dead with thirst he reached a well forty-five feet deep. At the bottom he could see the delicious water, but, like Tantalus, could not reach it. 1'nlikc the mythical martyr, though, he was not chained to the rocks, and as the well was not very v.ide he did not hesitate to let himself down part of the way, and finally fell into the pool. It was quite impossime Tor njni to got out, hut, like a good fatalist, he waited in hit hath, praying Allah to send some travelers by. In these regions weeks and sometimes months pass without the wells being visited, but next day fortune favored him by sending some of the French camel corps that way, who were not a little astonished at hearing a voice from beneath. "Good day, Syrians" (as the Arabs call the Saharian troops), "you might send nie down a stronger rope to climb up with." lie had recognized at once the pattern of the .Spahi rope, and knew to whom he was talking. IMPROVE MILK OF COACOANUT 8outh African Natives Show Real Ingenuity In Their Treatment of This Important Food. South Africa natives along the Orange river have a way of producing "milk," which, primitive as it is, vies in ingenuity with the method of those who believe in the synthetic production of wild the journalist, hard up for a synonym, has been known to call "the lacteal fluid." After cutting the top from a cocoanut, the native places the nut over hot ashes, so that the warmth may cause the fat and "butter" contained in the husk to be absorbed by the milk. This changes the milk quality and gives it a pnlniahie taste. In order to deal with several nuts at a time, the natives construct rough "holders" from old iron hoops. The ashes are placed under the grating and the nuts set in it. Obviously there must be no actual fire beneath the nuts, or they would be burned away and the milk be lost. NO FAVOR. Traveling Lecturer for Society (to the remaining listener)?I shouold like to thank you, sir, for so attentively hearing me to the end of a rather long speech. I/)cal Member of Society?Not at all, sir. I'm the second speaker.? Punch. I REVERSE ENGLISH. "I've got to see a vrning man today on a delicate errand." "Ah, he wan(s to marry your daughter." "No; I want to marry his mother, and I don't believe he views me in the most suitable light." THEIR NATURE. "The two friends are rather asnnfio on/1 Jvurtl.VrtJ ? ? -1 ?A--1 ? ?> in mm iiicuuru IU |M*I1 IICI111111 exj ereises." "What do thev do?" "One wears a hair shirt and the other has joined a Browning club." CAN HELP THEMSELVES. Mrs. Church?Are your children being brought up to help themselves ? Mrs. Gotham?Are they? Why, I can't keep a particle of jam in the house more than a day! BOOK OF THE HOUR. "It is the novel of the hour." "Think so?" "Yes; there hasn't been a better novel written since 11:30 last night." IRRE8ISTIBLE INDUCEMENT. Tier Friend?If you don't like the hotel scrviee, why do you stay there? Herself?My dear, they have suoh perfectly exquisite stationery. IT8 KINO. "The member of the society with the very deep voice sang me a song of welcome on my return." "Indeed! What I would call bass reception." TIME FOR IT. "I've got the dot on you." "Then I guesj. it's time for me to make a dash." ,T....i , j CHILDREN LEARN TO DRINK Deplorable Condition in Schools of Moscow Revealed by Report of Consul Grovo. remarkable statements concerning drunkenness among Russian schoolchildren arc made by Consul H. M. Grove in his report on 'he trade of the Moscow district for 1011. It is admitted, ho writes, that inebriety is very rapidly increasing among Ihe school children in Russia in general and in Moscow and the Moscow provinces in particular. The Mosow to^'n council recently made an inquiry into this 'subject, and it was then stated that of the adults who are addicted to drink it had been ascertained that 00 per cent, learned to drink while still at school. Out of 18,134 schoolboys in the Moscow province, from the ages of eight to thirteen years, 12,152 or 06 per cent., have taken to drink, and out of 10,-104 girls of the same ages 4,733, or 45 per cent., also dtink. It was unanimously decided that lectures on the effects of drink should be given in all schools, and also that museums showing the effects of alcohol should be instituted. The teachers will receive special instruction with regard to alcoholism, so as to be able to instruct the children.?London Telegraph. IT WOULD Bronson?Mv mother-in-law has been spending the winter in Florida. Johnson?IIus the climate agreed with her? Bronson?If it knows its business it has. ? DRAIN ON OUR ENVIRONMENT. Without environment there can >e no life. Seventy per cent., at least, of the human body is made of pure water, the rest of gases and earths. These have all come from I mvironmcnt. Through the secret pores of the skin two pounds of waI ter are exhaled daily from every j healthy adult. The supply is kept up by environment. The environ ment is really an unappropriated part of ourselves. Definite proportions are continuously abstracted from it and added to the organism. I And so long as the organism continues to grow, act, think, speak, work or perforin any other function demanding a supply of energy, there is a constant simultaneous and proportionate drain upon its surroundings.?Drummond. FOLLOWING ORDERS. The motto above the great editor*! desk read: "Accuracy, Accuracy, Accuracy." Therefore the story turned in hy the cub rej>ortor contained this statement : "Three thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine eyes were fixed upon the speaker." "What means this fool statement ?" asked the great editor, as he pre! pared to use the blue pencil. "One man was blind in one eye," j axplained the cub.?Tit-Hits. THE RESULT. "f made that fellow swallow his words." "Perhaps that in why I found him choking with anger." IT8 CLAS8. "What would you call these joy ride jags?" "I would call them eases of auto intoxication." HER FAULT. "Jennie is very careless about he* temper." | "How so?" "She is always losing it." HIS FINE. "What ptinishment did that defaulting hanker get?" : "I understand his lawyer charged him $40,000."* L J w _____ A HappHflMbr Year. The Crescent CUQflBi'es to extend New Year's (i refBjflt) t" >,s patrons and thank them 3fitL4fceir patronage during the old solicits tlicir patronage for the^EMJlff year. YoO will find every thihMnfljjftuid clean and the best that thisTB^^BrnfTords. No drinking o^^^^^flpting liquors will be allowed on fKyWrioiises. Give the ?>('S(u-r*ZSM^.a trial, ar.'l if you are pleased 'H|?rs; if not, THE CRES(?fflf'jfcAFE, ('. A. Jones, i-iS. C. THIS COUPON ISIGOOD FOR I 25 VOICES | IN THE BIG PRIZEI CONTEST K TIMES AND PREffSjKD AT i MILLS & YOtK^G^CO., I FORT MILL^ C | | ^ I.I the in rrf f"" ^ O I VII 0NLY the very* beit in ( Just what you jwmt tha ^)n time with all deliveri I *ia Never Fails to give sati: ' Earnest desire- to win It T ?0. when you are hungry #tT JONES, i v. j! ? ?e? /?s f*r. ,u W A. t 1 I Money i 9tM* On Improved Fa In sums of Thre t Ten Thousand I Term of L?\i? r?F^ One to Ten Tea] ? > | %/ $ s > f x v ? ? ?* ?< aTaSSSSMraSaaSSSSMSaTS j THE SAVIN 1 "THE OLD I Capital. Surplus, Liability of Stockholder! | Protection to Depositc A quarter of a centurj enables us to offer our CURITY. Have never lo You are cordially in\ with us. Savings Bank Leroy Springs, Prest. m i MeasHMaiMHMaaiMi The Thrice-A-Week Edition of the ? NEW YORK WORLD Practically a Daily at the Plica of a Waakly. No other Nawapapar in tha world yivaa ao much at ao low a price. This is a time of great events and you will want the news accurately and promptly. The Democrats, for the first time in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control both branches of Congress. The political news is sure to be the most absorbing interest. There is a great war in the Old World, and you may read of the extinction of the vast Turkish Empire in Europe, just as a few years ago you read how Spain lost her last foot of 9oil in America, after having ruled the empire of half the New World. The World long since established a record for impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-a-Week edition, which comes every other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-a-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, humor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a first-class dailv. THE THKIC.E-A-WELK*WORLD'S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 15G papers. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Fort Mill Times together for one year for $1.73. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.23. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that- an election w.ll be held in Fort Mill, S. C., on Saturday, March 29, 1913. i'or the purKose of lioni.natir.^ a candidate for lagistrate of Fort Mill Township. Polls will be open from 8 A. M. to 4 T. M. J. W. ARDREY, For York Executive Com. S Whit#? Fruit jroceries. t's good to eat. es. sfaction. your trade, r, Phone 14 or 8. E GROCER. I ^ I IV) LCIIU * irm Property >e Hundred to dollars. [%. T. B. SPRATT. I t j i GS BANK PEUABLE." $25,000.00 12,000.00 k 25,000,00 >rs $62,000.00 ' oi conservative banking parons ABSOLUTE SEst a dollar on loans. * ritec to open an account : of Fort Mill, V. B. Meacham, Cashr. ??????? \ . , i, I * ' IIM - llll iTl. II Take Nc W.e carry constantly on ham Drugs, and are ) ? ? pared to fill moment's notice, day or night. MASSET'S D Agency for Nyal'i I bWl~.VAtfCTIfi.9K1 I A Big Sil It was forecasted some i our grer.tos'. Silk season and So we went to work and pr following: 19-inch Domestic Wash Sil 19-inch Imported Wash Sil 3G-n ch Wash Si.k (Toe above are guarar f or dresses. waists nni 19-inch Mescaline in Noat , 21 inch Poulards 4 27-inch All Silk Pongee __ d 27-inch All Siik Striped Pc 30-inch Messaline in all co 19-inch, worth ^ 44-inch Ciiarmeuse . ... . 44-incn Rrocadod Crepe D< 27-iuch Brocaded Half-Silt MILLINERY ? "ur openi compliments, wi.icji we appi stylish and pretty this sea.c seasons past. 8 Me&char SgTWraMMWBSrPCBMHtWKIMI "irNWP WW I The One Bes for your baby chlcka Is on sale i A scientific mixture which i right and keeps them growing, ionenting. Just use pr^P Baby Chick nnd you will positively grow the chicks you ever raised. Sample | " Your money back if i In boxes and bags. 2Ke up. 160hook FREE. ? -xCet Pratts Profit-sharing U.ctilh|ki.?.j .w VO., u 1 v<U Jones, W. L>. Arilrey, Kort Mill, S. J Uoi T.h.ii\ik UF 11 r A Four Hundred Dollar Pi?no Absolutely bivcn Away! That advertising is now a science is ; again demonstrated practically to the buying public of this section by the wonderful advertising system now employed by the enterprising business house of McElhanev & Co., who are j going to give away ABSOLUTELY I FREE to some one of their customers on August 1 the beautiful CLAXTON I PARLOR GRAND PIANO which is now on exhibition at their store. The Claxton sells for FOUR HUNDRED j DOLLARS and is a HIGH CLASS instrument in every respect, GUARANTEED by the makers for TEN YEARS. I JUST THINK OF I'll A Four hundred ; Dollar Piano to he GIVEN AWAY! A few years ago, if a merchant was to do such a thing he would be considered i a tit subject for an as>lum, but condi| tions have changed, yet in the face of | the enormous sum spent in advertising the fact of McEihaney & Co. giving ! away a $400 Piano is a stupendous unI dertaking and it clearly demonstrates their desire to be "always up to and a little aheau" of the spirit of the times. Every purchaser of $1.00 worth of j goods from any department of their store will receive a coupon good for 100 votes on the Piano. The person I presenting the largest number of votes to them on August 1 will receive the Eiano absolutely free. No favors will e shown and every person will be given an equal chance. The reputation | enjoyed by McElhaney & Co. for ' "square dealing" insures this fact. I We think the buying people will appreI ciate this extremely liberal offer on the ' part of McElhaney & Co. and we predict a lively scramble for votes. ?Adv. I $ 4 I ? FREE VOTE COUPON. | II ? \ : ) Cut out this coupon and 7 , 2 present it at McElhaney's ? ? store and h * will exchange ^ $ it for twenty-five votes in J ^ the $400 Piano Contest. ? A J j ' 1 Y?" ; 'V -1 r ' $# k . T A Reliable Druggist Who knows his business takes no chances with the health of his customers. Good health is the reward of discretion; but when sickness comes > Chances .1 a full stock of Fresh, Pure preset ipiions in every line at a Rlin CTOPK" w -w* ???' A > r 3 Family Remedies. ik Season | months ago that this would be 9 it has already proven true. 1 epart-d for it. Look at the ? iteed wash coiors, good 1 rl skirts.) |j Stripvs 50c fj mgee 75c | lors,_. $1.00 ? 85c. at 50c & $1.50 S e Chine __ $1.50 e, beautiful, 40c ng was dandy ?many nice eciate. Ti e hats are very > in?more so than for several a & Epps. iSS1 Jit" starts them V^H j3i"P eiper- fl <%S9b^~\ ^ best flock of [ ? f. - ^ package free, f S\. page poultry Largest Magazine in the World. TODAY'S iVlAliAZlNLis the largest and best edited magazine published at 60c per year. Five cents per copy at all newsdealers. Every lady who appreciutee a good magazine should send tor a free sample copy and premium catalog. Address, TODAY'S iMAGAZ1NE, Canton, Ohio. Frost Proof Cabbage Plants. Are Now Ready. Send 75c for 500 Send $1.25 for 1.000 Send $3.25 for___ 3,000 Send $5.00 for 5,000 Cultivation suggestions free. Agents wanted. WAKEFIELD FARMS, Charlotte. N. C. CONSULT DR. BEAM FREE! Telephone 365. 15-YEAR GUARANTEE. Message to Nervous People. If you are in need of Dental work and a?*e nervous and do not want to be hurt, come to our offices at once and we will gladly show you how we do Dental Work without Pain or Discomfort. WE LET YOU PAY AS vrvrr nr tt? a en ^ iuu r LiDAOCi. -l Gold Crowns ? p *Q Bridge Work UP From $0. BALTIMORE DENTAL PARLOR, Inc. PAINLESS DENTISTRY 22 S. Tryoi Street - CHARLOTTE, N. C. if .