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THE FOET MILL TIMES. Dmocntlt - TabUilMd Thondin. B. W. BRADFORD Editor and Proprietor. UMoairTTON Rates: OM YMr 11.26 Six Months .66 The Times invites contribution* on live subjects but doe. not scree to publish more than 200 words wh mi/ auujvcv. in? ri|fhi ib itbcptcu mi win ?T?rr communication aubraltted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising VStaa ara mads known to those Interested. Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. Entered at the poatoflflre at Fort Mill. S. C.. as Ball matter of the second class. THURSDAY. MARCH 6. 1913. g? Fix up. The most humble cottage in our village can be made neat and attractive. A common board fence, without plane or paint, can be made neat. Don't tie up your prate to the fence post. You can pret a fastener for ten cents or make one yourself in thirty minutes without a cent of cost. It takes no money to burn up the old rubbish, fix up broken fences and make your home look homelike. The busy and intJustriouB find time to fix up their fence, but often the men who make little or no garden and let the yard resemble a last year's bird's nest, are those who have the most leisure time on their hgnds, Every once in a while some one intimates that the publisher of this newspaper ougtyt to "rip someone up the back." Say they deserve it and they don't see why we don't do it. Friends, we are not in the roasting business. Apply at a crematory. If you have it in for some one, go to him and fight it out like a man. Don't try to mix the printer up in your grievances. He has troubles of his own. None of we poor mortals here below are perfect, not by a long shot, and other people may think that you yourself deserve special attention. Never send a dollar away from home when the article that the dollar will pu: chase can be obtained at home. Money is our financial blood. Iu circulation keeps the business body alive. 231eed that body by sending money away and business will soon put on a look of lethargy. Always trade at home. Watch the bargains offered by enterprising Advertisers in this paper and you will learn the best places to spend those home dollars. ~-V - . . The other week a fascetious newspaper writer puuusnea a statement that if the money in the United States were equally distributed each one would have $34.72. The result has been that many letters have been sent to the treasury department at Washington in which the writers ask for their shares. The money is distributed punctually as before, Years ago Horace Greeley said, "Go west, young man." Champ Clark says, "Go south, my boy." The western voters say to their senator, "Go east Colonel," and Doc Cook says to the world, "Go north with me." That pretty well covers the points of the compass and leaves only room for the additional suggestion, "Go to work." Strewn With Flowers. On the day that Woodrow Wilson was inaugurated president of the United States, the graves of his father and mother, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson, which are in the cemetery of the First Presbyterian church in Columbia, were covered with flowers, placed there by members of the ladies' society of the church. Dr. Wilson filled the chair of pastoral theology and sacred rhetoric at the Columbia Theological seminary from 1870 to 1874. He died at Princeton, where he was liv log with Ms son, W<>r>drow, who was president of Princeton University, and his body was sent to Columbia for burial. Mr. Wilson accompanied his father's body to Columbia. The president's mother died years before her husband. '' . ca> -v . 'w MBilV' ff m The Love That it at Year Poor. We h&ve all known what it is to come home so tired that we j can hardly drag one foot after the other; when our nerveo are on edge and we feel like screaming if one speaks to us. But i.1 - - M.% * ? men comes tne sootmng innuence | of all that "home" means; the rest and peace wrapped up in that one word; the love that meets us at the threshold in the person of the mother, the wife, ! or of the child, who throws her j arms around our neck and innocently prattles of all the doings of the day?the sweetest music of welcome. We feel the load lifted from tired heart and brain at once, and take courage again. We have come back out of the heat and the toil, among the pitiless strangers in an unforgiving world, to the refuge love provides. But suppose it was not that way. Suppose, after a day of drudging labor we come home to brawling discord. Suppose we were met with scowls and frowns instead of loving looks. ? When you think of what your home-coming might be in the absence of affection ami sympathy, be thankful for the love that is at the door with outstretched arms to take you in. Are You a Cold Sufferer? Take Dr. King's New Discovery. The Best Cough, Cold, Throat and Lung medicine made. Do not hesitate?take it at our riak. First dose helps. J. R. Wells, Floyduda. Texas, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery cured my terrible cough and cold. I eained 15 pounds." Buy it at Ardrey's Drug Store, ParkDrug Co. and Fort Mill Drug Co. ONE CENT A WORE MINIMUM CHARGE, 25C. FOR SALE?Fawn Indian Runnel Duck Egg* at $1.25 per dozen. Mrs. Ida Harris, 'Phone 31-k. FOR SALE?Eggs for hatching pur poses from my choice White Wvan dottes; 75c per 13 at the farm or $1.00 per 18 by parcel post or express. Elmwood Farm, S. E. Bailee, Prop. FOR SALE?A1 out 80 bushels ol Providence Yam Seed (Sweet) Potatoei at $1.25 per bushel. J. L. KIMBRELL. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Magistrate. I hereby announce myBelf a candidate lor nomination for the office ol Magistrate of Fort Mill township, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. W. L. HALL. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. S. W. PARKS as a candidate foi ' the office of Magistrate of Fort Mill i township, subject to the action cf the Democratic voters in the approaching primary. >i 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for the positioi of Magistrate of Fort Mill township, subject to party rules and the will ol the Democratic voters in the approaching primary. R. P. HARRIS. The Times is authorized to announce , Mr. IRA G SMYT1IE as a candidate for recommendation f.?r the office of Magistrate of Fort Mill township, subject to the rules of the Democrats P?rty; _ "K I Had Known" You can't get away from regret if you fail to do your duty. Regret hangs over you, clings to you, and t) ervfvre you shpuJd ulwaye do your duty?save the blame of the sin of omission. Croup and colds and pneumonic often get under headway before the doctor arrives. A bottle oi Gowans Preparation, King of Ex ternals, dispels fear, and causer you to rejoice to know that you have done your duty. Gowans scatters inflammation. It is all absorbed. Ruy a bottle today. All druggists. Thousands of testimonials. $1.00, 60c, 25c.? Adv. To THE PUBLIC! I have opened a General Rennir Shonnt. f.h? nlH T^rtum* ? J? r -? -" ? V " " stand, in the rear of Harris" livery stable, and solicit a share of your patronage. I propose to do only good work and guarantee satisfaction and prices. Let me shoe your horses. ELI PARKS. DONT FORGET THE jReal Live Baby To be Given Away Friday Night at The Theatre Be on hand promptly. j Dr. King's New Discovery ! Soothes irritated throat and lungs, 1 stops chronic and hacking cough, relieves tickling throat, tastes nice. Take no other; onee used, always used. Buy it at Fort Mill Drug Co., Parks Drug Co. and Ardrev's Drug Store. (Advertisement.) How Long Will A I Burn? ri This master | -2 Candle is n*w on | | display in ,t [j! | show window. |! ij How Long . p 'I will it burn? % I =| If yon can an:i> 3. swer this qnesm tion, we will give | >; you FREE a good supply of *1 Groceries. How lonf Beginning t h e 1st of March we : will allow a guess J* J at the life of the Sm candle for each 50c purchase or '% 50c payment on account at our store. This will continue until the fi;! 1st of May, when the candle will be |Q$P lighted. No one :g knows bow long | | the candle will. | j| burn, and to the jS person guessing |j: ji the exact, or near| 'If est exact, time of M burning we will give free the lot Groceries now on display in our show wndow. Call and see us or 'Phone No. 15. Stewart & Culp Three Big in Real # We offer for sale a farm of 10< 3 miles of Fort Mill. Has six-ro< house on it; new barn and outhoi Also, two acres land on Fast E room house on same. The price And 2 3-4 acre tract on Southei Parks' dwelling; has three tenenr per cent on the investment is pos without further improvement, 1 We expect to sell this property Bailes < Over Ardrey1 FORT MILL ?k.r >i "m r\ an 1 nis isown. Many men think there's no difference in Lumber. That Lumber is Lumber, no matter where you get it. This is true, of course, but there is both Good and Poor Lumber If you are looking for good Lumber, at moderate prices, let us ! figure with you on your next bill. Fort Mill Lumber Company. I 1 ? EGGS?From my pure bred White i I a~>d Brown I^jrhorns and Rhode Island Reds at 15 for $1.00. Fawn Indian RunI ner Dnck eggs at $f.00 per doxen. I T. E. MERRITT. ill i i i i " 'Miml? nrnfl I ^ p - March We are show that we have ev We have them and children, ai 15th, we are g< each cent spent Mr. Far IWe are right of most all the 1 est to see us. 1 and Red Bliss F at $1.25 the br Hall Seed Swee Have you see We have it?tta \ || M'El j Bargains' Estate. 3 acres at $15 per acre; within om house and three-room tenant ises. tooth street, Fort Mill, with fiveis $1,200. *n Railway to the rear of S. W. lents on it. A return of 8 to 10 isible as the property now stands The price is $1,050, this week. & Link, ' Drug Store, s. c. SEED FOR the EARLY PLANTER We have our 1913 Garden Seeds on display, so as to supply the early planters. As usual, we haves this year FERRY'S SEED The Old Reliable. They always bring forth a good stand. Experience has tnnobt that FVrrv'a #w best adapted to this climate, both as a terminator and producer. Don't forget that Haile'a is is the place and Ferry's are the seeds for results. FORT MILL DRUG COMP'Y, J. R. HAILE, Manager. FOR SALE?I have several good ' mules that 1 will sell cheap for cash or I on time. A. R. McELHANEY. |' 4 I'll' *w y I = 23rd-- E ing the most stylish lit er shown, and our pri in all leathers for 1 id on next Saturday oing give a bonus of 7 in buying Low-cut Sh mer and Gan on the spot with a ful tinds and will make it $Je have the genuine ^otatoes and will sell I ishel. We also hav< <t Potatoes. ^n the Churn that do< i "Daisy." .HANI ? ?g?? ? j j RIGHT HERE I OPPOR" Living in a small town has no influ (There are big opportunities for yot If you were offered a good busines the outlay of a sum of money, would Sooner or later that opening will I who carry opportunity in their pockt young man with a bank occount. ' thrifty, and can be trusted. We extend you a cordial invitation I THE FIRST NATION, | (Under supervision of tl jj )5B5a5asa5lgH5a5H5E55H5a|a I Right on n) Give us your next order ! we'll deliver it when prom No extra charge for thi our service. We have the Roods, the ties to fiill and deliver you you want it, but as you wi have any kick coming on c HOW ABOUT YOUI Parks Grocer E. S. PARKS asHSHsassHsaaresESBSHsast! Try a Special "For Sale" Ai , -r,r rt-: ^iri rtflfVT . , a,-,. \ I * aster i m ie of Oxfords ces are right. Tien, women I , March the 9 ^EN votes on | oes. | dener! I 1 line of Seeds to your interIrish Cobbler :hem to you g * the Nancy 1 5S the work? | ilY'S I m ? IS YOUR | FUNITY | ence on your chance for success, i, young niAn, tight here At home. e investment tomorrow requiring I I you have to turn it down, come. PREPARE NOW. Men ;ts have their eyes open for the a They know he is level-headed, | to carry your account with us. AL BANK, r ie TJ. S. Government.) |j SR55a5r25^E5g5H5H5a5asaH3 s the Dot! I for GROCERIES and jj ised?right on the dot- (a s all important part of H c experience, the facili- [J r order not only when C int it. And you won't r iui prices, enner. Kjjj I NEXT ORDER? EH 4 y Company, | Manager. js szsgasHsasasasasasgsasalB iv. in The Times.?25 Cents.