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SAXON HAS 6IH0LED EARTH Where the Thin Red Line Has Net Qone Man Has Not Found. The Saxon has marked around this earth, as no other race before him, the scarlet circle of his power. This thin, red Savon line, so thid ? "with his numlxTH, so red with his blood, was made possible only by hia heroism and his racial fealty. Where this line has not pone man Via a rmf fnnn/1 I J l<? j nu>> Ii'/w i'Miim, 1 ' f v l \ U \ I r sea; it has travers: I cvcrv desert; it has sought every soli Utile-; it lias passed through swamps when* only the sacred ibis fishes; over sands that have never been moistened; over snows that have never melted. There has been no storm it lias not encountered ; no pain it has not endured; no race it has not fought and no disease it has not contended with. This Saxon line has been to the earth a girdle heroic and tragic, binding within itself all the old and ancient places of the world. It has , been silent in i's duty, ignored in ! its aehicvement and scorned in its devotion. Yet it has given down to this now neglectful race a world such as mankind has never known before; an empire over which the sun and ! stars shine together and where night I never falls nor (by dawns.?From 1 "The Saxon and 11 is Empire,'* by | Ilomcr I.ea. ______ A STOr.f.l DOCK Johnson?I don't sec why you cull this front door a "Storm door." It isn't a storm door. Bronson?.lust wait a minute, old man. My wife always meets mc here. NO GIFTS ON EXHIBITION. Jimmie had Iwen a naughty hoy, we presume, so that there is a note of pathos with the humor of the conversation he conducted with the little girl next door on the day aftei his sixth birtlujuy, ??va the Cleve land Plain Dealer. "Show 1110 what you got for youi birthday, Jimaiie," begged the littk girl"I won't do it," said Jimmie. "Oh, please. Ain't 1 nice to you?" "Yep. You're alt right." "Then show me what you got." "I diiresn't?honest. Marg'ret, I dare not!" Investigation revealed that the poor kid had received nothing but a spanking. DISLIKES TITLE "PROFESSOR." Here is a story of Wood row Wilson that should have come to light earlier. It is well known that Mr. Wilson always objected to being called "professor." Once while visiting in Washington while still head of Princeton, he met one of his trustees on the street. "Good morning, professor," culled out the trustee heartily. "If you must call me professor/ replied Mr. Wilson, "speak low, foi every one around here will think thai I am a bootblack." NOT CALLED FOR. "Now they are trying to make thi cactus edible." "I don't think we need a vegetable had." 1 RETORT MATRIMONIAL. r* "He?You spend too much in puffi for your hair. She?And you do tl?e same in puffs for your cigarettes. . ? QUEER CONDUCT. "Our cook has been guilty of ? practical hull." "What is itr "She hna been early of late." IT8 PLACE. "Where ought one to keep his cold i.. * ?*sh?" j "Where particularly?" "In the anow banks, of course." TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES First Symptom* of Discomfort Should Bo ths Signal for Prompt Remedial Measures. Nothing will more quickly interfere with the general filing of wellbeing than some abnormal condition of the eyes. Working steadily du\ after day at some very absorbing occupation, trouble with the eves may come on almost imperceptibly. You mnv have headache and lassitude be- ! fo'o locating the real diTieultv, so t 'hat the eve affection has gained headway before it is detected. Yon will feel as if there were a thickness all about tlie eves, and between I hem. Bon't go to the optician before trying to core yourself. Tie might put glasses on you which you lo not. need. Ball ing the eves with hot water, and a little borneic acid or salt, will help them. However, llie hot water loosens the skin about the eves. Cold water solution may not net as quickly, hut it will eventually allay the difficulty. lee compresses in the morning and at night also bring relief. Wear an eyshade while working, to keep the light from striking downward on the eyes. In a very irritated ease smoked glasses may be worn in the street. But they should be rather light, and dispensed with as soon -as possible. Treat the j eyes with the very first symptom of discomfort. EXTREME CASE. "Is Spilks very susceptible to mal ! de mor?" "It used to make him seasick j to look at,a marcel wave." GORY MOMENT. "What's the mattej with Brigg3?" "He was getting shaved bv a lady harbor when a mouse ran across the door." T :fe. VERY CONSIDERATE. "Is your present cook satisfactory ?" "Verv. .She lets me have two evenings out a week." UV/UIV/ML r M I KL. "Tic certainly was a broth of a boy." "That's how he came to get in the sou^>." i mm mi i iiw I PAATR1ME WYANDOTTES and WHITE PLYMOUTHROCKS, EGGS FOR HATCHING from pure stock of the above strains at $1.25 per 15. Eighty per cent hatch or e^tfs replaced at half price. B. C. FERGUSON, Fort Mill, S. C. | *+<* ...A A'fit ~ I V>) - ;jq A Happy New Year. The CreMeent Cafe deaires to extend New Year's Greetings to its patrons and thank them for their patronage during the old year and solicits their patronage for the coming year. You will find everything nice and clean and the best that this markqt affords. No drinking of intoxicating liquors will be allowed on the premises. Give the Crescent Cafe a trial, and if you are pleased tell others; if not, tell me. THE CRESCENT CAFE, C. A. Jones, Prop'r - Fort Mill. S. C. K^BBn9HRHBB3BnHBBDni'SBramri*' THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR 25 VOTES IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST IF CLIPPED FROM THE TIMES AND PRESENTED AT THE STORE OF THE MILLS & YOUNG CO., I FORT MILL, S. C. m Take No We carry constantly on hand Drugs, and are prepared to fill moment's notice, day or night. MASSF.Y'<5 n Aereucy for Nyal's I3YK El A C H A f //tt? xA</ay , ' //l\t T( lit'// ji/vciAei/ / V/Lac/?af, f'M:,., .ca, / tft /'uryc jdMHBEHRBHHnEZFnBB * *1 IThe One Besi for your baby chicks is on sale a A scientific mixture which s right and keeps them growing. I taunting. Just use 1 pr&P Baby Chick H and you will positively grow the I M chicks you ever raised. Sample p j u Your money back if it I In boxes and bagB. 25c up. 160-r 1 book FREE. | Get Pratts Profit-sharing h.cElhai.ey et Co., iud?s u: \ out Jones. W. B. Ardrey, Fort Mill, S. JUST THINK OF IT! A Four Hundred Dollar Piano Absolutely Given Away! That advertising is now a science is again demonstrated practically to the buying public of this section by the wonderful advertising system now employed by the enterprising business house of McElhaney & Co., who are going to give away ABSOLUTELY FREE to some one of their customers on August 1 the beautiful CLAXTON PARLOR GRAND PIANO which is now on exhibition at their store. The Claxton sells for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS and is a HIGH CLASS instrument in every respect, GUARANTEED by the makers for TEN YEARS. JUST THINK OF IT1 A Four hundred Dollar Piano to be GIVEN AWAY! A few years ago, if a merchant, was to do such a thing he would be considered a fit subject for an asylum, but conditions have changed, yet in the face ol' the enormous sum spent in advertising the fact of McElhaney & Co. giving away a $400 Piano is a stupendous un dertaking and it clearly demonstrates their desire to be "always up to and a little ahead" of the spirit of the times. Every purchaser of $1.00 worth of Roods from any department of their store will receive a coupon Rood for 100 votes on the Piano. The person presenting the largest number of votes to them on August 1 will receive the Eiano absolutely free. No favors will e shown and every person will be given an equal chance. The reputation enjoyed by McElhaney & Co. for "square dealing" insures this fact. We think the buying people will appreciate this extremely liberal offer on the part of McElhaney & Co. and we predict a lively scramble for votes.-?Adv. * * \ FREE VOTE COUPON. \ if ? ) 4 iL: i 4 / V-Ul UUl LI US Luupuil dliu J ^ present it at McElhaney's ^ ^ store and he will exchange J 5 it for twenty-five votes in J ^ the $400 Piano Contest. ^ N A AAAAAAAAA>t\Ai A Reliable Druggist Who knows his business takes no chances with the health of his customers. Good health is the reward of discretion; but when sickness comes Chances a full stock of Fresh, Pure presci iptions in every line at a i RUG STORE, Family Remedies. m & kpps i f C\ie/itny | /? 20, ,9:t?0 it. /// I o /ttt iV tiott co*nc. I u & (syryjj t Feed IJjgi t our store. TJB torts them Si Stop exper- /^ Food >ost flock of f s ~"k | ackage free, f ?. -tm t fails." V ,^ST^ jT Largest Magazine in the World. TODAY'S MAGAZINEis the largest and oest edited magazine published at 50c per year. Five cents per copy at all newsdealers. Every lady who appreciatee a good magazine should send for a free sample copy and premium catalog. Address, TODAY'S MAGAZINE, Canton, Ohio. Frost Proof Cabbage Plants. Are Now Ready. Send 75c for 500 Send $1.25 for 1,000 Send $3.25 for 3,000 Send $5.00 for 5,000 Cultivation suggestions free. Agents wanted. WAKEFIELD FARMS, Charlotte. N. C. CONSULT DR. BEAM FREE! Telephone 365. 15-YEAR GUARANTEE. Message to Nervous People. If you are in need of Denftal work and a*-e nervous and do not want to be hurt, come to our offices at once and we will gladly show you how we do Dental Work without Pain or Discomfort. WE LET YOU PAY AS YOU PLEASE. Gold Crowns ? tQ Bridge Work Up From BALTIMORE DENTAL PARLOR, Inc. PAINLESS DENTISTRY 22 S. Tryoa Street - CHARLOTTE, N. C. ? V ' - \ ' ' W?? " f S? = / - , ?? $ . v . V rTHE SAVINGS BANK I I -THE OLD RELIABLE." | | Capital $25,000.00 I I Surplus 12,000.00 | If Liability of Stockholders 25,000,00 J ^ Protection to Depositors $62,000.00 I I A quarter of a century of conservative banking I enables us to offer our patrons ABSOLUTE SEj CURITY. Have never lost a dollar on loans. You are cordially invited to open an account with us. Savings Bank of Fort Mill, Leroy Springs, Prest. W. B. Mcacham, Cashr. 1 ?: ? 41 I Money to Lend I On Improved Farm Property o In sums of Three Hundred to < > Ten Thousand Dollars. < f ? Term of Loan? < < > < > One to Ten Years. < T. B. SPRATT. \\ < V < > < > * < V < * <> > < > <> I > ALL the ingredients for Whit* Fruit Cakes. only the very best in Groceries. i Just what you want that's good to eat. on time with all deliveries. 1 Never Fails to give satisfaction. f^arnest desire to win your trade. So, when you are hungry, Phone 14 or 8. JONES, the grocer. ? V||H m\?k, vM Br They"Are Here! I heve returned from the Ten- ,' nessee markets with a second car load of fine young Mules, ? and am anxious for farmers and others to see this lot. Every Mule guaranteed. Prices riorht SAM MUSGRAVE *