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THE FOKT MILL TIMES. | 1)?mU - ?Published ft?im. i> W. BRADFORD . Editor and Proprietor. Iomcuption Rates: One Year SI-28 Biz Months 66 The Tiroes Invites contributions on live subjects Bat doss not ssias to publish more than 200 words U any subject. The right is reserved to edit a ii a taa 2 LIE ! 1TW7 communicaiion Buominea iur yuvuvanvn. On application to the publisher, advertising tatas are made known to thoae intereated. Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. Entered at the postofflce at Fort Mill. S. C.. as tail matter of the second class. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1913. George Washing ton. All over the land the 22d of February. Washington's birthday, is celebrated. How shall any man add aught to the praise and eulogy of George Washington? History and biography, eloquence and poetry ! have exhausted their combined j efforts upon the successful leader; of the American Revolution and ' the founder of the American 11" C 1 a. J.: 1 ! repuouc?our nrsi great naiiunai hero. Every great crisis in the history of the world has found its great man to guide and control it. Call this providence or accident, the American revolution was no exception to it. Before the first murmurs of discontent were heard in that struggle the man was being prepared for the crisis. On the banks of the Potomac and Rappahannock, thirty years before Lexington! and Bunker Hill, a truthful and j manly boy was growing up, ' ripening into stalwart young manhood. With only the common school education of that day the young man was soon being educated in the broader school of nature and experience, in the great forest, under the open heavens, with his surveyor's chain and his sword, in the Indian wars, di !?tiding the frontier settlements from the ravage incursions. vi,. n ro ?i Fo?t. Ono of our neij.Th*>oriro o;iit0i f, in wK>m we hnv th.? uipiot corf df rce 1 as n>adp a very iherc.rjrh ir.v sti*?at ion of the eff?c? of rl t mw p:io< post < n ot?r home n? 1 chants. In answer to oit qiestior, "Will the new law liui t li e in me merchant," he ?e\ s: "V\ hile the plan was under consideration in Congress it had to meet the solid opposition of retailers' organizations. 'Iheir enmity vps based on the theory that the parcel post wou'd pro\e an immense advantage to the hip mail ord'r bouses. Now that the new delivery is about to become a tact, the wise country merchant is preparing to make the best of it. In investigating his opportunity under the new law the country merchant finds that th" bevt gives promise of being not half bad. 4'Whatever the big mail order house may have hoped for in the way of advantage under the flat rate, the zmie system tinaily adopted, gives a distinct advantage to the local retailer. Instead of hurting him it really ought to b<? of service to I. n . The bargain rate of the whole system is the rale between the rural delivery center and ail points on the outlying routes. The rural routes r?'t the local rate. That is toNjay, a package will he taken to any point on a rural route for the same rate paid for the delivery of packages within the town limits. This local rate is five cents for the first pound, and one cent a pound for the other ten. An eleven pound package at the local rat*1 W'oiitd be delivered for 15 cents. When you locate the delivery of the package at tin- far end of a enimii-u ivmfn if the 1w??j1 package delivery bargain offered . in this country. VVnile the country towi. ir.oiv1 .utt li-ig this local bargain raie ine b:j. mail order house is paying a high rate that increases in proportion to the distance of the house from , mSbR." its patron. The country mer-j chant not only has an advantage ' in the rate, but his natural advantages in time is materially augmented. The rural telephone is now the concomitant of the, rural route. Where both are available all that is required is a little forethought in early ordering, and goods may be delivered from town on the same day the order is phoned in." If you have made up your mind to live in a town; then stand up for it, and if you know positively no good, then silence is golden. Do all you can to help along every man who is engaged in legitimate business. Do not send away for everything nice you want and still expect the home men to suit the whin*, of one or two possible purchasers. The success of your fellow townsman will be your success. No man liveth to himself and no man does business independent of his fellow business men. Take your home paper. Do not imagine that the big dailies fill up all this space. There are many little crevices of good cheer, social sunshine, personal mention, in the home paper that the big dailies do not print. Then do not abuse your neighbor. The main difference in the number ef his faults and your own is that you see through a magnifying glass as a critic. The ill-omened, the croaker, can do more harm in a minute than two good citizens can repair in a month. When a man dies it is a noticeable fact that many people have good words to say about him and perform in an ostentatious manner many kind acts toward'hifrn His former competitors in business attehd the funeral and perform many kindly offices for the I dead, when he is fairly out of the way. Now, if these kind words were said when he was alive and pulling hard against , the stream, he would have ap5 predated it more. But we have noticed at funerals men who a ; few days or weeks before could not find words mean enough to us? against, the poor man in the coffin. You might as well stay away. The kindly < ffices after death are not appreciated by the n.un in the box, and the folks at A.e funeral only smile in their \ - s ? i d * ze you up. Give your good \voil.> when they are nocihu Do \' ur g< od works when thi y v\ 1.1 d?. go? d. Do not throw i i iho thin gauze of syn pa'.hy at the fu icral; everybody n cv thio'igl- it. I ni ^riue 1 oiu' Frit nds K- r .ur < ks regit use- Dr s i w J.ile I'i 1?. '1 h?*v stiir.ulat* . > i-,* (1igt - tion, remov< nloou impur fit s, j M.ipl"- aid eruption! Hi .sappem; . rc>n yyur jace and hod> and ynu it id better. Begin at once. ;?Uj u: AWrt-y ? More, Fort Mil LhUi, Co. ar. Parks Drujr Co. (AdverMpement.) Mr. and Mrs. F. W'f Farnsworth, of Dayton, Tonn., ar? jT'it'.sts at the home of Mr. B. F. Masfoy, <>t" tbo township. Are You r. Cold Sufferer? T.<ke Dr. K'rg'n Now Discovery. ThBest C'"U|?h. Cold, Throat arid Lun; medicine made. Do n a heaitate?tak it a. on iisrv. First doae hclpa. J. R Wells, Fiujda?la T?x a, writes: "Dr Kn ?, '? New Di covi ry cured niv terri !>;? c< ujji and cold. 1 rained Impounds.'' IJmv it at Ai*drey'? Dr je Store, l'ark: Drug Co. and Fi rt Mill Drupf Co. (Advertisement.) ON li (INI A WOK L MINIMI J M <: H A1 ?I F., 2fi(k FOit Sftl.K?One hiie, pcrfectl;. , marked R"j;it|t-r* ii Berkshire Sow ou of , 100 tiuar.- II au two a ironic liltei of nine u eieven pigs. Bargain fo qu iI. ...i . i.'.riiwoi.d Fan:., S. t Brule- , Proprietor. FOR SAI.F- A few bushels of Mar: , boro Prolific Seed Cor;:, in ear. at $1.5? per bushel. W. M. Aakins, Foji i Mill, S. C. FOR SALE?I ha?e several t*o< ' mu!? that 1 will sell cheap for cash ? i i on time. A. 11. MeF.LHANEY. !< OR SALE A few BufF Orpi.ngtc Cockerels a $1.00 to $2.00. T. A. Mill . Frost Pi oof Cafcbag; Plants. Are Now Ready. Send 75c For 5(0 Send $1 23 for 1,0(0 S-'m! $.;.2T> for .... 8,000 Mend 5.1-0 for ..... 5.(M J Col r/e.ti- u 9UKKostions fre. . Atfe Os w A' ted. WAKEFIELD FARMS, C.iUriOtle, N. C. i * s ^ / f Dr. King's New Discovery Soothe* irritated throat and lungs, stops chronic and hacking cough, relieves tickling throat, tastes nice. Take so other; one* used, always used. Buy it at Fort Mill Drug Oa, Parks Drug Co. and Ardrev's Drug Store. (Advertisement.) BRONCHITIS SUFFERER Takes Druggist's Advice With Splendid Result. If anyone should know the worth of a medicine. It is the retail druggist who sells It over his counter every day in the week, and Is In a position to know what remedy gives the best satisfaction. Mrs. Frank H. Uline, of West Sand Lake, N. Y., says: "For a number of years I was a great suXerer from bronchitis. Last July I had r*n attack wuicii was more severe man any, ana my friends thought I could not recover from It. Then I was advised by my druggist to try Yinol, which I did, with wonderful results. My cough has left me; I have gained In weight and appetite, and I am as strong as ever I was. I advise all who have bronchitis, chronic coughs, or who are run down to try Vinol." \ It ie the combined action of the medicinal curative elements of the cod's liver, without the greasy oil, aided by the blood-making and strength-creating properties of tonio Iron that makes Vinol so efficient Remember, we guarantee Vinol o do Just what we say ? we . iy back your money it- it does not W. B. ARDREY. Druggist, FORT MILL, S. C. A Word About Lumber. Our big yard contains material for all purposes. We've the variety. Our prices are within the reach of sensible buyers. Good Judgment invariably results in the selection of Lumber from our yardf and sheds. Get an estimate fron i us on ail jobs?large or small. J. J. FAILES. CONSULT DR. EEAM FREE! Telephone 265. 15-YEAR GUARANTEE. Message to Nervous People If you are in need ?>f Dental work and a?'e nervous and do not want to be hurt, come to our offices at once and we will gl; dlv show you how we do Dental Work without ) uin or Discomfort. WE LET YOU PAY AS YOU PLEASE. Gold Crowns ~ Bridge Work Jp From EALTittOfa DENTAL PARLOR, Inc. r.' INL'i'3 DtmiSTSY 22 S. Tryon Street - CHARLOttE, N. ( i 1 A I ? redi<ent? fo 5 QnLY the very best in JUST what you want ti (3^ time with all delive JvJeVER fails to give sa J^ARN 1ST desire to wi | So, when you are I JONES, I' y > ! South Ci According visited the Wir Raisi If you are4 For Feb'y 3 Cans Be 3 Packs C 3 lbs. Best 4 pounds 3 pounds 2 1-2 lbs 1-4 Bushe 98 lbs. Di (Others ? If your hen headquarters f< All kinds Se M'E 1 SEED FOR the EARLY PLANTER We have our 1013 Garden Seeds on display, so as to supply the early planters. As usual, we haves this year FERRY'S SEED The Old Reliable. They always bring forth a good stand.' Experience has taught that Ferry's Seed are best adapted to this climate, both as a germinator and producer. Don't forget thai Haile'3 is is the place and Ferry's are the seeds for results. FORT MILL DRUG COMFY, ) J. R. HA1LE, Manager. WANTi'.D?You to add 125 votes to your standing in th<- I'iano Contest by sending in a new subscription or a removal subscription to The Times on ' next Saturday. Offer good for one " day only. r Whit*1 Fr?-it Cakes. A Groceries, tat's good to eat. :ries. t^faction. n your trade, ry, Phone 14 or 8. -IE GROCER. __ I X I 1 i seasaga V arolina Raises Corn, \ to the opinion of people who ffrpnf rnfn cVinur in r^i i unki a I I W a -www***. WW* A* OllVTf AAA X^VAUAAAk/AUa w ) Cain and Cut Prices. 'from Missouri" compare prices. 20, 21, 22 and 25: jst Grade Corn for _ 25c iatmeal or Post Toasties 25c 1 : California Peaches .2 5c I r\ i *v . i & . ? - ? Best Dried Apples 25c Choice Raisins....: 25c Roasted Coffee 50c 1 Irish Potatoes [eating] 25c j amond Flour $2.85 isk $3.10 to $3.20 for same grade Flour) s are not laying, see us. We are or poultry foods and medicines, ed Irish Potatoes just in. LH ANEY'S T I Plione us for | m 1 I A LI 1 It ^ i tiest quality, Prompt Delivery, 'Phone 15. ' n n STEWART GULP. i 111 EDI Jl 13===iil=it=]i==3E====:jl=l jcmzz ij*"WTM? waa&cjn IM B A C II A m & EP PS I EMBROIDERY SALE. | Beginning Wednesday morning wo will sell Beautiful Embroidery Flouncing at SPECIAL PRICES. I BIG BARGAINS: \ ? 42-incli Embroidery Flouncing at . . 75c ji 24-inch " 41 " 50c 24-inch " " " 25c i r*n m o o -rl C _ Wvr***v/ uiiu oee. ^ | Meacham & Epps. | ^ Did it corpe from fcpps'? If so^ don't worry. % / C I 1 E ft &