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I * HER DEFENSE SEEMED GOOD " Ump of Conscious Innocence" on Words of Woman Accused of Stealing Boots. A bright spirit of earlier days, Charley McKeand, an advocate ready for any emergency, dropped into court too late one day to read the depositions, and found himself faced with the duty of defending a woman for stealing a pair of boots. Tie burst into a moving harangue, and said he would read the very words of her defense on arrest, since they bore "the stamp of conscious innocence." Ho seized the depositions, and went on: "Ha! Here we are. Oh, h'm I" He faltered a litMc when he saw them. "Well, genllemen, this uneducated woman does not put it as you or I would put it, but I said I would read her words and I will. What she says is: 'How the hell could I have the hoots when he ^a? wearing them ?' And, gentlemen," continued McKeand in a coneludiinp burst of eloquence, "1 ask you with some confidence, how the hell could she?" PIANO WASN'T REALLY HURT But the Scotchman Admitted "She Slipped and Broke Some of the Front Teeth." A great. house warming was taking place at the nrnigal-M'Dougare place. There was game to hunt, ghosts to ditto, am! good food and \ wine withal. There were bagpipes and haggis* dancer* and singers. To erown all, Dougal-M'Dougal had ordered a 200-guinea piano from Lon/don. He went up to town, hut decided not to t;;kc it down with him, . *' as it was too bulky. Instead, he liad it sent down Wlmn lw> flnnlli- r.v. turned lie asked his trusted retainer if the piano had arrived all right. "Weel," the former replied, "she's as rieht as ye cud expect. She slipped as she was ganging tac the boose, and broke a few of her front teeth, hut 1 cannu think she's really hurt." * MODERN MORALS. Bishop Wilson of New York said the other day that the morulity of New York politicians was not all that could be desired. j "In polities, as in some lines of business," he continued, "the remark of the very cynical young woman holds true. "'So you are going to marry George at last,' she said to a friend. io 1... "M!e is I In* most upright, highminded, honorable follow in the world,' was tl\o enthusiastic roplv. , " 'Goodness, my dear,' said th< cynic, 'you'll starve to duuiii.'"? Washington Star. P REPORTER GOT IN WRONG. The reporter's life is a happy one. When he snlTcrs an indignity the course of that, indignity is usually beneath consideration, or else the insult is due to some misunderstanding. A reporter went to a house the day after a wedding and said to the servant who answered his ring: "Can you let me have some details, please, of yesterday's ceremony?" The servant frowned. "No, I can't," she said. "They ate every crumb! And I think you ought to he ashamed, an able-bodied young man Tike you, going around begging forro'd details!" FAIR WARNING. Peasant (reading over his accident Insurance to his powerful wife) ? Look here, next time you fall out with me you'd better take care. This policy both that, when I puffer from J circumstances over which I have no r | control I don't, get anything.?Fliegende ftlacttcr. INSULATED. | ^ "Gaddy ia in no danger of a hock." "Why not?" , "Too much rublier business about him." "Haa he cultivated manners?" "ITe ought to have. He went to an aericiiltnrAl coII^t*." Roup is Comnr It may appear in ynur flock at any lime, your fowl* and rut down your prolita. thr drinking watrr Roup c Guaranteed to prevent and euro thia fatal <1 tl. Kaoh 25o bo* makea 15 galloon of cold cine. Saaapla f*Kl ptfSi^ Poultry F Keeps fowla In the Iteat pliyalral condltlot 25c. 50c. SI. 25-lb. pa )bN "Tmir money lurk il Get Pratt* Proflt-etmrlns j I McEtfianey & Co., Mills & ^ / / Jones, W. B. Ardrey, Fort Mill, V sB? ~ "I * i mOi ' in'ii- a V . The inhabitants of the Balkan |uut iium diu nut mo wartiKe, ierocious people that popular iinaginaHon in th:s country is ant to picture them. The Servians, for example, are a genuine simple peasant folk, v.hose home life might be eopietl with advantage by thf populations living under the rule of the great powers of Europe. The Servian Tact ices the art of co-o|>oration, while civilized people are learning it* lements. Every little homestead in . ervia is a family commune, while in some of the mountain districts exists the zadriga, or communal vil'age, where everything is held in ommpn and where the oldest man is he guide and commander and final hthority as to the mating of the tcople in bis district. THE MOCKER. j "I understand you are nt ou*s with Rinks. Dubbleigh," said dor rocks. | "I am tiiat!" returned Dubbleigh, I with fervor. "No more Rinks for me. Last Sunday, when my new ear j lay in the ditch, I asked Rinks to see f he couldn't find snmrhndv or cnitm. thing to pull it out, nnd flic blister:ng idiot c'T'Tcd mo a corkscrew."? Harper's Weekly. AS FAR AS HE'D GONE. "Do you love them that linte you ?" "Not quite, but I love ihcm that liute my enemies." MOT IMPOSSIBLE. "Do you suppose she married liirn i'or lover" "Well, such things have hap- j lcncd." Surprise Your Friends For four weeks regularly use Dr. j King's New Life Pills. They'stimulate j the liver, improve digestion, remove ! Mood impurities, pimples and eruptions issappoar from your face and body ?nd you feel better. Begin at once. Buy at Ardrey's Drug Store, Fort Mill Drug Co. and Parks Drug Co. (Advertisement.) . JUST THINK OF IT! A. Four Hundred Dollar Piano Absolutely Given Away! That advertising is now a science is ignin demonstrated practically to the uying public of this section by the wonderful advertising system now em.loy?d by the enterprising business :ouse of McElhaney & Co.. who are oing to give away ABSOLUTELY fit EE to some one of their customers n August 1 the beautiful CLAXTON AM OR GRAND PIANO which is ow < n exhibition at their store. The laxton scl's for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS and is a HIGH CLASS instrument in every respect, GUARANTEED by the makers for TEN YEARS. ' l THINK OF IT1 A Four hundred Dollar Piano to be GIVFiN AWAY! A few years ago, if a merchant was to do such a thing he would be considered a fit subject for an asylum, but condiions have changed, yet in the face of he enormous sum spent in advertising ihe fact of McElhaney & Co. giving iway a $400 Pidno is a stupendous unlertaking and it clearly demonstrates their desire to be "always up to and a ittle ahead" of the spirit of the times. Every purchaser of $1.00 worth of .oods trom any department of their -tore will receive a coupon good for 00 votes on the Piano. The person presenting the largest number of votes to them on August 1 will receive the piano absolutely free. No favors will be shown and every person will be given an equal chance. The reputation njoyed by McElhaney & Co. for "square dealing" insures this fact. We think the buying people will nppreiate this extremely liberal otfer on t^he * _ a? II _nn o ^ ynn ui mctiinanoy at co. and we predict a lively scramble for votes.- Adv. V?vX?- v | FREE VOTE COUPON. | I ; ~r"- | y Cut out this coupon and 7 ^ present it at McElhaney's ^ 4 store and he will exchange 4 % it for twenty-five votes in ? j the $400 Piano Contest. 2 ion Now Don't let it attack ^ Prevent it. Putin jTjf, awj -ure llnmnc lie. Wc, j/ ?ud roup medl- ' 11 Regulator ?able to rralat diacaae. P^io ' ? .. M? s * J * 4 v * y'4v. HOW Al INDIANA GIRL Got Strong and Well Again at Small Cost; i Miss Alt* Abel, of West Baden, In<L, cays; "1 was a complete wreck, always tired, wornout and nervous. I Lad to spend about one-third of my lime in bed and my life was not worth living. Vinol, your dellctouB cod liver and iron ton'c, was recommended, and It has done me more good than all the medicine I ever took in my life. That nervous and tired feeling is all gone. I have gained In health, flesh and c'.rength, until I feel like another perron." Vinol Is the most efficient strength creator for such women. It is the ' medicinal elements of the cods' livers contained in Vinol, aided by the bloodmaking and strengthening properties of fnnlr Iron wV? Inh ma Iroa If on foe superior to all other tonics to build up health and strength for weak, tired, ailing women. It contains no oil and has a delicious taste. We give back your money If VInol does not do all that we claim. W. B. ARDKEY. Druggist, ( FORT MILL. S. C. Largest Magazine in the World. TODAY'S the largest and best edited magazine published at 50c per year. Five cents per copy at ] all newsdealers. Every lady who appreciatee a good magez ne should sen* for a free sample copy and p-o miun catalog. Address, TODAY'S MAGAZINE, Canton, Ohio. f - . But GO WANS imitators external rem.' # You just rub i Imitate teeGpWANS ! prove a life sa Frost-Proof Cabbage Grown in th We are prepared to sh:p from now un MENT of CABBAGE PLANTS, tied in h ed, with an Extra Hundred Plants FREE Plants are raised from Frost-Pro which are grown especially fpr us on I sprayed with Lime and made free froi thousand delivered, count guaranteed anc We refer you to Peoples National Bant bility, also to Postmaster and Express Aj Our Lettuce Plant aiso, and we will put on at same figures, at each station; commission deducted fror and secure agency. The Enterpri Meggetl The largest Potato Plant and Cabbage voted in South Catolina ai d Florida to pi MOTaMMananiniaaaBi HMOMMMMUtHMnBlWH j THE SAVIN1 ] "THE OLD ] . Capital Surplus. Liability of Stockholders A n > . r\ - j rroiecnon to ueposito A quarter of a century enables us to offer our CURITY. Have never los You are cordially invi with us. Savings Bank ? Leroy Springs, Prest. > w WE fe y. That January I each of our frieiu S health and pros si i a-ai Iiiope iuruier ir may attend you c Year and that wl has rolled arounc added much to y< Buying Groceric both your health jjj rarks L?roce] jjj E. S. PARK QiasasBSBSsssaESHsasasMgg? ' CONSULT DB. BEAM FREE! Telephone 365. ' ^ v i/t m ^4 B t 4 7 | Ifl I I L 15-YEAR GUARANTEE. Dlessage to Nervous People. If you are in need of Dental work and a*-e nervous and do not want to be hurt, come to our offices at once and we will gladly show you how we do Dental Work without Fain or Discomfort. WE LET YOU PAY AS YOU PLEASE. Gold Crowns _ p $Q Bridge Work UP From ?P?5 BALTIMORE DENTAL PARLOR, Inc. PAINLISS DENTISTRY 22 S. Tryon Street - CHARLOTTE, N. C. Qnntri CM'C IS THE ONLY GENUINE ARKlCfli SAPJE >, King of Externals, is tho original 'dy for Colds, Coughs, Pneumonia, t on. All druggists sell and gnaran. Have a botUp in the home?it may ver. $1.00, 60c and 25c. and Lettuce Plants, e Open Air. til April 1st, the FINEST ASSORTlunches of Fifty (50), correctly countto each Thousand purchased. These of Seed jOng Island, N. Y. Our plants ere m germs. Our prices are $1.50 per 1 prompt shipments, c. Charleston. S. C , as to our reliaifents, Meggetts, S. C. s are Frost Proof We want Agents to handle our plants n price of plants 10 per cent. Write se Plant Co., ts, S. C. Farm in the South. Fifty acres r'.eants alone. [12-5-3m] GS BANK jl RELIABLE." ^ $25,000.00 I 12,000.00 ; 25,000,00 J rs $62,000.00 of conservative banking j patrons ABSOLUTE SE- a it a dollar on loans. V ited to open an account I of Fort Mill, V. B. Meacham, Cashr. ?J = -ii LOPE 1 in st, 1913, found % Is enjoying good ? perity, and we ^ lat good health ft luring the New ? $ len another year ij] I you may have Q: [>ur bank acount. jj ks here will aid $ and pocketbook. $ ry Company, | S, Manager. * 0| asgssasasHs^sasgsagHsasglB ? y , . . ? 4 W ... . - ' ^? ?????a?, They Are. Here! I heve returned from the Tennessee markets with a second car load of fine young Mules, and am anxious for farmers and others to see this lot. Every Mule guaranteed. Prices right. |SAM MUSGRAVE AT MILLS & YOUNG'S STABLES. " I? 1 f i? I it i it Money to Lend \ On Improved Farm Property In sums of Three Hundred to < ? Ten Thousand Dollars. < > < > Term of Loan? < > < One to Ten Years. < > , i > | T. B. SPRATT. | J | Everybody Wins? i Not the rich man nor the lucky man, $ Where Prizes are things that money will buy, . * | ^ The rich will live and the poor will die. < > 4 So, come where? * ! | Everybody Wins 10 to 25 Per Cent. ij > On every dollar. Our goods are new and up-to-date. This is the reason <> . we are selling so many nice things. EVERYTHING for the House. ; Harris Furniture Company, I | ^ "First on the Square." f t. W. F. HARRIS HERBERT HARRIS JESSE HARRIS T FOR THAT TIGHT COUGH ===== ? When that cough of yours tightens up, the membranes become irritated and trouble you every time you take a breath, it's time you were using Nyal's Cherry Cough Syruo If neglected, the cough will surely rasp and tear the membranes of the throat and affect the bronchial tubes and lungs as well? A Cough in every instance paves the way to farther trouble Nyal'B Cherry Cough Syrup soothes and heals the irritated membranes, removes the tickling sensation, allays inflammation and prevents further infection. The first dose affords a grateful relief. Two Sizes?25c and 50c. / _______________ ??? Parks Drug Comp'y, Agency for Nyal's Family Remedies. \