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jbmmbbbbwhmbb??Wi???I?? THE FORT Miu TIMES \ Published Every Thursday. FORT MILL, SOUTH CAROLINA. The Girl of My Dreams * * " 1 o* Novellsstlon tfth* Play by" Wilbur D. Neublt and Otto Hsutrbach WILBUR D. NESDIT 8YNOPSIS. Harry* Swifton la expecting: a visit from his flancee. Lucy Medders, a (Jimkeross whom he met In the country. His auto crashes Into unother machine containing a beautiful woman and a Qfrman count. The woman's hat Is ruined and Harry escapee. His slater, Caroline, arrives at his homo to play hostess. Socrates Primmer, cousin of Lucy's, arrives with a hat intended u* a present for Lucy. Harry Is trulled to his homo by the Count and Mrs. Gen. Blazes, who demands her nat. ft dupllcule of which she nays has l?een delivered at Harry's house. She Is In (feat fear leat her husband hear of t her esrnpade. Ducy Medders and her father arrive and the count la hidden In .one rootn nnd Mrs. Blazes In another. Harry la forced to do aotne fancy lylntt to keep Lucy from dlacoverln* the presence of the woman. The milliner. Daphne Daffln*ton. who proves to tie an old flame of Harry'a. arrives to trace the mlssInK duplicate hat and more complications ensue. Daphne Is hustled Into the room occupied by the fount. The latter, with whom Daphne had flirted at one time, demands the return of a rlnK he had Riven her 011 that occasion. She tells him that ahe save the rlnK to (Jeneral Blazes. Aa the Count had also Riven Mrs. Hlazes a duplicate of the rlnK tie becomes somewhat excited Daphne leaves the room and seeks refuse In the one occupied by Mrs. Blazes Mr. Medder discovers the Count, who Is Introduced aa Harry's Clerman tutor. Oener?u- o'.azes arrlvea and accuses Harry of conceallnR hla wife Daphne steps out and the senernl Is dumfounded. Lucy Rives way to tears. CHAPTER IX. i ne group stood In a dead silence, I broken only by the stifled sobs of j Lucy nnd Carolyn, while the heavy i tramp of General Blazes died away la his slamming of the outer door. Harry shook big head doubtfully, as the Count continued to assure him In dumb show that he could clear things up for him. "Cotne, daughter," Mr. Medders aid, "thee must quiet thyself. Then we will go home." "Aren't you going to give me a chance to explain?" Harry asked. "Explain!" Carolyn blazed forth, looking up at them with her eyes red and her cheeks stained with tenrs. "Explain! How can you explain? Oh. dear! 1 never should have gone away to school. 1 should have stayed at home and done my duty by my brother." "Nonsense, Carolyn." Harry reproved uoi. iuu simpiy muse tilings 100K worse for in? by such talk as that." "How could they be any worse for you!" Carolyn demanded. "Oh, men are wretches! 1 suppose they ar? all alike. I thought I could trust my i own brother. I?I?even doubt? Pigeon, now!" Tho Count sm'led grimly at Harry and shrugged his shoulders. Harry looked ot htm In mute appeal, as though asking him to come to the front now with his plan of squaring things. Rut the Count was a man of experience. Kor all his flippancy and gaiety, he was man of experience enough to know that when you are going to defend anything or any position which la being attacked you are better off If yon wait until the attacking party has exhausted its ammunition and arguments. So he hided his time, while Carolyn gradually relieved her mind by means of tears and recriminations, and while I-ucy, who was completely mystified, but who felt that something was tremendously wrong. Blowly arrived at a state of calm on the haven of her father's shoulder. Mtirewd old Anion Madders. being by birth nnd training a patient man, aid nothing beyond a few soothing words to Lucy. He had concluded to end their visit and tuke her home, yet he was a fair man and he would give Harry a chance to come from under the cloud. If he could. "Well, Carolyn." Harry said at last, "If you have finished all you have to ay, we will get at the real truth of the matter. Count von Fit*, 1 think, can tell un something that will at least Interest us." The Count straightened his shoulders aud took a deep breath. He twisted his mustache thoughtfully, and then flecked an Imaginary piece of dust from his lapel. "lfT you vlll all sit down," he observed. "I can talk beddcr. Dare las no occasion for weepings, nor for attacking Mr. Swlfton. Iff nnybody shall t>? attacked, it Is me. for vat has happened. and vat may yet happen, las my fault." Carolyn resumed her scat. Lucy, with a wondering expression, took a chair, and Mr. Medders, nodding gravely, also down. Harry lounged on a settee, and carelessly chewed an unlit cigar. "It Iss like diss," the Count said, rh though addressing a Jury. "In lire dare Isa many things vlch seem imbosslble of explanation, hut vlch v?n e know vat dey arc, do not mean co much." Mr. Meddora bowed assent and Harry looked at the Count with considerable admiration ft>r his self possesblon and hi3 control of the situation. "You haff aeon omdlns," the Count continued, "vlch excites natural suspicion und dlatruat. Ye hafT alt seen U-? vf .?v it v .*- bvw.'.. ' *- *}$. ?! dls. tJnd, as usual, ren suspicion Is 1 aroused. Id Iss like a swarm of bees? i tt IJgbds varever Id pleases. Und also t somebody geds stung." t He chuckled to himself, but his j chuckle did not raise sua echo. 1 "Id rould be easy for me," he said, "to allow you to continue mlt der Im- ( bresslons you half recelfed. But 1 t canno* allow It. Efen at der expense t <Sf a wrong lmbression of myselluf, 1 must glff you my explanation?vlch j you can belief or not belief, as you ( like. Mr. 8wlfton iss a mun dot you t know?a man you vlll alvays know throughoud hiss life. Me?I am a } strancher. I haff been teaching Mr. t Swifton some Chermac -*but I resign now as his tutor." "No. no! I won't bavo that!" Harry J bluffed. "Unless you accept my resignation, ^ I cannot say vat I vlsh to say," the Count decided. C Accepting Harry's silence as a confirmation of tho alleged resignation, he went, checking off his points us he ( made them, upon his fingers. "First, vat do wo haff? Ve haff Cheneral coming here In a j great rage, saying his wife Is here. He l8s assured dot she lss not, und he goes avay." "Verily. I told him she had not ' been here. I saw not her nor any * other woman?not even that one who I.ucy's father patted her hand and ( ceased speaking. The Count bowed to her and went on: e "l^ater, Cheneral Itlazea returns. He o lss cure hlBs vlfe lss here. Ho has a heard from dcr milliner store dot , f Bhe lss supposed to haff called up n from here on iler teluraphones. Der , e rest you all know?or think you know. Ho demands his vlfe. He lss again e convinced she Iks not here, und as he starts oud, he hears a sneeze. Such * a sneeze Is von dot lss echoed In hiss 11 heart. He beliefs It lss hlBB own vlfe s J 1/ci uuui ink Iipi-m-u, UUU instead off hiss vlfe, oud comes der milliner! Amazement!" With a sense of the dramatic nultles. the Count paused. The others c nodded mutely In confirmation of his C summing up of the evidence. t "Veil, den," he resumed. "Vat las 1 der natural deductions you draw. Darefore. und consequently, our first ( conclusion lss dot things look pluck j for Mr. Swlfton. Iss It not so?" 1 They agreed, silently. . i "But vy should It he so?" the Count i asked, pleasantly, "lss Mr. Swlfton ) der only inan In der house? Iss he i der only man In der vorld dot flirts? i May 1 nsk vy I. a poor, unknown, un- i noticed Cherman?though Id lss not so in my own country. 1 assure you! | ?lss dare any reason vy 1 should be 1 neglected In your suspicions?" i Lucy and Carolyn looked at each 1 other triumphantly. Here was a ray < of hope for Harry, after all. "But." the Count went on, "I must t beg you not to suspect me as you do < Mr. Swlfton. I know you vlll not. for 1 ?11 He Awaited the Verdict. Peebles do not glff such violent bus- ' plclon to strancherH as dey do to their own kind. 1 vlll tell you how dls voman happens to be In dot room. 1 sent her dure!" "You did!" Carolyn exclaimed. "Why. I thought Harry?" "Off course. Miss Swlfton." the Count Interrupted her. "Ve vould always glff der benefit off der doubt to ; any von but our own folks. Is It not j so? Now. vy did I sent her dare? ; -v- a ? ? - ' nur V.UUKD ucro iu set: aiioiiu a IJfli she hass sent to a wrong address. I recognize in her a lady mit whom I haff flirted. You see, 1 do rot hesitate to acknowledge dot 1 haff flirted. Vy should 1? I urn in diss country for dot purpose. Indies flirt mit me?a 1 gallant cbentlcman v 111 at least be polite enough to respond. Beauty vas offer n veakness mit me. So! 1 meet dls lady here?dis milliner. 1 engage | her In conversations. Ve hear some von coming. She cannot get oud. 1 tell her to bide In dot room a moment. Sho hides. But dare Is no chance Tor her to get oud. Cnd at last, ven it seems dot dure vlll be a chance, der explosion comes?und you know der rest." The Count removed his eyeglass and swung It nonchalantly by its cord, lie awaited the verdict. He did not look at Harry at all. Smilingly, he studied the wall. "Dost thee realize that thee has endangered the name of this woman?" Medders asked. In quiet tones. "Not so," the Count defended him- I < self. "1 vas protecting it. Dor Chen- j eral. und all der rent off you, by mak- | lng her come out?you put her In dan- i Ker." ' "Well," Harry enld, after seeming i to think the matter over very scrl- i oualy. "I confess that I am surprised t by what you have told us. But I think i we should make allowances for you. < You r?re unfamiliar with our view of j < hlngs and of conduct. What mint ight to you may seem utterly wronjr U US. A HIA1 UUL UCICUUiUg JUU, UUl 1 im not condemning you. I only aak rou. next time you chat with a mlliner. not to hide her around here." This concluding remark of his. accompanied with a sunny smile, broke he tension, but Carolyn almest (polled everything by saying: "It soundB reasonable enough, but low does it happen that Harry was bo letermlned no one should go into hat room?" "1 haff no answer." the Count rallied. "I haff told as much as I should ell." "It looks to me its if lie knew what -ou had done, and was trying to help rou out," Carolyn declared. "It ill beseems me to offer advice { n the house where I am a guest." i ;ald Mr. Medders, "but I might sug- j jest to thee that we ask Harry to tell ' is his side of this story later. It is infortunate. truly, but I do not doubt [ hat he will explain all to us. Daugher, we will remain here, as we | lanned, and now let us try to forget , his unpleasantness, and make ourelves welcome." rnnnK you, Mr. Meddcrs," Harry aid. "1 can see that you and Lucy till have a faint suspicion of iue?but can clear that up readily enough." "I've got more than a faint one." 'arolyn told him. "Oh, well. I don't have to explain verythlng to you, sis." Harry said, nslly. "But arguments are bad on n empty stomach. I happen to know hRt there's to be a pretty good din- | er tonight, so we'll all get ready and nt it " "You vill excuse me," the Count aid". "I must?" "No, sir!" Harry said, heartily. "I vant you to show the folks that you're lot half as black as you have painted ourself." CHAPTER X. It was a quiet dinner they ate thai ivenlng. After much persuasion, the ^ount had remained. But even tils | (tumbling attempts at witty sallies jrought few smiles. Harry had succeeded in quieting 'arolyn's alarms, and she in turn had 5lveu her own version of matters to Lucy. And a long talk Harry had j *lth Mr. Medders had helped. Harry ivould not tell Medders the inside ! "acts, hut he told him that later he ivould make everything plain. At this lime, he said, to disclose everything *ould he to tarnish a woman's name ?and Medders partly understood. The ! tood old man was fond of Harry. And i le had lived long enough to know that ippearances were often deceitful. He was willing to give Harry tho beneht jf the doubt. But It was a quiet dinner. After hey had loft the table Hurry succeed i id in getting Lucy to come and talk with him in the reception room, and here he begged her to be patient un- i til he lelt that the time had arrived for him to make a clean breast of sverything to her. At last he coaxed Back the smiles to her face, but only ifter giving his word of honor that so ar as he was concerned, (he presence jf Daphne in his house was not a reflection upon him. Meanwhile (he Count, endeavoring .0 keep his promise to get Harry out jf the scrape, slipped out into (be awn. and by throwing pebbles against (he window of the room where Mrs. was attracted licr attention. She opened the windows, and in an ilmost hysterical voice, begged him to get her out. "I vlll. Iff you only be quiet," the Count said. "Your husband chus* irent In. I saw him ven I come out." "But what c.*m 1 do?" she asked. "Trust me!" "I did." she sighed, "and lost my lat." "Yess. und I let you haff my ring, oo," "Bother your old ring!" she an* I twered "I'll give it back to you. 1 late the sight of it!" "UifT it to me, den," the Count whiskered, eagerly. "I will," she hesitated, "when I get >ut of here." The Count swiftly disappeared from plow as the front door opened and Harry and the General came down the itcps. The General's arm was across j Harry's shoulders. (TO BE CONTINUED.) A Manly Minleter. There'll be less sleeping done In fo ure in the First Christian church of j [,os Angeles, because the rector just ivtiii i sumo ror 11, as is evidenced l?y i what he did some nights ago. It scents | hat the worthy man went Into the pul- j lilt to discourse. when he was annoyed :iy two men who were sound asleep j in one of the front pews. lie called Utention to the fact, and one of the ' deepers wns aroused, and did not irnnsgress again, but his partner did lot wake to the rebuke, and quietly slept on. The parson became Indig uant, and as he had several hymn i nooks in the pulpit with him, he flrod i me or two at the sleeper, but without lvail. and then he unloaded all the books be had at the Intruder, to the istonlsbment of the congregation, who , jy this time were tittering at n great ate, but the sleeper didn't seem to nlr.d It much, for he looted up, hanged his position, and fell asleep igaln. This Is an astonishing case, probably unparalleled In history, but t goes to show that there's a limit to what preachers will stand, even when hey are In the pulpit And they are right. If a man doesn't go to church :o worship, he Rhould remain away. uiu lui-n nacriieKioHS rcamp* n? sl*?p, 'hutter and candnltze should be pr? sut.?New Orleans PJcayun*. I 's '% \ ? MFN wun THRFATFMFI w * -aw bUki ? \iypuf - N"v^m\ # jBi^M&aaWBMpti These are the three New Jersey i "rhoot" Woodrow Wilson unless he pai Jacob Dunn, Seeley Davenport and Wai lage of Wharton, N. J., where the ueig citizens. Wcivic Queer English Election Cere-! s monies Seldom Heard Of. t o n Water Is Drunk to the Memory of I Sir Francis Drake?Perquisites of London's Mayor?One Sheriff [ Fined 50 Pounds for Insult. I - R Ixmdon.?There are several towns In the united kingdom which boaBt an annual show day. London's lord mayor's show, bo far as the procession is concerned, has no rival; but, q nevertheless, the election of mayors jj of provincial towns is attended with functions both interesting and curi- j p ous- i t, For instance, the aunual election of | t the mayor of High Wycombe Is not B considered complete unlesB his wor- R ship is "weighed in." The mayor, as (, well as each member of tho corpora- j tion, takes a seat on a pair of gigantic scales, and the result is entered in a q big book kept at the town hall for t! the pu-pose. It is declared that the c custom dates back to the reign of c Edward I. t When a man reaches the mayorship v of Plymouth he is supposed, accord- p ing to an ancient custom, to pay at n least one visit during his reign of ! p office to the I^ake of Rurrator. When this function takes place the whole p corporation turns out in all Its finery, nnd, led by the mayor, journeys to the ' b lake. Ii Arriving there, two lines are formed. u and a couple of ancient golden gob- ; h lets, filled with water taken from the )t lake, are passed round from mouth r to mouth. The mayor and corporation drink to the memory of Sir Francis Drake, who, when mayor of Plymouth, brought water to the town jj by means of a canal more than twenty r miles in length. When the water w placed In the goblets is consumed the w vessels are filled with wine, and the l( mayor, holding one at arm'B length, a exclaims: "May the descendants of him j 0 who gave us water never want wine!" j p The visit to Hurrator lake concludes 1 j] with a feast, tho first dish served be- v ing a sucking pig. The mayor of Peterborough's show Is held every October, and his worship and the members of the corporation make their way to Jtridge Fair, and declare it open from the bridge spanning q the river. The bridge unites two counties?Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire?and the mayor, after adjuring all visitors to the fair to conduct themselves soberly and civilly, goes on to declare that "the fair may be a held as well in Northamptonshire as { in Huntingdonshire today, tomorrow " and the day afterward." * A very ancient custom is the presenting to Ixmdon's mayor and may- ^ oress every year a selection of pears, ^ apples and grapes by the master of ? the Fruiterers' company and the gen- x erai purposes committee of the city 1 of Ixrndon. 1 It is interesting to know that In earlier times the lord mayor of Ixm- c don was entitled to a proportion of r every consignment of fruit arriving { in the metropolis by ship. The ax- I action of this due cuused a good deal I of disagreement in days gone by, nnd 1 it was itnully arranged that a yearly * presentation of fruit should be ac- t cepted in its place. Ever since the days of William the t Conqueror, the chief magistrate of the t cit." haa received four bucks from the 1 Royal forests, while each sheriff has i received three bucks, and the recorder, the common sergeant, the chamber- 1 lain and other city officials one each, f Since the title of lord mayor was t bestowed on Sir Thomas I.egge by < Edward III., in 1354, the high office < has carried with it all manner of titles and dignities In early days he some- i times used his power to the disad\?n- f tnge of those In office under him. For < instance. Harrison, referring to the 1 lord mayor for the year 1479, says: < "This year Thomas Ryfleld. one of the v y? 1 t ? ^ 9 WOODROW WILSON I . i nountalneerR who threatened to t d them >5,000. From left to right, i rren Dunn. They live near the vil- ] hbors speak of them as law-abiding j | r : shows i herifTs of Ixmdon, was fined J2 50 by 1 he court of alderman for affronting 1 he lord mayor, which arose from no 1 ther cause than his kneeling too 1 ear the mayor during prayers at St. j ( 'aula cathedral." IECRIES UNCLE TOM'S CABIN !, Ian Declares Work Is Caricature and , Has Done More Harm Than Any j Other Volume. } Camden. N. J.?In an address at the , 'amden high school. F. llopkinson ( Smith, writer and artist, said that t Uncle Tom's Cabin" had dohe more arm than any other book ever writ- j en. He added that the general condi- j Ion of the negro had not improved j ince the Civil war, and that the neroes of the south were happier, betpr cared for and more content in the ays of slavery than they were now. Mr. Smith's criticism of Uncle Tom's 'abin" was based on his belief that he book pave the world an erroneous onception of the negroes' life and ondition before the war. Ho said he chief Incidents in Mrs. Stowe's rork were such ns never could have appened in the south, lie attributed 1 luch of the bi?'erness that prevailed n the south years before the war to misinformation conveyed broadcast" y "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Mrs. Stowe, he said was to be lamed only for making such use of acidents that came to her knowledge t second hand. "Uncle Tom's Cabr," aB a whole, he insisteu. was a ighly colored caricature that did not eflect real life in the south. ^ Death Betrays Ex-Convict. Denton, Tex.?The death of John El- : s. for 35 years a resident of this city, esulted in the revelation that Ellis as really Joseph G. Addison, who as convicted of voluntary manslaugher in Buchanan county, Ga., in 1S73, nd escaped after serving three years f a 15-year sentence. Five veara ago '.Ills told his story to a friend with he request that it be eiven to th? i 'orld after his death. J ; FIQHTS AGAINS '.hlldren, Two, Three and Four Years Old, Are Kept at Cradle Age by Mother. Cleveland, Ohio.?In a little kitchen it her home. Mrs. Mood Thol has batled with nature for years secretly in in effort to keep time from touching ler babies. Around her feet crept three chilIren, two. three and four years old. /ictims of a strange code her ingenuity devised to prevent them ad- ' anting beyond the cradle, they aughed, kicked their feet and waved heir hands as she crooned over them. The eldest boy did not creep faster >r with greater ease than the younger i >nes. He mumbled Incoherently, and < ugged at his mother's dress and slob- < ?ered over a little bib. when she tick- i ed him beneath the chin. He is ] >aroly larger than a child of two years i ind apparently has not advanced inellectually beyond the cradle. \ To further defeat their development. < lie mother has never fed them any- < liing except baby food. What lay be- I fond the door, through which a stran- i ;er never passed, they idea. i Neighbors say the woman never took ' ter children away from home. Occa- I sionally in the hot summer, they say, ihe would wheel them away in the I larkness. but always guarding them i losely from the guze of any persons. 1 'She has a strange desire to always j I Keep them babies." Deputy Sheriff ! j Sobczak paid. "Thp four-year-old boy I :-annot talk or walk. He Is not as i nrge as an ordinary youngster of < eighteen months old." , i Several days ago William James, j I 5TUDENTHUNTS BUG 1 Member of Entomological Staff ' I Tells of Expedition. V i 5ma!i Beetle-Like Insects Are Never I Known to Venture From Crevices j| During Daylight?Rare Species I Are Worth $25. 1 Washington.?Housewives who wage I Incessant war oa cockroaches and 1 >ther vermin are cautioned by en- 1 oncologists to stay their hands and | nquire carefully luto the antecedents >f any black beeltelike bug which jeers around a corner of tue kitchen sink. For the visitor may be none >tber than one of the amblychila laronl clclndelldae. the most aristo:ratic family in bugdom, whose members retail at as much as $25 apiece, irovided they are delivered with limbs ind feelers intact. A former student of the University jf Chicago, who is now on the entomological staff of the department sf agriculture at Washington, a few lays ago described his expedition into the native haunts of the amblychila, which he explored long enough to gather in considerable pin money by the sale of whole families. i "When I learned the baronl had been seen in an obscure part of Arizona only about half a dozen bugs were known to entomologists," said Lhe investigator. "One of these was In the Leconte and Horn collection in 1'hiladelphia. Most of the othex-s were in the River collection in San Fran ;isco. I "The first had been caught near ( tllobe, Ariz. A naturalist named Schaeffer also located a few souther st ji itugaies, Ariz. I was tammar wun . the characteristic of the creatures through my studies under Curator 3uow of the University of Kansas, low deceased, and when he invited tne to join a party into the moun- I ains of Arizona to hunt the amblychila I was glad to go as if there had aeen buried treasure at the end of he journey. "Wo found conditions favorable at Peach Springs, near Ashford, Ariz. Proin there we went into the moun- j ains. There were no arablychila to je seen, but we acted on the general supposition that they were in this teighborhood. We spent several dnys noving about in tho mountains and Inally selected a favorable spot for he bug to appear. "Now, the arablychila baront family j s most exclusive and has never been mown to come forth in broad dayigliL Twilight and an hours before lawn arc supposed to be the times \ 1 vhen they appear. We tried several wilights and several dawns without esult. One night a light rain fell ind we agreed that the dampness night Invite the bugs out. although t made it decidedly uncomfortable or us. "That night we scattered over the tills and kept watch near crevices in he rocks. I lay with my head resting in ray elbow watching innumerable nsects and bugs crawl by in the ihady light. Finally I saw the long, ilack feelers of what might be one of he amblychila appear, and then auither. I waited until they got well iut of the crevice, for they are decidedly cautious creatures. then icooped tho two up in my hand. By heir struggles I knew that I had the Ight Bpecies. No bug struggles as lard as the baronl. Then I stuck hem into a small par of cyandie of lotanslum which 1 carried. The fumes lilled them quickly. "I sold a number of my amblychila laroni for $25 r.nd some for $15 and HO. Our expedition multiplied the lumber of know specimens consideribly and the price went down a little. I don't know how many specimens our entire party captured, but altogther he expedition was n success fmm a monetary as well as an tentomological standpoint." T HER BABIES clerk of the probate court, discovered the plight of the children and investigated. He continued the investigation until he made sure the children were not imbeciles. James and Sobczak went to the house, arrested the woman and took her to the City hospital. The children will be placed in rn infant institution. GIRL ROBS IN MALE ATTIRE Young Woman Arrested as Burglar Says Man Induced Her to Commit Crime. Danbury, Conn.?Disguised In male ittire, Amy Travers. a pretty 22-yearnld girl, entered the apartments of Seoroge Trumbley shortly after midnight and stole $22 from the pocket of Vir. Trumbley. who was asleep in the room. The girl, who had never been arrested before, accused George Smith nf having Induced her to commit the rime. Smith has a criminal record In Connecticut cities. The girl said jne retained only $4 of the stolen money, giving the remainder to Smith rhe man denied this, but the police round the money In his shoes. Miss Travers was released on bond** rurnlshed by a relative. She will be arraigned In the police court Monday. Detectives who fiave been Investigating a series of burglnries arrested the ;lrl at her home this afternoon. She said Smith furnished her with :he clothing she wore when she visited Tmmbley'8 apartments She denied having participated In any other tnurglaries.