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THE FORT HILL TIMES. 1 Dwnnciatte? Publhlwd Ttowitn. ' r ' B. W. BRADFORD - Editor and Proprietor. < " Bo?ob i mow Rat?: Om T?r 61.28 Bis Months ...... .66 The Tiro** Invlt? contributions on liv*subjects ; bat does not scree to publish more than 200 words 1 sa any subject. The right Is reserved to edit i i every communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising 1 fates are made known to those interested. Telephone. local and lone distance. No. 112. j Entered at the poetofTice at Fort Mill, 8. C.. as mall matter of the second class. THURSDAY. MARCH 27. 1913. ; It is to be hoped that the j southwestern hurricane which I has raced through this section i for several days is on a globe- 1 trotting tour and will complete ( the circuit before again showing j lip in these quarters. It is truthfully said that rain j or shine, cold or hot. hard times ' or good times, money or no money, measles or no meales, 1 the printer, the preacher and the ' doctor are always expected to 1 piake their visits on time, 1 Pick out tweniy young men as you meet them and not five out of the twenty are making an effort to save money. The indications are the poor house of the future will have to be ten stories high with folding beds in each room. The difference between an agriculturist and a farmer is that the farmer gets up at the break of day, feeds his stock and has breakfast at sunup. After his frugal meal he hitches his team the plow, takes the hard handles in his horny hands, calls "gee haw" to his team and plows all the long, weary day. The agriculturist gets up at 8 o'clock in the morning and after an easy breakfast, pulls on his gloves, orders his horse and buggy and drives to town. There are various ways to succeed in lite. The man who minds ; his own business is likely to be a success; the one who lets other | peoples' business alone is likely to get there; the man who attends strictly to that which concerns himself alone, and leaves that which concerns others to: take tare of iittelfv Will be cor-1 tain to Vie a success; while he j who neglects his owa alfaibs end atteuVpis to VU&Viage those of his neighbor is certain to be left behind in the race of life. It frequently happens that a stranger coming into a community and putting on the airs of a gentleman, is taken up at once and lionizid, though nothing whatever is known of his antecedents and the sequel often proves that it is best not to take _ '.I. 1 - 1'1 up wiui strangers 100 reauuy. The old friends whom we have known all our lives and whose characters are firm and established as the everlasting hills, are too apt to become commonplace to us, but we know they will do to tie to, and it is not best to give them up for those whom we do not know. The man or woman who builds up a character and maintains it for years in the same community deserves some consideration, and the friendship of such people is to be preferred at all times to the showy attention of strangers. ? ? ? - ? Whether you handle a pick or! a pen, a wheelbarrow or a set of books; dig ditches or edit a paper, ring an auction bell or write funny things, you must work. If you look around, you will see that the men who are most able to live the rest of their lives without work are the men who work the hardest. Don't be afraid of killing yourself with work. Work gives an appetite for meals, it lends solidity to your aluinhers. It gives the appreciation of a holiday. There are young men who do not work but th* woi.J is uot proud of ;hem. It does not even know | their names; it speaks of them as so-and-so's son. The great, busy wosld <deee not<even <know?they Where. out what you want .to know and goihr.ttkkevdff /our hat and make % duet in the world. The busier you are the less deviltry you will get into, the sweeter will be your sleep and the better the worldjt will be for you. Nr. Y. B. Casey Deaf, Mr. Virgil B. Casey, a well known insurance man of Fort Mill, died Thursday morning at S'Sfi of Vlio " >.wv V Viwn av 1110 11UU1C 111 C1JC Sprattville section of the town. The funeral service was conducted Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. W. A. Hafner, after which the burial was made in the local cemetery. Mr. Casey was 37 years of age and had been a resident of Fort Mill for about 15 years. For a number of years he engaged in mill work, later engaging in the life insurance business, and in the latter work became known to and highly esteemed by the entire citizenship of Fort Mill and community. Several months ago when his health failed he was compelled to retire from work and his condition gradually *rew more serious until the end Thursday morning. Mr. Casey is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rosa Casey, ana one brother, Mr. 0. R. Casey, of Inman, S. C., who attended the funeral Friday afternoon. Are You a Cold Sufferer? Take Dr. King'u New DiBCOvery. Th^ Beat Cough, Cold, Throat and Lung nedidne made. Do not hesitate?take tat our risk. First dose helps. J. R. Wells, Floydada. Texas, writes: "Dr King's New Discovery cured my terrible cough and cold. I gained 15 pounds.'' Buy it at Ardrey's Drug Store, Park:. Drug <>fc and Fort Mill Drug Co. WATCH THIS SPACE. THE THEATRE. STATEMENT Of the Ownership. Management, Etc., of The Fort Mill Time*, Publisher Weekly at Fort Mill, S. C., Required by the Aot of August 24, 1912. Editor?B. W. Bradford, Fort Mill, S. C. Managing Editor?B. W. Bradford, Fort Mill, S. C. Publisher?B. W. Bradford, Fort Mil., S. C. ' Owner?B. W. Bradford, Fort Mil!, S. C. Known bondholders, mortgagees ant' otuor security holders, holding 1 per cen". or more of total amount of bondf, mortgages, or oth< r securities: Mortgagees? Savings, Fort Mid, C., Perpetual i.uiiuing and Loan Association, Fort Mill, S C. B. W. BRADFORD, tfworn to and subsLitbed before me this 18th tiay of Mureb, 1918. W. B. MfcACRAM, Motarv Pubhc S. C. wii ie.naii.?-? - . a* CT A M Pi IK! +J I /niNU UN YOUR OWN LIGHT No longer. Buy today, a bottle of GOWANS, Kin? of externals, keep it in home and just rub it on when the first symptoms of a cold appear. This means you head off Croup or Pneumonia. Extern: 1 it scatter inflammation. Hundreds of testimonial like this: I used Gowans Preparation for my boy for croup and it does all you claim for it. J. S. FELTON. Merchant, Camden, Me. All Pruffiati and Guaranteed. Three sizes, $1.00, 50 end 25 cents, GOWAN MEDICAL COMPANY, Concord, N. C. TO THE PUBLIC!" I have opened a Genera] Repair Shop at the old Downs stand, in the rear of Harris' livery stable, and solicit a share of your patronage. I propose to do only good work and guarantee satisfac< tion and prices. Let me shoe your horses. ELI TASKS. v: r Dr. KJng't New Discovery Soothes irritated throat and lungs, stops chronic aid hacking cough, relieves tickling tiroat, tastes nice. Take no othw:;<?HMe*Kad,<efeva9e4iMd. -Boy , it at Pott Hill Hug <&>.. vP?rtc? ifing 1 Co. and Ardney ^-untg Store. rAavrstisement.) ') How I^ng WiO 1 I Burn? ! ! 3 . This mossier " - '3 1 Cssdle is sew oa | if &pi?T ? jjl show window. I I Haw V MM* |i | A1UTT LUUg I % will it barn? [ If yon can an| swer this que*Mtt l?on, we will give 9 ]'FREE | *1 a good supply of > 1 Groceries. lot* Beginning the Wilt lirt ?f March we _ | will allow a guess v~J; at the life of the caadk /- each ?0c jwe or s; >a a % * Oc ^AjrmtJnt on , # E:^V| ccouat at our sere. This will p-^r=3 ontinne until the p If H of May, when Lyi| th candle will be mR lifted. No one i j| haws how long II * *tk candle *31 ; 'If . **** | 52 pem pieuinj I M thexati, or neart esttxact, time of \1' 343 A ocenc^ now Call and see usor 'Phone No. 11 Stewart & Calp For 2 The Griffiri St One Mie West We offer this propety for s cash, balance in two a three ; This is an excellent stand man. See us at once a|d sul BAILES Ovssr Anrey'i FORT Mill Let US Sell U Screen , i Doors and ' IfT* 1 Windows i Big Stock am) Prices Right Fort Mill Lumber Co. , Electric 1 Bitters M = I Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back,** writes 11. T-Alston, Raleigh, N. C.,"and m? liver and kidneys did not work right, i but four bottles of Electric Hitters \ made me feci like a new man." | PRICE 60 CT8. AT ALL ORUQ ETC RES. [ | J i \ / 1 ) THIS S! McElK ALWAYS \ m Sale j ore Property, ' t of Fort Mill. \ ale on terms of one-fourth L years. . | for an enterprising young >mit your offer. | 8c LINK, . i Drug Store, I - - - - s. c. RJS? I mm iyig a Al The I Fountain I At 1 . "Haile's I r In On the Corner." | top the Li eg S ^Tro?n torturing nuj we* krolof you' if] Ucui. Um*> lirm cao't I?jf! Vj^/ Irj 1^-^- . T ? I \ \ 1 \ i i mmmmmssm ^ j ' % ' . } j . h j* i v , / PACE RESERVED FOR laney & Co. ASK FOR PIANO VOTES ,* ? - MONEY IN YOUR POCKET I Is 80011 spent. A Twenty is broken and dwin dies to Five?then the Five is broken?then | you are "broke." That same Twenty placed in this bank to your cTodit lasts longer, and about;, | half of it stieks and is saved. ( Nothing like a checking account to make yon: careful of expenditures. And it. ?dd? ???- - KW jr V14A standing in the community to be able to write I checks on THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, (Under supervision of the U. S. Government.) | szsasBsssasHEsasasasrare lasEssasasasasasasasasgsafa Right on the Dot! | Give us your next order for GROCERIES and K we'll deliver it when promised?right on the dot. K No extra charge for this all imDortant nart nf lu > our service. uj| We have the goods, the experience, the facili- HI ties to fiill and deliver your order not only when Hi you want it, but as you want it. And you won't xj have any kick coming on our prices, either. [5 HOW ABOUT YOUR NEXT ORDER? {{ = 1 * n Parks Grocery Company, jj E. S. PARKS, Manager. J ggmsasgasaasfesasasasHslHgassgsasagisasHS^sasHsg c ry a Special "For Sale" Adv. in The. Times.?25 Cents. \ / < , \ i - '