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r BLANKETS GROW ON TREES , Ecuador Indians Get Bed Covering* Prom Soft, Thick Bark of the Oemajagua. Blankets grow on trees in Ecnador, and while the idea of an allwool, fresh from the forest, hod covering might give insomnia and a backache to the child of civilization who likes to snnggle comfortably under several layers of down and wool, the natives find it all right, as in fact it is. When an Ecuador Indian wants a blanket he hunts up a doinajagua1 tree and cuts from it a five or six foot section of the peculiarly soft., thick bark. This is dampened and beaten until the flexibility of the aheet is much increased. The rough, gray exterior is next peeled ofT, and the sheet dried in the sun. The result is a blanket, soft, light and fairly ? ?u ?: m nuiui, mi an mimi'iivu creuin color. It may bo rolled into a compact bundle without hurt and with ordinary usage M ill last for several years. ?Harper's Weekly. SHE DID NOT KNOW MOTHER Teacher Received an Unexpected Roply From Parent of Boy She Had Punished. Hoys will ho hoys, except, when they are little wretches, and Tommy was no exception. He had broken one of the school rules, and the teacher told him to tell his mother about it, and also about the punishment he had received. This was foxy of teacher. She thought mother might thrash him ] again. "Well, Tommy, did you tell your mother about your hot! behavior yesterday, and bow I punished you ?" "Yes, miss," replied Tommy quickly. "Well, M-hat did your mother say?" Mas teacher's next question. "Said she'd like to wring your neck," replied Tommy calmly. HIGH SEAS. The hiirh gimij ?.nil?fn?w? ? ...p., w. ...? vuiuiiivg in*: wjn'II sea so far us it is not the exclusive property of any particular country. The rule of international law is that every country bordering on tin sea has the exclusive sovereignty over such sea to the exten1 of three miles from its shores hut all beyond, not within thrct miles of some olher country, is opet or common to all ckmntries. The I part of the sea within three miles' distance is generally called the territorial sea of Mie particular country, or "mare clausum." The distinction lias little effect on the right of navigation, but art regards fishing it is otherwise. Thus, foreign fishermen have no right to fish within three miles of the British coast without a license from the crown, or unless some special treaty has laid down other arrangements. vn WOMAN AS CENSOR. The three eonimissiotiers governing Birmingham, Ala., under the new regime, found themselves entirely too busy to he(d the insistent appeal of the various woman's clubs that the moving pictures exhibited in the city he carefully and continuously supervised. Ho the v iintininl/vl I the private secretary of one of the commissioners to act as censor. Her duty requires that she aee every new play brought into the theaters, and exclude whatever, in her judgment, offends. So far the plan has worked well, and the new censor declares it is I rather a rest to her to visit one a j day, going at the noon hour from her busy office.?From the l>elinea? tor. j j Mothers Can Safely Buy Dr. Kind's New Discovery and give it to the little ones when ailing and suffering with coughs, colds, throat or lung troubles, tastes nice, harmless, once used, always used. Mrs. Bruce Crawford, Niagra, Mo., writes: "Dr King's New Discovery changed our boy from a pale weak sick boy to the picture of health. 7 Always hripsr Buy??t at Fort Mill Drug Co., Ardrey's Drug Store and Parks Drug Co.., ' (Advertisement.) IThe One Bes for your baby chirks is on anle i A aolentllU; mixture which I right and keeps them growing. VmontinR. Just use 1prO*P Baby Chick and you will positively crow the chicks you over raised. 8ampl>> " Your money back if i In boxes and bags, Zlfcr up. 160book KRKK. Get Pratts Profit-sharing McElhaney & Co., Mills & You Jones. W. B. Ardrey, Fort Mill, S. V J i REXALL See the new gold signs ? in keeping with everything connected with the name?absolutely the best known in medicines and best at the price in other lines. The name does promote Fort Mill's position on the map than any other agency in the i town. The stranger coming to town may not find out our postoffice is in the presidential class, but he won't fail to see the REXALL Ol-~ J L ~ 1 4.1 4. P * ' oiuic aiiu nc: u#? me siory or me town in a nutshell. He is familiar with the necessary requirements for the establishment of such an agency, both for the town and the druggist. There are 45 in 45 of the most important cities in South Carolina; 5.500 in 5,500 cities of the United States and more in foreign countries. Every article bearing the imprint comes direct from the manufacturer and all intermediate profits and the damage caused by time and handling is cut out and you get a better article for the same money or the same article for less money. Ardrey's Drug Store. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that an election will bo held in Fort Mill, S. C., on Saturday, March 15, iyi3, t'or the purpose of nom.nating a candidate for j Magistrate of Fort Mill Township. Polls will bo open from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. All candidates will meet in Fort Mill 1 on Friday morning, March 7, at 9 o'- ' clock for the purpose of signing pledg- ' es, paying assessments, electing man- | agern, etc. All candidates must file pledges and pay assessments to J. \V. Artirey, representative of the county executive ! committee at Fort Mill, by noon of the I 10th of March. J. W. ARDREY, For York Executive Tom. PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTES and WHITE PLYMOUTHROCKS, EGGS FOR HATCHING from pure 1 stock of the above strains at $1.25 1 per 15. Eighty per cent hatch or eggs replaced at half price. B. C. FERGUSON. Fort Mill, S. C. A Happy New Year. The Crescent Cafe desires to extend New Year's Greetings to its patrons and thank them for their patronage during the old year and solicits their patronage for the coming year. You will find everything nice and clean and the best that this market affords. No drinking of intoxicating liquors will be allowed on the premises. Give the Crescent Cafe a trial, and if you are pleased tell others; if not, tell me. THE CRESCENT CAFE, C. A. Jones, Prop'r - Fort Mill, S. C. 1 THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR I 25 VOTES I IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST I IF CLIPPED FROM THE g TIMES AND PRESENTED AT I THE STORE OF THE I MTT.T.R vrirr-arn nt\ 1 w * uu 11 u vvr.f FORT MILL, S. C. I it Feed Tjg> it our stop?. TJI starts thorn . VB| atop exper- /r|aiw^W' IB Food beat flock of / k \ | package free, f tt fails.** V -x .f pane poultry ^^35P" "* Booklet. I - ' I Annour i ???????? i We hereb have purcha the business ( * I The new busi I * more than Ten Ye and is willing to e We want you Give us a tria Massey' JUST THINK OF IT! A Four Hundred Dollar Piano Absolutely Given Away! That advertising is now a science is again demonstrated practically to the buying public of this section by the wonderful advertising system now employed hy the enterprising business house of McElhaney & Co., who are going to give away ABSOLUTELY FREE to some one of their customers on August 1 the beautiful CLAXTON PARLOR GRAND PIANO which is now on exhibition at their store. The Claxton sells for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS and is a HIGH CLASS instrument in every respect, GUARANTEED by the makers for TEN YEARS. JUST THINK OF IT1 A Four hundred Dollar Piano to be GIVEN AWAY! A few years ago, if a merchant was to do such a thing he would be considered a fit subject for an asylum, but conditions have changed, yet in the face of the enormous sum spent in advertising the fact of McElhaney & Co. giving away a $400 Piano is a stupendous un-1 dertaking and it clearly demonstrates | their desire to be "always up to and a little ahead" of the spirit of the times. Every purchaser of $1.00 worth of goods from any department of their stole will receive a coupon good for 100 votes on the Piano. The person presenting the largest number of votes to them on August 1 will receive the Eiano absolutely free. No favors will e shown and every person will be given an equal chance. The reputation enjoyed by McElhaney & Co. for "square dealing" insures this fact. We think the buying people will appreciate this extremely liberal offer on the part of McElhaney & Co. and we predict a lively scramble for votes.?Adv. ? | FREE VOTE COUPON. | * J * Cut out this coupon and J H present it at McElhaney's ^ 4 store and he will exchange ^ 3 it for twenty-five votes in $ ^ the $400 Piano Contest. ^ I Thev Ai I heve returned nessee markets car load of fine and am anxioi and others to s< ery Mule guarante SAM MU m jg I - \ tcement y announce to the p ised the stock of the at the same stand u Massey's iness will be under the personi jars' experience, who will glad xtend the right hand of fellow r business and will guarantee 1. We thank you. 's Drug i Largest Magazine in the World. TODAY'S MAGAZINEis the largest and best edited magazine publisherl at 50c per year. Five c^nts per copy at' all newsdealers. Every lady who ap preciatee a good magazine should send for a free sample copy and premium catah g. Address, 'JODAY'S MAGAZINE, Canton, Ohio. Frost Proof Cabbage Plants. Are Now Ready. Send 75c for 500 Send $1.25 for. 1,000 Send $3.25 for 3,000: C .1 a>r /?n r ociin ipy.uu ior 5,0(11) i Cultivation suggestions free. Agents wanted. WAKEFIELD FARMS, Charlotte. N. C. CONSULT DR. BEAM FREE! . Telephone 365. 15-YEAR GUARANTEE. Message to Nervous People. If you are in need of Dental work and a?*e nervous and do not want to be hurt, come to our offices at once and we will gladly show you how wo /)o ,,r?1 v. \t\j iyciitai VYOTK without Fain or Discomfort. WE LET YOU PAY AS YOU PLEASE. Gold Crowns TT - <?Q Bridge Work UP From $0 BALTIMORE DENTAL PARLOR. Inc. PAINLESS DENTISTRY 22 S. Tryoa Street - CHARLOTTE, N. C. re Here!) from the Tenwith a second ! young Mules, is for farmers se this lot. Eved. Prices right. SGRAVE \ .1 .1 .. ! ' '-4" 1 v"- " "* > 1 V To The eople of Fort Mill at Parks Drug Co. s nder the name nf ? V m Drug Store sd supervision of Mr. B. F. IS ly tender his courtesies to the 'ship to new customers. you satisfaction in every respc Store, B Fi THE SAVIN "THE OLD Capital I Surplus (Liability of Stockholder; Protection to Depositc I 7 S3 A quarter of a century I enables us to offer our J CURITY. Have never lo You are cordially inv with us. Savings Bank Leroy Springs, Prest. I Money i On Improved Ft In sums of Thr< Ten Thousand 1 Term of Loan? t One to Ten Yea: *> I I 7 /\LL the ingredients for Only i he very best in I Just what you want tha On time with all deliver Never fails to give sati f.arnest desire to win So, when you are hungry JUNES, ii DIIPVI CU'C 18 THE ONLY GENUINE ARNICA SALVE j ? ?? v# J " Public! id vicinity that jve ind will continue i \ lassey, Jr., a Druggist of patrons of the old firm, set. Massey, Jr., Mgr., ort Mill, S. C. GS BANK REUABLE." ,.v $25,000.00 12,000.00 j 25,000,00 | >rs ...$62,000.00 | ' of conservative banking I patrons ABSOLUTE SE- | st a dollar on loans. | ited to open an account I of Fort Mill, II W. B. Meacham, Cashr. j| %?> ' > s -? > * <? X X 1 > to Lend f irm Property | ie Hundred to 5 )ollara. < > < ra. * > < > aT. B. SPRATT. o < .. ? < < < < * < > Whit#" Fruit Cakes. Groceries. it's good to eat. I ICS. faction, your trade. jy Phone 14 or 8. h, IE GROCER. kinc''8 NEW tfFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cur?. j #fcSiL-s . . k. . //' ";a - 'MJr'