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WOMEN KEPT IN SUBJECTION j Savap? RtfvM to Accord Wives ?ny Rights *t Which They Can Be priujd. IflM ?f tht savages in South America exclude women folic from ; cvary sort of public amusement, sue1! as dancing, feasting, celebrating an! other outside carrying-on. At such time: the women are kept lntsy s rvJk ing the savages with roasied nr.::keys, stewed turtles and crude intoxBd^BB icating drinks, which the women B B make by primitive processes of ft mentation. If they afford it. the savages have several wives each. ^^^^B^^yome o2 the men carrying on the cusof stealing voting girls front ^H^HflMflyrhboring tribes. The savage ^^H^HBns his having several wives this ''This one docs only garden does it so well I keep her Of another, n L- i n nr ifitA\ir?ni i fltf Ml liKl.-MIl- II' . I ^Tera^s, and so on.?Nffw York Press. WANTED HER. Fifteen minutes late, because of a large, fat woman who stood upon the lirst cabin gangplank and would not let it be hauled ashore until her husband had been hustled aboard, a steamer sailed from xN*ew York for Bremen, the other day. The large woman arrived on the gang-plank just as it was being hauled in and announced that her hushand had deserted her and that the ship should not sail until he was found. A search of the pier disclosed a meek individual hurrying toward the vessel with what speed he might under half a dozen bags and packages. He was finally hauled aboard and the express steamer allowed to proceed. HIS CHANCE. "I wish I could do something that would be absolutely now?something that no man had ever done before," said the sad-faced millionaire. "I can tell you how to do it," replied the philosopher. "IIo\^. Tell me, man, and I will make it worth your while." "Look back over your career, find out just how much of your success was due to your own genius and how much of it. resui'eu irom sneer juck and niake a pub! . acknowledgment of it." GOOD EV'DENCc. Paiicnc#.- -My! How my ears burn! Soriiebody must l>e talking about me. Patrice*?Sure thing. Don't you remember the sewing society is in session this afternoon? (Advertisement.) Drives Off a Terror. The chief executioner of (J -nth in the winter and spring months is pneumonia. Its advance agents are colds and grip. In any attack by ore of these maladies no time should tie losr in taking the best medicine obtainable to drivi it off. Count:e3s thousands have found this to br Dr. King's New D c very. "My husband believes it has kept him from having pneumonia three or four times," writes Mrs. 0 or .re W. Place, Rawsonville, Vt., "an?l for coughs, colds and croup we hav never found its equal." Guatanietd for ali bronchia' affections. Price <"?0 c;s. and $!.90. Trial bottle free at F<>rt Mill Drug Co.. Parks Drag Co. a:-. I Ar drey's Drug Store. POSSIBLE REASON. "Why do you suppose lie lias such - nvr^metiiAn a vacaiii. CAj/ivooivn? "Well, he thinks of himself a good deal." OUT OF FASHION. Tie?Don't you think Mrs. Mellor hud a biased look ? She?Oh, merry, no! Nothing is cut on the bias now;. A SHOCK. Manager?We've got a fat part for you in our new plav. , Actress?Don't tell me that! I'm reducing now. ? (Advertisement. I Could Shout For Joy. "I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart," wrote C. B. Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va., ' for the wonderful double benefit J got from Electric Bitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my case as though made just for me." For dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice, and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism. Electric Bitters have no equal. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50 cents at Ardrey's Drug Store. Parks Drug Co. and Fort Mill Drug Co. Wl PWMPMWWMMWW? I I ?? fla*jujyuLi^LBrjn nas^gmaauK* j ? " a /n i , ? Lhtu I 7<f we cou 8 2) it wit]) tin lian<j on it hunt mas stock, peoj to buy real X seem 1o realize lluud jiiivino- ?n Itlll/UV a IK ? 1 ^ 1 ^ r . real purpose foi practical things Here A Schlcts Suits and Overco.ts. Interwoven Socks, 1 runks, : uit Cases and Eaj Silk Har.dkerci ieis, Yr (Supply your Department. ] ceries, we have will sell you at | M'EJ BUSfiBUBUi: INCOME FROM FRENCH FOREST Beautiful Spot Made to Yield a Revenue Worth Entering or. the | Ledger. The forest of Compeignc, France, though a realm of beatify and enchantment to ifs lovers, is yet made bv flie state to yield an annual income of 100.000,000 francs ($20,000,000). For this purpose it appoints brigadiers and 2? gar;lesforesliers. besides several garde!eantonniers. The cantonnnicrs loo!: after the roads, the guards protect the rights rented to the sportsman and wood cutter?t!:e tw<> great .-1:nts iro . whom these revenue- are derive 1?200,000 francs a year being no id by .he sportsman and > >0.000 francs the wood merchant. PI guar* . tust also see that * 1k?>o ' g II 'roups f clients never em-roach j on each 'hor's rights, for though ';h sportsman may hunt on the wood mere! ant's land, he cannot j carry "roin it a splenter of green wood; ;vliile the wood merchant I would have . suit brought against him if he were to pocket so much as a rabbit found burrowing under or of hit dearly bought trees. And some of these trunks :.r dear, one of oak frequently costing him 1,000 francs. i (Adverltscm; nt.) Famous ctage Be utles look with horror on Skin Eruptions. Riotches, Sores or PimpUs. Th?y don't have them, nor will any one. who use* Uurkl--n's Art ' ' a Salve. It glorifies1 tlie face. Fez m i or Salt Riu urn vamsh before it. It mre* sore lips, ciiapped hands, chilblains; h< als burns, cuts and bruises. Unequaled for piles. Only! 25c at Par - Drue Co.. Ar rev's Drug Store and Fort Mill Drug Co. i Want tc buy or trade HORSES and MULES? See SAM MUSGRAVE Mills & Young's Stable. kinc's ^ewlIFE PTLLS The Pills That Do Cure. ICi w S C^o k&ai stmas S LI) TAKE A HUGE T( sel and sparkle it with Ireds of articles from om >le would flock here1 by mas presents. Most p 11 at the most oppropr aciical value?those th; * a real person. (>ur st ; for uSft making. ?-? ? i- a - ci -i -i ^-o-c re ci rew Silk Socks, Cross Siik and Fancy Neckties, Cuff js, Plain and Fancy Supporters, 5t:ck Hats and Ca;>3, Swca nas Grocerie wants in this line from Resides our line of Ires] Fruits, Nuts, Candies, eye-opening prices. LHANE 0 I ??? ** ?pi 1 0 If tmmK?xsjar^rsL":zz.^s Comes like a thi and may rob ] property in a f< R r I Insure i Is too cheap' for I the risk for a sin us write you a p your property t "Better have it ar Than need it and I Raifes & Over Arorey's i ?? moorson r&ztrzzacisf c ^ e tietmrncmca ttjusit. I ABSOLUT! S>J I is the best thing we have to are only of secondary importan ' do we solicit your patronage, il some things that you can get . || money in the bank. You have IS bank account who regretted ha | start one today? Many worki I count and watch it grow from i Deposits in any amount res{ II alike will receive the same care attention. I Savings Bank Leroy Springs, Prest. W 0I _ 1 hop. j iEE, decorate candles, and r great Christ the hundreds oople do not iate gifts are it will serve a ore is full of s&ons: | ett Shoe*, Buttons and Links, Pins, j | ters, Mufflers. Etc., Etc. S. our Grocery li, clean GroEtc., that we :. :Y S j smmwmms?9w& I I iff ef in the night fou of your I :w hours. :-: |j ance I you to take 1 igle day. Let olicy covering oday. d r.ot need it ! not have it:" to k Link, | Drug Store. SSSgaag gMMMMttn? WC2I?fli?WHI *1' E I . SAFETY I offer. Other inducements hS TT 1- * - I 1_. | ice. upon mis oasis oniy ? Postpone the getting of along without and put tiie ^ jj never mat a person with a ving started it. Why not jja ing men start a bank ac- II nonth to month. )ectfu!ly solicited, and all | ful, courteous and prompt I of Fort Mill, | . B. Meacham, Cashr. Free Trip to Come and get a set of Pz or Lridgework and we trip fare during the nex I Save Half Your Can't Slip cr Drop. Guaranteed 15 years. Set of Teeth $5.00 Kridgewcrk $3 to $5 Goid Crown. $4.00 Extracting FREE. CON Fit ; Is the essential fet successful bank, not the confidence ; it cannot secure without deposits it business. We sol ; its of the people of ity who wish a ?> progressive bank v ; get acconimodatioi of loans. | THE FIRST NATI0NA1 ^ (Under supervision of the B |5H5a5a5B5H5ag5I^Jd5Li55I*5g i gJai I Ev'rything Good 1 ' ? j[n If the market affords it y gj We take special delight in s( Jr| are serving more satisfied ( Dj but our delivery wagon slant ?! It will be to your interest to 8 jo Year Cr.rislmas [}j Everything in our stock is Dj our service will please you. I oj Parks Grocery | E. S. PARKS, ! i TKo J "iwa J ' A Llv V V A w' ? Confederate . I \ ^ TVs ! < -:n in tV Xovctnlw i " " a sc \ y of real ! ve-I.-tt :rs written over I pit . yrrrs r.yo ry one cf our nam , h -o^s to l.i sweetheart during the perio j. 'Ci ; > V<5. This gr-at general will go dow; ; p terity as having accomplished one of 1 most brilliant feats of arms in the histor the world. lie was as great a lover a he 7 a general, therefore these letters < ir.e 2 thentic history and exquisite romance 1 sound a human note that no ot!r r wor! literature has done in a decade; it is war | literature. You simply can't afford to mi . story of the Civil War now published for tlie ir<\-nn<~s or .1 contemporary nappentng ' \ r.nd hold votir interest from first to last. | now before you forget it. { Pictorial Pictoria Review Co. 222 Wot 39lo ?'. \ New York City \ _ _ r ^ 15 Cent* a Copy \ $10,00i please send rat P.R. for N and Liberal Nov., Dec. and Jan. \ > \ Alimf \ THE ] 1 Address \ 222 L- ^ Charlotte itent Suction Teeth pay your round t ten days. Dental Bill. Greatest system of dentistry known to science and art today. Have your teeth extracted painless and get your ieeih same day. Baltimore Dental ; Parlor, Inc., 1 22 S. Tryon St. - Charlotte, N. C. Lady Attendant - Phone 365 ir-**1 ~ ?mar tmmjmmmmmmmmmammmti jENgj iture of every | If a bank has \ of the people | A deposits and | A cannot stay in AA icit the depos- | ' this commun- i ' safe, reliable, | there they can a in the way % z . . L BANK, ml r I U. S. Government.) | i55gS25Z571SgSI15Z5S5ZggfD[ in Groceries j ou will find it here. ^ >rving our friends. We jjj customers than usual, n Is ready to serve you. jj let us supply you with g fi Groceries. j fresh and clean, and [] 'Phone No. 116. C K IF r company, g Manager. j| ; X >. & ( ; 'A v3 au. < of , it is romance, it is history, it is ss ihis wonderful serie>?an inside the first time and containing ail . The-e letters will grip you hard, Fill out the coupon and send it 1 Review One Dollar a Year 0 in Cash Prizes Commissions to our Agents. \sk for Particulars PICTORIAL REVIEW CO. West 39th St., New York City