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rfyjj ? w' * THE FORT MILL TIMES. OwMintk- Publfcbod Ttaurodarm. 8. W. BRADFORD . Editor and Prop rioter. iPwciimoH RATH: Ow T?r tl.tS is KnUw 66 Tho Tim? lnrit? contributions on llTosabjocta bat do? not hi ? to publish nan than SOO words ss say subjoet. Tho richt Is r?-rod to odit STOry communication submitted for publication. On snnlieatkMi to tbo oubliahar. drartkinr MtM ar? mad* known to thooo Interacted. Telephone. local and Ion* distance. No. 11*. Entered at the poatofflce at Fort Mill. 8. C., aa . autl matter of the second elass. THURSDAY. MARCH 20. 1913. Cultivating the Local Market. Much has been said recently about the needless handling of goods and the amount it adds to the cost of products of the farm and orchard. Another factor that influences the increased cost of products is the lack of appreciation among home folks of i the resources at their own doors. This lack of appreciation is due in a large measure to the neglect of local manufacturers and growers of fruit or vegetables to Cfcter to the home market rather than to depend upon' a fancy package and a careful assorting of their products to sell them in large city markets at higher prices. The latter practice has been encouraged by commission men, particularly if the product has found special favor with the distant consumer. The situation brought about in this way has been potent in ? _ * ? - causing: tne present hue and cry about the small profit secured by the producer of fruit, vegetables and dairy and poultry products and about the large profit received by the commission man, the retailer, or other distributor. The remark often has been made that if the producer were to cater more specially to his near-by trade, he would economize in freight, in selling expense and in other factors that enter into the ultimate cost of any product. Unfortunately, however, many of the aggressive merchants in looking for new fields to conquer are misled by the enchantment which distance lends to the view and they very often get into territory that could he better served by others. Unless it is a case of catering to a particular class, known as "fancy trade." this will have a demoralizing effect, upon values. Happily for the mail who raises fruit that is fipe enough, or Who raises potatoes that are big and mdaly and cheap enough, he is able to get a special price for them and other products of the farm almost anywhere they are offered for sale. Th? Town That Just Grows. There are in this country some towns that just grew, like Topsy. They are not numerous (for towns that are left just to grow just die), but they afford interesting examples. There were reasons why they just grew. They were sometimes half-way between two better towns. They were a convenient stopping place, a necessary evil. The streets are rambling, because they, like the town, just grew. The houses are out of line and out of repair, because they, like the streets, just grew. The people are often shiftless and poor, because they, like the houses, just grew. The children are uneducated, often dirty, sometimes immoral, because they, like the people, just grew. Heaven help the town that just grows. It must have had great natural advantages to have just grown in comnention with liver towns. But it lacked real people. It could, with these selfevident advantages, have been made so much better, brighter, bigger. But the people were willing to lei it just grow. It might have been so much cleaner, happier, wealthier. It might have bten a rose; but it just grew?and the thing that just grows is a weed. Its people sent away for their good* and left their awn town jvwt to cow. Reader, how about your town? It may teem to be doing fairly ' well, but is it doing as well as it might? Are you taking an interest in its affairs? Are you helping elect good men to office? Are you spending your money here at home where it will continue to iurnisn capital for this town's people? Are you intere^^d in the things proposed for" this town's increased prosperity and improved appearance? Or are you leaving the town just to grow? Summarizing in a paragraph some of the advantages of good roads, a set of resolutions adopted by an Illinois Good Roads association say8: "Improved roads mean better schools and larger attendance, better health and quicker transportation, better farms and more cultivated land, better crops and cheaper transportation, better economic conditions and more producers, better social conditions and less isolation, better church attendance and better citizens, better postal service and closer friends, better business and more consumers, better industries and more employment, a better State and e better nation." These are all things quite worth while. Good roads cost money, but the returns compensate for the expen diture. i The Illinois Supreme Court has ruled that fortune telling is not illegal because the seer is paid for his time and not for the information or misinformation he gives. The fundamental idea of obtaining money under false pretenses Beems to have been entirely overlooked by the court. [The Supreme Court of Illinois ! would do well to take a few 1 lessons in some correspondence school. Surprise Your Friends For four weeks regularly use Dr. rung s XNew Lite fills. They stimulate j the liver, improve digestion, remove blood impurities, pimples and eruptions dissuppear from your face and body I and you feel better. Begin at once. ! Buy ut Ardrey'a Drug Store, Fort Mill Drug Co. and Parks Drug Co. (Advertisement.) Give the parcel post credit for i compelling the express comj parties to hop down off their high horse. Are You a Cold Sufferer? Tuke Dr. King's New Discovery. The Beat Cough, Cold, Throat and Lung medicine made. Do not hesitate?take it at our risk. First dose helps. J. R. Wells, Floyaada. Texas, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery cured my terrible rough and cold-, i gained Mpounds." Buy it at Ardrby** Drug Store, Parkr j Drug Co. and Fort Mill Drug Co. ! ? ? i- -r - - rwniSU?Ti?-r 'why wait UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE! A bottle of GOWANS, King of Externals, in the home may save complications in Croup, Colds or Pneumonia. External it can do no hermit has assisted thousands ir dispelling colds that might have proved serious. This is what a prominent person aays: My personal use and observation convinces rne that you cannot claim to< much for Cowans Preparation. Car. give you names of two well known people who think they owe their recovery I irum desperate pneumonia attacks to Gowans. The nurses state it is re. markable how soon it stops the spread i congestion and lowers the temperature. E. W. EVERSON, Contractor, Providence, R. I. All Druggists and Guaranteed. Three sixes, $1.00, 50 end 25 cents, j GOWAN MEDICAL COMPANY. Concord, N. C. TO THE PUBLIC! I have opened a General Repair Shop at the old Downs stand, in the rear of Harris* livery stable, and solicit a share of your patronage. I propose to do only good work and guarantee satisfaction and prices. Let me shoe your horses. ELI PARES. r r- c ? . # ttllt'' J*HL ' Mc-. Dr. Kind's New Discovery Soothes irritated throat and lungs, tops chronic'and hacking cough, relieves tick tin gXhroat, tastes nice. Take m other; eswe used. always used. Boy it st Vbrt Mm Drug Oa., Parka Drug Ccu sad Ardrey?s Drug Store. f Advertisement,} W W V) ?er r?ii now l+ong Will A I Bum? : J CudJeis rw n |i J display in .. | I show window. j ?1 How Long f | will it burn? I ft Ifjncu uy* | swer this qnestioa, we will grre $ -5 yon FREE :X:s a food supply of 1 Groceries. Hoy: JoqI Beginning the L|m:| 1st of March we ; ;? $( will allow a guess . j: at the life of the candle for each 50c pnrchase or a * ill 50c payment on account at onr '. ' % store. This will 1 continne nntil the |j :|| 1st of May, when Mthe candle will be lighted. No one JM knows bow loi| the candle will bin, and to Ae person fnessins the exact, or nearest exact, time of H burning we will K pre free the lot of Groceries now on display in our show w'nd)w. Call and see us or 'Phone No. 15. Stewart & Culp SOME BEL (Ada <imi . \ ? i * ^ * ? ine Dest law?tne uolden Ku "The best education?self knw "The best philosophy?a conte "The best theology?a pure an "The best medicine?cheerfulr "The best war?to fig lit again; "The best music?the laughter "The best art?painting a smil "The best science?extracting "The best telegraphy ? flashinj heart. "The best biography?a life tl letters. "The best mathematics?multi sorrows of others. "The best navigation?steerinf contention. "The best engineering?buildii of death. The best policy ?an annual Central Life. BA1LES Over Ardrey1 FORT MILL Let US Sell U Screen Doors and 9 Windows Big Stock and Prices Right. Fort Mill Lumber Co. > - . * ikj > : ; i ? . s ' ?? THIS J McEll ALWAYJ ilU ST THINGS. ipted.) le. wledge. nted mind. d beneficent life. less and temperance. >t one's own weakness. of an innocent child. e upon the brow of a child. sunshine from a cloudy day. j a ray of sunshine into a gloomy lat writes charity in the largest plying the joys and dividing the I clear of the rocks of personal J ig a bridge of faith over the river dividend contract in the Union 8c LINK, ' Drug Store, - - s. c. Meet Me At The Fountain At "Haile's On the Corner." Phone 43. i EH t \ . \ iL' , t" SPACE RESERVED tianey & > ASK FOR PIANO I K _ pgn , Ij HONEY IN YOUR I ft Is soon spent. A Twi "j dies to Five?then th you are "broke." Tha | this bank to yuux cieu half of it sticks and is Nothing like a checkir I careful of expenditure standing in the commi checks on THE FIRST NATION | (Under supervision of tl *- = [5B5H5H5B5^5H5a5g5B55SSali s I Right on Give us your next order we'll deliver it when prom No extra charge for thi our service. We have the goods, the ties to fiill and deliver you you want it, but as you wa have any kick coming on ( HOW ABOUT YOU] S Parks Grocer p E. S. PARKS BiasasesasKisrBas-agasagasBsli Try a Special "For Sale" A I k . I ^ *' ; v ; - ' / ; .? * 1 ' in \ , A V * r FOR L Co. . VOTES % IlL mmmm pocket i enty is broken and dwin- g e Five is broken?then | t same Twenty placed in it lasts longer, and about a saved. 1 ig account to make you s. And it adds to your ft mity to be able to write I m ? I Al BANK, " tie U. S. Government.) | sassasagasgsasgsasasasgfg the Dot! I for GROCERIES and C lised?right on the dot. D is all important part of ? experience, the facili- j9 r order not only when 8j ant it. And you won't fli >ur prices, either. |8 R NEXT ORDER? y Company, | >, Manager. Ojl '-5E55H5^5a5gsasm5asEsa5alal dy. in The Times.?25 Cents. J