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;; i| And Cures Any Cough That Is Cur- J !; able. Noted Doctor's Formula. < ^"Krom your druggist get two ounces w. M.IW1IUS una nan an oum-e of Ulobe Pine Compound (Concentrated Pine). Take these two Ingredient# home and put them into a half pint of good whiskey. Take ore to two teaspoonfuls after each meat and at bedtime. Smaller doses to children according to age." This Is the best formula known to science. Thero , are many cheaper preparations of large quantity, but It don't pay to experiment with a bad cold. De sure to get only the genuine Olobe Pine Compound (Concentrated Pine). Kach half ounce bottle comes In a sealed tin screw-top case. If your druggist does not huve It In stock he will get It quickly from his wholesale house. This has been published here every winter for six 1 f^ears and thousands of families know . ts value. Published by the Olobe Phar- ; maceuttcnl laboratories of Chlcagb. LET GOOD CHANCE GO BY Bluffers Had Perfect Right to Be Mad, Considering the Extremely Unfortunate Circumstances. Bluffers bounced Into the club, j Jammed his hat down on a table with a fierce, resounding bang, and flung himself into an easy chair. ? nm h wrong loaay, liiurrers? You look bad." "I'll never forgive myself. I kicked a man out of my house last night!" "Humph! I've kicked out many a one. Young fellow, I suppose?" "No; past middle age." "Well, these old codgers have no business to be coming round courting young girls. I would have kicked blm out myself." "Yes. but I have found out since that this man wasn't courting my daughter. He was after my mother In-law." OF INTEREST" TO WOMEN Miss Duncan, of Oklahoma, Makes New Plain Statements For Publication in Interest of Women. Chapel, Okla.?"Please print this letter," writes Miss Mollte Duncan of this place, "as It may reach and help some poor suffering woman. FY>r 17 years I had been afflicted j with womanly troubles, and had tried different treatments, but none of them I Helped me any. 1 Buffered so much I could hardly bear It. I had such drawing-down pains, and .a pain in my side. Also headache and those awful dizzy spells. I was very j weak, and could not be up, at times. I decided to try Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I will say I am not sorry that I did, for It helped me wonderfully. I feel like an entirely new person. I can wash all day now, and attend to my other household duties, and not feel tired when night comes, i I Intend to keep Cardui In the house just as long as I live, for it has done me so much good." Cardui Is the Idenl tonic remedy for women. Its Ingredients are especially i adapted for women's needs. It soothes pain, helps weakness, nervousness, : dragging sensations, headache, back- j ache and other symptoms of womanly trouble. Cardui Is purely vegetable, and has 110 bad after-effects. Is good for | young and old. Try Cardui. N. B.?w'rln ?: OiXtHMfi Mndicinn Co., l^dia' Advwnry [Vptrlnrnl, Chattanooga, Trnnnaaa (01 SpKial Inirmrtitu on your caw and M-pai? hook. "Horn* treatment tor Wotnan," aont in plain wrapper. Ad*. Swat Indirect. Mandy?What foil yo ben goin' to. de postofflce so reg'lar? Are yo' correspondin' wlf some other female?" Rn'stus?"Nope; hut since ah been areadin' In de papers 'bout dese 'conscience funds ah kind of thought ah might possibly git a lettah from dat uilnlstah what married us."?Life. Burduco Liver Powder. Nature's remedy for biliousness, constipation, Indigestion and all stomach diseases. A vegetable preparation, bettor than calomel and will not salivate. In screw top cans at 2Hc each. Burwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. Adv. There's nothing better thun mar rlage for bringing out all the temper there Ih In red hair. THOSE RHEUMATIC TWINGES Much of (he rheu- ??1tjgy***' malic pain that comes in damp, m! Hpl\ changing weather is . the work of uric rV' ] acid crystals. /&(< \Vsts2* Needles couldn't I .vtEyB' cut, tear or hurt any | V*\ ^ worse when the at- ' ry'j^f fected musclo joint j . If such attacks are marked with head- Jyfi I 1 J ache, backache, dizzinesa and disturbance of the urine, VMlrSft II*' '7 it's time to help the i'JiiT* weakened kidneys. tl*rj.. Doan's Kidney ~ Pills quickly help M sick kidneys. A, New York Case w I>. J. Donovan. Ljtrcbnioni, II. T., ??f?i "Mr right lug was go swollun It was l?rntf-fo?r incba* around. Mr bark fait as If It wara bains prodded with a but Iron, t had run down from 210 pour.dato ISO. 1 was atrndilr a rowing worse, and bud given up bnpe. I improved rapIdly, bowavar. undor tha uaa of lioan'n Kldner l*Ula. Tbar cored ma entirely and 1 have since Sained 40 pounds. ' Get Dona's at Amy Store. BOe a Boa DOAN'S "tPAS* rOSTXK-MlLBURN CO.. BoWa?o.New Yevh MmIIin 11111 MM Conch Syrnp. TsaMa Oood. Use Cd Pjf ta time. Sold ky DntfMs. W ^pj.ijj.HHite iii.i fete mm OUTDOOR CELLARS FOR FARM Directions for Constructing Concrete Affair That Should Be of Much Convenience Anywhere. A suitable size for outdoor farm cellars is 10 by 14 feet inside, with selfsupporting arched roof Ave feet above floor at sides and seven feet eight inches in center, says the National \ Builder. The side walls are eight Inches thick. Dig the hole eleven feet four inches by fifteen feet four, to the depth desired, usually Ave feet. At one end cut the earth to a width of four feet four inches and bIahu nmuwii for seven concrete steps with rise of eight Inches and tread of ten inches, and for a thickness of four Inches of concrete back of the steps proper. Arrange for 18-lnch landing at bottom of stairs. Make side wall forms of Inch siding on two by four uprights, spaced two feet. As concrete floor will be four Inches thick, set up the forms on fourInch concrete bricks. To curve the end wall forms lay them out with a six-foot string in the same way as described later for arch rings. At entrance, to provide a doorway, set between the forms a frame of two by eight-Inch stuff, three by seven feet In the clear. Mix the concrete one part cement to four parts bank run gravel. Lav the four-inch floor the same aa a sidewalk, but without joints. Six inches from the top of side walls and one s \ ; jf - Jtk V J Outdoor Storage Cellar. Inch from outside put two three-elghtsinch steel rodB the full length of cellar, and lc the concrete above door framn Inv ?? * ' '* .?j .uui-IUUl IKUglQB Or three-etghts-lnch rods. Roughen the top of walls to make a good bond with roof. When 8)de walls are a week old begin the r6of. On a floor or bit of smooth ground mark a half circle with radius of Ave feet eleven inches. Across this lay a board ten feet long, so that its ends will Just touch the mark. The part of circle above the board is the correct shape and Hize for the arched roof. Cut boards to match this arch ring and space the rings two feet, fastening securely to side wall forms. Cover tightly and reinforce with three-eights-inch rodds 12 Inches the long way and six Inches crnsntnor 1 ? w. Ihe cellar, wiring the rods together where they cross. Cover with five Inches of concrete. Give the roof a 3mooth finish. In about three weeks the forms may be removed. Any form of ventilation desired may be provided. The cut shows a cross section of such a cellar. FATTEN SHEEP FOR MARKET Where Work Has Been Postponed Until Too Late for Pasturing Special Food Is Needed. All old and such young ewes as the owner does not desire to keep should be culled out to fatten a short time before the ram is turned In with I the breeding owes. The cull Hheen can be fattened enrller In the Reason by turning them Into a rape field ns pasture, but if you put off too lato special food Is required. In pure) bred (locks the ewes are often kept until they die of old age, as their lambs are worth more than they are. but In a graded flock it does not pay i to keep ewes that do not hnvo sound mouths. An old ewe is likely to prove unsatisfactory. In selecting rams the nlm should be to select thoBe that are strong in the points in which the ewes are weak. Klor Instance, ewes that have an open coat and are narrow breasted should be bred to rams that are strong on those points. By this method a very uniform flock can be established in a very few years. It is a good idea to turn the ram with the ewes in the evening after he has been fed and take him out in the morning before being fed. A ram should be well fed. Bran, oats, roots of vegetables, make a good ration with clover as roughage. Wheat, Rye and Barley. Wheat and rye have about the same composition, although wheat is somewhat richer in protein. Rye is in general tougher and harder to grind. Roth are quite digestible, but less so than corn, on account of the larger percentage af hull. When they can be had at at,out the price of corn they may profitably form a part of Bome rations. They are fed more satisfactorily when ground than when whole. | Barley seems to rank betweeh wheat and oats. It Is not used very extensively as a stock food In the east, except when the quality Is too poor to permit Its use for malting purooses. Errors of Beginners. Beginners In the poultry business are likely to neglect their stock during the time they are not yielding returns and often fall to figure the future consequences. Such beglnnen cannot be successful In the poultry business. Constant care, good feed Idr and fresh water are absolutely necessary at all times. This holdt good from the time the chicks art hatched until they go tnfo the laylni house. MORE PROFITS FOR FARMER | Department of Farm Management of Mlsaouri University Makes 8tudy of Needed Changes. Many small improvements In the j Bystem go to make more profits for the farmer. Modern management Is necessary to get along with other modern conditions. The denartmonf of farm management of the Unlverslty of Missouri has studied out many of the things which need to be changed on the average farm, and some of them Professor Doane mentions. "Some think," he says, "that It is necessary for us to turn every prac- 1 tlce, and hiethod upside down to ; change a farm system. This is far ' from the truth. Usually only Bmall changes are necessary. "Here is a farmer who Is getting very good crop yields, yet he says he is not making money. We find there is little we can do for the ctods. but i found that his stock is being handled * at a loss. He is putting good crops through poor Btock. He is running efficient food through poor machinery. In that case we get rid of the j poor stock and put in a kind and quality that will make a profit. j j "Sell two of the boarder cowb and j put in one that pays a profit. Sell the i . old gelding and put on a mare that will raise a colt worth one-half to one-third of her purchase price at ! weaning time. This is done every day. It is not theoretical." ; EXCELLENT TYPE OF TRUCK j Designed Especially for Transportation of Barrels and Kegs?Chief Feature Is Chain. Here is a truck that is designed especially for the transportation of barrels and kegs, but can be used, of course, for boxes and other freight. The illustration shows the thick wheels designed for heavy weight, and the short spikes in the upright sup puns mai engage tne barrel auQlclent- I ly to keep It from rolling ofT the aide. ) The chief fehture, however, la the chain. Thla chain haB one hook on one end and two on the other. From ! the top of the truck handle to a little * I 1 1 New Type of Truck. below its middle 1b a vertical slot. In which are a Berles of crossbura. The 1 double hooked end of the chain 1b 1 thrown over the rim of a barrel and the other end la hooked Into one of the crosabnrB In the slot at whatever distance Is required to make the chain ( taut. The barrel la thus held firmly on the truck. Not many apples aelllng at a quarter a bushel now. The garden and orchard will look better if it la cleaned up. llutter should alwaya be put up In a dainty and attractive packnge. An orchard neglected for one year virtually puts It back three years. I.<ook out for those cold rains; put the cows up. This applies to calves a8 well. Fine corn meal for the skim milk calf is a good substitute for the more expensive oil meal. To double the amount of milk per acre and cut the cost of milk production In two?build a silo. Time and care spent In the orchard Is almost sure to pay for i'self and a good rate of Interest besides. Spanish experiments show that 600 pounds of skim milk equal In feeding ; value 100 pounds of corn meal. Lighting, ventilation and clcanll- ' ness must be practiced before best results can be secured In the dairy. The heifer bred too early always ; remains stunted in growth and her milk flow is shortened for all time. Young fruit trees that were planted In the autumn of last year, or in the spring, should be examined carefully. No breed of dairy cows can continue as first-class dairy animals If the calves are allowed to run with the cows. Two pounds of mixed shorts and bran per cow per day Is sufficient for cows that are expected to give liberal flows of milk, i Poultry and fruttc are closely allied. Roth do well together, and they readily thrive on the same land wlthi out hindering each other. i At no season of the year should r water stand around the trees and vines. Their roots will not stand It. ' There must be proper drainage. i One advantage of succulent feed la ? the fact that It not only provides [ the cow with more moisture, but at the same time is more appetizing. V CHIPMUNK CREATES A PANIC IN BIG HOTEL Harmless Little Animal Escapes From a Box and Is Killed by a Boy. San Francisco, Cal.?Consternation reigned at the St. FranclB hojel tor ten minutes the other afterndon and :hen came a spell of deep grief, it was caused by a harmless little chipmunk. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Beckov nf II 11 i m il 11 I 11 I .1,~ v?/ Vt AiV/UVIUlU U1V/WVI CU VI vs T* It II VUI Lake Tahoe in the morning and Drought seven of the animals conIned In a wooden box. Mrs. Beckley, vho was Beatrice Campbell of San lose, and Is the sister of Princess, {awhnanakoa of Honolulu prevailed lpon her husband to get the chipnunks for her. intending to take them o Honolulu as pets. Shortly after Called Shrilly for Help. Lhelr arrival the BeckleyB went out -o do some shopping, leaving the box chipmunks In the rooms of their suite on the seventh flr?r?r Hy two o'clock the animals had cut \ hole through the Bide of the box. ind three of them escaped. One made ills way down to the third tloor, and seeing the door of the room occupied by Florence Roberts, the actreaB. apen, dashed Inside. When Miss Roberts Baw the Intruder she clambered anto the dressing table and called shrilly for help. A captain and half a dozen bellboys rushed to the rescue, while Fritz Kiel hastened down to Clerk McCullough for a rifle or revolver. He did not know what the animal was, but said the only thing to do was to shoot It. Hy the time he returned to the Bceno of the trouble, however, one of the otnor bellboys had killed the chipmunk with a broom handle. Then Miss Roberts became calm and shed tears over the "poor, innocent little thing" she had seen killed. The other chipmunks who got away have not yet been recovered. SI 5,000 FOR WEEK'S BOARD Indianapolis Woman Who Befriended a Tramp Is Remembered in His Will. % KiuiiiuapoiiH, ma.?uonrU for or.o week nt $15,000 would indicate that thsi high cost of living is still soaring, but ir reality, the week at $15,000 in question, indicates only the gratitude of a tramp to Mrs. I-aura Wllhoyte, 537 Holly avenue, for a service she rendered him 21 years ago. Weary and dejected, a forlorn looking man approached her door at Franklin, lnd., and asked for a bite to eat. This she cheerfully gave, and allowed him to rest on a lounge Just Inside her door. While resting, the tramp becann delirious and Mrs. Wllhoyte was forced to care for him for a week. When he was able to travel the men folks made up a purse and purchased a ticket for him to Chicago. Mrs. Wllhoyte received word the other day from a Chicago law Arm that she is really to recelv^ $15,000 from the estate of John Henry Tilson of Chicago, the man she befriended. When the Tilson will was probated one year ago. Mrs. Wllhoyte was named as a beneficiary to $25,000 of his $50,000 fortune. Then a nephew of Tlllson appeared and began suit to break the will. She com promised, giving Mm $10,000 to drop his claim. Since Tllson applied at their home In Franklin for*'ald, the Wllhoytes have separated, the husband now being In Orlo. They have corresponded at intervals, however, and Mrs. Wllhoyt? has sent him notice of her good fortune. Though sho at first Bald she would not agree to live with him again, a lingering longing was detected In her eye as she looked out toward Ohio. Takes Usual Christmas Swim. Chicago.?John Keltz, who Is fifty fears old and resides at 2533 Kins street, took his regular Christmas swim the other day In Lake Michigan. Persons who saw him splashing ibout in the water at Clarendon beach thought he was drowning. They rush ed to the rescue ajid were greeted with the sally: "Come on In. boys; ihe water's fine." ... ' ' ? .7 " ' * f * I ' 4 tart Your WW **!?> LJVJt Regular Bowel Movement from Childhood on Forestalls Future Serious Diseases We cannot all start life with the advantages of money, but every. child born is entitled to the heritage of good health. Through unfortunate ignorance or carelessness 1n the feeding of a baby ltB tiny stomach -may become deranged. The disorder spreads to the bowels and before the mother realizes it the two chief organs on which the infant's comfort and health depend are causing it great suffering. If the condition is allowed to continue grave ailmentB often result. There Is, however, no occasion for alarm, and the sensible thing to do? but it should be done instantly?is to give the baby a small dose of a mild laxative tonic. In the opinion of a great many people, among them such well-known persons as the parents of Dixie Dudley. Magnolia. Ark., the proper remedy is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Mrs. Earl Dudley writes: "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the best medicine I ever used. It cured my baby of flatulency colic when the doctors failed; it cured my husband of constipation. My home Bhall never be without Syrup Pepsin." It is a pleasant-tasting laxative, which every person likes. It is mild, non-griping, and contains that most excellent of all digestants, pepsin. This remedy is especially intended for infants, children, women, old people and all others to whom harsh cathartics, salt waters, pills, etc., are distressing. In fact, in the common disorders of life, such as constipation. You can jolly the average man by referring to him as a prominent citizen. TO UBIVK OUT M A I. A It IA AND 11(11.1) fl? TIIE SYSTEM T?k? thn Old Standard (JROV K S TA8TKI.KS.S Cllll.I. TONIC. Yon know what rou ar? taking. The formula la plainly printed on nrrry bottla, allowing It la simply (Jul nine and Iron In a tast-v-n form, and lh< moat cffnctnal form. For grown vaopla and children, 60 conta. Adv. Usual Results. N "Did the girls get a bint of our secret?" "Yes?with telling effect." DOES YOUR HEAD ACHEI Try Ulrica' CAPUDINE. It'a liquid ? plrnwant to take ?effect* Immediate?tro<>d to prevent Strk llendachen aud Nrrroua llradai'lira aluo. Your monry l?ck If not natlatled. 10c.,26c. and 60c. nt medicine alorea. Adv. Certainly. Miss Gusher?Tell me, Mr. Boerd, do you believe in big weddings or lit[ tie ones? Mr. R?Well?er?er?as for that, my dear lady, I should say that the former were quite essential to the latter.? Dartmouth Jack o* lanterns. Revolving Toothbrush. Bill?I see by using handles resem| bliug those of a pair of pliers to rotate I a spindle, an Inventor has brought out a revolving toothbrush. Jill Now If n fpllnw mlalnva V>lu toothbrush he needn't look for It. It's liable to come around to him; but. ; on the other, hand. If It Is going ; around all the time, some one else I may get It. UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES. "Now, Willie, if the minister comes ' to dinner tonight you are not to ask j for a second piece of pie." "Why, is dat wicked?" A GOOD BREAKFAST. Some Persons Never Know What It Means. A good breakfast, a good appetite and good digestion mean everything to the man, woman or child who has anything to do, and wants to get a good start toward doing it. A Mo. man tells of his wife's "good I breakfast" and also supper, made out of Grape-NUts and cream. He says: I "I should like to tell you how much good Grape-Nuts has done for my wife. After being in poor health for the last 18 years, during part of the time scarcely anything would stay on her stomach long enough to nourish her, finally at the suggestion of a friend ; she tried Grape-Nuts. I "Now, after about four weeks on this delicious and nutritious food, she : has picked up most wonderfully and , b -ems as well as anyone can be. j "Every morning she makes a good breakfast on Grape-Nuts eaten Just as j it comes from the package with cream I or milk added; and then again the same at supper and the change in her Is wonderful. "We can't speak too highly of Grape-Nuts as a food after our remarkable experience." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.? Read the little book. "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Kirr read the above letter f A aew oae appear* front lime to time. They are rraalae, true, and fall of kaauui l?ter*a?. Adr. I ? ' '" / * Baby md Health * DIXIE ASKEW DIDLKY liver trouble. Indigestion, biliousness, headaches, and the various other disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels nothing is more suitable than this mild laxative-tonic. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Two generations of people are using it today, and thousands of families keep it constantly in the house, for every member of the family can use it. It can be obtained of any druggist at fifty cents or one dollar a bottle, the latter being the size bought by families who already know its value. Results are always guaranteed or money will bo refunded. If no member of your family has ever used Syrup Pepsin and you would like to make a personal trial of it before buying it in the regular way of a druggist, send your address?a postal will do?to W. B. Caldwell, 417 Washington St., Monticello. 111., and a free sample bottle will be mailed you. Rrasfk YA7 UA..4 Ol Papa took Harry to the country to visit his grandparents. They lived a short distance from the village where the train stopped. Harry insisted on running as they approached the home of his grandparents. They had not gone far. however, until Harry's breath was coming in short Jerks and he could hardily talk. "Walt?wait?a?minute?papa," he gasped. "What's the matter, son?" asked the father. "My?breath?is all out of place," gasped the little fellow. A Household Remedy. Which works from outside. CHESTOL (Chest Ointment) will relieve quickly croup, coughs, colds, pneu* >.u uuU on oiu;i:liuii? ui cnesx ana throat- Use freely and RUB! RUB! RUB! Now sold by all medicine dealers. Should be In every home. Burwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. Adv. ^ Rooted In the Human Heart. There Is a smell In our native earth better than all the perfumes in the east. There is something in a mother, though never so angry, that the children will more naturally trust her than the studied civilities of strangers. let them be never so hospitable.? Lord Halifax. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle ol CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infanta and children, and see that It Bears the /rrif s/fTsj sr Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Every married man should keep a stock of ready-made excuses on hand. 211111111111111 TO WOMEN EII1IIIIIIIII1BS 1 Now Is fhe T'me | 3 those pains and aches resulting 3 52 from weakness or derangement S J- of tho organs distinctly feminine 2 3 sooner or later leave their mark. 3 ? Beauty soon fades away. Now 52 2 is the time to restore health 2 3 and retain beauty. ?j DR. PIERCE'S r; | Favorite Prescription | S That great. |>otent. strength-giving ^ ZZ rcstorutive will help you. Mart today. 3 Ullllll Tow Druggist will Sepply Yon|||||ja rrumniaai Ik A I Opium, Whiskey and l>rug Habits treat IV A I"" al home or at. Sanitarium. Bunk un I || -. > )?? a-? i>h. K. M.tVOOLIiKVi svt flctob hlmtaklt a. atlasta. UkoauiA I ALLEN'S sjJ FOOT=EASE, The Antiseptic powder shaken into the shoes?The Standard Remedy tor the leet for n quarter WBtiKZiSl century 30.000 testimonials. Sold Trade Mark everywhere. 25c. Sample FRRE. Address. Ailen f. Olmsted. I.e Rov. N Y. The Man who pat the E E m In FEET. Tuff's Pills stimulate the torpid liver, strengthen the digestive organs, regulate the howets. A rem* edy for sick headache. Lnequalrd as M ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. Elegantly augar coated. Small dose. Price, 29c. MONEYmW<PnfG (e|| jaw bow | * A* '|A I P / bee I marital prlfM. a %ir? ?| M WrlU f*r rrfrrfictt ? < I altrn a'so'ee, H| WkkJe^J 1 U>t ISVILLB, ST. BJVYn Dnlmurin, Hltn. Bg I I fV WiM Wool. l.bll.A.d I a AS. U llWVl Kodak Finishing Cheapest prices on earth by 1 photographic specialists. DeI VR'op?ng any roll film 5c. Prints and 4c. Mail your films to Dept. K. PARSONS OPTICAL CO., 244 KING ST., CHARLESTON, SO. CAROLINA Get Our Seed Catalog Only the Best Garden or Field Seed. N.LWILLET SEED CO.. Auausta. Ga.