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I Loss of Power ? and vital fore* follow loaa of deeh or = emaciation. These come from imoov? 5 erished blood. = Dr. Pierce's | Golden Medical Discovery S enliven# a torpid liver?enriches the S blood? atope the waste of strength and g tlaausand bailda up healthy flash?to S the proper body weight. As an appe5 tiring. restorative tonic. It sets to g work all the processes of digestion Jg and nutrition, rodses every organ Into g; natural action, and brings back health ~ and strength. gj CunoaythlasclM bs "Jsst as C sood" to taktl Make the Liver *-V e_ W*. Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver is right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently butfirmly com-^ pel a lazy liver In All I I IM do its duty. Cures Con-WITTLE atipation, In-I IVER digestion, Sick Headache, ! end Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature If It wasn't for worry some people would have nothing to do. uitANrr.atk.n kyfi.tos ontKn Th* worwt pi?p?, no tufitter of bow long nutndlna, art* curwd by tho wonderful, old rellablo Dr. Porter % Anlt*??ptlc npa'Ing Oil. llnlleToa pulo and hnaU ai tbe buuio tiuio. 26c, AOc, 91 UU. Untold agony Is what a woman suffers from tight Blioes. For KUMMRR HEADACHES Hicks' CAPUDINE Is the beat remedy? no matter what causes them?whether from ttic host, slttinc In drniijrhts, feverish condition, etc. 10c., 25c and 50c per bottle ut medicine stores. Adv. No wonder some children never amount to anything; JubI look at their parents. Important to Mother* Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA. a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it p.... <v- ?S7 Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Costoria Warranted In Using Cuss Words. A small boy In Fort Scott was out playing with his wagon one day and just at the critical moment one wheel came off. The youngster walked around the wagon several times and surveyed it with the air of one accustomed to disappointments. As he dragged the wagon to his home he met u boy friend who joined him, and together they trudged on, the Fort Scott Tribune says. The owner of the wogon sat on the front step with a forlorn look; then quickly brightening up he exclaimed: "Let's cubb." "All light," returned the other. "Cuss, cuss, cuss."?Knnsas City Star. Directing Children Aright. The young need to be taught that although there is sometimes a pleasure of the senses in committing sin, it is Inevitably followed by remorse and punishment. Crime, remorse, punishment form an inseparable trio. On the other hand, while it is often hard to do right, the sense of satisfaction, self-respect and self-control that follow right action is worth all the eflort made. Purely Accidental. "Had any accident on this road lately?" asked the traveler. "Yep," replied the innn who hangs around the Htatlon. "Three trains I came in on time last week." The Degrees. "I^ove opens one's heart." "Yes, and marriage opens one's eles." I f -V A Jolly Good Day Follows A Good Breakfast Try a dish of Post T oasties tomorrow morning. These sweet, thin bits made from Indian Com are cooked, toasted and sealed in tight packages without the touch of human hand. They reach you fresh find | crisp?ready to eat from the package by adding cream or milk and a sprinkling of sugar, if desired. Toasties are a jelly good dish? Nourishing Satisfying Delicious SNAKES IN DUEL; MAN AS WITNESS \ Giant King and Rattler Struggle Desperately for Supremacy. SPARRED FOR OPENING Finally the King's Stare Disconcerts Opponent, and Wrapping His Coils About Him Crushes His Life Out? Spectator Glued to Spot. I Tampa, Fla.?It docs not fall to the lot of many to witness, nor does auy Heek the excitement, of a snake fight. It. F. Hettis is a civil engineer, and his work takes him into the virgin wilderness, dense hammocks where the sun penetrates only at high noon, which l land when cleared furnishes the earli- \ est vegetables from the south tc those of wide and deep purses. Although Mr. Hettis has spent some 40 years in following his profession, he has had but few experiences with j snakes, because, contrary to popular belief, there are not many snakes in Florida. "Hut a couple of years ago." said Mr. Hettis, "I had a scare which set me back in growth about ten years. I was surveying u low hammock when I felt something gllve over my slioee and between my legs. I jumped bnrk. completely frightened. I must admit, and took a position on a sypress stump, where I tried to locate the enemy. "I am slightly deaf, hut I distin guished the spit of a snake, and musty odor came to my nostrils. Soon I no- | ticed the small undergrowth swaying, and I thought from the movemont that 1 was in -a nest of snakes and they were . beht on attacking mo. Snakes seemed to be all around me. Occasionally I got a glimpse of a writhing body gliding swiftly puBt me? then again I suw two snakes at the same time. One was a rattler seven feet, the other a king snake eight feet long. These two snakes had been tho cause of all my alarm. They were engaged in a battle unto death, and had no more thought of attacking me than I had of meeting them. "I wanted to get away from the Bight of the contest, but could not. My mind told meto beat a retreat, but my legs would not respond to the thought. "It was very much like a bicycle rider who sees a rut In the road and knows that he must steer clear of It. but the muscles of his arm will not act In unison with the thought, and he goes into the rut. I knew I was in danger.^ The Bnakes were moving this way and that way, dodging, cutting all manner of nngles; tho king chasing the rattler, and then rattler chas lng the king. It was Impossible for the eye to follow their quick movements. "They passed near me?once between my legs?gee! how I shuddered! Hut I was glued to the spot, fascinated by the battle royal before me. For twenty mlnuteB tho snakes sparred for an opening?the rattler striking viciously, the king trying to get hold of the rattler's neck. "Finally the king rounded bp the rattler. With a power indescrlble It bowed In the middle, shot Into the air, and, wjth wide distended mouth, landed on the rattler. That was all I could Landed on the Rattler. Ree for two minutes. When the wriggling, writhing mans could be distinguished, 1 suw that the king had a grip on the rattler Just behind its Jaws. "This cling hold fight continued for fifteen minutes, when the king snake, with a quick movement, wound i>s body time after time around the body of the rattler, and kept the rattler's body distended. "You could see the king's body qulvor nnH tlaht<?n oriio*-IJ ? IIIU giiaiciiniK MUl'a creeping over Itself. The rattler's bones were hard to crack. It ceased to struggle and laid its head to one side In agony or faintness "Then the king made a superhuman effort and literally crushed the rattler Into pulp." "Lucky Dog." San Franclaco.?Milton Weldenthal. who had $50 on his person was being held up. A dog howled. "That means s death In the neighborhood. Good night!" said the stlckup, and left without the cola. Ill I i 1 ^ l I \ INEVITABLE. Mr. Flatiron?Dey a Fflno usetalkin' to a woman. / Mr. Charcoal?-llowj *t? Mr. Flatiron?She dP'1* bound to git yo' wid weepln' er taaimner yo* wld a flatiron, buhlieve md. Han' me de hoBs liniment, Mistah Charcoal. SKIN TROUBLE ON LEG 616 W. Grace St., Richmond. Va.? "I had a running Bore on my leg for from three to five years It burst and ' blood came from It, then it got red around, and was as large as a dollar, i It turned white in the middle of the sore, and then began to Itch and bleed. After washing It would bieed for hours j at a time. Some nights I did not sleep I through the whole nig. t. I .spent J eighty dollars on the sore ?nd It dktnt get well. I got-worse and fell oft to | eighty-nine pounds. This went on for ' four yenrs. I was told It could not cet ! well. One of my friends said I ought 1 to try Cutlcura Soap ard Cuticura Ointment, so I did. After I had used them one month the sort was gone and the itching stopped, and I have never had any trouble since. That was Ave years ago. , "I had a fever and all mj hair came out. I shampooed with b lather of Cutlcura Soap and then rubbed the Cutlcura Ointment over the scalp and my hair came back and novt It is long and glossy." (Signed) plra. John j rnomas, Mar. 12, 1912. j t Cutlcura Soap and Otnfnent sold t throughout the world. Sample of each ? free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address t post-card "Cutlcura, Dept. L? Boaton." t Adv. a Best Thing, "James got dizzy in the water and Jj It frightened him." f "It is the best thing whl<h could have happened." "How do you make that out'" "If he was dizzy, wasn't lis head swimming?" A Confeaalon. 1 " Startled by convincing evidence that they were the victims of serl?us kidney and bladder trouble, nunbers of ? prominent people confess thty have 1 found relief by using KURIN Kidney and Bladder Pills. For sale by all c medical dealers at 25c. Butwell & ? Duun Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C Adv. c c The first condition of hurnai good- a ness Is something to love; the lecond. something to reverence.?Georg* Eliot. 14 nOKS YOtrit IIKAI) ACIIBi F Try Hicks' CAPUDfNE. It's liquid ? plrnaanl l?? take?flTei-H Immediate?iroo.l tofevrnl Hick Henditi-hra and Ncrrou* Headache also. Your money hark If Dot aatlntled. 10c., |r. and bl)c. at medicine alorea. Adv. Sometimes the early bird haij a long wait before breakfast is ummdk I. - in the dining car / Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-*. vv\ t< easy to take as candy, regulate and d'|M>t'iL?i ate stomacli, liver uud bowels aud cirtfan l blips lion. Adv. k* And a woman either pesos. .I Oi UNj poses or imposes. ITCH Raliav.d in 30 Mil.***. . | Woolford's Sanitary I.oilon for all klt>?4 ) | i contagious Itvh. At Druggista. Adv. iilkl1 Put off until tomorrow the w 4 ing you might do today. . I ^ riLFH CPRKI) IN fl TO 14 DAVt . Tnnr druggist will retund money If I'A/O t >1 MKNT fall* u> cure any cai\* of Itching. |it|i|,J Bleeding or Protruding I'tlm In t> u> 14 days. Hi 1 g The greatest loss to any man is 1 J >, ?elf-respect. w CONSTIPATION: l i SMunyon's Paw-Pa* , v Pills are unlike alSotL- | , er laxatives or cathartics They coa* the 1 "j liver into activity by | do not scour; they do not gripe; they do ndl weaken; but they do J start all the secretions of the liver and stomach in a way that soon puts these organs in a healthv condition and corrects constipation. Munyon's Paw-Paw f Pills are a tonic to the stomach, liver and | nerves. They invigorate instead of weaken; . ^ they enrich the blood instead of impover- ; ishing it; they enable the stomach to get all the nourishment from food that is put into it Price as cents- All Druggists. Kodak Finishing ; Cheapest prices on earth by 1 I photographic specialists. I)e- t I ! lirwwTri ve'?PluK any rol 1 him 5c. Prints , ( TM3U2C and 4c. Mail your films to Dept. K. PARSONS OPTICAL C0n 244 KING ST.. CHARLESTON. SO. CAROLINA d**2EEBEBa$ne*B (fl MOmtims TNM Oood. DM Q H tsttms. SoU by Drav*tt?. KV J STARVING COYOTES ATTACK A VILLAGE ? Unable to Obtain Food in Moun? tains They Prey Upon Citi I A 1 tciia ctnu Himuais. Reno, Nev.?Driven to the point o. starvation by terrific snowstorms which have innuo it impossible for ; them to get food, immense coyotes are 1 now turning to the small villages, attacking their inhabitants and killing horses and smaller animals for food. j Several persons have been severely torn and Injured by the hunger mad animals, and so bold have become their 1 attacks that it has been necessary to form vigilance committees to maintain guard during the night, when the at- ] tacks become the fiercest. An immense animal, so lean its body was hardly bigger than its tail. ! sneaked into the town of Elko early 2?? ' ^ The * " t <iv vu/uic uonxronica Mini* ho other morning, prowling for chick- j sns or any other animalH. Chris Esch'linan, one of the leading merchants >f the town, was on his way to his >arn, accompanied by his dog, when he coyote confronted him. The wild ' inimal sprang upon the dog and maim- j >d it severely before Eschelman could ;rab a club and beat the animal ofT. The coyote drew away Into the snow , or fifty feet, skulked nfter the raerbant and in a few minutes came at 1 ilm with renewed energy It made a eap *vt Eschelman and the two rolled n th ? ground. Eschelman struck the .nlmaf on the leg, breaking It and dlsb!inf!! the coyote so that he was able o kill it with his club. Almost at the same Oute other coytea appeared In other sections of the own and were driven away by shots. I The citizens have appointed armed ommittees to keep watch us numerus encounters have occurred with 1 oyotes and other roving animals that ome down from the mountains, unble in the heavy snowfalls to get j ood. Many valuable dogs have beeu j llled In these invasions. AMOUS CALF CASE IS ENDED mimai Dies After $2,500 Is Spent in Litigation By Kansas Men. Jetmore, Kan.?The famous "calf he" is ended. Four years ago Pxobate Judge Barsyw bought a calf. E. Netigate claim4 ownership and brought a replevin Hit. Both were prominent men, and | lodg^man county, a cattle region 'here men would fight willingly for |b principle" involved, divided. Four Mrs of litigation followed. The state's best legal talent was Deployed. Kanchers waxed hot, and hile $2,500 was being spent for its OSBesBion the little $12 calf died. But this did not stay the conflict, y general agreement the calf was lilnned. and the fight continued over ( ? possession of the hide. Expert vetiunrians and cattle dealers were iiled to testify regarding markings n the hide. One side contended they ere brands; the other barbed-wire uta. The climax came when the hide as introduced in evidence in the last ial and the hide showed no markings hataver. The skin of the disputed fclf had been stolen. In disgust, a iry returned a verdict for the defend at, Uurstow R'ER RABBIT'WITH HORNS hre! It Must Be So, Because a Reg ular Newspaper Reporter Saw It. Ran Benito, Tex.?What Is said to | > the first specimen of an antlered I |>blt ever killed was recently shot >, a Mexican near San Benito. It ?s of the Jackrabbit type in ail reipcts. except that protruding from its jcd and fastened to its ears was a ie'Of horns much resembling the anterd addrnnient of a young buck deer. Iio longest of these prongs measure nearly seven Inches. The other prog* measure from ono to six incl^s. The head was severed from Lhe pody and mounted. It has been rlevkl by many people. . J Gallant Burglar. fVland. Ore.?A bold but gallant bui jr entered the hotne of Mrs. V. Brl man, and after admonishing her no! 1 scream, or move, purloined a " kls BU'othin* elae was stolen. k tf URGING GREAT 8ALB OF CANNED FOODS Dfnlpra P-nw> InhKur. <>,1 turers all over the country are Joining hands during the week of March 31st to j April 5 th in an effort to acquaint house- I wives with the economy and quality of j canned foods. It is now a well known fact that heat I Is the only preservative used In preparing these economical foods. The cans ure i sealed und sterilised at a temperature of I 250 degrees, which prevents any contaml- | nation and keeps the contents fresh and ; wholesome as the day the tins were filled In the canneries. National Canned Foods Week, during which dealers and grocers will make c&nned foods their sales-features. Is for the purpose of demonstrating to housewives that the cost of living can bo cut with such foods, and that they may bo served In hundreds of delightful ways, and thus served dally without monotony. The farmer's wife especially finds It advantageous to relievo herself of all tho cooking possible and Canned Foods en- I able her to do this and at the same time j Improve the quality of her meals. women In every commifhity should observe Nutlonal Canned Foods Week by going to the dealers and putting In a supply. The saving and gen- ral satisfaction in the use of Canned Foods Is entirely worth while.?Adv. Deep Dissimulation. "You seem inclined to encourage your wife to be u suffragette." "Yes," replied Mr. Meekton. "If I can thoroughly convince her that 1 desire her to march and make speeches, maybe she'll get resentful and refuse to do so." Burduco Liver Powder. Nature's remedy for bllioupness, constipation, indigestion and all stomach diseases. A vegetable prepara- ' tlon, better than calomel and will not salivate. In screw top cans at 25c each. Durwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. Adv. Paradoxical. "What caused him to go crooked?" "He got in straightened circumstances.' ASK FOR A 1.1.EN'S FOOT-EASE, the Antiseptic powder to shake Into your shoes. Relieves I'orns. Hunlons. Ingrowing Nolls. Swollen and Sweating feet, ltllsti-rs and Calloi't spots. Sold everywhere. 25o. Don't accept any substitute Sample FREK. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Leltuy, N.Y. Adv. Not Much. "\t\- i ? .... ...j .vcnusD uuvc ut-en lacerated." "Did It take?" Only One "1JKOMO QUININE" That I* l.AX ATI V H IIKUUD Ol'IMNU. Jxxjk for the altfnalure of K. W UKOV1C. Cure* a Cold In One iter. Cure* Urlp In Two Oaja. 2ic. When an actress dies or is sued for divorce her real names comes out. f Mr*. Wtnnlow'H Soothing Syrup for Children I teething, noftens the guitiH, reduce* Intlanimii- ' tlou.aJlayu palu.curee wludcollc^Sc a UuttleJUr | . One touch of weather makes the f whole world sit up and talk about It. ' * Z7%otid Have Been Restored tc Pinkham's Vegeti There is no doubt about tl last 30 years we have publishc country volumes of letters fron lieved of all their suffering by 1 old medicine. Letters like the honest expressions of gratitude Surely you can believe thej Mrs. L. S. 1 * Sometime ago I was taken with a t sharp pains just like a knife Rticking mi did no good. 1 went to our family doct< at that time) and he said it was organic a while but kept getting worse. The j stand on my feet. I would have that i dull heavy pain the whole length of m had to be done quickly, so I looked up find, and saw several that described re Pinkh&m's Vegetable Compound and it when I had taken two bottles my trou done so much for me that I am willing y< Bake of other suffering women."?Mrs. Mrs. L. E. BOWERS, C ' I take pleasure in informing you of (Compound has done for me. I had a some months after that I was not regul was tired all the time, had dull heada what the doctor called organic intlamrr has entirely cured me and I feel that U> As I am now able to do my own work, mv testimonial for the bcnellt of others Gerard, Pa. Mrs. ELIZABETH GENTILCt , ' I feel that I must write to you abou ten years ago I was troubled with fema I was tired all the time and could hari heard about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegel used the Sanative Wash. I got strong spells since. I feel that I owe my hea will help others "as they have me. I trit yours are the best medicines for women' XILcokk, 26 Ulor Street, liuffalo. New Y< For SO years T.ydla E. Pinkhar Compound lias been the standard 1 male ills. No one sick with worn does justice to herself if she does n raous medicine made from roots has restored so many suffering woi Write to LYDI V i l l NKHAM jOT (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MAS Your letter will be oncned, read a by a woman and held in strict con | -55^Make the I J *"**r> " r7 ^CT?*tlBut?g || tba machtna Ikft tu JELJV ???#"r and ?ta?? (bar u . ^ /?V* " W " /'" V^' ar* all flla baitj fi^v icTkit, m^^rHraTt foooo rillfAtX'lA???, ' -.-- ?? ? WHY INCUBATOR CHICKS DIE ? Stiff Joints Sprains,Bruises are relieved at once by an application of Sloan's Liniment. Dent rub, just lay on lightly. " Sloan's Liniment baa dono mors good than Auytbiiig I bare ersr tried forttiff joints. 1 got my hand hurt no H badly that 1 had to stop work right in H the busiest tliue ot the year. 1 thought ? at first that 1 would have to have uiy * hand taken off, but I got a bottle of Sloan's Liniment uiid cured my hand." Wilton Wukeliui, Morris, Ala. . Good for Broken Sinews Q. U. Jonks, Baldwin, L. I., writes : ?"I used Sloan's Liniiiiont lor broken sinews ubove the knee cap caused by a fall and to tuy great satisfaction was able to resume work in less than three weeks after the accident." , SLOANS LINIMENT Fine for Sprain Mr. rtrsky A. Vokiil, M Somerset St., Plalnllelit, N. !., writes: ? "A friend sprained his ankle so badly that It wont black. He laughed when I told him that I would have him out in a week. I applied Sloan's Liniment and In four days ho was working and said Sloan's was a right good Liniment." J on horses, cattle, n i tx ?" s IWI.UJHIMJa li I I opium, Whiskey and Lrug IlabltaTreatI k A 1 '"'I at home or at Sanitarium. Book on 1A4I subject Free. I)K. II. MAYOOI.I.KY, SW VIITOR hASITAItil . ATLAVTA. UkORGIA If nnllf C anrt MtRh Grad< |U MWm.SSXSS B,M Aiwnnon. Prirea renNunabla -^86Hh? Service prompt, bcuil for Price List -* laanaal's aht stork- chaeladtoi. s. g ^IRRIGC Dl JtllTC Front-proof, frotnrholc. lADDAbt rLARIi hp.mi\?ii tunni^). \Vel(fflrl<l?" a sprclttlt jr. |1 per thousand. Kilrevorth Kurm, Huute j, Mttrab vllle, N. C. cmzU> new, > Health By Lydia EL. able Compound. lis fact. Why I during the :d in the newspapers of this i women who have been rethe timely aid of this grand following, true, genuine and coming from grateful hearts. >e women. ludson, Mich., says: ? .errible pain in my right side, such e. I tried hot applications but that ar (we were living in Fayette, Ohio, inflammation. I doctored with him ->ain was so terrible I could hardly iharp pain in my right side, and a y limb. I realized that something all of your advertisements I could ty case. I got a bottle of Lydia E. helped me from the first dose, and ible was gone. Your medicine has ou should publish this letter for tho L. s. Bkekxek, Hudson, Michigan. . iirnrd, Piu, says: ? what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable sick spell last February, and for lar and had many bad feelings. I .ches, not much appetite, and also xation. Your Vegetable Compound o much cannot be said in its pralso You are perfectly welcome to use ?"?Mrs. L. E. Bowehs, R.F.D. No. 1, DUE, Buffalo, N.Y., says:? t your wonderful remedies. About le weakness and was r. 11 run down. Jly walk without fueling dizzy. I table Compound, took it, and also er, and have not had those dizzy 1th to you, and hope your remedies ?d most everything I heard of, ami Bailments."?Mrs. Elizabeth Gen JI-K. n*s Vejretablo cT^v remedy for fe- 7 )| |(r an's ailments (()[ ff* ^Kawa ot try this fa- S / H-. _,>? J and herbs, it 1/ y7 |l nen to health. II IV^ J II MEDICINE CO. d\ ?) S., for advice. \\|\ (// nd answered tldcnce. Horse Clad -<58k 1 , for Work JT it bin it tk< iprtDt work. Tl I A I 3|l OMt that hold* til* w.t II I g 3UT I (.1 mora good from hi* I LI it baltar antfgl.* yoo bat- IPV ItlWlrog war. Don't bur **f bo* I A }Mf <Ui!*r 1 Ball Bearing I 1 "lET* gMaohlnt I I rn* Malar, ollp* faatar and I I timreeteed. rlongar tbaa anr otbar. I mmmtmmmmmm. and out from solid ataal Catatag prntacted and rua in oil. % ha* I of now stria. *a*r run M aSSM':*^ 'rite for book earing young chicks. Send u* utta of 7 frleuds that uee incubators end get Mtk free. Raiasll Rauaedjr Co., litack ?reU,Okl^