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fcrafk Wettfcer Thii Week? In Word and Works for March, j Hicks, the St. Louis, weather j prophet, has the follow ing: to say 1 of the weather for the present ' week: ' 'A recactionary storm period J ] is central on the 1st, 2nd and I 3rd. This is at the exact center ] of the great Jupiter period, with ' the Mars and earth equinoctial . periods in full combined force. 1 Storms all the way from tropical 1 in the South, to boreal gales and blizzards northward should sur- , " s prise no reader of this magazine, ' at this or any other period during this month. A very cold wave ! will spread ov. r most parts of j the country from about the 3rd to the 6th, sweeping from northwest to southeast. Watch for it. ' ? ? Equipment for Lancaster Kill. Several days ago the contract ; was let for motors with which to equip the man: moth new addition to the Lancaster cotton mills. In the spinning room alone there will be 264 motors, each frame having its individual motor. The contract was given the General Electric Company, the largest manufacturers of electrical devices in trie world. The contract has also been let for heating and sprinkling the new mill, as well as for mac linery or many sorts which will be uetded. Many representatives of various companies have be ;n in Lancaster for the past week, closing up deals.? New s. , Roads Wake Liberal Rate. Gen. C. Irvine Walker has received advices to the effect that all the railroads east of the Mississippi and >outh oi' Washington, for their lines, had most liberally grouted a rate of one cent per mile traveled, to the Gettysburg Centennial Celebration, This will produce a very large movement from this terri- I tory to the great peace jubilee. ] With the stop-over ar. Washington allowed on the return trip' the veterans will have thej privilege also of participating in j the unveiling ceremonies of the Confederate Monument at Arlington. Quite a number of new subscriptions and renewals came in last Saturday as a result of the bonus olfer of votes in thej McEihaney piano contest. Thej same otTer will be good tor next,1 Saturday and doubtless others ' will come in on that da v. MRS. WM. ARCHER i Tells Mothers What To Do For Delicate Children. "My fourteen-year-old daughter was very thin and delicate. She had a i * bad cough so that L became very much alarmed about her health. She waj nervous and did not sleep well, had very little appetite and doctors did * not help her. Having heard so much about Vlnol, I decided to give it a trial. It has helped her wonderfully. She can sleep all night now without coughing once; In fact, her cough Is ' gone. Her appetite is greatly improved and she hits galued in weight. Yinol is a wonderful medicine, and I will always keep it in the house. I 1 wish everj' mother knew what Vlnol will do for delicate chHdren." Mrs. : "Wm. Archer, 223 Broadway, Long Branch, N. J. _ j This decllcious cod liver and Iron 1 preparation without oil Is a wonderful body-builder and strength-creator for both young and old. We promise to give back your money In every such case where Vlnol does not benefit. This shows our faith In Vlnol , W. B. ARDREY. Druggist, FORT MILL, S. C. Notice of Election. ( Notice is hereby given that an elec tion will be held in Fort Mill, S. C., on , Saturday. March 16. 1913. for the our pose of nom.nating a candidate for Magistrate of Fort Mill Township. Polls will be open from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. All candidates will meet in Fort Mill on Friday morning, March 7, at 9 o'clock for the pur|KiHc of signing pledges, paying assessments, electing managers, etc. All candidates must Hie pledges and pay assessments to J. W. Ardrey, representative of the county executive committee at Fort Mill, by noon of the 19th of March. J. W. ARDRftY, For York Executive^Cdm. I ?r? the bnate of ' liO \ A/f ,7/ t'othrlftv ti>ol( la tafrnd nl JjJr JW jj IiniuodUlu Improvement la I Sf\L IIAni fx** world"# Kro?l?at condition i, My // tn?prc?v< u iho appetite, atrcii*th y/U%r. U In almpo to work hard or produ . Kw//*K SOc. $1) 2 3-lb. Pail, $3.1 yfr/V Oat nralu Front-alluring B?ot i IL. McElhnney & Co., Mill *^ 1 Jones. W. o. Ardrey, For i K at J \ V ' ^ / Mother* Can Safely Buy Dr. King's New Discovery and give it to the little onee when ailing and suffering with coughs, colds, throat or lung troubles, tastes nice, harmless, once ised, always used. Mrs. Bruce Crawford, Ni&gra, Mo., writes: "Dr King's Mew Discovery changed our boy from a pale weak sick boy to the picture of Health." Alwavs helos. Huv it nt Port Mill Drug: Co., Ardrey's .Drug Store and Parks Drug Co. (Advertisement.) Frost Proof Cabbage Plants. Arc Now Ready. Send 75c for 500 Send $1.25 for. 1.000 Send $3.25 for 3.000 Send $5.00 for 5.000 Cultivation suggestions free. Agents wanted. WAKEFIELD FARMS, Charlotte. N. C. CONSULT DR. BEAM FREE! Telephone 365. * 15-YEAR GUARANTEE. Message to Nervous People. If you are in need of Dental work and a?*e nervous and do not want, to be hurt, come to our offices at once and we will gladly show you how we do Dental Work without Fain or Discomfort. WE I.ET YOU PAY AS \0U PLEASE. Sold Crowns TT Bridge Work UP From ?M BALTIMORE DENTAL PARLOR, Inc. TAINLKS DLNTISTRY 12 S. Tryoa Street - CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST THINK OF IT! A Four Hundred Dollar Piano Absolutely Given Away! That advertising is now a science is again demonstrated practically to the buying public of this section by the wonderful advertising system now employed by the enterprising business hollHP nf McMhanuv X- Pn o.n noing to give away ABSOLUTELY FREE to some one of their customers >n August 1 the beautiful CLAXTON PARLOR GRAND PIANO which is iow on exhibition at their store. The Claxton sella for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS and is a HIGH CLASS instrument in every respect, GUARANTEED by the makers for TEN YEARS. JUST THINK OF IT1 A Four hundred Dollar Piano to be GIVEN AWAY! A few years ago, if a merchant was to do such a thing he would be considered a fit subject for an asylum, but conditions have changed, yet in the face of the enormous sum spent in advertising the fact of McElhaney & Co. giving away a $400 Piano is a stupendous undertaking and it clearly demonstrates their desire to be "always up to and a little ahead-" of the spirit of the times. Every purchaser c.f $1.00 worth of goods from ar.y department of their store will receive a coupon good for 100 votes on the Piano. The person presenting the largest number of votes to them on August 1 will receive the piano absolutely free. No favors will be shown and every person will be given an equal chance. The reputation enjoyed by McElhaney & Co. for "square dealing" insures this. fact. We think the buying people will appreciate this extremely liberal offer on the part of McElhaney & Co. and we predict a lively scramble for votes.?Adv. I FREE VOTE COUPON. | ?? | Cut out this coupon and J present it at McElhaney's ^ store and he will exchange ? it for twenty-five votes in 7 the $400 Piano Contest. ? / .. ^TTeXlth profitable dairying end stock growing, a loaa, and la a disgrace to the farmer, condition follows the uao of imal Regulator rr for hornea. cattle, sheep, hogs. It ens the digestive system, puts the stock ce heavily. That brings satisfaction and 50. "Your money back if it fails.*' [let and learn about Pratta Coupons. 8 & YounK Co., A. O. t Mill, S. C. OH I 1 = Announcement 1 c We hereby announce to the peo] have purchased the stock of the P the business at the same stand und II Massey's I \ The new business will be under the personal si more than Ten Years' experience, who will gladly t< and is willing to extend the right hand of fellowshij We want your business and will guarantee you Give us a trial. We thank you. . ( Massey's Drug S Frost-Prtiflf Cabbage and Lenuce Plants, F Grown in the Open Air. IBEr ????? Wc are prepared to ship from now until ApFil 1st. the FINEST ASSORTi MENT of CAl'BAGE PLANTS, tied in buncheaof Fifty (-"VI), correctly counted, with an Extra Hundred 1'lants FREE to each Thousand purchased. These 1 Plants are taisedjrora y* Frost-Proof Seed j which are grown especially for us on Long Island, N. Y. Our plants are 1 sprayed with I.itne and made free from germs. Our prices are $1.50 per thousand delivered,, count guaranteed and prompt shipments. | We refer you to Peoples National Bank, Charleston. S. C.. as to our relia- I bility, also to Postmantfer and Express Aurents. Meiriretts. S r Our Lettuce Plants are Frost Proof if also, and we will put on at same figures. We want Ag-nts to handle our plants II at each station; commission deducted from price of plants 10 per cent. Write II and secure agency. ' II The Enterprise Plant Co., \ Meggetts, S. C. jj The largest Potato Plant and Cabbage Farm in the Sot|th. Fifty acres de- I voted in South Catolina and Florida to plants alone. ^ [12-5-8m] ^ They ^eHere!; : / -V ' , v ; * q $ I heve returned from the Ten- ; nessee markets with a second ; car lrfc5*d vonnflf 1MN?1ac A ?WB J VUllg 1TIU1VO) and am anxious for farmers ? and others to see this lot. Every Mule guaranteed. Prices right. ?* SAM MUSGRAVE isggaszs-asasaHSP ^ ggffcJf^tessagasssasgsgSHsasasa [ | Right on the Dot! I nj Give us your next order for GROCERIES and In |C we'll deliver it when promised?right on the dot. fjj Cj No extra charge for this* all important part of Ml 3 our service. H jjj| We have the goods, the experience, the facili- jjjj uy i/ico w 11111 aim uciivcx jruui uiuci nut umjf wucn ug C9 you want it, but as you want it. And you won't jjj pM have any kick coming on our prices, either. H h\ HOW ABOUT YOUR NEXT ORDER? | Parks Grocery Company, | ? j jjjjj > E. S. PARKS, Manager. Ijjj n|j| I lalasasasassBSBasasasesasBtasassBSBsasasBBasasagg^ at to The Public! 1 1 pie of Fort Mill and vicinity that we I arks Drug Co. and will continue 1 er namA mm mmm wm ^ Drug Store. ipervision of Mr. B. F. Massey, Jr., a Druggist of snder his courtesies to the patrons of the old firm, > to new customers. satisfaction in every respect. - DC** * ? - I frrwo D- r- massey, jr., Mgr., tore, Fort Mill, S. c. THE SAVINGS BANK j| "THE OLD RELIABLE." Sj Capital $25,000.00 || Surplus 12,000.00 || Liability of Stockholders. 25,000,00 M Protection to Depositors. ..$62,000.00 |l A quarter of a century of conservative banking 11 enables us to offer our patrons ABSOLUTE SE- |l CURITY. Have never lost a dollar o.n loans. II You are cordially invited to open an account II , with us. '!| Savings Bank of Port Mill, || Leroy Springs, Prest. W. B. Meacham, Cashr. !| ^==.-Ji .r <> Money to lend On Improved Farm Property v. < In sums of Three Hundred to \ Ten Thousand Dollars. \ <? Term of Loan? v! I ! \ One to Ten Years. ' " x < > T. B. SPKATT. J J i * < < < > ? <? < ? I A^LL the ingredients for White Fruit Cakes. \ Only the very best in Groceries. | Just what you want that's good td eat. j On time with all deliveries. | NEVER fails to aiw# *?! # < ?!/?? w ?rM?ava?IV%IVIk? A ^ Earnest desire to win your trade. j ?0, when you are hungry, Phone 14 or 8. JONES, THE GROCER. SKLEN'S j&Ytifr K.Sc's HEW LIFE PILLS INUINE AKNIuA dALVt The Pills That Do Cure. .' > ? i! wH. ' *