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QW' W. 1 wot yd Horrible Pestilences Swept Off the Pop groun NEW YORK.?Adele Clot Con- | verRe. famous beauty. In Jewels, silks and furs, stepped from her limouBine after an evening spent at the opera. She hummed a little tune ar.d laughed front the Joy of living as her fnther helped her up the 6teps of his Paris mansion. She loved Paris, loved the society, loved the ealetv of the Pronrh rnnltnl \'<'W York and San Francisco wcro well enough?but there was nothing to compare with Paris She had come for a three months' visit and she was going to make the most of it. "It was glorious, wasn't It. father?" she beamed. "The lights, the gowns A butler, bearing an envelope on a silver tray, stood before her. "A cablegram for madam." She opened it quickly and rend this startling message: "Will you face death in Iqultos two years with me? Great danger, no comforts. Wonderful work for humanity." It was signed?"Oeorge." Adele Clot Converse, once one of the most sought after young women in New York and San Francisco society. caught her breath. Just for a moment she nervously twisted in her fingers a rope of pearls that dropped from her throat. Sh~ read the cablegram over again She handed It to her fnfher He read it "Well?" he questioned. A servant had brought her a cable blank. She wrote her husband's ad dress. "Dr. George Marquis Converse. Public Health ami Marine Service. Washington. D. C.. U. S A ." Without hesitation she stnrted her answer, "C?" she began. J'hen the Ink in the fountain pen ceased to tlow She shook it impatiently, almost frantically. as if seconds were precious in getting the answer back to America "C?" she wrote again Her father, looking over her shoulder, said halt aloud. "Cannot?" There wus a nourish of the pen. a shrug and Adele Clot Converse smiled < I Babies Were Cut In Two. proudly as she held up the message si 'ler father could read It. There it was?unequivocal, terse: "Certainly?Adele." Father's Protest Unheeded. She folded the paper and thrust 1 into the butler's hands. "Send It. Horry," she ordered am watched him until he left the room. "But. Adele?" her father began "Please don't argue." she smiled "I !s settled." "But where la this Iquitos place, urn Wiiy should anybody go there?" "I haven't the slightest Idea," sh said flrrnlv "Then why In the name of conuno: sense?" "Because George evidently want me to." That's how It came about that Mn p Converse, Pr Converse and thel three-year-old baby Jack are today o a little steamer, chugging up the Ami ton river, on their way to Iquitoi Peril! threading fhe rhnnnol n-r.^? through a matted forest which howl with monkeys and flashes emeral and turquoise and Is scarlet with trop cal birds and butterflies They're going to the vortex of loathsome whirlpool Around thei wild Indians will slay each other, br gands will rob; within a day's ride < vJhUb sLi Li. v??-? & , --,' ulation "Death's Favorite fl^H their homo women slaves will in rubber foreBt under the lnsl^^^^Hj brutes despeartely eager to gnthi^^^^^H fortune, determined to go bnck to lization rich. Disease will be where. Life can be bought for a of crude rubber. Money. monc^^^^H hi any sacrince. Unit ts M code in the forests about Iquttos. Would Brook No Delay. So quickly did she act, this dau^H^^H tor of a banker many times a mtll^^H^E aire, that she had her trunks pac^^Hjfl and her passage to New York enga^J^^fl before she received a letter from husband, telling the details of this^BS^I peditlon into the heart of the rub^^H^| forests Peru. Comforts, luxuries. cntcrtalnmeiH H without regret she turned from tt^^^H| to go to tight side by side with I H husband who had been chosen by Peruvian government to bring hei^^^^H into the most disease-ridden city^J^^J the As for his going alone?that possible In the first place. Mrs. verse wouldn't have consented separation for two years. In the ond. his duties in Death's favorite t^H^H reation ground were such that would need the aid of his wife. Before accepting the Peruvian slon. Br. Converse talked the mat^^^l over with his brother officers In service. They told him that his nHH chance to live to rlean up a tropi^^^B pesthole that is menacing health the Panama canal would be to set In Iqultos a personal estnblishmc^^^H governed by the strictest rules of lie must live In a rat-proof and sect-proof house, which must be sterilized from top to bottom to I^B|B the death floating in the mtasmlc of the jungle. Utensils must be bcii^^^H ed always before use; all food be cooked, except fruit, which be sculded; cooked food if tourt^^^^ by a fly or other Insect, must thrown away; clothing must be ca^H^B fully sterilized, and only certain f^^^H ries must be worn; the house. course, must be kept scrupulou^^^H Love Called for Sacrifice. Money could not buy the sort noiiRt'iioia service me preservation Dr. Converse's health and life woi^HB demand; only love could he relied to give such service, never to in Its adherence to the scientific ru^^^B of hygiene. So he must take l^HH young wife with him to the plagt^HB stricken city. Her work in mainta^^H lng a sanitary household in lquit^^U would he fully as important a part the government mission as her ht^HI band's and fully as dangerous I)r. Converse didn't need the a month tho Peruvian governrneSH| contracted to pay htm for two yeaaHfl service. The Converse family is wfl|| known In California and has lan^^HE and wealth In abundance, and youHHj Cleorgo Converse went Into the pub^^^B health and marine hospital service cause he wanted to amount to son^^^H thing; because a life of uselcssne^^H held no charms for him. 811 "Suburb of Hell." J Men who have come out of Iquit(^U0 alive call It "a suburb of hell." Thei^^H are no "old Inhabitants" In Iqulto|^^| They talk of events of a year ago an^^| believe they are discussing histnrj^H 1 Men visit Iquitos us a river visits sunken treasure ship; they enter th^H ^ city as a fireman enters n hurnln^^| building, rendy to flee as soon as th< B^B find that which they seek. 1 The rubber trade must bear th^H blame for this. When Charles Cnoc^H year discovered the process for turr^H ing crude rubber Into an article o^H ? commerce there was n wild rush oH adventurers Into the forest regions n South America. Here gold gr?-w jr|i d trees. Rubber gathering is slow worfc. o s Impatience brought out the brut-.- In e t> ese men. They made slaves c?f the 1 Indians who lived in the mnntana. as t r the forest region Is called \ c n Whispered tales began to ci)me out r *- of the Amazon rubber district, espe- o 3- dally from the Putumnyo district at the northern end of it?bl <o<t curdling H tales of barbarous cruelties and tor* lures?old women locked Into cribs d I- and Btarved to death because they (I were too feeble to gather the quota a of rubber their drivers demanded of e it them; babies cut In two with one 1- stroke of the mache e when their 1 >f mothers protested that they must 1 I I he ^1 *e >r s H v f< B^t h ti HH^HnBH HHi 5 H^^HBj^HHH t B^^^^HBHIBBB !: f ; Ci ;s a it T & d F J K it R o ; it F I ' B i" I c HHHi a SBB^^HhIB' n HHi j v hhh hhh HH|HHH|r | ^B | I n luring processionals The second echo >rgan. in the prayer room at the othei nd of the tabernacle, can he played ndependently of the great organ or by he organist at the main console The I trganist can also sit at the prayer oom organ and operate tho malr : >rgnn. . Hypocrites. Mayor I..unn of Schenectady was llHCusslng a certain smug type of unlesirables. "The motto of these chaps." he ml/1 ^" Ittmf pc rum tu UV " 'It Isn't what a man thinks it an't even what he says and does t'a what he gets caught in.' " low WALKS MOST ANYWHERE j ut for Fifteen Long Years, Mr*. Dickson Could Not Stand on Her Feet for Any Length of Time. Pallas, Tox.?"I cannot recommend ardui. the woman's tonic, too highly." writes Mrs. R. J. Dickson, of 2907 ryan Street, this city. "It Is tho reatest boon to those suffering from ronianly trouble, in existence. For 15 years, I was a sufferer from ach severe pains, caused from woman* trouble, 1 could not walk, or even tand on my feet, long at a time. I ! lso had backaches and headaches. I omiuenced taking Cardui, the worn- cc n's tonic, and now 1 can walk anyrhere I want to. do my own work, and , eel better than I have for ten years. I am so thankful that I took your 1 tediclne, as 1 feel like a new woman ntlr.iU My advice to all women Is to try 1 'sruui. the woman's tonic, when they j ..j ?el they need a tonic, as it will cor- I j ainly do for them, what it has douo jr me." I ni Cardui goes to the weak spots and I rips to make them strong. It is for le tie weak, tired, nervous irritable j of omen, who feel as though everything fc ere wrong, and who need something j 3 quiet their restless nerves, and o) trengtlien tlieir worn-out systems. , Thousands of women now enjoy ' ( ood health as a result of taking Carut. Why not you? Try it. At all r; ruggists. ? M N. P.?H'rltt tr: Chattanooga Medicine Co.. I.adin* .dvuory Department, ChatUm*nja, Tcnnr*#**. for '?ei.11 Inrtruiti'fti t?n your caw and I >00 It. "Doom fulfil nit f of Woman." ten tn plain nffipfUfi Adv. In a Literal Sense. W Juvenile remarks arc not always so 1,1 aughty as they seem. Small Sam. for 1 lstance. had no Intention of using bad ^ tnguage when he got into such severe ei rouble in class. ! ? His teacher was trying to press j ome certain fncts concerning a vol- I ano. In reviewing the lesson she, j 11-w on inc niaciux.aru nor own conoption of u tlamitig mountain, using j. oiored crayon with extraordinary ef?ct. I ^ "What is it?" she asked, the picture nished. | ot The scholars shook puzzled heads. , "Yoti don't know? Well, what does ; look like?" the teacher persisted. Piped Sanimle, whose home boasts colored pictorial Rible. "I think it looks like hell."?Chicago tl '.ecord-1 lerald. ECZEMA FOR TEN YEARS : tii 1S09 Idttle Walsh St.. Baltimore, s'< Id.?"I was nfflicted with eczema for bout ten years, the most tormenting nd agonizing. It was dry eczema, all tchlng. It was scratch, scratch, cratch and burn. burn. burn. Ry di crntching I brought sores which cabbed. I tried all remedies which I new or neara or; some Rave me ternorary relief, but none permanent ' ure. I couldn't Bleep for scratching, si! fter which there was burning. 1 saw ^ be advertisement for free samples of 'uticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment nd wrote for them. They did me he ood immediately and I then bought a iox of Cuticura Ointment and a cake f Cuticura Soap. I was cured In two keeks" (Signed) George Wooden, st' an. 21. 1012. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold hroughout the world. Sample of each 8,1 ree, with 32 p. Skin Tlook. Address ost-card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Doston.' idv. d( Some men begin to economize after , larriage by growing whiskers. co It takes a genius to save money or rrite good poetrv. is II II Have You II S1 | Do you start fj you? You ( $ cumstances. and every or* Dr. Pierces G IB ' Will ] I Dr. R. V. Pi ere extract of Golc 3 queen's root am y, would aid in 11 ^ stomach, corrcc I# enrich the blooc jr, sequently help in U who have used i )r R tify that they hav 'c from stomach and start today to lead A'oir?if yn L Favorite 7J g at$lperbi H stamps to 1 B Yon can ?carn all ab< j People's Common Sen ? reviser!, up-to-date ec ^ ]K)Ht-paid, for 31 cent! w and mailing only. Ad | Don't be poisor | Pleasant Pellet I liver and bow GOT LEFT IN THE RUSH. I "Ruth is engaged to bo married the ' ^ niing winter." I cj "The mischief she is! I intended ! j i propose to that girl myself when jj got time." 4 Fair to All. n "Recently," 'says a Richmond man, ii received an invitation to the mar- b age of a young colored couple for- e erly in iny employ. 1 am quite sure o at all persona similarly favored were fi ft in little doubt as to the attitude w ' the couple. The invitation ran as a Hows: p " 'You nre Invited to the marriage b ' Mr. Henry Clay Barker and Miss \s >sephine Mortimer Dixon at the E suae of the bride's mother. All who innot come may send."?Lipplncott's h ngazinc. v e A Household Remedy. Which works from outside. CUES- \ OLi (Chest Ointment) will rellovo tl jickly croup, coughs, colds, pneu- si lonla and nil affections of chest and a iroaL Uso freely nnd RUB! HUB! ^ l*B! Now sold by all medicine deal's. Should be In every home. Burwell I' Dunn Co.. Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. Adv. d _! b Whipped Child's Protest. "Mamma whips you only when she is reason for it." "1 won't stand it any longer, papa! j m not married to her." . f C ii 1'iui r <11 i .ii 1 1 ANI) ill IU) I I' TIIE SYSTEM C Cake the oiil standard (iltiiYKS TAKTKI.KKA . 111.I. TllNll". You know wliut you ?r? taking. I n? formula la plainly prlnie.1 uu every linitlr. owing It Iftxlniply tjulnlno nml Iron In a nvMrless i rm. ami thi mo?l flrrlnkl fnrui. Kor grown _ *>plo uud children. bit iiuiu. A W g The Kind. | g "What would you recommend as ^ le fish diet for sailors?" a "Hoe, of course." j ? i n M1AKK INTO Yrtt'H SIIOKS Si Urn's loot-liim.. 11??- A Hilar pile powder for I nil. Itching. avvolli n. nervous frrt. Glvrl at nnil comfort Makes walking n d<-1 Irrli*. >lit i vrrywlu rc, ir-c. l>nn't ncccpt any tubUtile For KIIRI3 snntple address Allen S. limited. la Roy, N. Y. Adv. Real Test. fin bo -How do you tell a genuine ? amond from a fake? I ?. Steve?Try to hock it. bi ? DOKS YOt'R IIKAI) AC1IRT Try nicks' CAPUDINE. It's liquid?pleas- : fri it !< take - I'llertH Immediate?pond to prevent ui ck lleinlneheH nnil Nervoun llcndurliex ulno t< >nr money Dark If not Milistlnd. 10c., IkStf. ikud J, B. ut medicine Htoreu. Adv. Manv a woman nrnvs to ret into I ' ~ ? I ;aven and lights to net into society. I)r. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar routed, _ ,s v to take as cumlv. regulate ami Invigorate a utnach, llvurand ImjwgIm. Douotgrlpo. Adv. I Ej When fools are Kind wise men are i LI id. ~ It takes a practical fisherman to u itect the lie in a flsh story. J< ITCH Relieved in 30 Minute*. iVoolfonl'H Hnuilnr/ l.olion fur till ktnda of |,t n Lag Ion a Itch. At DriiggititH. Adv. I? Nature generates facts, but fiction fij manufactured by man. b? a Disordei tomach an the day feeling that the" cannot hope to "make g Nobody can. You musl ran in riovfonf fwim +a A1 ^uii in X^/V/U l/l 1111 IAS U olden Medica Bring Quick Relief e found years ago that a gb len Seal and Oregon grape i 1 bloodroot with black cherry io assimilation of the food h t liver ills and in nature's owr I, tone the entire system and tlio restoration of perfect health. . Pierce's Golden Medical Discover e been restored to health when suf liver ills. Let this famous old me I you to health and strength. it prefer?you can obtain Dr. Pierce* 'rrscription tablet* of your druggist )X, also in 50e size or send 50 one-cent 't. V. Pierce, Buffalo, for a trial box, ...? ? ? ' #m. ii^kiciic, .iiiumuiy, medicine, etc., rr iso Medical Adviser, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, i iition of which ia now offered, in cloth i in one-cent stamps, to cover cost of wi dress, Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo ted by sluggish bowels. Dr. Pier :s regulate and invigorate atom; els. Sugar coated, tiny grant .IFE'S STRUGGLE 1 I ft I I II II I _ft I V ftft . " 2 .* ?3ft Wlin ILLNtSS I Irs. Stewart Tells How She Suffered from 16 to 45 years old?How Finally Cured. Euphemia, Ohio.?"Because of total piorance of how to care for myself hen verging into womanhood, and from iking cold when going to rffchool, I suf- red from a displacement, and each lonth I had severe pains and nausea hich always meant a lay-off from work >r two to four days from the time I as 16 years old. " I went to Kansas to live with my sis?r and while there a doctor told me of le Pinkham remedies but I did not use lem then as my faith in patent mediines was limited. After my sister died came home to Ohio to live and that as been my home for the last 18 years. "The Change of Life came when I was 7 years old and about this time I saw iy physical condition plainly described I viiv VI jvui uuvvi UOUIIIUIIUJ. ltlCQl cgan using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogtablo Compound and I cannot tell you , r any ono the relief it gave me in the I rst three months. It put me right ,-hcre I need not lay off every month nd during the lost 18 years I have not aid out two dollars to a doctor, and have een blest with excellent health foraworoman of my ago and I can thank Lydia 1. Pinkham 'sVege table Compound for it. " Since the Change of Life is over I ave been a maternity nurse and being rholly self-supnorting I cannot over stimate the value 01 good health. I ave now earned a comfortable little ome just by sowing and nursing sinco was f>2 years old. 1 nave recommended he Compound to many with good reults, as it is excellent to take before nd after childbirth."?Miss Evelyn lDElia Stewart, Euphemia, Ohio. If you want special advice write to ydfa E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (conflcntlal) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will e opened, read and answered by a roman and held in strict confidence. rhe Wretchedness >f Constipation an quickly be overcome by ARTER'S LITTLE IVER PILLS. -act surely and jfHHflPADTTtfQ ently on the ^iVipr ess, and Indigestion. They do their duty. MALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature REE TO ALL SUFFERERS yon feel "out of sort*"?"run down"or"?ot tba urn." Buffer f rotn ouadiaoaaea, ironic weak tics aoa, ulcerm.aktn rruptloiia.pllea.*0., rlto foruijr Kit KIC book. lllslbetnoM Inatrurtiv* cdlrul lh?ik err nrhlrn. It Leila till about theae arnica andthe rrmarkablncurca effected bylbuKear reneh Remedy "TIIKKAPION" No. I. No.lNo.l id 70a ran decide for you rae if If IList be remedy for uir ailment. lain t M'nil a cent. Ira abmitntely HKK. No follow-up"olrculara. ltr.I.cOereMoiC o.. Ifuverntock lt<l.f llaiiipaleuil, Uadw, ha SnRnP^Y THBATHf). Giro quick ra""Till Het, iiHuully remove swelling and short breath In it few daya and entlm relict In 16-tbdaya, trial treatment KKEfc. dk.uiJdtkbiioka. iuxk.AUtiu.Uh \ IIAnitfC "ml Hit-'li (Irnda rf 0 IvUUAIto Mad wu a w orders Riven SpekHIUs. clal Attention Prices reaannatile. Service prompt. Send for Price Lint. LA.N.MutL'8 AST blOUk. C1UHLkSlOt, B. CL #W^TH0MP80NS^rira,le^ 3?EYE WATER wfcd?"tookhi?free HUN I.. THOMPSON HONS*CO.,Troy,X.V. Rents, bollcltorn?If you nrc u live wire ol tvani something Rood write TIIE C. \tl COMPANY. Onmha. Neb. "NutT fed." >K SAKE- !io3 A IN MKi'KI.KNHfRU ?.. N. C.; SOO a. cult., 7, 8 and 3 r. hoiiaca, f irna. etc. J W. Croaa, Huntcravllle, N. C, red id Liver? whole world is against ood" under these cir; have a clear brain 0 justice to yourself. 1 Discovery Many NAJL, / ry tes- ^*0538*^ feringr The Best Physicians idlCine Gave Him Up MI was nttackod with a severe nervous JlK'UK, which was caused t>V a disordered stomach snd llv? er." writes Mi. Jaa. P. Lrv*LT,of -.."tig JS Washburn. Tenn.,Routs3, Doe ss, "All my Iidsnds tlx night I would die and tUe bust physicians gars me up. I was advised to try I>T? Tierce's Oolden Medical Discov. om the *'rT> end derived much benefit . ,l? from same. My ceso run SO | it 1 newly lone. It had become so chronic, covers, that nothing would effect a psr- .. tWl pnnninrr msncrit tui*, but l>r. Pleens't ?t i' medicine has dona much for ma N. l. and 1 highly recommend It. I , heartily advise Its use aa a Spring , tonic and further edvlss ailing CP q people to take lir. Pierce's medlcine* before their diseases have ?v?| w?,,wwn?mK?y-nm