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CONSTIPATION ?Munyon's Paw-Paw Pills are unlike all other laxatives or cathartics. They coax the gentle methods, they do not scour; they do not gripe; they do not weaken; bat they do start all the secretions of the liver and storn ^ acn in a way that sooa puts these organs in a healthy condition and corrects constipation. Munyon's Paw-Paw f Pills are a tonic to the stomach, liver and uerves. They invigorate instead of weaken; they enrich the b'ood instead of impoverishing it; they enable the stomach to get all the nourishment from food that is put intp it. Price 25 cents. All Druggists. If You Are an Up-to-Date Ponltryman Ton should know bow to keep your etfu* fresh, for three years, without cuet or rhocqlrmlH Send So In coin for receipt. If hot as represented 1 cheer- ; fully refund your money. J. W. OUen, 8 1* roe pec t Ht., Yonkers, N. Y. ' ^1/An 1 VC and Hleh Grade IVUUAIVO ?"i",ahlii|f. Mail ? w S# v*kw W orders given Special Attention. Prtres rraiwntable. Her vice prompt. Bend for Price List. LUIUIS AST STOaa. ClUaLKMTOS. s. u. Alfonso Enjoys Reminders of Danger. King Alfonso of Spain is said to bs a fatalist, and being of this temper he Is able to derive enjoyment from occurrences that would affright most people. A knife that he knocked out of the handB of an assassin is hung up In his den. The hides of two horses killed In bomb explosions have been made into rugs for his cozy corner. On his wedding day an attempt was made on his life, and the next | day he visited the spot and pointed ' out to his young wife the Bpot where j the assassin stood A Confession. Startled by convincing evidence that they were the victims of serious kid- t ney and bludder trouble, numbers of prominent people confess they have 1 found relief by usln<; KUR1N Kidney and Bladder Pills. For Bale by all medical dealera at 25c. Hurwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs.. Charlotte, N. C. Adv. Literal. "Do you like my execution on the piano?" "I must say I would have to describe It as an execution for killing time." WILL UKI.IKVK NKKVOI'H PKl'KESSIOX AN I? I.OW HTIKITS. The Old Htund.rd gem-rut strengthening tunic, OKoVI'H TASTMI.KSS . hill TONIC, uroiiw-s tlio liver to action, drive* out Malaria anil build* up tlio system. A aura Appetiser and aid to digestion. For adults aud children. CM cent*. Line on the Great Writers. Chaucer says "do." Malory "avoid," Spencer "study," Sakespcare "be."? London Athenaeum. nOF.S YOU It VTKAD ACIIBV Try nicka' CAPUDINR. It'a liquid? pleasant to take?effects Immediate?good to prevent hick Headaches nml Nervous Headache* also. Your money Itack If not nutiHlled. 10.-., IT&c. aud bOc. at medicine store*. Adv. Trading compliments Is a good deal like swapping green goods. Mrs. Wtnalow'n Soothing Syrup for Children teething, Moftenn the toitna, reduce* Inflammation,allay a palQ,cur?H wind colic,85c a boltlc.Mv The ofllce hunter doesn't pay any attention to game laws. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by carter's little liver pills, Purely vegetable ap ?act surely and ^^HPaDT(-'^ gently on the^^|^Wyl Biliousnes3,^gg^jj^r H pfojs aahe, ^Sr yy, i'3i.?-W ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature FREE TC ALL SUFFERERS If to? feel "out of or??"? 'ran down" or "But th? blues,"autferfrom>dim-ties, ebronlo mvtnntci. nleurs, skin le*..%c? write form? KKKKbook. u Ultra most Instruct!** medical hook e*or written. It tells *11 about these diseases sod I he reinatkuhlecures effected hyi hcNsw rreni-h MnunU "TH KKAI'KtN" No. 1, No.t, No.? ml yon can decide for yourself If It lit he remedy for Tour ailment- Don't tend a cent. It's absolutely rKKB No"follnw-np'VlrenlBr*. llr.I.eClerrllmt Co.. llavaratock K?|., 11t* in pet? ?<!, Tea ^Whatii!!?E^ I v A I'"' 1,1 homo or at Sanitarium il<M>k a I ii i-.i....... Krox l>K It. M.noOl.l.KV, P,^ ? ?.? * ICTOH hANITAMIt B. ATLANTA. UKOtUIA SnqOP^Y TRBATBI?. Ulroqtilrk w IHIVral Hrj usually r?-n>oT? *wrl ItitlTTMid ahoft orralh In a frw cUta nod 011 tiro roliof in lM5day*. triai trratmailt HIKE, Jit <il JULkt.SU.NS. Uok A.Alh?nl?,'Jn. ^?%TH0M PSON 8 V^?SX *?EYE WATER ZWfc&uZ JOHN I..TIIOM I'.HON SONS* CO..Troy,N.Y. Mfil m'.V " , I OltMN ana UmIUm th? htk Batr to Ito Toothful Color. PraraoM hair fallm*. .Wftinifii'YiiPnafr^ . dfcmim.H 111 afflu M feaat Coach lyny. Tm?m OmC Caa E3 Pjf to daa M4 by Dnnwa. PI ^jjaaavi'nify.ij^TTT^p LIVE SNAKES ON SHIP ST. PATRICK Hindu Charmers Employed to Rid Vessel of Reptiles. GET LOOSE ON VOYAGE Box Billed as "Samples" Crazes White Officers and Crew of Lascars, Sailing From Kobe, Japan?"Keep Away From Boilers" Warning. New York.?It was an Innocent enough looking box that came aboa' a the steamer at Kobe, Japan, bu' it was the beginning of several wef- ,s of horror for the officers and ere- of the St. Patrick, a British r~ .?nter that warped alonesM<- -4 pier in the An.*,.uocks, Staten Island. The St. Patrick is in from Singapore. Hangkong and other far eastern ports, with a mixed cargo, largely consisting of firecrackers. To begin with, the box was labeled "Samples," and bore the warning. "Keep away from boilers." The warning was complied with. Three days out of Kobe, while the St. Patrick was Bteaming down the Chinese coast. Second Officer Dawson, who was superWtslllK the Khiftlne rtf norirn l?i ! hold with the aid of Beveral Lascars, heard a peculiar mflse in the vicinity of the box of mystery. On following the sound Dawson i found that the noise was coming forth i from the box. Thinking that rats had got into the big package, Dawson .or- i dered two of the Lascars to remove the covering and investigate. "Hardly had the cover been taken ofT the box." related Dawson, "when the two Lascars let a howl out of them that shook the ship, and then, followed by the other Lascars below. > they began lighting their way up the ; ludder to the deck. Then I took a peep In the box. and. holy mackerel! 1 followed the I^ascars and climbed over them In my efforts to get above. The box was filled with writhing, twisting, hissing snakes. "Well, sir, there was nothing for it but that the snakes be boxed up again. The 'First' was given the delightful task, but when it came to getting the Lascars to follow him into the hold it was another story. We tried some of the coolieB, but they were no more anxious to get on speaking terms with the Bnakes than were the I^ascars. Finally the 'First' got a couple of the men below with hltn. "Hy this time the snakes had disappeared. They had crawled all over the ship. That started a snake hunt that went on by night and by day until we hit Singapore. "As soon as we reached Singapore we sent for the tnan to whom the box of "samples' had been consigned. We found him to be an animal dealer. When we Informed him what had hap pened he apologized profusely and said he would attend to the rounding up of the vipers. In about an hour "he Let a Howl Out of Them. v-uiiicn uuuui u me si. faincK witn u turbaned Hindu. "The nnlmnl man and his Hindu nibs proceeded below, and I followed down the ladder n bit to see the fun. His nibs with tho turban sits him down on a box and brings forth a tlute 1 aud began to tweedle-tweedle to the king's taste. "When Mr. Rnake got wittiin grabbing distance the Hindu chariner suddenly reached out and grabs him by the neck and flops the wriggler into a basket. Then he begins with his ; tweedle-t weedle and his singsong. That Hindu tweedle-tweedled all night, and finally the animal man said as how all the snakes had been rounded up. When he went over the side with his wrigglers we breathed a sigh of relief." Would i"Llckn Newspaper Men. New York.?Again declaring there were two or three "fellows" In thli town who own "nasty newspapers/ Mayor Qaynor offered to lick them in the old school boy fashion. Students Shine Shoes Princeton. N. J.?To pay their ex penses through college three Prince ton students are conducting a aho< thine stand on the campus. ' \ J The man who pleases only himself must furnish all the applause. PIT.E8 CURED IX TO 14 DATS Tonrdruulil will refund tnuur It FAZU OtlfT. MKNT faila to euro *nr raw of I lotting, Blind, Blooding or Protruding Piles In S to Mdajs. 80a One touch of fashion is apt to make all women freaks. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure oonstlpatiori. Constipation is the cause of many disease*. Cure the cause and you cure thai disunite. to take. Adv. Other Means. It isn't necessary to have an automobile to run down one's neighbors.? Salt Lake Desert News. Wn*^N RUBBERS BECOME) NECESSARY An<" your shoes pinch. Allen's Foot-Kuso, the Ar ilseptic powder to be shaken Into the s* oes. Is Just the thlog to us*. Try It tor 'ireaktnr In New Shorn Sold Everywhere, J&c. Sample FREE. Address. A. S. Olmsted. ! LeKoy, N.X. Don't accept any substitute. Adv. Boosting a Mine. "How's the sale of stock coming on?" inquired the first promoter. "Sold 9,000 shares this morning," said the second promoter. "That must mean a good deal oi money." "Almost $0. Come on, and I'll blow you to lunch." Burduco Liver Powder. Nature's remedy for biliousness, constipation, indigestion and all stomach discuses. A vegetable preparation, better than calomel and will not salivate. In screw top cans at 25c each. Rurwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs., ! Charlotte, N. C. Adv. The Reign of Woman. Women will serve as public porters ! end dining car waiters on the special train which is to carry the Illinois : suffragists to the Washington parade, and except for the train crew and solitary man to shine shoes it will he an example of feminized railway trans- j portation. The male shoeblack prompts masculine rellections on the ; division of menial labor under the new dispensation. But mere man | may take heart. The time is still re- 1 mote when there will be women at lo- : comotive throttles or in the more re- | sponsible posts In railroad operation. ?New Vork World. Italy's Fight Against Malaria. Reports from American consular officers in Genoa and Leghorn, prepared in response to inquiries from the United Sates 8B to the market in Italy for a remedy for malaria, show that the prevalence of malaria in that kingdom has steadilv declined in recent years, mainly due, it is stated, to the energetic measures of the Italian government. Quinine prepared at the State Military Pharmacy at Turin is said by Consul General James A. Smith to b> on sale at all government tobacco shops at four cents a gram and j is distributed gratis to poor patients. Consul Frank Deedmeyer writes that In 1911 the number of deaths in Italy caused by malaria was estimated at ( 3,500 in a total population of over 33.000,000.?Dally Consular and Trade Reports. VERY ALIKE. "Did you ever get a kiss by telephone ?" "No; what's it like?" "It's like dreaming about something to eat when you go to bed hungry." STRENGTH Without Overloading The Stomach. The business man, especially, needs food in the morning that will not overload the stomac^i, but give mental vigor for the day. Much depends on the start a man gets each day, as to how he may expect to accomplish the work on hand. He can't be alert, with a heavy, fried-meat-und-potatoes breakfast requiring a lot of vital energy in digesting it. A Calif, business man tried to find some food combination that would not overload the stomach in the morning, but that would produce energy. He writes: "For years 1 was unable to find a breakfast food that had nutrition enough to sustain a business man without overloading his stomach, causing indigestion and kindred ailments. "Being a very busy and also a very nervous man, I decided to give up breakfast altogether. Rut luckily 1 was induced to try Grape-Nuts. "Since that moraine 1 hav? hoon a now man; can work without tiring, my head is clear and my nerves strong and quiet. "I find four toaspoonfuls of Grape' Nuts with one of sugar and a small quantity of cold milk. Is delicious as 1 the cereal part of the morning meal, and invigorates me for the day's business." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Road the little book. "The Road to Wellville," in pkga. "There's a Reason." * Em read the above letter* A aew aae appears from Mate to tlaaa. They are traa, aad fall af hnaai late rest. Adv. \ mdmionat SUNWSOIOOL Lesson (By K. O. BELI-ERS, Director of Evening Department The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) LESSON FOR MARCH 16. THE TEST OF ABRAHAM'S FAITH. I.E8SON TEXT-Gen. 22:1-IS. GOLDEN TEXT-"I desire goodness and not sacrifice: and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings."?How. The birth of Isaac ("laughter") 17:19, and the setting aside of the son of the bond woman, a story so rich with BuggestlveneBs, forms the connection between the lesson of last week and the one of this week. I. Sacrifice Required. "God did prove Abraham" (R. V.) vv. 1-2. Abraham's ready response, "Behold me. here am I," gives evidence of his life long habit of obedience. He was ready for sacrifice or service. His habit of taking God at his word prepared him for this final act of testing, and perfecting, of his faith. The revised version "prove" is a better rendering than the authorized version "tempt." God does not tempt, 1. o.. solicit men to evil Jus. 1:13, but he does "prove" men; see Bx. 20:20 and I Peter 1:12. Abraham had been tried before but what father 1b there who will not say this was the supreme test, for he is called upop to give up his, "only Bon, whom thou cherlshest." Abraham's Faith. Superficial critics have taken occa slon to make light of a God who would make such a demand upon an earthly father. We need to remember that Abraham had doubtless witnessed humnn sacrifices in Chaldea and that having seen God's faithfulness and his past deliverances, he had enough faith to believe that God could in his own Providence deliver Isaac. Further, attention has been called to the exact language of the text, viz., God's demand was that Abraham "offer* (not "kill") Isaac as a sacrifice. The literal language is "make him go up" upon the altar, doubtless in symbol. We read elsewhere, Heb. 11:17 that "Abraham ofTered up Isaac," but we know he did not kill Isaac. Those who stumble at that part of the story miss the great lesson God intended to teach in the record of this incident. However. Abraham was ready to do (v. 10) what God himself did actually do when he gave his "only son." John 3:16, Rom. 8:32. Isaac was the child of the promise, hence the only Bon (cf. Gen. 21:12). This makes the text more severe for Ishmael had been sent ofT. 21:14. God today 1b calling upon fathers to sacrifice their Bona, and fathers are sacrificing though not always unto God. We must put our children upon the altar. Matt. 10:37. II. Sacrifice Granted.. "Abraham rose up early," vv. 3-10. The writer of Genesis has left us to fill in the emotions and the mental agony that must have surged through Abraham's heart, yet we again see a wonderful illustration of prompt obedience, cf. Ps. 119:60. , Abraham's Devotion. Attention has been called to Isaai as a type of Christ (cf. John 10:17-18). (1) His name, given before birth; (2) His birth, superhatural. predicted; (3) His offering, a, by his father; b. volun tary: c. risen from the dead; (4) His marriage; a, bride selected by his father; b. servant calls the bride; c. meeting of bride and bridegroom. In this connection we behold Isnnc bearing the wood (v. 6) a reminder of Christ bearing his cross, John 19:17. The | test to Abraham's faith was full even to the point that "he took the knife to slay his son." when God Intervened. The repetition, "Abraham. Abraham," suggests the urgency of God to save and the devotion of Abraham In that ! he was not easily turned aside nor looking for a way of escaping a disagreeable duty. Abraham was sustained to the end (Rom. 4:20, 21 R. V.) and out of It all he Is abundantly rewarded, vv. 15-18 and 26:4-5. III. Sacrifice Provided." "A lamb caught In the thicket." vv. 11-15. Again ! God spoke to Abraham through "an angel." an old Hebraic way of saying that God made himself known. It has been suggested that at this point the Hebrew broke away from human sacrli fices. There la nothing in this story to sustain any claim that God justifies human sacrifices, but the exact contrary. for God gave Isaac back to Abraham (Heb. 1:19 R. V.) and that he is constantly doing to those who I surrender their all and their best to | him, Mark 10:29-30; Prov. 11:24 25. Ahroham looua . iiVb I ' C* T \ IIIO llltf tl 111UI II until he had offered a sacrifice and who can question but that his heart ! was filled with great Joy and thanksgiving unto God. 2 Cor. 9:15. Without the shedding of blood we cannot approach God. Abraham is a type of true piety and Is constantly held up by New Testament writers as the Ideal of religion, the reason Is that religion never ehanges, It Is the attitude of the aoul to God. Read Horace Bushnell's experience as related liT "Dissolving of Doubts." Some men seem to pass through life without much testing, the question Is suggested, are they worth testing, are they of sufficient value. "Trials are God's vote of confidence." This Is also a great Illustration of substitutionary sacrifice, aak Isaac If he believed It? Ask the question. "How do we show our faith?" " J AN EXPENSIVE DI3EASE. "The doctors thought he had appendicitis until he went into bankruptcy, and then?" "Continue." i lie? diagnosed nis case a pain in the stomach." RED, ROUGH HANDS MADE SOFT AND WHITE For red, rough, chapped and bleedj tng hands, dry, fissured, itching, burning palms, and painful finger-ends, with shapeless nails, a one-night Cutlcura treatment works wonders. Directions: Soak the hands, on retiring, in hot water and Cutlcura Soap, i | Dry, anoint with Cutlcura Ointment. and wear soft bandages or old, loose ; gloves during the night. These pure, sweet and gentle emollients preserve the hands, prevent redness, roughness and chapping, and Impart in a single night that velvety softness and whiteness so much desirofi by women. For those whose occupations tend to injure the hands, Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment are wonderful. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Hook. Address post-card "Cuticura, Dept. Ia Boston." i Adv. It's awful hard for a girl to get used to a stepfather. Only One "11KOMO QUININE" | That Is I.AXAT1VM HKOMO OIININK hook | for iho ilKnaturo of K. W UHOVlt. Cures a Cold in Una Ltoy. Cures Grip in Two Hays. Xc. Every time a wise man makes a mistake he learns something. | II# F01E5TS ?<Hi HONET^TAR X*- COMPOUND *? > STOPS COUGHS - CURES COLDS Containa No Opiates Is Safe For Children .? I Charlotte Directory ^^Tmonu^ J __ D Flrnt oIrmh work. Write for price?. rW-^^Mecklenburo Marble * Granite Company ?Charlotte. North Carol'na ^^TYPEWRITERS wHlflfiBW New. rebuilt end necond hand. IIT.UO np and uoarenteed aatlafector/. We jMHry) aellauppllen for all uiokm. Ive reV pair a i-o. *8^X5^ " * CHAtTos a oomraXT, ca*Hou., a. c ' Great N< HPHERE'S a farm for you out * penetrated by the Great Nort] under tlte xt tl v New Three-Year Imiii u HiTEa IUII uuc lu .'iU or IUO RCTCS IT laat year biggest ever?the Northwest pro . tremendous ten-bil year. There are th independence nil th w"1' Idaho, Washington, from CHICAGO to | n j i MONTANA PoinU .f^LRound"1 - ana 3d Tuesdays < $38 ivrtfe * to PoinU in Idaho. , _ , W ashing ton. Ore- "?* Fu" '-format on and British Co- booaleta. mapa. dat lambia. Propor- data ever compiled t ion ally Low Fares bend the coupon, 01 to ALL POINTS M I NORTH WBSTI frtsch Panama-Pacific International , I JW E. C. LEEDY. Gen'l / fforat HW Bld|? St. Paul, Minn B/m.'rrt^? SB tare relating to oppoi \wNorthern mkamm g^JUnwAY M AMrr%% ^ H I am in tares ted in yg^Make the MfeS I ?n TUTai "*** motion. Ilttla waar Hia at EASY ACTION Ding Ikilbi* abaft and stawmrt alt msmssmm ' Taaches Bookkmplng, Shorthand am the Cuaamai Focad tnachnrs. On* of tha oldaM and moat re I Braaniburo, North CkfoUna, for InformatU WHY INCUBATOR CHICKS DIE TWO WOMEN SAVED FROM OPERATIONS By Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- IK etable Compound ?Their Own Stories Here Told. Beatrice, Neb. ? " Just after my marriage my left side began to pain me and the pain got so severe at times that I suffered terribly with it. I visited three doctors and each one wanted to operate on me but I would not consent to an operation. I heard of the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was doing for others and I used several bottles of it with the result that I haven't been bothered with my side since then. i am in gooa ne&iui ana i nave two ncua girla."?M rs. R. B. Child, Beatrice, Neb. The Other Case. Cary, Maine. ? " I feel it a duty I owe to all suffering women to tell what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did forme. One year ago I found myself a terrible sufferer. I had pains in both sides and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My back ached. I had no appetite and was so nervous I could not sleep, then I would be so tired mornings that I coulu scarcely get around. It seemed almost impossible to move or do a bit of work and I thought I never would be any better until I submitted to an operation, but my husband thought I had better writo to you and I did so, stating my symptoms. I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and soon felt like a new woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good appetite and could do almost all my own work for a family of four.- 1 shall always feel that I owe my good health to your Vegetable Compound."?Mrs. Haywakd Sowers, Cary. Maine. Classified Column EGGS. BUFF ORPINGTON CHICKENS. Runner Ducks. Mating list free. E. L. Green, Lucama, N. C. WALL'S WHITE ORPINGTONS: Bred to lay. Direct Import mating, $5.0o setting. Utility $2.00. Special on 100 lots. 11 entries. 9 winnings. O. L. Wall, Morristown, Tenn. FOR SALE?SEVEN MILLION FEET (estimated) fine oak. poplar and pine stumpage. through which new railroad is now building. Also 3,000 acres fee simple timber/land. Address: Box 103, Wilkesboro, N. C. MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY Cures Rheumatism. Eczema, lndiges- ^ tion. Nervousness. Irregularities, General Debility. Testimonials furnished. Dollar per bottle. Froth Druggists or direct postpaid. Box 24, Klttrell, N. C. CRYSTAL WHITE ORPINGTON eggs for hatching. $500 pen; $8 per setting. Other magnificent pens, $4 per setting. Unfertile eggs replaced. I^arge lots, special prices. Crystal White Orpington Yards, Branchville, S. C. Mrs. i J. N. Byrd, Prop. Low One-Way I onist Fares to the Drthwest in that great, prosperous country hern Railway ? and it's easy to get j Homestead Law i tnree years in Montana or Oregon. Crops III tlnctxl many times its share of the nation's !ion-d<>Uar crop. Prospects great for this II I ousands of opportunities to win wealth and ||||l rough the wonderfully productive states of Oregon, Montana, and in British Columbia. IIII 'rip Homeseekers' Fares in effect 1st of each month to all pointsNorthwest. II fou) for Free Booklets ion. We will gladly mail you interesting II a and other literuturc ? the most complete I on the opportunities in the Northwest, r a postal or letter to 'BBERT, Of*triel Patten gar Agent ettnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Exposition?San Francisco?1915 DUMPER CROP COUPON 111 Immigration Agt., Dept. 85 Great Northern u: I'lease send m?* hxiklett and all liters* ||||| tunities in the Northwest?free. fltate or locality. Ol&T* i Horse Glad er for Work JT} /S2L ou pat lilm ?t lt? ivrlni work. 1 I I uU nter coat that holda the wet lul I I ZZ He'll set more good from hie I JLa M ? , t, reet better and glre y?a bet- lv? I Stl ! Iris w ery way. l>ent buy any but I I I yosr Ut'tf ?art Ball Baaring III nlnr klarhlnn I I aaMaaf. at turia sealer. clip# tauter aid III norrxtui sharp looser thin mo7 other. I >""?ese. btraudnil from solid ittd C?Wi| Mad. protected and run In oil. /f free x foot of now style. easy ran- ^ V. M KM tension ellpplnc hood. jW asEEHEsaEssma clal BrtnrhM. Conrses by mall. Able and or port labia schools In the stata. Write the HebooI ai >n before taking a baalnasa ooaree. Mo vaoaUooa Write for book saving young chioke. Bend ui names of 7 friends that use Incubators and ge' 1 book free. Haiaall Itemed/ Co., Blackweil.Okla