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FORT MILL, S. C. GENERAL INFORMATION. . CITY GOVERNMENT. j I A. R. McELHANEY Mayor S. W. PARKS Clerk | i1 V. D. POTTS....Chief of Police ** DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. , | No. 31 Southbound 5:35 a. m. 1 ) * 1 No. 36 Southbound 7:12 a. m. ? j i No. 27 Southbound 5:12 p. m. i No. 36 Northbound 8:50 a. m. No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. No. 32 Northbound 9:27 p. m. i , t Note?-Trains 31 and 32 stop at ? > Fort Mill only when flagged. ! MAILS CLOSE. i f"-or train No. 36... 8*30 a. m. "Tor train No. 27 4:60 p. m. I For train No. 28 6:00 p. m. i 1 Note?No mail is despatched on < trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 , , i and 28 do not handle mail Sunday. POSTOFFICE HOURS. i 1 Daily 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. I i Sunday 9:30 to 10 a. 5 to 5:30 p. . SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. Pupils of the Fort Mill public school resumed their studies Monday morning, after a two weeks' vacation for the holidays. William Belk, of Fort Mill, has entered the Hyatt Park school, at Columbia, of which his uncle, Prof. A. R. Banks, is superintendent. Eli Parks and family have moved to Fort Mill from Summerfield. N. C., and are occupying the old Massey house on Booth street. William R. Belk and Miss Ellen Sutton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. button, of tru township, were happily married during the Christmas holidays. At its regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening city council elected B. J. White, of Rock Hill, attorney for the year 1913. S. W Parks was re-elected city clerk and J. J. Coltharp was elected chief of police. At a meeting the last week of the stockholders of the firm of McElhaney & Co., W. A. Roach was taken in as a member of the firm, succeeding the late Dr. ** J. B. Mack. A. R. McElhaney was reelected president and i treasurer and lVlr I elected secretary. A special bulletin issued late Sunday evening by the national weatner bureau predicted that a cold wave with zero temperatures would spread over almost the entire country this week. The "v. ve" was expected i< strike the South Atlantic aiu Gull States about Wednesday. Yoik's representatives in the coming Legislature will leave on next Monday for Columbia to be present at the opening session Tuesday morning. The York delegation is composed of Senator J. E. Beamguard and Representatives J. R. Haile, A. E. Hutchison, W. B. Riddle and O. O. Sanders. Report has it that President D. B. Johnson contemplates inviting the General Assembly to visit Winthrop on January 20. The invitation propably would have extended for Lee's birthday, the 19th, but that being Sunday, the legislators will be asked to visit institution the following day. Invitations have been issued to the annual banquet of the1 local lodge of Woodmen of the f? vsi iu iw ut Jinn tuio ^ i uux ouaj j evening in the city hall. Each member, as heretofore, has been furnished with two tickets of admission. H. T. Grimes, superintendent of the Pineville cotton mill, was pleasantly surprised Christmas, when he received as a present a pair of beautiful gold cuff but-, tons. The donors were L. L. Worrell, overseer of weaving, and W. H. Still, overseer of carding and spinning. Robert Hunsinger, an opera-1 tive of the Yorkville cotton mill, lost one leg, had an arm broken, and was otherwise injured one day last week, when he accidentally fell under a train in the vicinity of the mill. It was said that the young man had been warned against swingin the train and that the accident was his uwii iauit. The January meeting of the York Teachers' association will be held in Rock Hill tomorrow (Friday) evening. Secretary Moore, of the Fort Mill school, requests the teachers of this and other townships of the county to be present. 1 # The Times publishes on page 1 of this issue a table of rates for the shipment of packages by the new parcels post. By reference to this table it is easy to estimate the cost of a package to any point in the country, provided the approximate distance the package is to travel is known to fho ohinnnt* Pn?!nno V1?V wtuppvt* X V& OV1IO CUIIICIII" plating the use of the parcels post should clipf this table from the paper and paste it up for future reference. Fort Mill people generally v/ill be interested to know that Rev. J. D. Huggins, formerly pastor of the Fort Mill Baptist church, is secretary to the committe of prominent ministers appointed to select a location for the State sanitarium. Mr. .Huggins has written a letter to a Chester man in which he says that the location of the sanitarium will not be made until the committee holds its next meeting January 21. A windstorm, approaching the force of a hurricane, swept over Fort Mill and vicinity Friday morning about 4:30 o'clock and lasting about two hours. Houses shook as probably never befo e and many residents were al u-med. The principal damage w is to telephone and elecu ic wires, these being blown down in many places. "The storm was accompanied oy a heavy rain froin tne northwest. Rev. W. A. Hafncr returned to ins home in hurt Mill Thursday evening, alter spending a week with relatives at Sharon, this county. The minister was pleasantly surprised upon reaching his home to lind tiiat a number of his lriends had gathered there and had brought with them numerous articles which go to make up a real, olti-lashioned "pounding." A supper was then served . ahd the evening was greatly enjoyed by all. The Pageland Journal is informed that tne town of Lancaster is soon to have another newspaper, and that the men behind the movement are R. A. Long and W. B. Caskey. Mr. Cuskey is magistrate at Lancaster and Mr. L<ong has been foreman in the Lancaster News office for a number of years. The new paper prouaoly will appear about March 1st, but what it will oe called has not been stated. A vicious crime was commit:ed n the plantation of Mr. W. 11. Windle last Tuesday night w hen some one slipped into his barn nid severely cut about the left houlder a fine you 'g mule for ...U.-.L. - ' * ? wiui;ii iic x ecenuy paid Mr. Windle h?.s sufficient to warrant the arrest of i.j man he beiioves committed the crime anil the suspect probably will be taken into custody by an officer within the next day or two. Conviction lor such a crime usually means a long penitentiary sentence in this State, as it is wellnigh impossible to establish any extenuating circumstance. Marriages in the County. Miss Jessie Latham of Bethesda township, this county, and James D. McConnell of Jacksonville, Fla., were married Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. Alexander Martin of the First Presbyterian church of Rock Hill. Miss Helen Roach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Roach, of the Ebenezer section, waf married at her home Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock to James Gardner of Yorkville. Rev. William J. Roach of Glenn Springs, a brother of the bride, performed the ceremony. "FAGGED-OUT" WOMEN Will Find a Helpful Suggestion In This Letter. Overworked, run-down, "fagged Out" women who feel as though they could hardly drag about, should profit Ly Miss Rlchter's experience. Sho Bays: "Last winter I was completely run down and felt fagged out all the time, was nervous and bad indigestion. "One of my friends advised me to take Vinol, and it has done me great good. The tired, worn-out feeling is all gone, and I am strong, vigorous and well. The stomach trouble soon disappeared and now I eat heartily and hi-re perfect digestion. I wish every tired, weak, nervous woman could have Ylnol. for I never spent any money In my life that did me so much good as that I spent for Vlnol." Uarie Richter, Detroit, Mich. Thousands of women and men who were formerly weak and sickly owe their present ragged health to the wonderful strength-creating effects of Vinol. We guarantee Vlnol to build you up and make you strong. If It does not, we give back your money. W. B. ARDREY, Druggist, FORT MILL. S. C. % I ' , *+$>+$+&+$+<$>+?+$+&+$+Q+->+<$+?+$+$+$+$+<$-*z+?+<$+<S+Q+?+Q+$?* | j. OUR | Mid-Winter Geara |{ EVERYTHING that looks 1 II The very garments that you ru If it the next three mr>ni-h? ah r?rie#*. , . _ t ? 11 of. Y ou can afford to buy a t t H your dollar will do double sei * 11 have just finished taking stock f we have more goods than moi i whether it is Underwear or ,Oi ft have every kind of Wearing ap tt Just bring your purse along an tlf ft cle that you need and we will ft Wishing you a happy and f f 11 to remain ft Very trul> if | Mills & Youn II Dry Goods, Clothin; v V- K 4 . . . - - - hrost-Proot Cabbage and Lettuce Plants, | Grown in the Open Air. j jjj We are prepared to ship from now until April 1st, the FINEST ASSORT- jj] MENT of CABBAGE PLANTS, tied in hunches of Fifty (50), correctly count- III ed, with an Extra Hundred Plants FREE to each Thousand purchased. These Hj Plants are raised from jy Frost-Proof Seed g which are grown especially for us on Long Island, N. Y. Our plants are Jjj snrayed with Lime and made free from germs. Our prices are $1.50 per [n thousand delivered, count guaranteed and prompt shipments. Ill We refer you to Peoples National Bank, Charleston, S. C., as to our relia- [}{ bility, also to Postmaster and Express Agents, Meggetts, S. C. jy Our Lettuce Plants are Frost Proof 5] also, and we will put on at same figures. We want Agents to handle our plants jy at each station; commission deducted from price of plants 10 per cent. Write In and secure agency. |J{ The Enterprise Plant Co., | Meggetts, S. C. K The largest Potato Plant and Cabbage Farm in the South. Fifty acres de- pi voted in South Catolina and Florida to plants alone. [12-6-3m] JH The Charlotte Daily Observer. | SUBSCRIPTION RATES. P. Daily $6.00 Per Year || Daily and Sunday _ 8.00 Per Year Sunday, only, _ 2.00 Per Yearj The Semi-Weekly Observer Tuesday and Friday $1.00 Per Year The Charlotte Daily Observer, issued Daily and Sunday, is the leading newspaper between Washihgton D. C., and Atlanta, Ga. It gives all the news of North Carolina, besides the complete Associated Press service. The Semi-Weekly Observer issued on Tuesday and Friday for $1.00 per year gives the reader a full report of the week's news. The leading Semi-Weekly of the State. ? Address all orders to f The Observer Company, | CHARLOTTE, N. C. |J ' ff v , .* v v;< * ry*.- , *A X Pr ^a' : > ^vJr> * M t?V? 1>:'>. I&- , Vfryfr J fV?' ^SEHaMW i i =g==3BWMBBMMBwwwwwia^w<WlWWr'.'" ; j^PHg ??y? uiiwmhmu^v^ ^ nee Sale Now On ike Winter Goods must go. 'I: ied now and will heed for |jf s lower than you ever heard 11 < supply for next winter, as lit % vice here right now. We if fl r ~ ~ ot our stores and find that ley. It makes no difference li: x * * iter-wear, as you know we || jparel for the whole family. || d name the garment or arti- ti W A A do the rest. |1 If * prosperous 1913, we beg ** ^ ., . . if i III? r yours, 11 ig Company, I g and Shoe Dept. + ? ; 1! SI25H5ESa5a5SHSa5?5555Hga3E5H55a5a5a5a5a5a5g5aSg5HfEi WE HOPE1 That January 1st, 1918, found jj| each of our friends enjoying good $ health and prosperity, and we g hope further that good health j] may attend you during the New jjj Year and that when another year jS has rolled around you may have g added much to your bank acount. ja i^iivincr nmnnidoa !??*?? -.*,511 ^ > T 111^ v n l \ 7 VV 1 IIV'I U ?111 till! |jjj| both your health and pocketbook. & I Parks Grocery Company, g E. S. PARKS, Manager. C n EsasasasszsHHSHsasasHsas1 HsassasasasasBsgsBSMgsarB ABSOLUTE ....SAFETY is the best thing we have to offer. Other inducements ' are only of secondary importance. Upon this basis only do we solicit your patronage. Postpone the getting of f some things that you can get along without and put the g I mnnpv in tKo Koi->Lr V.-... * - ... uoun. iuu nave never met a person with a bank account who regretted having started it. Why not start one today? Many working men start a bank account and watch it grow from month to month. Deposits in any amount respectfully solicited, and all alike will receive the same careful, courteous and prompt attention. D 1- -? r ... ** ? javiiigd jjdiiii or r ort iVlill, II Leroy Springs, Prest. W. B. Meacham, Cashr. || 'iff1'