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MAY BE BEAUTtt-tiL AT FORTY j Woman's Complexion and Figaro Can 1 Bo Prooorvod by Proper Diet Women should be specially carefu' to choose the right diet. For th< take of her beauty, if nothing else, a woman should choose the right J amount of nutritive foods, and avoid the temptations of overeat ing. Coarser bread, more fruit, less meat and especially moderation, or total abstinence, in the use of tea and coffee I will secure relief from the all too re- , tarded action of the digestive organ? < which is the curse of so many women ; who lead sedentary lives. No woman who eats properly and gets plenty oi ' fresh air and exercise will have a J poor complexion nor get too fat: nei- j ther will she suffer from nerves and hysteria. The woman who lives right, think? 1 right and works, right may be more ] beautiful at forty or sixty than at ! twenty, and the prescrvation of the ' divine gift of beauty is a duty that no woman should neglect for her own sake and the sake of the world about her.?Woman's Home Com- ; pnnion. j J TROOPS GUARD HOLY CARPET ! Bedouin Tribes of llo Desert Would Like to Steal the Sacred Islam Object. As is well known to Mohamme- < dans, but to few Ihiropeans, the 1 1 1 Holy Carpet always travels with an escort to and from the holy cities of i Medina and Mecca. This escort eon- | , sists of H00 to men of one of tlie 1 , Egyptian infantry regiments with1; two small field pieces ami two quick- j j firing guns, and about forty mount- j i od men, together with fheir horses. J The object of such a Htrong escort j, is to protect the sacred object from I! falling into the hands of the Bedouin tribes, through whose countries it must, pass at various stages of its iourncv and who nm nlsn on tho lookout for it, as the carpet is worth a fine ransom. Desperate attacks arc not in frequently made upon the Holy Carpet hy the Bedouiins of the desert. Hence the strength of the escort.?Egyptian Gazette. ( ^ JAPAN'S OLD FOLK. In view of the fact that the authorities intend to devote part, of the emperor's gift of money to the aged, investigations have I wen made as to the nutnlwr of old people above the age of seventy. It is stated that the number of t! ese and of those who will attain their seventieth year hv November 9 rencht s a largo figure nd that in Tokyo city alone lie* number of eligibles exceeds seventy thousand. Investigation now o i foot with n view to classifying those people into two gr<?ups, those supported iiy their families and those without toe help of^relatives, so as to ascertain the number of aged folk who need assist a m e.?,1a nan Adver 1 tiser. BURMS6E SUPERSTITION. A curious idi a among tho Burmesc ia that people Iwirn on the same day of the week must not marrv, Hid that if they defy the fates their union will he marked by much illluck. To prevent these disastrous marriages, ever)' girl carries a record of her birthday in her name, each day of the week having a letter belonging to it, and all children are called by a name which begins with that letter. It is rather hard if the lfaiys and Marks of Burma fall in love with each other as in this country. Unlike other Oriental lands, the young people are allowed to marry as taste dictates, subject only to the birthday restrictions. TAME. "George has told me all tho secrets of his past." "Mercy! What did vou think of them?" "I wee awfully dissppoinled." LET HER TALK. "I should like to secure sn audience with your wife." "If you will consent to l>e the audience it ought to l?e easy enough." NO HITCH. "Did her wedding go off without I hitch?" "It did, indeed?the man she wai : J!.l-U * ?UIU? IU BJMIiy (11(111 I snow up." A CHANGE. . MI? the bright young fellow I mel 'with you ill forging ahead?" ^ "No; he'* been fortrincr a hand/ >11 ? TAX RETURNS FOR 1*13. Offic* of the Couatj Auditor of Ydtfc County, S. C. Yorkville, S. C., Nov. 29,*1912. As required by statute, my books w'" Rt my office in Yorkville on WKUN&SUAX, JAKUAKY 1, 1913, I and kept open until FEBRTJARY 20. [ 1913, for the purpose of Hating for tax- I ation all PERSONAL and REAL Prop- ; erty held in Yurk county on January 1. ; 1913. Ail returns must be made in regular, form and it ia preferable that they be made by the property owner in person to me or my assistant, direct, o i blanks provided for the purpose. The returns must be duly sworn to either before me or my assistant, or some other officer qualified to administer an oath. All items of realty, whether farms or town lots, must be listed separately. Returns made on proper blanks, and ju/iirn tr\ Kofnro on nffinnr nnolifio/1 /* administer an oath and forwarded to me by registered mail before February 20, 1013, will be accepted. All taxpayers are particularly requested to inform themselves as to the number of their respective school dis- | tricts, and where they have property in more than one school district, tnev will ( |>lease make separate returns indicat- ! ing the location of each piece of prop- i erty. The school districts in which there are special levies are as follows: < Nos. 22. 23 and 27, in Bethel township; Nos. 6, 13, 14, 29, 33, 43 and 51 in Bethesda township; Nos. 9, 20, 38, 40 and | 14 in Broad River township; Nos. 9, 15, ' 20, 38, 40 and 48 in Bullock's Creek ' township; Nos. 12. 45, 46 and 52 in fa- \ tawba township; No3. 7, 12, 32, 35, 36 1 and 43, in Eoem zer townsh'p; Nos. ' 26. 28 and 39, in Fort Mill township; 1 < Nos. 2. 21, 22. 37, 41. 44 ana 49 in King's Mountain township; Nos. 11, 20, 1 21, 33. 35, 42, 43, 47. 48-and 49 in York i township. For the purpose of facilitating the ( taking of returns, and for the greater ] convenience of taxpayers, 1 will be at the following places on the dates named: 1 At Yorkville, from Thursday, February 6, until Thursday, February 20. i' All males between the ages of twen- ! i ty-one and sixty years, except Confed- i utate soldiers over the age of fifty I years, are liable to a poll tux of $1.00, I and all persons so liable are especially requested to give the numbers of their respective school districts in making uieir return*. It will be a matter of much accommodation to me if as many taxpayers as possible will meet me at the respective appointments mentioned above, so i us to avoid the rush at Yorkville during the closing days. BROADUS M. LOVE, County Auditor. Farms For Sale 121 acres within thrpp mil*** of Fnrt 1 Mill; five-room house, good well and two outhouses. Price per acre, $20. 134-acre tract, within four miles of Fort Mill, with tenant house and barn. Price, $1,650. 130-acre tract, three miles south of Fort Mtll; well improved, good house, barns, outhouses. Price, per acre, $30. 43-acre tract, within five miles of Fort Mill?the Clawson mill place. A bargain in this property if taken at once. CITY PROPERTY 6-room brick dwelling, located on i Main street in Fort MHI; lot 80x 140 1 feet. A splendid opportunity for in- i vestment. Price, $3,000. 6-room dwelling on Booth street in Fort Mil, half a block from Main street; 7-8 acre lot. Good house, good location. Price, $2,500. 5-room cottage on Elm street in ex- 1 cellent condition. We are prepared to furnish good terms on additions to this , property, Price, $l,0o0. 6-room residence, lot 125 x 220, on Booth street, half block from Main street. Price, $2,000. 5-room cottage on Monroe White street, next to Graded School. An excellent property and location. Price, $1,400. 4-room cottage on Leonidas street, good lot and gocd location. Offer it for $575. 2 3-4 acre lot, three cabins on same, located on Southern Railway. Best site in Fort Mill for business purposes. Price, $1,050. We can make easy terms in settlement for any of the above property, and will be pleased to have your offers. We have a number of other properties for sale not listed above. If you are interested, call and see us, or telephone us and we will call. It will pay ' you if you are considering any deals in real estate to see us before committing yourself. RAIIFS ft, I INK Rrnlrsrc mrmmmmstmw l/l VI1VI Over Ardrey'a Drug Store, Telephone 126, FORT MILL S C. i FREE VOTE COUPON. I I ~T~ J J Cut out this coupon and 7 j| present it at McElhaney's ^ 4 store and he will exchange 4 5 if fr\r ^wpntv.Av* vnfAa in % jr. V I vr? V ?? I 1J V. T wvv.*j III ^ 2 the $400 Piano Contest, ? fga^lgg-ggj kinc'S NEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. - ' THIS COUPON IB GOOD FOR 25 VOTES IN THE BIG PR1ZR CONTEST IF CLIPPED PRbM THE TIMES AND PRESENTED AT THE STORE OF THE mii/ls Ik vnxrwo nn I FORT MILL, S. C. I A 'MOTHER'S LOVE. r The Instinct of Mother Greater and Stronger Than Anything in the Known World. we read a great deal about a Mother's Love and it is alright? but we read more about a Mother's Instinct to preserve her young. When it is possible to buy for fifty cents or a dollar a certain and infallible remedy for Pneumonia, Croup and Colds, the marvel is that so many mothers do not make the purchase. This1 wonderful remedy is applied externally and will positively cure I colds, croups, and that dread disease, pneumonia. It is a remedy that has been on the market sev-*" eral years, contains no dope, no harmful ingredients, but .acts as no other medicine ever acted on the afflicted parts. All druggists sell this marvelous remedy ? Gowan's Preparation, and every home should contain a bottle. Frost-Proof Cabbage Grown in th We are prepared to ship from now ur MENT of CABBAGE PLANTS, tied in I ed, with an Extra Hundred Plants FREE Plants are raised from Frost-Pro which are grown especially for us on ! sprayed with Lime and made free fro thousand delivered, count guaranteed an We refer you to Peoples National Ban! bility, also to Postmaster and Express A Our Lettuce Plant also, and we will put on at same figures, at each station; commission -deducted froi and secure agency. THe Enterpri Megget The largest Potato Plant and Cabbage voted in South Catolina and Florida to p j THE SAVIN || ' "THE OLD Capital Surplus Liability of Stockholder! Protection to Depositc A quarter of a century enables us to offer our CURITY. Have never lo I You are cordially inv with us. I o n 1 || oavmgs Dank J Leroy Springs, Prest. laisesBszsgsasaasasasassasai 1 WE ? |S| That January 1 'S each of our frien d health and pros pi hope further tl K may attend you < H Year and that w S has rolled aroun< $ added much to y 111 p\ Buying Groceri< Eootn your health Parks Groce E. S. PARK [ UasasassasagsBsasasBsasi i v_ , -vy, I ' ' * 'I'-:.' just TKnrx or vri A Four Hundred Boiler Piano Absolutely Giyen Away! That advertising is now a science is again demonstrated practically to the buying public of this section by the wonderful advertising system now employed by the enterprising business house of McElhaney & Co., who are going to give away ABSOLUTELY FREE to some one of their customers on August 1 the beautiful CLAXTON TARLOR GRAND PIANO Which is row on exhibition at their store. The Claxton sells for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS and is a HIGH CLASS instrument in every respect, GUARAN TEED by the makers for TEN YEARS. JUST THINK OF IT1 A Four hundred Dollar Piano to be GIVEN AWAY! A few years ago, if a merchant was to < do such a thing he would be considered a fit subject for an asylum, but conditions have changed, yet in the face of the enormous sum spent in advertising the fact of McElhaney & Co. giving away a $400 Piano is a stupendous undertaking and it clearly demonstrates their desire to be "always up to and a little ahead" of the spirit of the times. Every purchaser of $1.00 worth of goods :rom any department of their store will receive a coupon good for I loo votes on the Piano. The person presenting the largest number of votes i to them on August 1 will receive the piano absolutely free. No iavors will , be shown and every person will be , gi^en an equal chance. *lhe reputation : i njoyed by AicElhaney A: Co. for : "tquare dealing" insures this fact. | We think the buying people will appreciate this extremely liberal offer on the j I art of McElhaney & Co. and we pre- ' diet a lively scramble for votes. -Adv. ! ? | Pllpl-'l PH'<\ IS THE ONLY GENUINE arbssa salve and Lettuce Plants, e Open Air. itil April 1st, the FINEST ASSORTaunches of Fifty (50), correctly count- i 5 to ench Thousand purchased. These * of Seed [*ong Island, N. Y. Our plants are im Rerms. Our prices are $1.50 per d prompt shipments, k, Charleston, S. C., as to our reliagents, Meggetta, S. C. :s are Frost Proof We want Agents to handle our plants m price of plants 10 per cent. Write ise Plant Co., ts, S. C. ? Farm in the South. Fifty acres <lelants alone. [12-5-3m] amawMMuoMiMtl GS BANK I RELIABLE." | $25,000.00 I | 1 o ana no I *' i<.,uuu.uu y i 25,000,00 \ >rs $62,000.00 J ' of conservative banking 3 patrons ABSOLUTE SEst a dollar on loans, ited to open an account of Fort Mill, I W. B. Meacham, Cashr. j ?o"pe| 1st, 1913, found jgj us truju^nig goou (Jj jperity, and we g nat good health j* during the New ^ hen another year $ 1 you may have . H our bank acount. . $! U? ill ?!J HMi Here win ?m mi and pocketbook. ry Company, i !S, Manager. Qj [Hssssasasaszsasimggs^ial They Are Here! I I heve returned from the Ten- 1 H nessee markets with a second I car load of fine young Mules, I i ? -?: c? < unu ciin anAiuub ior iarmers and others to see this lot. Every Mule guaranteed. Prices right. SAM MUSGRAVE AT MILLS & YOUNG'S STABLES. f : i <?> ' > <fc .? <? *> ? < * > Money to Lend ! HHBIMHBBBBBBBBMUnBZMHI < ( On Improved Farm Property < In sums of Three Hundred to I Ten Thousand Dollars. o 1 ^ x Term of Loan? ? One to Ten Years. <? i> * > < * T. B. SPRATT. |; < > < t > ^ ? j j t il t < > ^ * ? ? *?<& $ ????? 1 " 1 ?? > | Everybody Wins?| Not the rich man nor the lucky man, for? f Where Prizes are things that money will buy, x I The rich will live and the poor will die. % T> 1 So, come where? X I Everybody Wins 10 to 25 Per Cent, jj * On every dollar. Our goods are new and up-to-date. This is the reason < * we are selling so many nice things. EVERYTHING for the House. < > i ===== ! | Harris Furniture Company, ii I "First on the Square." <; f W. F. HARRIS HERBERT HARRIS JESSE HARRIS < > t w FOR THAT TIGHT COUGH When that cough of yours tightens up, the membranes become irritated and trouble you every time you take a breath, it's time you were using Nyal's Cherry Cough Syrup If neglected, the cough will surely rasp and tear the membranes of the throat anrl afFonf frWu IimnnUiol t-c? ? * __ ? ? ? -?? ?>vw ?uv wiwuwum tuuea ana lungs as well? A Cough in every instance paves the way to farther trouble Nyal's Cherry Cough Syrup soothes and heals the irritated membranes, removes the tickling sensation, allays inflammation and prevents further infection. The first dose affords a grateful relief. ,J Two Sizes?25c and 50c. Parks Drug Comp'y, Agency for Nyal's Family Remedies. w - Hm