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jjj|p-;, FORT MJLL, S. C. { 8ENERAI INFORMATION. ( Crfiy GOVERNMENT. i A. R. McELHANEY Mayor i S. W. PARKS Clerk ., J. J. COLTHARP...Chief Police DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. No. 81 Southbound 5:35 a. m. I ? ? ? No. 85 Southbound 7:12 a. m. I No. 27 Southbound 6:12 p. m. 1 No. 86 Northbound 8:50 a. m. No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. No. 32 Northbound 9:27 p. m. i Note?Trains 31 and 32 atop at ? . Fort Mill only when flagged. 1 V MAILS CLOSE. v For train No. 36 8:30 a. m. For train No. 27 4:50 p. m. i For train No. 28 6:00 p. m. Note?No mail is despatched on trains 31, 32 and 36. Trains 27 I And 9ft dn nnt hondlo moil Qnndou SPOSTOFFICE HOURS. 1 Daily 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. 1 Sunday 9:30 to 10 a. B to 5:30 p. a. 1 SHORT ITEMS of INTFRFcto TIMES READERS. Born Monday night to Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Cu!p, a daughter. Born Monday night to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carter, of the township, a daughter. S. Ferris, a local Syrian merchant, is carrying his left hand in a sling as the result of the accidental discharge a few days ago of a pistol, the bullet from which passed through the flesh part of his hand. In the House Saturday a bill by Representative Hutchison, of York, to enlarge the discretion of the supervisor of York county as to building and working certain public roads in said county, was passed to third reading. A party of young1 sports, merely boys, who were engaging in a game of poker, were taken in tow Saturday night in a patch of woods just north of town by Constable J. C. McElhaney and Police Officer Coltharp. The boys were fined $10 each. Mayor A. R. McElhaney has issued an edict to the effect that any person, regardless of age, color or sex, who is found guilty in his court during the year of ^ selling whiskey will be punished by a fine of not less than $100 or a road term of thirty days. Next Thursday, February 20, is the last day on which tax returns for 1913 may be made. The returns may be made up to that date on blanks provided for the purpose and sworn to before an officer authorized to administer an oath. Better attend to this if you have not made your return. Telegraph companies operating in this State have submitted to the South Carolina railroad commission scale of reduced rates for transferring of money by telegraph between points in North America. These reductions were approved by the commission to become effective on March 1 of this year. The secretary of the national treasury has ordered the engraving of the plates for the new $1 treasury notes. Eighteen months will be required to put in circulation this new money, which will be only two-thirds the size of the existing currency. A vignette of Washington will adorn the face of the bill. The firm of McElhaney & Co. have on display in their west show window the $400 grand piano which the firm will give away as a prize on August 1, next. Interest in the contest for the instrument has waxed warm during the last few days and several contestants already number their votes well up into the thousands. Times readers should not fail to read the opening chapters of "The Women's Candidate," a new serial story 'which begins in this week's issue. "The Women's Candidate" is a story of ten girls and one man at a summer resort, in the days of universal suffrage, and is replete with situations as ridiculous as they ! are daring, but wholesome and up to the minute. Rev. J. D. Moore, of Columbia, secretary of the State Baptist Sunday School association, will visit Fort Mill on next Sunday, | and in the morning will address the school of the local Baptist, rhnreh In the afternoon Rev. Mr. Moore will speak to the, Flint Hill school, both his addresses beitiK in the interest of Sunday school work. / I Hey ward Hutch, a negro whose j reputation is said to be anything i but good, was brought to Fort Mill from Charlotte Monday afternoon, having been arrested : in the latter city hy Constable Edward Garrison upon a warrant charging him with assault and battery The assault with which j Hutch is charged was committed in the Gold Hill section of Fort Mill township last fall, when he attempted to end the earthly career of one Nat White, colored. oy lining White's lower ex-, tremities with shot from a double-1 barrel gun. Hutch was com-, mitted to York jail Tueseay to await trial. For the third time within the last few months, the store of McElhaney & Company, Main street mercharcS, was entered by burglars sometime during Sunday nigh.. By the use of a knife a ho1 ? large enough to insert a cro- < bar was cut between the rear joors and the doors were then prized open. The burglars - tempted to open the safe in the office, but were unsuccessful, only damaging it by prizing off the combination knob. Up to this time Mr. McElhaney has missed no goods from his stock, and there is no olne ns to who entered the building. The News of Gold Hill. Fort Mill Times Correspondence. Gold Hill, Feb. 11. ?A great many progressive farmers of this section attended the corn show in Columbia last week, and they were very much pleased with the various exhibits. Rev. Hair enumerated to his congregation at Flint Hill Sabbath morning the proceedings of the National Lay mens' Convention, which was held in Chattanooga last week. He quoted from many of the strikimg addresses delivered before the convention in his own forceful manner. All who were present enjoyed it very much, and those j who were not present missed | something they should have heard. Tne Gold Hill school is running along smoothly with an enrollment of 87 and a good average attendance. The honor roll students for the month ending Friday were: Earle Bailes, Winnie Crook and Rrice Windle. The hunters of this community are anticipating a regular oldtime fox chase in a few nights. Should anyone hear the sweet anisic ol the hounds between midnight and day, say to yourself, "Oh, it is a real fox chase." The writer is glad to see that the Legislature is quiet on the compulsory education subject. The gentlemen in Columbia should not fail to increase the tax for the benefit of the common schools. That is what we needtaxation and not computation. "Dr. Ehrlich Kurr." A Mother's Devotion. Mother's love is a love that passes understanding, and it exhibits itself in all animate creation. The mother hen would fight an elephant in the defense of her young, and a mother always exhibits wonderful consideration for her offspring. That is why a mother is thoughtful for the health of her child, and the Mother is the one who sees to it that a bottle of Gowans, King of Externals, is always in the home, because Gowans scatters inflamation. Croup is inflamation, Gowans, just rubbed on, scatters colds and croups, and often prevents pneumonia. Ml druggists sell Gowans and guarantee it. No dangerous drugs. It absorbs and is the thing for the infant. Buy today.?Adv. Wax-Oil Is a splendid Furniture Polish and a bottle should be kept in every home. Wax-Oil Is less expensive and less troublesome to apply than any wax preparation for floors and any wood work. It renews the lustre, disinfects and prevents the: Stain or Daint from WPflrinor aurau ? w....D M?f MJ and keeps down the dust. 25 cents the quart and a quart will go over the entire house. Just saturate a cloth and rub over, then polish with a dry cloth. Ardrey's Drug Store, nrwnnnnp f MWgjnrx ' " y.' 1 The ( ;z H Saw <T %> If III I But that won'l 11 We are already f Sewing, such as * Goods, Etc. if < H W re show I all the very new ft hrench Calf, Vic ft more shoes than ft ft the shoe busines 11 t how we keep it. + the new ones. 11 ft Men if you w f| what we are off' * and we need m< ft ^ > T i- ^ ? J . . ^[-JCIICU. cX jl no rival. Old s! shirt at 50c to $ ?1 S Mills > 4>\Z }' > Frost-Procf Cabbage Grown in th We are prepar< d to ship from now ur MENT of CABBAGE PLANTS, tied in I ed, with an Extra Hundred Plants FREE Plants are raised from Frost-Pro which are grown especially for us on I sprayed with Lime and made free fro thousand delivered, count guaranteed am We refer you to Peoples National Banl hilit V a !?n to Pnatmoufoi- Qr?ri A -j , ?ww .v - www...m?'w*-* uuu ua coo rv Our Lettuce Plant also, and we will put on at same figures, at each station; commission deducted froi and secure agency. The Enterpri Megget The largest Potato Plant and Cabbage voted in South Catolina and Florida to pi INDIGESTION FIVE YEARS I Relieved by Vinol. Strength and oven life Itself depends upon the nourishment and proper assimilation of food, and unless digestion is good, the whole body suffers. Mrs. L. D. Cook, Vlneland, N. J.p I says: "I was sick five years with Indigestion. My stomach seemed to have a heavy load In It, and at other times It seemed to be tied in knots. Kobody knows how I suffered. "I tried a great many doctors and & great many kinds of medicine, but nothing did any good until I took "Vinol. It has helped me wonderfully. 1 am improving fast, feel better and am getting my flesh back again. Vinol has done me a world of good." We know the great power of Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil. In curing chronic stomach trouble and building up aU weakened, run-down persons, and that is why we guarantee to return your money if it does not help you. W. E. AUDREY. Drugffist, FORT MILL, S. C. Dr. King's New Discovery KILLS THE COUGH. CUBE* THE LUNGS. I m > h V V * J ' $+$+i*&+<$+&+<*+$+&+*+W+* ?N iroundho r His Shadow t stop Spring Goods fr< showing quite a lot of Ginghams, Percales, F )xfords, Pun ing about twelve hund est creations, Pat. Lec :i, Kangaroo, White Bi . all the well, we wc is of this community. "Better shoes at mo ear Pants and want a | ering right now. Sprii are room and money. Best Shirt Made big lot of Ferguson-IV hirt men "on the road' 1.50. & Your Dry Goods, Clothin and Lettuce Plants, 1 e Open Air. P _ !j itil April 1st. the FINEST ASSORT- P lunches of Fifty (50), correctly count- L 1 to each Thousand purchased. These Jj u of Seed jj Lonfc Island, N. Y. Our plants are Jj m tferms. Our prices are $1.50 per [] :1 prompt shipments. n C. Charleston. S. C on to on. " gents, Meggetts, S. C. | s are Frost Proof jj We want Agents to handle our plants p n price of plants 10 per cent. Write L G se Plant Co., ; t8, S. C. r Farm in the South. Fifty acres de- f ants alone. [12-5-3m] Jj II t A Word About Lumber. Our bif? yard contains materia! for ail purposes. We've the variety. Our prices are within the reach of sensible buyers. Good Judgment invariably results in the selec t 1 * ' liuii im L/umutr irom cur yards I and sheds. Get an estimate from I us on all jobs ?larpre or small. 8 J. J. BAILES. OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale at I The Times office. KING'S NEW LIFE PILLS ! The Pills That Do Cure. I ^SSSSl ==ss=sseaaammamm '^-:^M g Came Out, | and Went Back. J 'tl Dm coming in on every freight train. new Cotton Piece Goods for early ^iques, Linen Suitings, Crash, White |i: ips, Sandals. | red pairs of Oxfords and Pumps in || ither, Gunmetal, Tan, Russia Calf, II jck and Canvas. We buy and7 sell | : n't say it, but do know that we have | I And you know hov we got it and || derate prices, see?" You should see |f pair downright cheap you should see j | ng Pants will be here in a few days < | Hence, a Big Reduction in Pants. +1 i For the Price. i | IcKinney Spring Shirts which have * * say that no shirt made equals this f f it I:: ~~ ~ ill tg Company, | g and Shoe Dept. |i> ^ v $*$* $*?? 3]5H5gggSH5H5aH5H5H5a55a5H}B5H55a?IBga5H5a5g5tSa5g5c 15 WE HOPE U That January 1st, 1913, found B 3 each of our friends enjoying good S 3 health and prosperity, and we ft 3 liope further that good health K jj may attend you during the New a | Year and that when another year 3 has rolled around you may have ?| j| added much to your bank acount. |j 3 Buying Groceries here will aid | C both your health and pocketbook. ? jj Parks Grocery Company, 1 [ E. S. PARKS, Manager. [3| 3lH5H5E5H5ga55H5a5a5S5-g5a5lH5a55H55Ha5H5a5rg555H5a5aBl THE SAVINGS BANK WM "THE OLD RELIABLE." Capital $25,000.00 Surplus 12,000.00 Liability of Stockholders. 25,000,00 J (Protection to Depositors $62,000.00 I A quarter of a century of conservative banking | _ ? i - enaoics us to otter our patrons ABSOLUTE SE- j? I CURITY. Have never lost a dollar on loans. (I J You are cordially invited to open an account IJ i with us. J Savings Bank of Fort . Mill, || J Leroy Springs, Prest. W. B. Meacham, Cashr. || * I