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V*:' | FORT MILL, S. C. ( KJUfiAl 1MF0RMATI0N. j CITY GOVERNMENT. ( i A._R. McELHANEY.....Mayor f 5. W. PARKS 7.Clerk ? C i1 J. J. COLTHARP...Chief Police T ^ | DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. 1 1 No. 31 Southbound 5:35 a. m. 4 < ? No. 35 Southbound 7:12 a. m. I I No. 27 Southbound 6:12 p. in. 1 1 No. 36 Northbound 8:50 a. m. f No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. J i No. 32 Northbound 9:27 p. m. f ? ? Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at a , Fort Mill only when Hugged. \ 1 MAILS CLOSE. I I For train No. 36 8:30 a. m. 4 For train No. 27 4:50 p. tn. I Eor traiiw^Jo. 28 6:00 p. m. 1 Note ? No maii is despatched on ( trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 j I and 28 do not handle mail Sunday. [ i pnSTnvpirP unnoc 1 ! Daily 7:30 a. in. to 7:30 p. m. ( Sunday 9:30 to 10 ?. 5 to 5:30 o. m. J County Supervisor T. W. Boyd paid Fort Mill a business visit Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Goodson. of Columbia, visited relatives in this city Sunday. Representative J. R. Haile came up from Columbia Friday evening and spent until Tuesday morning at his home in this city. Mrs. E. L. Hughes, who has 1 been seriously ill for several weeks at her home on Depot street, is, we are pleased to re- J port, much improved at this time. At the clerk's sale, Monday, I the 13th, of the Griffin homeplace, two miles north of Fort Mill, the property was bought by Fleishman, Morris & Co., of Richmond, Va., for $1,200. The big 8-ton traction engine of F. Nims & Sons is this week in service on the afreet? nf Pni-I Mill. The tractor is furnishing: the power to operate the county road machine and thr.iugn this work the streets are b.*ing put in first-class shape, Among the officers elected at a meeting Thursday of the Thomas Polk Chapter, D. A. R , of Charlotte, Miss Dora Grier of Fort (>- Mill was named as recording secretary. Miss Grier was further honored by being elected the chapter delegate to the National Congress to he held in i Washington City in April. A bill to tighten up the primary laws, providing for new enrollments by clubs six montns previous to meetings to choose delegates to conventions and ior a cerunect copy ot the club rolls to be filed with the clerks of court thirty day* before the election, was introduced in the Legislature Thursday morning by Senator Nicholson. The "yaller*' dog will not be permitted to run at large on the McNinch plantation, two miles south of Fort Mill, after January 25. Mr. S. S. McNinch, owner of the Charlotte Brick > company and several hundred acres of fine land adjoining, has declared the stray dog a nuisance and has instructed his foremen to kill anv canine runninc at. large on the place after the 25th of this month. The Lancaster News announces that two representatives of the postoffice department visited Lancaster the last week and made an examination of the town's postoffice affairs with a view to establishing free mail delivery. It is said that the inspectors found everything favorable to the delivery system and that in all probability the service will be inaugurated in Lancaster in the very near future. It is somewhat unusual, though not unheard of, for a prisoner to go unaccompanied to a county jail to serve a term, but this happened in the case of Major Campbell, colored, who on Tuesday was committed to York jail for 30 days for selling whiskey. Major has been in poor health * -- Ai 1 4.1 ior some time anu upon uie statement of a physician that he was unable to perform any * labor, he was sent to jail instead of to the chaining. There will be but one more government ginning report issued this season. This is to appear today, the 23rd, and will bring the ginning reports up to January 16th. The last report brought the crop up to the 13'h of December and showed 12,919,257 bales ginned. The average per centage of the entire crop ginned at this time for the last three years show 91.3; if the ^ t crop fhis year averages around this figure we will have a crop of about 14,150.000 bales. Word comes from Washington that the now nickel, which is to ; replace the five-cent piece now in use, probably will be put in circulation shortly after February 1. On one side of the new coin is the reproduction of the head of an Indian, with the word liberty at the top and the year 1913 at the bottom. On the other side appears the figure of a bison and the denomination of the < oir . If the farmers of Fort Mill and vicinity are not amply supplied with mules with which to cultivate the coming crop it will be no fault of the dealers in livestock. One who keeps tab on such matters says that during the last ten days more horsemen have visited Fort Mill and a larger number of mules and horses shown on the local market than in any previous season. The dealers have sold and exchanged many animals during their recent visits to this city. W. J. McKibben, a brother of i R. E. McKibben of Fort Mill, has completed a term of enlistment in the United States army and returned to Fort Mill the last week from Ft. McKenzie, Wvominir. whppe ho hao ??v/ nuo uv: 111 stationed for some time. In speaking of camp life at Ft. McKenzie, Mr. McKibben said that the soldiers had experienced some very cold weather recently, the thermometer registering 15 degrees below zero on the morn ing of Sunday, January 12. He in s not yet decided whether he i will reenlist. (Advertisement.) x Foils a Foul Plot. When a shameful plot exists between I liver and bowels to cause distress by | refusing to act, take Dr. King's NewLife Pills, and end such abuse of your | system. They gently compel right | action of stomach, liver and bowels, j and restore your health and all good feeling. 25c* at Parks Drug Co., Fori Mill Drug Co. and Ardrey's Drugstore. This is the time of the year when the fool killer is snooping around looking for the fellow j who used an overdose of kero; sene in getting a rousing fire started on cold mornings, and it must keep him pretty busy, becniise throwing kerosene on the j smoulilerinj? ambers of last evening's fire is quite general and is pretty apt sooner or later to | start something: going-. | (Advertisement.) Famous c? Beauties look with norror en Skin Eruptions, i, ?nnw or PimploB. Theydon't have Iheat, nor will any one, who uses I P'-vkr'tPa Ariv>t Solve. It glorifier I %>.\i fare. Eez mi'ir Salt Rheum vanish ' tv/ore it. It eurvs sort? lips chapped 1 hands, chilblains*. hi als hums, cuts at.u bruises. Unequaled for piles. Only qru. ut n...? A _-i ?- t\ ?w & ui i-j k vul; v w. , nnii cjr a uruj^ Store*and Fort Mill Drug Co. The South Carolina supreme court has issued an order setting February 3rd as the day when the Barney B. F.vans disbarment case, which was brought by Attorney General Lyon, will be heard, and Evans will show cause | why he should not be disbarred. (Advertisement.) Drives Off a Terror. The chief executioner of death in the winter and spring months is pneumonia. Its advance agents are colds and grip. In any attack by one of these maladies no time should be lost in taking I the best medicine obtainable to drive | it otr. Countless thousands have found j this to be I)r. King's New Discovery. I "My husband believes it has kept him i from having pneumonia three or four times," writes Mrs. George W. Place, i Kawsonville, Vt.. "and for couchs. j colds and croup we have never found ite I equal." Guaranteed for all bronchial ' affections. Price 50 ets. and $1.00. I Trial bottle free at Fort Mill f>ru*r Co., Parks Druf; Co. and Ardrey's Druja I Store. REXALL ORDILIES FOR CONSTIPATION Buy once and it will become a household remedy with vou. So Pleasant to take So agreeable in effect 10 and 25 cents. | Ardrey's Drug Store. ? V5PT. | , $ <$ $> <$ # $ { $+<?>+<s+<$>+<$+G^+<^i+<$>+<$+$>+<?+ If T-M-tf ^-i U US I p *^ ft ter Selecting a * t store than you so, and would 3 Suppose you cc 11 Low Prices are ll right new. A _ ^ " - * '*!* y1 y Frost-Proof Cabbage Grown in th Wo are prepared f> ship from now u MENT of CABBAGE PLANTS', tied in ed, with an Extra Hundred Plants FRE1 Plants are raised from Frost-Prc which are grown especially for us on sprayed with Lime and made free fr< thousand delivered, count guaranteed an We refer you to Peoples National Ban bility, also to Postmaster and Express A Our Lettuce Plant also, and we will put on at same figures at each station; commission deducted fro and secure agency. The Enterpri Megget The largest Potato Plant and Cabbagt voted in South Catolina and Florida to p HOW TO RESIST I I Chronic Coughs and Colds. r Strong, vigorous men and women hardly everv catch cold; it'H only when ? the system la run down and vitality low that colds and coughs get a foothold. Now Isn't it reasonable that tho right way to cure a cough iu to build up your* strength again? Mrs. Olivia Parham, of East Durham, N. C., says: "I took Vinol for a chronic cough which had lasted two years, and the cough not only dlsai>peared, but it built up my strength as well." The reason Vinol f? so efficacious in such cases is because it contains lp a delicious concentrated form all tho ! medicinal curative elements of cod liver oil, wlCii tonic, blood-building Iron added. Chronic coughs and colds yield to Vinol because It builds up the weakened, run-down system. You can get your money back any time if Vinol does not do all v.o say. W. B. ARDREY, Druggist, FOKT Mil l., S. C. n r K inor'e RJnui nieftAuarij i via mii^ v nvn vivvvvvi j | KILLS THE COUGH. CURES THE LUNGS. tj --"w^vmhm f v . -1- . , t a E p We want | put off pur< L till now, yoi P|k late. You < ^Ik Suit 01 I > want. And I J many doilai Ifk ing out all J /'* Raincoats, 1 / duced price; I IVS ? We wouli that probab Suit, Overcoat, Hat, can anywhere else, like very much to h >me in and take a lo interesting features visit here is worth th & Your Dry Goods, Clothis and Lettuce Plants, re Open Air. ntil April 1st. lh?- FINEST ASSOKThunches of Fifty (50). correctly count2 to each Thousand purchased. These >of Seed Long Island, N. Y. Our plants are >m germs. Our prices are $1.50 per id prompt shipments, k, Charleston, S. C.. as to our roliaigents, Meggetts, S. C. ts are Frost Proof . We want Agents to handle our plants m price of plants 10 per cent. Write ise Plant Co., ts, S. C. ? Farm in the South. Fifty acres deilants alone. [12-5-3m] A Word About Lumber. Our big yard contains material for all purposes. We've the j variety. Our prices are within ' the reach of sensible buyers. Good Judgment invariably results in the selection of Lumber from our yards and sheds. Get an estimate from us on all johs?larjre or small. J. J. BAILES. OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale at The Times office. KINC'S NEW LIFE PILLS Tho Pills That Do Curo. I leminder. | LADIES! | to remind you that if you have 11 I m ^ ^?? ? ? :hasing any cold weather garments |i> j needn't worry as you are not too |i; can come right here an-1 find just r Wrap that you ^il ||; , too, you can save I ; s, as we are clos- It Suits, Long Coats, [pII itc., at -greatly re- 1 ijf E fi ! f/cT 1 d have you know ||| ?ly you can do bet- 111 Ap | <; > or Shoes at this W> At least, we think Ml BhJi * ave you think so. Bf ok at them. Our j ^ I ^|k |l| in this department ^ ig Company, if sg and Shoe Dept. || ]ggjjjgg1 r-X~- r @ That January 1st, 1913, found S S each of our friends enjoying good S a health and prosperity, and we [j| S hope further that good health ? g may attend you during the New $ jjj Year and that when another year B has rolled around you may have S added much to your bank acount. [j 3 Buying Groceries here will aid jj B both your health and poeketbook. q{ H P ? ! rr> ^ - f** lp a ax iyj> vji utci y v^ornpany, m S E- S. PARKS, Manager. [jj ia^l5H5a5SaSr-g5H5H5g5H5g5 [ H5Z5SE5gS^5^5^^5a5g5B5afe l^onwnvsMHSMM^nMainiK^^nnMnnBaraBiHiHMitM SAVINGS BANK "THE OLD RELIABLE." Capital $25,000.00 Surplus 12,000.00 Liability of Stockholders 25,000,00 | | Protection to Depositors $62,000.00 | * | A quarter of a century of conservative banking K I enables us to offer our patrons ABSOLUTE SE- I CURITY. Have never lost a dollar on loans. I You are cordially invited to open an account I I Savings Bank of Fort Mill, I ij J Leroy Springs, Prest. W. B. Meacham, Cashr. J V