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FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN Thousands Have Been Helped By Common Sense Suggestions. A Women Buffering from any form of female ills are invited to communicate promptly with the woman'8 private (D/ correspondence do11 \ r Partmentof the Ly(l i vJv 77 1] diaE.PinkhamMedII j/ JI icine Co., Lynn, rA In) Mass. Your letter \ L Wil1 ?T>eno^' read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman ; thus has been established a confidential correspondence which has extended nvee many years and which has never been broken. Never have they published a testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never has the Company allowed these confidential letters to pet out of their possession, as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files will attest Out of the vast volume of experience which they have to draw from, it is more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed in your case. Nothinp is asked in return except your pood will, and their advice has helped thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should be plad to take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Address Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Kvery woman ouplit to liavo l J.ydia E. l'iiikliam's KO-page . Text Book. It is not a book for general distribution, as it is too expensive. It is free and only obtainable by mail. "Write for it today. BABY'S FACE ONE SORE WITH ECZEMA Cried for Houra, Could Not Sleep. Reainol Brought Rest and Cure. Reading. Pt.?"My bahv girl had eczema for over six months. It was painful and itching, she could not sleep day or night, she would scratch till blood nnd water would run down her neck. Then it burned her so she cried for hours at a time. The right side of her face was one sore and scab. 1 1 it-- 1-- -t T"l I O I i m>i inc sampics oi i\csinm isoup ami Resinol Ointment on a Saturday morning, and put them on, and put them on again in the afternoon and in the evening before 1 put her to bed, and she went to sleep and slept till next morning. I thought 1 was in heaven the first night, and by ?' Monday the cezema was dried up so that all the scabs fell off. Resinol Soap and Ointment eured tnv babv." Mrs. Win. M. Fleteher, 544 So. 17 Ms St., Aug. 21, 1912. If you or any of your little ones are suffering from eczema, rash, tetter, ringworm, or other itching, burning skin eruption, there is only one better proof of the value of Resinol. That is, try it yourself and nee. You can get samples free by writing to Dept. 4 K. Resinol. Raltimore, Md. R esinol stops itehing instantly. Prescribed by careful doctors for eighteen years, sold by every druggist, or sent by parcel post on receipt of price, Resinol Ointment, 50o and #1, Resinol Soap, 25c. It Pays ;rfl *? ciip *37 f IJ IIORKKN, ai'i.KN mm4 runs. They are i I liwIUiifr nail miilf rtiritrrflrt v|rr. Vl [I When tlis limvycsl that li..Ids the 11 | wet swc*t and dirl Isrniio.edthrv W nr.' more easily kept clean. look JAmL ' better srrt mure irnod from th.-ir Uk fetsl aii*l are heiter In ovrry way. Insist on having The Stewart Ball Bearing Clipping Machine It turn* eaiiler. clips faster and closer and stars sharp longer of , than any other, lirar- urc all (lie hard and cut from solid l it ( K 1 sli-cl loir. They are cn C. ?m ttri .wfflcr it closet), protected and / 2y JutI M rnn In oil lltilo frn>- * |TW M tlnn.little w car litis si i feci of new ' -tw alrlo easy rnnmiiK lleslble si aft and the iftehrMed Stewart single MMKBta tension clipping head, hUTh.-t irr.lth- lie t.n.f,nn,su.>l..l...s...? Q niacbib<? Ku?r?D(cfd to I I CHICAGO FLEXIBLE SHAFT CO. | I Wells ?nd Ohio Sts. CHICAGO, ILL. I E WniM for complete now <?tAloirHe NhOF kni; wortd'n 3 lAr*r?-*t'.rid moat imxlern Itn?* ??r liorm? clipping nn<l I E ilMTitiduMiriiiK midline* rnallfd frr?* on rcqtienL I i allen's ur foot=ease, if *4-i The Antisepi icpowrtcr shaken info -dffgrfffrK 'he shots?The Standurti Hem *?ly the feci f"i a riunrtcr Efcr<* ?* \_a tcttiwry art OftO testimonial*. Sold Trade Mm k everywhere". *.to. Sninplr FKKK. Addre?* Ailen S. Olmsted I.e Kflv V V. The Man who i?ul the t E * in F E E T. Salesmen Wanted Wn hare a CASH weekly proposition for a responsible man u> hand l?i our line of 1111 11 (lltAI'M M'KSKHV Mock. O>MI'LKTB NKW Ol TKIT Fit KK Write at ope. lor our liberal offer and Secure exe.lmilvc Agency W. T. HOOD & COMPANY OLD DOMINION NURSERIES. Richmond. Va. Mention this paper when writing ,r\ AM An 1 I/O ","1 Hljrh Grntf# r&5 0 flUUAtVa Finiahinir. Aiail LHl Wl oral em given | It!IllJv cln. Attention Prices renHonalil*. Service prompt. Beutl for Price List. LA.kfct,4i"8 AMI HlOlik. tHAUUUrrUk, 8. (i B^OBaOK2?32]Sfig3te I?*-t Cengh Bjrup Tulx Good. I'm KJ PH In tlm?. Sold by Dngrliti. p] M|i /?! :M^ ! 11 if j ?H't\"ClZ| " " ' 'v ' Vk .?*' * mtdnational SUNMrSdlOOL Lesson (By K. O. SELLERS. Director of Evening Department The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) LESSON FOR MARCH 23 THE EMPTY TOMB. LESSON TEXT?Mark 16:1-11. GOLDEN TEXT?"Now hath Christ been rained from the dead, the first fruits of them that are asleep." I Cor. 15-20. Some teachers may prefer the study of the lessou of Israel and Hebekah, I ? ?. ? . . - -- - ' ueu., dui oecauso or Kb relative 1 value and its relation to the day we celebrate we prefer to consider the Easter lesson. There are five main points In the evidence St. Mark presents to show us that Jesus was the True Son of God, (1) the testimony of John the Raptiser, 1:2-8; (2) the baptism of ' Jesus, 1:9-11; (3) the transfiguration, , 9:2-8; (4) the testimony of the centurian at his crucifixion, 15:39, and (5) the testimony of the resurrection ! of Jesus. Of the ten different appearances of our Lord, Mark records four, (a) to Mary, 16-9; (b) on the ! way to Emmaus, 1G:12, 13; (c) In the ' upper room. 16:14, and (d) the ascension, 16:19. , Purchased Spices. Today we are to consider the first of these appearances. From a careful reading of this and the. parallel accounts it is evident that as soon as the Sabbath day had closed and the shops were opened these friends of Jesus purchased spices that early the next morning they might annoint his j dead body. Matthew 2S:1 R. V. would ; indicate a possible earlier visit on ' Saturday, the JeWiah Sabbath. I. "In the morrrfng of the first day of the week." vv. 1-8. Starting while it was yet dark (John 20:1) these faithful friends hurried on their way to the tomb. It Mas Mary Magdalene who first reached the tomb. Matt. 28:1, John 20:1, she Mho had received much (Luke 8:2) loved much. Nor Mas it the Virgin Mary that had the privilege of first beholding him (v. 9). It Mas the love of these women (v. 1) , that brought them to the tomb of him, "which should have redeemed Israel" , i (Luke 24:21). That all the folloM-era J were shaken in faith the records clearly suggest, yet love remained, hence ; this desire to annoint his body. This service though unnecessary (Matt. 16:21, 20:19) was, however, roM'arded by the revelation of the angelic messengers. Serious Question Raised. PilPQlllnnr tVinir ???!? ?? I. .jiouoift luvii ?> uj a > xr.i j nrj iu\id question was raised (v. 3), but God had already removed the difficulty (v. i 4), so, too, if wo will but bo "looking up" (v. 4 R. V.), God will give us all necessary knowledge, (Jas. 1:5), and will enable us to overcome all difflcul- j ties. The empty tomb is the standing rebuke fo.' all skeptics. If he be not risen let his enemies tell us where J and what became of his body. The true basis :f Christianity is in the risen Christ, see I Cor. 15:1-18. Hud the friends pondered well the words of Christ they would not have wasted their time and money seeking to annoint a dead body. That was the ! reason why they did not know and that is why we do not know many things we ought to know about our Lord. It is noticeable that none of i the men were at the toinb. Entering the tomb they found, not his body, but a young man, and later two in dazzling apparel (Luke 2": 4) stood beside them. When Mary returned from the city, having told the news, the two angels were sitting one j at the head and one at the feet of where the body bad .lain. John notes that the disciples found the napkin which had bound his head lying folded in its original folds In a place by itself (John 20:7). In the midst of all their perplexity as to what had become of the body of him whom they loved they failed to recall his words (Luke 9:22) and hence oolllrl offer no uolntion of tho difficulty. Hut the Ciod of mercy supplied their need (Phil. 4: lit) and hence the glad triumphant messngo of the angel, "He is risen; he is not here; behold the place where they (enemies and friends) laid him," v. 6. j Cf. Matt. 28:fi. Then, as though to make their knowledge of service to others, he commands them to go and tell the disciples ' and Peter" and that they are no more to look for him there for "He goeth before you into Galilee," v. 7. . II. "And they went out quickly," vv. 8-11. It is well to reverence holy places and to remember sacred associations, hut God Is a spirit and cannot be localized. Of course the women would like to dwell at that place in meditation, but having had revealed to them the fact, their duty was to publish it abroad. A definite knowledge imposes a definite obligation of testimony. Out of death came forth life. The seeming defeat of Jesus was the prelude to the world's greatest victory?its most astounding miracle. | j Living unto self means claiming your, self tor yourself. Living "unto him" means that in your mind your spirit, ' your body, you show forth the risen, ! vt/*tnriniia trlnmivhfttH 11^^ . Vivnuuo, tiiuUlJ/tiaiiL inc. This Easter day is the day of all days to remember such words as these: Just as I am, young, strong and ?rec, To be the best that I can be. For truth, and righteousness and thee, Lord of my life. I eewno i J *"* % - A fcr %>???.. .. EXPERT LIVE STOCK MEN Are Employed by the Southern Raik way to Aid the Farmers Along Its Many Lines. Atlanta, Gu. To give practical aid to live stock growers along its lines, the Southern Hallway Company has secured the services of two experts in anitnal husbandry: Dr. Walter Sorrell, who will be stationed at Greensboro. N. (\, and will work in Virginia. North ami Smith enmiino .....i n- " vui viiiiu , nuu i /i. \ . I). Ix>we, who will be Btationed at Chattanooga, Tenn., anil will work in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, and Mississippi. They will be known as assistant live stock agents and will report to Mr. F. L. Word, live stock agent, Atlanta, Ga. Both Dr. Sorrell and Dr. Lowe have had years of practical experience in animal husbandry work. Both have been in the service of the United States government and are thoroughly conversant with conditions throughout the Southeastern states. The duties of these men will be to advise farmers as to feeding, breeding and caring for live stock under conditions that exist in the territory along the Southern Hallway, to assist farmers in organizing live stock clubs and associations, to give practical demonstrations, and to be at the service of farmers without any cost to them, giving any information, rendering assistance, and co-operating in any manner that will tend to aid and encourage the raising of more and better live* stock. SILO REDUCES FEED COST How to Build a Good One With Ordinary Farm Tools Toid in Southern Railway Folder. How the average farmer, using ordinary farm tools, at an expense f only $05.00 can construct a silo with a capacity of 55 tons- enough silage to feed -it cows 40 pounds per day for four months is told in a boowlet jusr gotten out by the Live Stock Department of the Southern Railway, a copy of which will be mailed free? to any farmer addressing riuuinut to Mr. V. L. Word, Live Stock Agent, southern Railway Building, Atlanta, Oa. "Where there is Live Stock on tin Farm There Should be a Silo" is the title of this booklet which tells of the advantage to the farmer of having a silo and the great saving which it enables him to make in the cost of winter feeding for his live stock. The figures given are taken from the practical experience of a Tennessee farmer who built a silo on the lines indicated twenty years ago, who finds it as good as new today, and feels that it has paid for itself many times over every year. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has recently declared that the Southeastern states constitute the ideal section of the United States for live stock raising and must he looked to in fu turc years for the nation's food supply. To stimulate interest in the live stock industry and to aid farmers to successfully follow this line, the Southern Railway has established its Live Stock I >? part men t which is giv in.r I?1 ...f, U....I..UVU tim illiuil ll? mis worn. Production of Copper in 1912. Washington. ? Statistics and esti mates received by the United SD.tes ~eological survey from all plants Known to produce blister copper from domestic ores and from all lake mines indicate that the copper output of the I'nited Slates in 11112 exceeds that of any previous year in the history of the industiy. Not only is> the total output the largest ever recorded, but six of the large copper-producing state--Arizona, Michigan. Utah. N'<vadn. New Mexico, and Alaska have each exceeded till former records of production, while Montana and Ten nessee have nearly equaled their previous record productions. The figures showing smelter production from domestic ores, which have been collected by 11. S. (Sutler, of the geological survey, represent tlie ctttal production of most of the companies for eleven months and tin estimate of the December output. Taft Order May Be Revoked. Washington. President Wilson's advisers have hit upon solutions of two of tin- political problcn^; confronting the Administration, which promised to lie inns', troublesome what kind of Democrats shall get plums from tlx political tree ami how thousands of Democrats can !>? given a lighting chance at least to Ret near the tree Within the next tew days Postmaster General Hurleson is expected to pre sent for the President's consideration a plan which will open to Democrats the 35,000 third and fourth class postmasterships covered into the civil service recently ordered by Mr. Tali Wants Aid of Progressive Forces. Washington. President Wilson be gan his campaign for the support of progressive Republicans in the new Congress. He arranged to consult witli Senator DaFollette at the White House when legislative policies, includ ing tariff and conservation measures will he discussed. The president will consult the progressive Republican group in Congress freely and endeavor to obtain their aid la pushing through progressive legislation. The conference with Senator laiFollette will be the forerunner of other conferences. f WOMAN'S STORY MADE PUBLIC ; Mrs. Moncrief Didn't Consider It Secret. Thought Friends Should Know. Read Her Statement neiron. 'rex.?Mrs. s:thei Monerief. of this place. says: "1 suffered with a complaint peculinr to women, and. although 1 rolled in the doctors, they failed to do mo any good. Then. I began to take Cardul. the woman's tonic. From the first doBe, I could feel results, and. in a short time. I was relieved of all my dreadful suffering. My friends wero surprised to see the results I obtained from the use of Cardui. 1 just couldn't help telling i them. It built up my system wonder: fully. 1 do not want to be without Cardui In my house, ns long as I can obtain it It is a true relief for womanly | troubles. I can't praise it too highly." In the past lielf century, thousands of Indies have written, like Mrs Moncrief. to tell of the benefit received from the use of Cardui. Such testimony, from earnest women. surely indicates the merit of this woman's remedy. Cardui contains pure, harmless, vegetable ingredients, which act in a gentle way on all the weakened womanly organs. It cannot do you harm, and is almost sure to be the very medicine you need. It's good for young or old. Please give Cardui a trial. N. P.? WWte tt>: Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga. Trr.n., (or jSft.-i.t/ /? /? u. ett*ns on your case and (4-paae book. Home Treatment (or Women," sent in plain wrapper. Adv. Were Only Bent. Site weighed only 2S(5. so that when : she trod on a banana skin she subsided very gentlv. A polite shopkeeper came out to assist her to rise from a box of his best new-laid eggs. "Oh, I do hope I have not broken I thetn!" she cried. "Not nt all, madam," said the polite one; "they are only bent." Envy. j "Itliggins is one of those people who , envy others the slightest elevation 1 above ordinary surroundings." "Yes. His family can't eat a meal without being afraid he'll get jealous ! of the baby and want the high chair." Washington Star. Important to Mothora Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOU1 A, & safe and sure remedy for Infanta and children, and see that it In TTs? For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Warning to Women. Very Meek Husband?I just finished ! writing your speech for the club, 1 Mariah. His Wife (not so meek)?What's t he subject? Very Meek Man "The Lady Who Will Strike Her Husband Is .To Man." | - Satire. For Sl'MMKH UK VI> AOIKS Hicks' t'AI'I'DINK is tiic best remedyno matter what causes tliem ?whether | from tlie boat, sitting In draughts, fever' Isli condition, elc. inc.. 2T>o un<l &0c per ! bottle at medicine stores. Adv. No Change. "1 saw young Sappley Hie otlier day." "Well, did lie look like himself?" "Yes; still insignificant." I Won effort to loo prescription: htf?Kf&2ra?@ wrong depa Beauty 9ESEHBHI Worry orders, irre tmmma and the fait To ret retain healt: ask your c am ?ij Br J I This fi cf these ei makes you 1?gU" f ? taMel PI ere miwmal PUTNAM Color morrporni* brighter and faster colors than art | dye any (iimttit witnout ripping ?part. Wnio lc QUININE AND IRON-THE MOST EFFECTUAL 6EMENAL TUNIC Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Combines both in Tasteless form. The Quinine drives out Malaria and the Iron builds up the System. For Adults and I Children. You kndw what you are talcing when you take GROVB'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, recognized for 30 years throughout the South as the standard Malaria, Chill and Fever Remedy and General Strengthening Tonic. It is as strong as the strongest pittcr tonic, but yop do not taste the bitter because the ingredients do not dissolve in the mouth but do dissolve readily in the acids of the stomach. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. 50c. There is Only One "BROMO QUININE" Look for signature of E. W. GROVE on es 1P?35\ to the Zom Go west now! Investigate thousands are winning wcalt that great prosperous country Great North $3 3 from Chicago to many poii in Idaho, Washington, Oregon an Proportionately low fares to all po seeker's tickets on sale 1st and 3rd T Now Is the time to go west I Take a out how the New Three Year makes it easy to get 320 or 160 acri Montana and Oregon. The Great h share of America's tremendous $10.(X great for this yearl You get your sh Write NOW for F giving detail* a* tn low farra. liberal stop-? I giving the rrvvl complete information ever hea io the Ureal North weal (or boiiicsecket M. At. HUHBEK T. L ji &36 Chmmtnut Sirc Ib^L'{LI Mjipg J., Panama-Pacific Intern, Br bumi S Gf?E^T . !B E. C. LEEDY, G. L A*t.. jh , viiffjn b h*d*o ?rnd mo booklet* i B NORTHC-*1 B NorthwiMt, fro*. |[| I in Interested Id MOO*KM?Tlt Touch Typewriting and allied subjects at Ki as the most complete, thorough, iniluential ai demand for KING graduates. No vacation. king's business college, Rill | WHY INCUBATOR CHICKS DIE Meaning the Billows. "I understand Perdita flirted with j some high rollers at the beach lust summer." % "So she did, and nearly got ; drownc d." ITCH Relieved in 30 Minute*. Woolfortl'x Sanitary l<otli?n for all hiiitln ot eoiita^iuua llrli. At DrutfglblA. Adv. Day dreams are more pleasant than j profitable, unless one gets busy and I i converts them Into fact. * m'i i iam. Is As O! She Looks >man wants to look old. Ms k youthful resort to the "beau 3. Their mistake is that the rtment in the drug store. depends upon health. , sleepless nights, headaches, gularities and weaknesses of aracter in a short time bring tl feet," the haggard look, droopin ering step. ain the appearance of youth h. Instead of lotions, powders Iruggist for Pierce's pJS! imous medicine strikes at th< nemies of your youthful appc i not only look young, but j or drn^Kist can supply you in llqn t form; or sei.d AO one-cent stamps f e's Invalids Ilotel and Surgical Inst Jo, N.Y.nnd a trial box will be mallet E^^SSl^SBSBS^SSSESESHIEESSBSI^&SHBIB FADELE! r other dye. On? 10c package colors *11 fit***. Th?*dy? >r iree booklet?How to I>yc. h>f ch and Mix Color*. : : fr v> " ??*^????? -jp&S RELIEVES PAIN AND HEALS AT THE SAME TIME J The Wonderful, Old Reliable Dr. Peter's Antiseptic Healing OiL Prevents Blood Poisoning. .An Antiseptic Surgical Dressing discovered by an Old R. R. Surgeon. Thousands of families know it already, and a trial will convince you that DR. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL is the most wonderful remedv ever discovered for Wounds, Burns, Old ^ores, Ulcers, Carbuncles, Granulated Bye Lids, Sore Throat, Skin or Scalp Diseases and all wounds and external diseases whether slight or serious. Continually people are finding new uses for this fsmous old remedy. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. 25c. SOc. $1.00 That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE rery box. Cures a Cold in One Day, 25c., >w Fares I e of Plenty for yourself. Find out how jjjj h and independence out in In! penetrated by the '!( ern Railway I i its in Montana. $38 to points { i id British Columbia. j Ints North wwt. Round trip home- J uesdnys of each month. j ' Jvautatfn of these low fares and find Homestead Law |! s of fertile lund in three years in h Northwest produced many time* its ill 0.000.000 crop* last year. Prospects hip REE Information j [j ver prlrllrwr* and KKKE itln?tr_ted books, !|h, ouonlnl boat Um woodnrful opportuut- i 1. Aiiinw; , 11 )ithict Paitenger Agent i ' I, Philadelphia, Pa. : ationa! Exposition, San Franciieo, 1915 nn *KR CROP C0UP0N*?*ass??i*asn j j Gt. Nor. Bids.. Dept.85 St. Paul, Minn. ; Uitiall liUralun raliUog to opportunities in thi II11 ^ iu | j LEARN v?y Bookkeeping, Banking, Penmanship, Shorthand, tig's Business College. King's is recognized ad successiul business college in N.C. Great Positions guaranteed. Write for catalog. -EIGH, N. C. or CHARLOTTE, N. C. Write for book Having young chirks. Send us nanicM of 7 fi->**i <I:? that. u*e tiirubalor* and get book free. U.ilwall iteuiedy Co., Dlaek well.Okla. Feminine Arithmetic. Typist?It's my birthday tomorrow; I'm going to take a day off. Bookkeeper?Why don't you taks five years off. .same us you did last year??Bystander. To Relieve the I'nln of n Itnrn Instantly and take out all InNiimnuiMnn In one day. apply ths wonderful, old reliable I >11. ItlltTKU M ANTISB??TIC IlKAl IM) Oil.. Hclieves pain and beats at the taniu llmo 25c, LOc. tl.UO. The successful man is honored and envied. r TSBBHmi d As ' wmmszm uiy in iiicit pains, dis- ' 33S^B33BBH a distinctly le dull eye, f ,tn,w g shoulders, N i fflifflfMnMa you must * plfSSHBIlfflfl and paints, I orite 1 i very root .M :arance. It feel young. J itate, I >ou. - 111 1 1 f V SS DYES : m cold water better than any other dye. You can MOISROt DBUC COMPANY. Qahny, III. \